?????????????please help


Answer 1


ok so you take m time h then like you count to h like a b c d e f g h and tgen with that you count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 till h than you multiply that with 3

Related Questions

The lengths of the three sides of a triangle are 3, 15, and 16. Classify it as acute, obtuse, or right.



Obtuse Scalene Triangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Sum of the squares of the smaller 2 sides < longest side squared = Obtuse Scalene Triangle

An Obtuse triangle
The three angles are 104.149, 65.376, 10.475. And since one of these angles is greater than 90 it is classified an obtuse triangle

The number of typing errors made by a typist has a Poisson distribution with an average of three errors per page. If more than three errors appear on a given page, the typist must retype the whole page. What is the probability that a randomly selected page does not need to be retyped



0.6472 = 64.72% probability that a randomly selected page does not need to be retyped.

Step-by-step explanation:

In a Poisson distribution, the probability that X represents the number of successes of a random variable is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

In which

x is the number of sucesses

e = 2.71828 is the Euler number

[tex]\mu[/tex] is the mean in the given interval.

Poisson distribution with an average of three errors per page

This means that [tex]\mu = 3[/tex]

What is the probability that a randomly selected page does not need to be retyped?

Probability of at most 3 errors, so:

[tex]P(X \leq 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3)[/tex]

In which

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{0}}{(0)!} = 0.0498[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{1}}{(1)!} = 0.1494[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{2}}{(2)!} = 0.2240[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 3) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{3}}{(3)!} = 0.2240[/tex]


[tex]P(X \leq 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) = 0.0498 + 0.1494 + 0.2240 + 0.2240 = 0.6472[/tex]

0.6472 = 64.72% probability that a randomly selected page does not need to be retyped.

he ride a bike for 15 miles oer hour how many miles did he ride


Yes it’s 15, Thats cool man

Help please!!!!!A student needs to select 3 books from 3 different mathematics, 3 different physics and 1 history book. what is the probability that one of them is mathematics and the other 2 are either physics or history books ? A. 3/15 B.9/25 C. 15/35 D. 18/35​


Answer: Choice D) 18/35



There are 3 ways to select the single math book and 4*3/2 = 12/2 = 6 ways to pick the two other books that are either physics or history (order doesn't matter). This is effectively because we have 3+1 = 4 books that are either physics or history, and we're using the nCr combination formula.

Overall, there are 3*6 = 18 ways to select the three books such that one is math, and the other two are either physics or history.


There are 3+3+1 = 7 books total. Since we're selecting 3 of them, we use the nCr formula again and you should get 35.

Or you could note how (7*6*5)/(3*2*1) = 210/6 = 35

This says there are 35 ways to select any three books where we can tell the difference between any subject (ie we can tell the difference between the math books for instance).


We found there are 18 ways to get what we want out of 35 ways to do the three selections. Therefore, the answer as a fraction is 18/35

10% of 360 is how much more than 5% of 360


Answer: 18


Firstly, you have to divide 360 by 10%, which is 36. An easy method to do this part is to remove the 0 at the back of 360. Then, calculate 5% of 360. Take the 10% of 360 (36) and divide it by two. You will get the answer 18. Finally, substructure 18 from 36, and you will get your answer, 18.

Hope this helps!

10% of 360 is 18 more than 5% of 360.

What is the percentage?

The percentage is defined as ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.

What are Arithmetic operations?

Arithmetic operations can also be specified by the subtract, divide, and multiply built-in functions.

Given data as :

10% of 360

5% of 360

Firstly, we have to determine 10% of 360,

⇒ 10% of 360

⇒ (10/100)360

⇒ (0.10)360

So, 10% of 360 is 36.

⇒ 5% of 360

⇒ (5/100)360

⇒ (0.05)360

So, 5% of 360 is 18.

Since 10% of 360 is more than 5% of 360

So, substract 18 from 36, and

⇒ 36 - 18


Hence, 10% of 360 is 18 more than 5% of 360.

Learn more about percentage here :



graph a circle with General form.x^2 +y^2+8x-12y+24=0





Step-by-step explanation:

Put the equation into center-radius form.

x² + y² + 8x - 12y + 24 = 0

x² + y² + 8x - 12y = -24

(x²+8x) + (y²-12y) = -24

(x²+8x+4²) + (y²-12y+6²) = 4²+6²-24

(x+4)² + (y-6)² = 28

Center: (-4,6)

radius: √28

can someone help me with this question


9514 1404 393


local minima: at x=-1, x=3local minimum values: -2 and -1 (respectively)

Step-by-step explanation:

A local minimum is where the curve stops going down and starts going up. It is the bottom of any U-shaped spot. Here, those are identified with dots at the coordinates (-1, -2) and (3, -1).

(a) the x-values at which f has a local minimum are -1 and 3.

(b) the local minimum values of f are -2 and -1 at those x-values.

