People of today are selfish and greedy. Write your opinion​


Answer 1

Answer: You can say peole are greedy because most of them have a me first mentality and explain more. Then you can say they are selfish becasue people aren't polite and help they only benifit themselfs. And they are greedy because they take from you but don't give back or something. Let me know if I can change something


Answer 2

Why are so many people nasty, selfish, and unpleasant?

    I agree that there are a lot of greedy and selfish people, about 60% of the world's population. Everybody may see that even in many charming fairy stories they have at least one antagonist. I believe there are two sorts of selfish people, namely people who actually have to perform egotistical things because of their survival and who never have the feeling. As you can see, there are two reasons why individuals are selfish, greedy, and uneasy. There are motives for survival and avarice. But every reason isn't good enough to be egotistical, since I think this world will be full of peace, love, and happiness if we are all selfish and kind. Moreover, today's youth can see the egotism and materialism of their children. Many youths, particularly those from industrialized nations, affluent backgrounds, and nuclear families can be imitated by their protecting parents. This hidden parenting can lead to the self-centered, self-centered growth of young people, who look after themselves and care for themselves. A Pew Research study has shown that over 65% of young people in the United States and the EU believe that the money is vital since they may use money to buy goods or make themselves more attractive to satisfy their daily needs. However, it is disturbing that more than 68% of the youth interviewed acknowledged they were not willing to work hard to obtain their money. Younger generations nowadays might be selfish, greedy and hungry since they are reluctant to complete their job. Pressure on parents to invite and luxuriate their children in every possible club for pace is just an indication of a sense of egotism established in the previous decade. And society as a whole pays for it, not only children suffer. They're not. They're not. But opponents could say that self-help among people, particularly young folks, has become a new trend in giving to charities or volunteers overseas. However, voluntary work can only be one way for many students and working people to become more visible and more "constructed." Substantial reason, behind their 'species of acts,' cannot be termed altruistic people, but they can only be viewed as greedy and egotistic. Lastly, greed and egotism may now distinguish people from others. Many individuals, especially young, are showing how gullible and self-conscious we are, with a ruthless behavior to exploit natural resources and egoistic attitudes. Devastating disasters and tragedies of nature caused by apathy and selfishness remind people of the harmfulness of greed and egotism. The good of mankind and the peace of our society are the prerogative of everyone to become more selfless and caring individuals.

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Answer: The narrator vaguely knew what he was saying, people who have never heard human speech before don't vaguely understand anything, they just don't understand. "I had never, seemingly, heard human speech before; and could guess only vaguely what was said."

Hope this will help you.


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To show the importance of Construction Management course.


The main reason I am writing this email is to provide information about the importance of Construction Management course for your career. Those person who completed this course can be promoted to higher post in the future. This course of Construction Management is very important for the future of this company because this company started big project of planning a new urban area in Cambodia so this course will help the company a lot in the field of construction so you have to register as soon as possible so that your training is started.

Create a properly formatted works cited page for a research paper about the Little Rock Nine. Include at least five sources to Read More >>​



On September 4, 1957, nine African American students came at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, ready for class. However, the Arkansas National Guard ordered them to leave.

The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students held by the National Guard on September 4, 1957, in Little Rock, Arkansas. This incident is widely regarded as a watershed moment in American civil rights history.

For many years, segregated educational systems for African-Americans and whites were maintained in the United States. The Supreme Court unanimously decided in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional under the US Constitution.

Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus first barred the nine black students from entering the building, but later reversed his decision. Crowds of people afterward threatened them with lynching. President Eisenhower sent Army Division 101 to Arkansas, putting the Arkansas Military Guard under federal authority.

Why did snake-lizard kill his mother? Restate the moral of the snake-lizard story in your own words.


Where is the story? Please give us the story.

In at least 200 words, discuss how Harriet Beecher Stowe’s upbringing and experiences led her to write an anti-slavery novel. Consider both her response to the major issues of her day and personal events in her life



Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American writer and abolitionist. She came from an American family with an ingrained Puritan tradition and resistance to slavery. Her most famous work is Uncle Tom's Cabin, which significantly influenced America and Britain in the fight against slavery. Harriet spent much of her life on the border of northern and southern parts of America, so all of her anti-slavery works are based on a fact she knew from childhood. Throughout her life, she contributed to the fight against slavery in America through her journalistic and literary activities.


