Please answer this, I don't have much time left!


Answer 1


1 + 5 ÷ 5

This would equal 2, using BIDMAS.

Related Questions

Akili has two tests next week. The probability that he will pass the first test, science, is 34 . How he does on that test affects how he will do on his math test. If he passes science, then the probability that he will also pass the math test is 45; otherwise, the probability is only 13 that he will pass the math test. If the probability he passes exactly one test can be expressed as mn for two relatively prime positive integers m and n, what is m n



Following are solutions to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

First-test probability: [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

A person's chances of passing a second test are reduced if he fails the first test: [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

However, the chance of failing the first test is 1 in 4. As just a result, the probability of these events is low.

[tex]\to \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{3}=\frac{1}{12}\\\\\to \frac{3}{4} + \frac{1}{12} = \frac{9+1}{12} = \frac{10}{12} = \frac{5}{6}[/tex]

One of the other.

Independence and Exclusiveness are two topics which are important to probability and often confused. Discuss the difference between two events being independent and two events being mutually exclusive. Use examples to demonstrate the difference. Remember to explain as if you are talking to someone who knows nothing about the topic.



Independence and Exclusiveness are two topics which are important to probability and often confused. Discuss the difference between two events being independent and two events being mutually exclusive. Use examples to demonstrate the difference. Remember to explain as if you are talking to someone who knows nothing about the topic.

[my response: talk to them in formal language about the topic.]

Step-by-step explanation:

and this is right or not​


answer: 11% = 0.11
how: 11 divided by 100 = 0.11

If f(x) = -x2 – 1, and
g(x) = x + 5, then
f(g(x)) = [ ? ]x2+[? ]x+[?]




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = -x^2 – 1, and

g(x) = x + 5

f(g(x)) = Plug g(x) in for x in f(x)

        = -(x+5)^2 -1

        = -(x^2 +10x+25) -1

         = -x^2 -10x-25 -1


Factorize the following by splitting the middle term:-
(a) 3x^2 +11x+30



See explanation

Question has been corrected

Step-by-step explanation:


3x² + 11x + 30

To factorise, multiply the coefficient of x² by 30

= 3 * 30

= 90

Find two numbers that have a product of 90 and a sum of 11

** There are no such two numbers, therefore the question can't be solved using factorization

Correcting the error in the question:

x² + 11x + 30

To factorise, multiply the coefficient of x² by 30

= 1 * 30

= 30

Find two numbers that have a product of 30 and a sum of 11

6 and 5

6 + 5 = 11

6 * 5 = 30

x² + 11x + 30

= x² + 6x + 5x + 30

= x(x + 6) + 5(x + 6)

= (x + 6) (x + 5)

Evaluate the function.
f(x) = 4x² + 73 – 18
Find f(-9)




Step-by-step explanation:





Find the 20th term of the following sequence.
-6, -4,-2, O,...


Step-by-step explanation:





please help with this too



The area of the sector in circle G formed by segments [tex]\overline{AG}[/tex], and [tex]\overline {GB}[/tex] is approximately 125.66 square units

Step-by-step explanation:

The given parameters are;

The radius of the circle with center G, r = 15

The measure of the given angle, m∠AGB = 64°

The area of a sector is given as follows;

Area of a sector of a circle = (θ/360°) × π × r²


The area of the sector in circle G formed by segments [tex]\overline{AG}[/tex], and [tex]\overline {GB}[/tex] is given as follows;

The area of the sector in circle G  = (64°/360°) × π × 15² ≈ 125.66 square units

Write the words that represent s + 21.



A number s plus 21

Step-by-step explanation:


A number s plus 21

Anyone knows the answer?



a) yes

b) y = -x

c) yes it goes thru the origin (0,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

a) x**2 + y**2 = 17

(-4)**2 + (-1)**2 = 17

16 + 1 = 17 YES

b) the slope of DE is

(y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2)

(-1 -4)/(-4 -1) = -5/-5 = 1,  so a perpendicular segment will have a

slope of - 1/current slope or -1.

The midpoint of DE is

x = (x1 + x2)/2 = (-4 +1)/2 = -3/2

y = (y1 + y2)/2 = (-1 +4)/2 = 3/2 so

y = mx + b

y = -x + b plug in the point (-3/2,3/2)

3/2 = -(-3/2) + b

b = 0 SO y = -x

c) The circle equation dictates that it has no offset so centers around the origin (0,0) and the equation of the bisector y = -x indeed fits (0,0).