What is the answer to this? Is it d?



Step-by-step explanation:

yeah of course..your answer is true.. it's part d and there is no solution for that system...w and v both of them remove in solution of system and we don't have any unknown variable for solving.

9514 1404 393


  D. no solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

The first equation can be simplified to standard form:

  0.5(8w +2v) = 3

  4w +v = 3 . . . . . . . eliminate parentheses


The second equation can also be simplified to a comparable standard form:

  8w = 2 -v +4w

  4w +v = 2 . . . . . . add v -4w


Comparing these two equations, we find the variable expressions to be the same, but the constants to be different. If any set of variable values were to satisfy one of these equations, it could not satisfy the other equation. There are no solutions to the system.

Which equation can be used to find 60 percent of 50



x = 0.6 * 50

Step-by-step explanation:

x = 60% of 50

x = 60% * 50

x = 0.6 * 50


60% of 50 = 60 / 100 × 50 = ⅗ × 50 = 150 / 5 = 30


x% of y = x / 100 × y = xy / 100

The length of a rectangle is 4 meters and the width is 4 meters. What is the perimeter of the rectangle? Do not include units in your answer.



The perimeter of a shape is the distance around its edges.

The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is:
2 (l + w)
Or just basically add up all measurements of length and width IF given (the shape we have is a rectangle so the other 2 measurements must be 4 meters also)

Use the formula:
2 (4 + 4) = 16

No units are included, so 16 is your answer.

Hope this helps!

The area of rectangle is 105cm².If it length is 21 cm,what is its length and perimeter.​



length of other side is 5cm and the perimeter is 52

Step-by-step explanation:

The area is side x times side y.

Knowing that the area A is 105cm2 and side x is 21cm

A= x*y

105cm2= 21 y /21

Arranging for y we get

y= 105/21

y= 5 cm

The perimeter is all sides added up

P= 21+21+5+5=52cm


length 5cm and perimeter 52 cm

Step-by-step explanation:



=5 cm



=52 cm

what is the average speed for the interval t=1 hour to t=3 hours


Step-by-step explanation:

2 hours

3+1 / 2 = 4/2 = 2 hours speed average

Taree fourts of the 64 books were math books. determine the percent of the books that were math books.​


Answer:  75% - these are books on mathematics.

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\dfrac{3}{4} \cdot 64 = 48\\[/tex]

64 - 100%

48  -  x%

[tex]\dfrac{64}{100} =\dfrac{48}{x}\\\\x=\dfrac{48 \cdot 100}{64} \\\\x=75 \%[/tex]

Santos flipped a coin 300 times. The coin landed heads up 125 times. Find the ratio of heads to total number of coin flips. Express a simplified ratio




Step-by-step explanation:

125:300 simplified = 5:12

I hope this helps

Counting numbers are to be formed using only the digits 1, 3, 7,5,4,8, and 2. Determine the number of different possibilities for two-digit numbers.​



11699 numbers and 42 two-digit numbers

Martinez' General Store is having a 45% off sale on men's clothing. John paid $70.95 for a jacket that was on sale. What was the original price of the jacket?




Step-by-step explanation:

We can use this equation:

x - 0.45x = 70.95

0.55x = 70.95

x = $129

Suppose taxi fares from Logan Airport to downtown Boston is known to be normally distributed and a sample of seven taxi fares produces a mean fare of $16.51 and a 95% confidence interval of [$15.96, $17.04]. Which of the following statements is a valid interpretation of the confidence interval??

a. 95% of all taxi fares are between $14.77 and $16.23.
b. We are 95% confident that a randomly selected taxi fare will be between $14.77 and $16.23.
c. The mean amount of a taxi fare is $15.51, 95% of the time.
d. With 95% confidence, we can report that the average taxi fare between Logan Airport and downtown Boston will fall between $14.77 and $16.23.



The answer is "Option d".

Step-by-step explanation:

Please find the correct and complete question in the attachment file.

The taxis were known to also be uniformly distributed through the Logan airport to the city of Boston, as well as a sample of seven taxi rates gives an average of $15.51 for [$14.77 and $16.23] for a 95% trust interval. Having 95 percent confidence, we could give a valid interpretation of the confidence level for the averages taxi rates among both Logan Airport and Boston Centre.

So for this problem, I almost got it however my rounding is off causing my answers to be wrong. Can someone please help me with the two that are wrong. Thank you for your help!



it 94x26.2 i think it right if not sorry :/

Step-by-step explanation:




12 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

area = L *B

a = 6 * 2

a = 12cm²

I need a hang here anyone if anyone can help



Step-by-step explanation:

If you make x footballs, the cost per football is (30+3.5x)/x dollars.

If you make 1 football, the cost of the football is $33.50

A friend wants to buy a pool and has two places she wants to purchase the pool with the largest volume which pool should she buy a rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep or a cylindrical pool that has a 3.3 m radios and is 1.8 m deep



20'×15 in 54 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

The Best as a pool should be rectangular in shape and 54inches deep for safety of life's

The volume of the rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep is largest.

