please give me answer

what mean of marriages ?
why people born baby? ​


Answer 1


People give birth to baby's because there making copys of themselves, since they are human, the baby will also be human.

Marriage: When another person is obligated to another person, either of the opposite gender, or the same gender.

Remember, marriage doesnt give baby's.

Related Questions

Which of the following is a warning sign of drug abuse more than drug addiction?

A. Physical harm to yourself or others as a result of the behaviors while under the influence

B. Need for increased amounts of the drug to experience the same high

C. Patterns of behavior that revolve heavily around getting drugs to stay high

D. Psychological withdrawal symptoms when you can't access your drug of choice​





The other choices are more about the addiction, and the need to get more of the drug/ the person's life depending on the drug.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

What factors are included under physical and psycholgical aspects



motivation, learning and socialization, attitudes and beliefs.

Define population educstion. State any four purpose of including it in school education.​



a process of developing awareness and understanding population situation among people


population education can be simply be related to the any kind of studies or the education related to the process of developing awareness and understanding of population situation among people . Or

in simple way we can term as the education related to the people of a particular place or the situation of people of that place is population education.

the fourpurpose of including it in school are:

1. promotion in quality of life

2. Development of positive attitude

3. Insurance of future generation. make control over population by future generation.

6. What effects might a female marijuana user experience?
a. Higher testosterone levels
b. Changed hormone levels
C. Infertility
d. All of the above





The Answer would be D or "all of the above" If you ever see a question that says all of the above, use the strike through method and if there is more then one that you are sure is correct, pick all of the above! Such as we know it can be hard or even impossible for a women using drugs to have a child, and if the child made it, its very unlikely to be healthy. The changed hormone levels are also quite obvious because the drugs can change your hormone balance, and mess with the chemistry of your brain.

I hope this helps!

-cloudyhelp <3

Option D all the given options are effects might a female marijuana user experience.

Higher testosterone levels Changed hormone levels InfertilityWhat effects might a female marijuana user experience?

Among females, the age of initiation of use exists declining and the prevalence of issues with marijuana stands on the rise. Both male and female marijuana users may experience negative effects of cognitive dysfunction and airway inflammation.

Cannabis, also understood as marijuana among other names exists as a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant. Native to Central and South Asia, the cannabis plant has been utilized as a drug for both recreational and entheogenic objectives and in different traditional medicines for centuries.

Hence, Option D all the given options are effects might a female marijuana user experience.

Higher testosterone levels Changed hormone levels Infertility

To learn more about effects of female marijuana refer to:


Which of the following actions are not required when practicing physical health?
drink 8 cups of water per day and eat nutritious foods
avoids alcohol and tobacco use
Engages in 30-60 minutes of physical activity every day
none of the above
answers a and c only



None of the above

The activities that are not required when practicing physical health is none of the above. The correct option is D.

What is physical health?

Physical health is the health of the body in which the body performs all activities properly and without any pain and diseases. Healthy body is necessary for good health because it helps in leading good life.

The things that are needed for good health are doing exercise regularly for 30-60 minutes, which maintains the health and strength of the body. Drinking 8 cups of water per day is also necessary for a healthy body.

Eating nutritious full food and avoiding tobacco and alcohol also keeps the body healthy, so all these characteristics are necessary for good health.

Thus, the correct option is D. none of the above.

To learn more about physical health, refer to the link:


Which two foods contains a high content of fat?

fresh grapefruit
pumpkin soup
stewed apple
fresh cream donuts
butter cookies
i need help plz ;-;


fresh cream donuts and butter cookies
hopefully i’m correct <3


1. ¿ Cuales fueron las motivaciones de estos emprendedores para hacer algo diferente por el mundo?
-Mark zuckerberg
-Steve Jobs

2. En tu país busca 5 ejemplos de empresas y/O empresarios con ideas de negocio innovadoras y creativas con un impacto positivo en sus clientes, plantea sus nombres, características y una imagen de c/u dando cuenta de los productos y servicios que ofrece en el mercado nacional



2 is correct


1.- Estas fueron las motivaciones de estos emprendedores para hacer algo diferente por el mundo.

-Mark Zuckerberg.

- En repetidas ocasiones ha repetido que su principal motivación fue conectar a la gente para ya no fueran desconocidos, sino se volvieran amigos.

- A partir de ahí, su deseo fue conectar al mundo en un solo sitio, que finalmente fue su red social.

- También ha repetido innumerables veces que no sólo hay que crear empleos y estar motivados, sino que hay que motivar a los demás.