At the age of twenty-one, Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American writer and abolitionist who moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. There, she met her husband, Calvin Ellis Stowe, and became heavily influenced by the abolition movement. Since she now lived on the border of Kentucky and Ohio, she was able to witness the horrors of slavery firsthand. This exposure to slavery had a great impact on her, an experience that would lead her to write Uncle Tom's Cabin. Furthermore, when she lost her 18-month-old son, she understood how it must feel like when the children of slave mothers were sold away to other slave owners. Stowe's family and Stowe helped their servant, a runaway slave, escape through the Underground Railroad. She was Christian, so this religious point-of-view and sense of morality act as an essential backdrop in writing Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet's entire life consists of events and experiences that led her to write her famous anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin. During this time, there were many abolitionist movements. These movements may have played an essential role in influencing her. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist who had fought for slavery, both with her words and actions.  

Hopefully, this helps.

please help me with my question I will mark as brainliest for the first correct answer ​


Answer:  3A 4D 5C 6A

Explanation kcóo  :






I think this is the answer

Find 2 past continuous sentences and quote them (that means write them out).



1)They were dancing in the disco

2)Poonam was singing a song

Which of these is a task you should do during the revision stage of the writing process? 1. Reorganize your ideas by moving paragraphs around.
2. Change the topic of your research report.
3. Correct spelling and capitalization mistakes.


The answer would be “3. Correct spelling and capitalization mistakes.” Hope this helps!

During the time of revising the writing process, the task of correcting the spelling and capitalization errors must be done by the writers.

The third option is the correct answer.

What do you mean by writings?

Writings are the English write-ups created by the writers or authors which are usually in the form of novels, books, scripts, essays, etc.

After completing the writing, the writer must revise the whole text written on any topic. It helps him/her to correct their spelling errors as well as the capitalization errors which could make the writing more informative and grammar free.

Therefore, the task of correcting spelling and capitalization mistakes should be done while revising the writing.

Learn more about the essay writings in the related link:


Be mindful of the affect you're actions have on those around you.

Find the error



Be mindful of the effect your actions have on those around you.


Be mindful of the affect your actions can have on those around you

Explain which of the family members feels anxiety in this way and then what is the cause? Fiesta 1980



The Father


This is because he has the responsibility of taking care of the whole family

Why did people at the turn of the 20th century take a particular interest in the studies of the subconscious?


Because they had learned everything that studies of consciousness could teach. B. Because they thought the subconscious could explain human behavior. ... Because new ideas from Asia highlighted the importance of the subconscious

Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence?
Many people has used this computer.


no, many people have* used this computer
B the answer is no it should have not has

English grammar please answer ​


the answer is will wash of this question

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Have you seen this man, "No"? well, thanks, then.

Leon's birthday party, which is on friday August third, will be fun.

I am planning on going to my English class today, but I'm not prepared for the test.

All of the sentences are punctuated correctly.



I am planning on going to my English class today, but I'm not prepared for the test.


Third one.

Explanation:Because it makes sense duhh

change this sentence into indirect speech, Paul says," Brisbane is a wonderful city"​



Paul said that Brisbane is a wonderful city


in 1824, Louis Braille developed a system of writing for the blind, Quickly,___ system, known as "Braille" after ___ inventor, spread from ___ France to dozens of___ countries
( Điền a/an/the or "x" )



the, the, x, x


Let me know if you need an explanation.

Hope this helps!

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the nouns given in the below.
Barrel/ sack/layer/pinch / carton
1. There were five......
of garbage on the pavement.
2. Add a..........
of salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
3. Nehara was so thirsty that she drank two......
of orange juice.
4. The cost of a.......
of oil depends on how and where it is produced.
5. There are........
of dust on the floor.



1) Sacks

2) Pinch

3) Cartons

4) Barrel

5) Layers


The reason for some nouns being in their plural form is that there are multiples of them. For example, there are two cartons of orange juice. As there is more than one, a plural of the noun must be used, which is why the answer to three is cartons and not necessarily carton. Pinch is an exciting one, as while there are technically multiple grains of salt, there is only one pinch being taken of it. That is why despite there being more than one grain of salt, pinch stays singular.

What does the popularity of modern dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society?
Does it serve a useful cautionary purpose,
or does it keep us from trying to imagine a better


The popularity of dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society as a useful cautionary purpose.

What is Dystopian fiction?

Dystopian fiction is a type of guessings or guess opinions that started as a response to utopian literature. A dystopia is an imagined society that is not humane and frightening. It explores ideas about societies or political settings.

Therefore, The popularity of dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society as a useful cautionary purpose.

Learn more about dystopian fiction below.