What is the volume of a cylinder?

The volume of the cylinder is the product of the height, pie, and square of the radius.

The volume of the cylinder = [tex]\pi r^{2}[/tex]h

The volume of the cylindrical pool that has a 3.3 m radius and is 1.8 m deep is;

=  [tex]\pi r^{2}[/tex]h

[tex]= 3.14 (3.3)^2 (1.8)\\\\= 61.55 m^3[/tex]

The volume of the rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep ;

V = 20 x 15 x 54

V = 16,200 cubic meter.

The volume of the rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep is largest.

Learn more about volume;



Find the value of x in each case and give an explanation plzzz, thank youu :)



Step-by-step explanation:

the arrows from the picture tells us that TV is parallel to RS

since TS is a transversal that cuts the 2 parallel lines TV and RS than ∠S =x

(alternate interior angles)

sum of angles in a Δ is 180° so x+x+2x = 180°, 4x =180°, x= 45°

2x = 45*2 = 90°

Answer ASAP
Will give brainliest!


More information pleaseeeeeeee

A company claims that its soup vending machines deliver exactly 8 ounces of soup to every customer. You do not want the vending machines to deliver too much or too little soup. How would you formulate this properly in hypothesis testing?a) H0 : µ >8b) H0 : µ =8c) H0 > 8d) None of these



[tex]H_0: \mu = 8[/tex]

[tex]H_1: \mu \neq 8[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

A company claims that its soup vending machines deliver exactly 8 ounces of soup to every customer.

This means that the null hypothesis is that the mean is exactly 8, that is:

[tex]H_0: \mu = 8[/tex]

You do not want the vending machines to deliver too much or too little soup.

We don't want the mean to be different from 8, which means that the alternative hypothesis is given by:

[tex]H_1: \mu \neq 8[/tex]

By reporting only p-values, many scientific publications provide an incomplete story of their findings.

a. True
b. False




Step-by-step explanation:

The p-value is a measurement of the likelihood that a difference observed is due to a random chance or a sampling error. In an alternative way, the p-value of a study represents the probability or area under distribution for obtaining more radical outcomes whenever the null hypothesis is true.

Any observable change is deemed to be addressed by sampling variability if the P-value is greater than the selected alpha level. A statistical test will nearly always show a substantial difference with a suitably big sample unless there is no impact at all when the effect size is exactly zero.

As a result, simply reporting the P-value alone for a study is insufficient to fully validate the results and findings of scientific publications.

which transformation of the red triangle on the graph maps it into the missing peice of the square?​
A. a translation 16 units right
B. a reflection across the y-axis
C. a 90° counterclockwise rotation about the origin
D. a 90° clockwise rotation about the origin
E. a 180° rotation about the origin




The missing piece (triangle) is facing right side up but the red triangle has its point facing left

TO get it facing up, turn it by 90 degrees clockwise

Use the drawing tool(s) to form the correct answer on the provided graph.
The function f(X) is shown on the provided graph.
Graph the result of the following transformation on fx).


F(5):(4) answer are 5 *

Triangles P Q R and S T U are shown. Angles P R Q and T S U are right angles. The length of P Q is 20, the length of Q R is 16, and the length of P R is 12. The length of S T is 30, the length of T U is 34, and the length of S U is 16.
Using the side lengths of △PQR and △STU, which angle has a sine ratio of Four-fifths?




[tex]\angle P[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\triangle PRQ = \triangle TSU = 90^o[/tex]

[tex]PQ = 20[/tex]     [tex]QR = 16[/tex]    [tex]PR = 12[/tex]

[tex]ST = 30[/tex]       [tex]TU = 34[/tex]    [tex]SU = 16[/tex]

See attachment


Which sine of angle is equivalent to [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

Considering [tex]\triangle PQR[/tex]

We have:

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{QR}{PQ}[/tex] --- i.e. opposite/hypotenuse

So, we have:

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{16}{20}[/tex]

Divide by 4

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{4}{5}[/tex]


[tex]\angle P[/tex] is correct


A or <P

Step-by-step explanation:

on edge 2021

convert 2m 50cm 15mm in cm



251.5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

1 m = 100 cm

1 cm = 10 mm

2 m + 50 cm + 15 mm =

= 2 m * (100 cm)/m + 50 cm + 15 mm * (1 cm)/(10 mm)

= 200 cm + 50 cm + 1.5 cm

= 251.5 cm

a new extended-life light bulb has an average service life of 700 hours, with a standard deviation of 50 hours. if the service life of these light bulbs approximates a normal distribution, about what percent of the distribution will be between 600 hours and 900 hours



Hence the distribution will be between 600 hours and 900 hours is 74.9%.

Step-by-step explanation:

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