-Steve Jobs.

- Su propósito fue ayudar a las personas a través de uso de la tecnología y crear un mundo mejor.

- Podemos recordar su famoso discurso motivacional ante los alumnos de la Universidad de Stanford, California, durante la ceremonia de graduación del 12 de junio del 2005.

- En ese discurso, Jobs invitaba a todos los egresados a siempre "hacer lo que aman y nunca detenerse ante las críticas."

2.- En mi país -México- las cinco empresas con ideas de negocio innovadoras y creativas con un impacto positivo en sus clientes, son:

> Telcel. Se dedica a las telecomunicaciones. Su dueño es Carlos Slim, el hombre más rico de Latinoamérica. El es el dueño de la compañía de telecomunicaciones más grande y rica de México y Sudamérica. También es un filántropo, ya que tiene una fundación con la que ayuda a los pobres.

> Cemex(Cementos Mexicanos). Este es un grupo muy fuerte en el norte del país, con sede en Monterrey. Es la empresa dominante en la producción de cemento en México, Latinoamérica y algunas otras partes del mundo.

> B*mbo. Esta empresa elabora pan y pasteles para comer como snacks. Domina el mercado Latinoamericano y ya incursionó en los Estados Unidos desde hacer años. Es una empresa considerada como socialmente responsable.

> Cinépolis. La cadena de cine más grande en México y con presencia en Centro y Sudamérica. Establece programas para que la gente de nivel económico medio y bajo pueda ir al cine o usar su plataforma web.

>Volaris. La segunda línea aérea del país. Empezó como una empresa de "low cost," precios bajos, y está a punto de desbancar a la tradicional aerolínea "Aeroméxico," la más grande del país. La clave: su programa de boletos con descuento y sus diferentes promociones.

Como conclusión, podemos decir que para dirigir una empresa exitosa, los directivos no sólo deben ser jefes, sino líderes que sepan inspirara y motivar a sus empleados para que trabajen con ganas y cariño por la empresa.

Aprende más sobre este tema en:

what group does the tomato belong to?​





The botanical classification: Tomatoes are fruits.

A botanical fruit would have at least one seed and grow from the flower of the plant. With this definition in mind, tomatoes are classified as fruit because they contain seeds and grow from the flower of the tomato plant.

fruits is what the tomato belongs to

what is meant by health skill? write in definition. (don't even think about searching in internet cause l already searched so)​



Health skills are skills that are important in life and help you to set a healthy body and a good set of mind.

Although people usually only hear about the benefits of exercise, there can be risk factors as well. Some of these risks ar.


Especially for kids weight lifting exercises can stunt grow of the body sometimes

What are depressants and hallucinogen’s method of use and how they are obtained?



hope this helps


Depressants: These are drugs that slow down your brain function. Examples include alcohol, alprazolam (Xanax), and barbiturates. Stimulants: These drugs elevate your mood and increase your alertness and energy. They're usually highly addictive and can cause paranoia over time.

briefly explain the weakness of the RSA's industrial development zones​


According to various economic experts, it has been found that the weaknesses of the RSA's industrial development zones​ are the following:

Revenue losses: this is due to several tax exclusions and considerations.

Many traders are involved in SEZ {Specal Economic Zone}:  this will help the traders to acquire at affordable rates and create a land bank to exploit.

The amount of units applying for setting up EOU (Economics of One Unit) is not commensurate to the quantities of applications for setting up SEZ's leading to the assumption that the  RSA's industrial development zones may not match up to expected results.

Learn more here:

What does it mean if i can feel my foot and it feels cold as ice and looks dead?

I am scared for my foot :(




Could you specify more? Sometimes its just cold because of the temperature, but what do you mean it looks dead? I would recomend contacting a health professional if you think somethings really wrong


That sometimes comes as a result of sitting in one position for too long,it can also be as a result of low blood circulation to that area.and also coldness.i would recommend you wear some stockens and also consult from a medical personal incase am wrong.

I hope this makes you feel better:)

What is cardiorespiratory fitness?



the capacity of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscle mitochondria for energy production needed during physical activity.


cardiorespiratory fitness refers to the ability of the circulatory system and the respiratory systems to supply oxygen to the skeletal muscles for energy production needed during physical exercise.

I hope this helps!

two difference between endocrine and exocrine gland

please give me ans



The key difference between the two types is that, whereas exocrine glands secrete substances into a ductal system to an epithelial surface, endocrine glands secrete products directly into the bloodstream [1].