Which statement from who killed the ice man provides strong evidence that the ice man was shot in the back



The statement that evidences the means of death of the Ice Man can be found in the 5th Paragraph of the article which states that the Ice Man had an arrowhead made from carved rock (called flint) lodged under his shoulder in his back.


This revelation was brought to the fore by an X-Ray that was performed on the IceMan who was Nicknamed Ötzi. He was found in 1991 frozen and preserved inside a glacier along the northern Italian border with Austria by hikers.

The cause of the Ice Man's death was unknown for a very long (about 10 years) after his mummified body was discovered.


the california board of tourism needs an article for its web site about places to go whale watching in california but the board wants to be careful not to favor any particular location or business. who would be the best person to hire for this task?



A writer who also owns a boat which he rents to whale watching hours.

According to classical mythology, Arachne was:

a goddess.

a weaver.

a nymph.

None of the choices are correct.


She was a weaver.

This is the answer.

She was a weaver. The goddess got jealous of the weaver Arachne because she weaver such beautiful tapestries which were greater than the goddeses. I forget the goddess’s name

What does the author mean by the following quote from paragraph 7, and how does it
develop the central ideas of the article?: "When leaders attempt to navigate the slippery
slope of fairness, they will find themselves arbiter of public opinion and hostage to the
politically correct."



Leaders will get abused by people who believe they are right for their own opinion


3. Which combination of story elements most affects the theme of a story?
O characters and conflict
characters and setting
characters and narrator
characters and mood


Characters and setting

Correct Answer: characters and conflict

Why does Edwards use the word provoked instead of the word angered in this passage?

The word provoked suggests that God’s anger is fierce and irrational.

The word provoked suggests that sinners bear responsibility for God’s anger.

The word provoked suggests that God’s anger is sharp and deadly.

The word provoked suggests that sinners do not want to change their ways.



B)  The word provoked suggests that sinners bear responsibility for God’s anger.


  What this means is that they were always vulnerable to meeting an untimely end. A person who walks on slippery surfaces is in constant danger of slipping and falling; he never knows whether he will remain upright or topple over at any given time, and if he does fall. The sinners bear the responsibilities for his anger.

The same idea is expressed in Psalm 73:18-19. "You really did set them up for failure; you flung them down to their destruction. Look how fast they go down in flames!" They may also be provoked by falling down on their own, without needing assistance from another person.

Write a paragraph on 'What you would expect as help if it happens that you are in serious trouble'​



It depends on the type of problem.


i would expect the help that is needed for solving the problem if I were in serious trouble. If I have a financial problem then I needs a financial help from my family or friends while on the other hand, if I have to load or unload a truck so I need people who can do to unload or load the truck, there is no financial help is needed to complete the work so the help depends on the type of problem that happens to me.

? It is very nice, .tag question ​



It is very nice , isn't it?


It is very nice, isn’t it?

Students can learn how to compose effective sentences by modeling their own sentence patterns after those of famous writers.

True or False?


Answer: true


Read the passage from "The Book of Martha."
After a moment, Martha was able to take her hands from
her face and look again at the grayness around her and
at God. "This can't be heaven," she said. "There's
nothing here, no one here but you."
"Is that all you see?" God asked.
This confused her even more. "Don't you know what I
see?" she demanded and then quickly softened her
voice. "Don't you know everything?"
God smiled. "No, I outgrew that trick long ago. You can't
imagine how boring it was."
Which statement best explains why Martha quickly
softens her voice toward the end of this passage?
O She is worried that God will be upset at her for
sounding insistent
O She does not want to talk loud enough for anyone but
God to hear.
She feels confident that God can hear her no matter
how softly she speaks.
She doesn't want God to hear her questions and
provide answers.



She is worried that God would be upset at her for sounding insistent

The statement that best explains why Martha quickly softens her voice toward the end of this passage is "she is worried that God will be upset at her for sounding insistent." That is the first option.

What is "The Book of Martha"?


The passage from "The Book of Martha" describes a conversation between Martha and God, in which Martha questions the reality of the situation she finds herself in. When Martha realizes that there is nothing around her but God, she becomes confused and demands answers from him. She does not understand why there is nothing else in this supposed heaven, and she believes that God should know everything and be able to provide her with answers.

Hence, the statement that best explains why Martha quickly softens her voice toward the end of this passage is "She is worried that God will be upset at her for sounding insistent." That is the first option.

Learn more about "The Book of Martha" here.


What decisions do you always face when creating a found poem? (Select all correct answers.)
what tone to create

what metaphors to create

where to start the poem

where to end lines


where start and end poem lines

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