(−5abc − 6ac + 7cb) − (10abc + 6ac − 8bc)



-15abc - 12ac + 15bc

General Formulas and Concepts:


Distributive Property

Algebra I


Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


(-5abc - 6ac + 7cb) - (10abc + 6ac - 8bc)

Step 2: Simplify

[Distributive Property] Distribute negative:                                                        -5abc - 6ac + 7cb - 10abc - 6ac + 8bcCombine like terms:                                                                                         -15abc - 12ac + 15bc

Now that you know the vertex, find the y-values that pair with a few x-values that are less than 2 and a few that are greater than 2.

Plsssss help!!!!!!!


y when x=0: 3
y when x=1: 2
y when x=3: 2
y when x=4: 3




Solution given:

Relationship between base and hypotenuse is given by Cos angle

Cos Angle(?)=base/hypotenuse



The indicated angle is 46°

write 2^60 as an exponent with a base of 16


Recall that 2⁴ = 16. So you have

2⁶⁰ = 2⁴ˣ¹⁵ = (2⁴)¹⁵ = 16¹⁵

please help




19 + 1 + 9 + 1

put any of those in the slots


19 + 1 + 9 + 1


Dividing with powers of 10


You could Divide powers of 10 multiple times depending on the question

6. Which of the following equations has a slope of -2 and passes
through the point (3,-4).
O) y=-2x - 4
O) y=-2x + 2
O) y = -2x+3
O) y = -2x - 1




Step-by-step explanation:

substitute either the x or y value into the equations, if you substitute x=3 and get back y=-4, the equation is correct

Who know how to do this??


find what the whole line is equal to then take 6.5 and subtract it from the whole thing


Step-by-step explanation:

With some research I found that the medians (QK, RJ, and SI) are broken into 2:1 ratios.

So what this means is that QD is twice as long as DK.

QD = 2DK

QD = 2 * 6.5

QD = 13

Consider two parabolas: One has equation 1 ( 4)( 4) 2 y x x =−+ . The other has the same xintercepts, but goes through the point (2,−12) How far apart are the vertices of the two parabolas



Following are the responses to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\to y=(\frac{1}{2})(x-4)(x+4)\\\\\to y=(\frac{1}{2}) (x^2-16)\\\\\to y=(\frac{1}{2})(x-0)^2-8\\\\vertex \to (0,-8)[/tex]

The general x-intercept parabola equation [tex]y=k(x-4)(x+4)[/tex]

Parabola crosses the dot (2,-12)

[tex]\to k(2-4)(2+4)=-12\\\\\to k(-2)(6)=-12\\\\\to -12k=-12\\\\\to k=\frac{-12}{-12}\\\\\to k=1[/tex]

The parabolic equation which crosses the position [tex](2,-12)[/tex] is[tex]y=(x-4)(x+4)[/tex]

[tex]\to y=(x-4)(x+4)\\\\\to y=x^2-16\\\\\to y=(x-0)^2-16\\\\vertex \to (0,-16)[/tex]

The distance among the vertices of the two parabolas:

[tex]= \sqrt{(0 - 0)^2+(-8-(-16))^2}\\\\ = \sqrt{0+(-8+16))^2}\\\\ =\sqrt{0+(8)^2}\\\\=\sqrt{(8)^2}\\\\= 8\\\\[/tex]

Over what interval is the function in this graph constant?​




Step-by-step explanation:

answer is d

A parallelogram is cut out of a 12 inch by 8 inch sheet of paper there are four right triangles remnats two have the dimensions 2 inches by 9 inches and the other two have the dimensions 3 inches by 6 inches



96 in²

36 in²

60 in²

6.51 in

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

Dimension of paper = 12 in by 8 in

Dimension of right triangles :

2 in by 9 in ; 3 in by 6 in

Area of sheet of paper = 12 in * 8 in = 96 in²

Area of triangle = 1/2 base * height

Therefore, area of remnant right triangle :

2 * 1/2 * 2 * 9 = 18 in²

2 * 1/2 * 3 * 6 = 18 in²

Combined area of triangle left = 18in + 18in = 36 in²

Area of parallelogram = Area of sheet - Area of triangles left

Area of parallelogram = 96in² - 36in² = 60 in²

Base, b of parallelogram = 9.22 in

Area of parallelogram = base * altitude,h

60in² = 9.22h

h = 60 / 9.22 = 6.51 in

A 90 ° angle is divided into 2 angles.
Find the size of the angles.
5x+10 and 6x-41



So required ans is 5*11+10=65 6x-41=25

Step-by-step explanation:

You can do as,







The graph of $y=ax^2+bx+c$ passes through points $(0,5)$, $(1,10)$, and $(2,19)$. Find $a+b+c$.




Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that the graph of the equation:


Passes through the three points (0, 5), (1, 10), and (2, 19).

And we want to find the value of (a + b + c).

First, since the graph passes through (0, 5), its y-intercept or c is 5. Hence:


Next, since the graph passes through (1, 10), when x = 1, y = 10. Substitute:




The point (2, 19) tells us that when x = 2, y = 19. Substitute:




This yields a system of equations:

[tex]\begin{cases} 5 = a + b \\ 14 = 4a + 2b\end{cases}[/tex]

Solve the system. We can do so using elimination (or any other method you prefer). Multiply the first equation by negative two:


Add the two equations together:


Combine like terms:

[tex]4 = 2a[/tex]



Using the first equation:

[tex]5=(2)+b\Rightarrow b=3[/tex]

Therefore, our equation is:


Thus, the value of (a + b + c) will be:

[tex]a+b+c = (2) + (3) + (5) = 10[/tex]

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:

f ( 1 ) = 18

First term ( a ) = 18

f ( n + 1 ) = f ( n ) - 2

When, n = 1

f ( 1 + 1 ) = f ( 1 ) - 2

f ( 2 ) = 18 - 2

f ( 2 ) = 16

f ( 2 ) - f ( 1 )

= 16 - 18

= - 2

Common difference ( d ) = - 2

f ( 5 )

= a + 4d

= 18 + 4 ( - 2 )

= 18 - 8

= 10

does anyone know this?



The volume is approximately 50 m^3

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a cylinder is given by

V = pi r^2 h where r is the radius and h is the height

The radius is 1/2 of the diameter r = 8/2 = 4

V = pi ( 4)^2 (1)

V = 16 pi

Letting pi be approximated by 3.14

V = 3.14 * 16

V = 50.24

The volume is approximately 50 m^3

Which of the following statements does not prove that ABCD is a parallelogram.
Given: A(-4, 7), B(3,0), C(2,-5) and D(-5, 2).



answer A

Step-by-step explanation:



midpoint = U=((-4+2)/2, (7+(-5))/2)=(-1,1))



midpoint = V=((3+(-5))/2,(0+2)/2)=( -1,1)

Diagonals have the same middle, the quadrilater is a parallogram.

TRIANGLES please help!! :)




Step-by-step explanation:

First, the list of congruence theorems are:






SSA is not on the list, so we can cross that out

Next, ASA implies that two angles are congruent, but we only know that one pair of angles (the right angles) are congruent, so we can cross that out

After that, the angle is not connecting the congruent sides, so D is not an option

Finally, we know that the longest sides (AD / AC) are congruent to each other, one other pair of legs/sides are congruent, and the triangles are both right triangles. Therefore, we can apply HL here

plz help me to do this​


Answer: b

Explain: because that’s where they both meet

reciprocal of. 0×7/11​



it doesn't exist

Step-by-step explanation:

the expression 0×7/11​ is equivalent to 0. 1/0 isn't possible, so its reciprocal doesn't exist.

Use the properties of logarithms to prove log, 1000 = log2 10.



Consider the equation is:


To prove:

[tex]\log_81000=\log_210[/tex] by using the properties of logarithms.


We have,


Taking left hand side (LHS), we get


[tex]LHS=\dfrac{\log 1000}{\log 8}[/tex]                  [tex]\left[\because \log_ab=\dfrac{\log_x a}{\log_x b}\right][/tex]

[tex]LHS=\dfrac{\log (10)^3}{\log 2^3}[/tex]

[tex]LHS=\dfrac{3\log 10}{3\log 2}[/tex]                   [tex][\because \log x^n=n\log x][/tex]

[tex]LHS=\dfrac{\log 10}{\log 2}[/tex]

[tex]LHS=\log_210[/tex]                    [tex]\left[\because \log_ab=\dfrac{\log_x a}{\log_x b}\right][/tex]


Hence proved.

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