Difference 1

Exocrine Glands: Exocrine Glands have ducts.

Endocrine Glands: Endocrine Glands do not have ducts and are also known as ductless glands.

Difference 2

Exocrine Glands: Exocrine glands secrete substances into a ductal system to an epithelial surface.

Endocrine Glands: Endocrine glands secrete products directly into the bloodstream.

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

is a promise of pledge.
Fear of the unknown
Emotional maturity


yes if you promise a pledge you are going to experience FCCE

What is planning of family?



Family planning services are "the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. ... Family planning is sometimes used as a synonym or euphemism for access to and the use of contraception.

Family planning services are "the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility

Question. An Orthodontist tells you that youll next appointment is in 8 months, and youll then be doing x-rays. is this a sign of braces coming off?



Yes. I got a retainer after my braces came off though. You will probaly have to have to wear a retainer for a year or 2 after your braces come off.


how does technology provide a positive and negative platform for the development of relationships?


It leads to more offline interaction.

Which best describes what is meant by "conducting an audit of your time"?

A. Crossing out or checking off tasks on your list which are finished and complete
B. Identifying tasks which take longer than expected and setting a reasonable time for them
C. Jotting down everything you do for a week and evaluating how much time each task takes
D. Planning out your weekly and daily plans on the same day every week



B. Identifying tasks which take longer than expected and setting a reasonable time for them.

The statement "conducting an audit of your time" means identifying tasks which take longer than expected and setting a reasonable time for them (option B).

What does the above phrase mean?

A time audit is keeping track of what one does during the day. It can also mean tracking what one spends his/her time on for a consecutive period.

The aim of this process is to arrange one's time in a more efficient way.

According to this question, the best sentence that describes the phrase "time audit" is option B. This is because the time is best used efficiently that way.

Learn more about time audit at:


Which path describes the movement of oxygenated blood leaving the heart ? Use the standard image of the heart to guide you.



left atrium - left ventricle - aorta


If a victim needs advanced medical aid that you are not qualified to perform, you are legally obligated to attempt whatever aid that is necessary.




If a victim needs advanced medical aid that you are not qualified to perform, you are legally obligated to attempt whatever aid that is necessary.



What sorts of degrees are health science majors prepared for upon achieving their bachelors degree?



Health science majors are prepared for many degrees such as: Anesthesia technician, Dental hygienist, Occupational therapy assistant, Respiratory therapist, and Surgical technician etc., upon achieving their bachelors degree.

Sanji stops exercising and gains several pounds. Which disease is she at risk of developing?

celiac disease
sickle cell disease
Huntington’s disease
cardiovascular disease


I think it's cardiovascular, sickle cell I think you have to be born with, and celiac is an allergy to gluten


Explanation: took da test

Muscular Strength and Endurance


How do I answer this I don’t have much too work with?


Muscular strength is the amount of force you can put out or the amount of weight you can lift. Muscular endurance is how many times you can move that weight without getting exhausted {very tired}


Classification of natural resources.You have to explain perpetual,renewable and non renewable with examples fastt asaapp​


Perpetual Resources: Perpetual resources are those that last forever like solar energy and wind.Sunlight, wind, geothermal heat, tides, and flowing water are perpetual resources. On Earth, there are only limited amounts of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas.Renewable Resources: A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource, is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale.  Renewable resources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy. Non renewable Resources: A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption. There are four major types of nonrenewable resources: oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy.

What is brunch for you?



Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch, and regularly has some form of alcoholic drink (most usually champagne or a cocktail) served with it. It is usually served between 11 o'clock in the morning and 2 o'clock pm. The word is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch.


plz mark me as brainliest




al ate morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch.

Muscle tissue requires a great deal of ________________ to do its work.



Muscle tissue requires a great deal of ____oxygen____________ to do its work.


[tex]oxygen \\ it \: use \: oxygen \: to \: produce \: energy \\ thank \: yo[/tex]

When it comes to self-esteem, nature includes the traits that we are born with.


That question isn’t correct

Gary Tuttle has Citiwide Insurance with 100% coverage after a $25.00 copay on office visits. His services today include an office visit ($62.00), urinalysis with differential ($65.00) and a Treadmill ECG ($155.00), which were billed to his insurance company. The insurance approved/allowed $255.00 and paid 100% of the approved/allowed amount minus the copay already paid by the patient; answer the following:
11. How much is the copay? __________________________
12. How much is adjusted? __________________________
13. How much is the payment from the insurance company? ___________________________


11. The amount of COPAY is $25.00

COPAY can be defined as the amount which the person  that was been INSURED by the insurance company which is  Gary tuttle paid to the  insurance company (Citiwide Insurance) for insurance coverage.

Hence, The amount of COPAY will be $25.00 COPAY on office visits which was 100% paid.

12. The adjusted amount is $2.00

Using this formula

Adjustment= (Office visit+Urinalysis+Treadmill ECG)-(Insurance approved/allowed+Copay)

Let plug in the formula




Hence, eadjusted amount is $2.00

13. The payment from the insurance company is $255.

The payment from the insurance company will be $255 which represent the insurance approved/allowed by insurance company which was 100% paid.

In conclusion the copay amount is $25, Adjusted amount is $2.00 and the payment from the insurance company will be $255.

Learn more about insurance here:

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The cost,c(x), for a taxi ride is given by c(x)=3x+2.00, where x is the number of minutes. What does the slope mean for this situation make a list of difficulties in the absence of local goverment in the country The diagram below represents which percent?An area model with 4 shaded sections and 1 unshaded section. lf y 1/4 when x=5, find y when x=7. given that y varies directly with x.y= responsible citizens are expected to vote in government elections . Give two reasons why young people should also vote My shoes need cleaning. *a)Cleaning is needed for my shoes.b)I have to clean my shoes.c)I need to have my shoes cleaned.d)I need to clean my shoes.Dave / pressed / because of / parents/ high expectation / study results. *a)Dave was pressed despite of his parents high expectation of his study results.b)Dave was pressed because of his parents have high expectation of his study results.c)Dave was pressed because of his parents high expectation of his study results.d)Dave was pressed in spite of his parents high expectation of his study results.We must take care of all living species on Earth. *a)All living species on Earth are taken care of by us.b)All living species on Earth must be taken care of by us.c)ll living species on Earth had been taken care of by us.d)All living species on Earth will be taken care of by us. The biggest question Sally has for you is about recovering the initial capital invested which she wishes to bundle as the initial building and land costs well as the future roof and common area expenses. The income stream for the apartment complex is only monthly rent money. How much should she charge for monthly rent in order to at least recover the bundled capital invested why mixture of stone pebbles And water is concerned considered suspension you are provided with a mixture of sand salt and camphor how would you separate these particles explain in detail The old lady took the ______ to go from the first floor to the basement since she is unable to walk.(1) stairs(2) steps(3) elevator(4) conveyor how do supporting details reinforce the central idea in this passage? A.The supporting details explain criticisms against new artificial limbs. B.The supporting details help the reader understand how artificial limbs work. C.The supporting details give evidence that cheetahs are the animals best designed for running.D.The supporting details show why new designs for artificial limbs are better than old designs. what is used to writehistorto 230 years Can anyone please help me out? name at least 4 reasons why someone from Middle Europe would not want to move to the USA. You can use countries like Germany for comparisons. Bramble Corp. is planning to sell 1200 boxes of ceramic tile, with production estimated at 1170 boxes during May. Each box of tile requires 44 pounds of clay mix and a 0.50 hour of direct labor. Clay mix costs $0.40 per pound and employees of the company are paid $10 per hour. Manufacturing overhead is applied at a rate of 110% of direct labor costs. Bramble has 3200 pounds of clay mix in beginning inventory and wants to have 4100 pounds in ending inventory. What is the total amount to be budgeted for manufacturing overhead for the month define commercial geograpghy as industralist what is the purpose of a society's oral tradition?A. To validate a king's powerB. To pass on understanding of values and culture.C. To make sure the right person gets credit for making up stories.D. To persuade others to join a culture. I need help to find the value of x. Round to the nearest tenth An ionic bond is a bond what is the difference between the electoral vote and the popular vote 1. Aristteles identifica quatro causas como responsveis pela existncia de algo. Uma causa a matria da qual est feita, a outra causa a forma que faz com ela seja aquilo e no outra coisa, a terceira causa aquela na qual quem foi eficiente em fazer tal objeto e, por ltimo, a quarta causa a mais importante de todas, pois a finalidade de ser daquele objeto. Assinale a nica alternativa que diga respeito ao nome que Aristteles d a essas quatro causas, respectivamente: *10 pontosa) causa material, causa essencial, causa eficiente e causa da potncia.b) causa eficiente, causa formal, causa dos sentidos e causa do ato.c) causa final, causa eficiente, causa essencial e causa intelectual.d) causa material, causa formal, causa eficiente e causa final.