please help a girl out! :) I seriously need help <3 it would mean a lot to me if you gave me some help!


Answer 1


what help do you need.cause I can't find any questions

Related Questions

What are the challenges the economy face from skilled migrants?


The wide economic impacts of high skilled migrants

In a short paragraph, explain the various waves of immigration to the United States. What groups were part of each of these waves?



sorry if its too big.


U.S. immigration has occurred in waves, with peaks followed by troughs (see figure). The first wave of immigrants, mostly English-speakers from the British Isles, arrived before records were kept beginning in 1820. The second wave, dominated by Irish and German Catholics in the 1840s and 1850s, challenged the dominance of the Protestant church and led to a backlash against Catholics, defused only when the Civil War practically stopped immigration in the 1860s.

The third wave, between 1880 and 1914, brought over 20 million European immigrants to the United States, an average of 650,000 a year at a time when the United States had 75 million residents. Most southern and eastern European immigrants arriving via New York’s Ellis Island found factory jobs in Northeastern and Midwestern cities. Third-wave European immigration was slowed first by World War I and then by numerical quotas in the 1920s.

Between the 1920s and 1960s, immigration paused. Immigration was low during the Depression of the 1930s, and in some years more people left the United States than arrived. Immigration rose after World War II ended, as veterans returned with European spouses and Europeans migrated. The fourth wave began after 1965, and has been marked by rising numbers of immigrants from Latin America and Asia. The United States admitted an average 250,000 immigrants a year in the 1950s, 330,000 in the 1960s, 450,000 in the 1970s, 735,000 in the 1980s, and over 1 million a year since the 1990s.

Immigration is the international movement of an individual from the one nation to another nation. It is an action of permanent leaving to the foreign country.

What is Immigration?

Immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country where they are neither natives nor citizens in order to establish themselves as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.

There are the three waves of the immigration, a first wave from the late 1800s to 1924, a second wave from the mid 1940s to 1965, and a third wave from the adoption of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.

In the first wave of the immigration, the groups included were the Irish Catholics, In the second wave of the immigration, the groups included were the Italian and Russian.

In the third wave of the immigration, the groups included was the Chinese workers.

Therefore, there are three waves of the immigration that left to the foreign country.

Learn more about the immigration, refer to:

What are the four general characteristics of a state?



territory, population, government, and sovereignty.


Which of the following statements is true of possibilism?

A. It does not apply to modern times.
B. It suggests that humans are not limited by their environment.
C. It suggests that the environment affects some human activities, but that people can adjust to the environment.
D. It states there is only one solution when humans adjust to the environment.
E. It has been proven wrong by modern geographers.



C. It suggests that the environment affects some human activities, but that people can adjust to the environment.


Possibilism - the environment only limits the number of choices a person has. At its heart, possibilism follows the notion that humans have the commanding power over their environment, albeit within certain limits.

Which of these is an entrepreneur
ultimately MOST concerned with?
O finding natural resources
O the factors of production
O interviewing employees
O making a profit



making a profit. the factors of production

An entrepreneur ultimately most concerned with making a profit Option(d) is correct.

Who is an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurs who are effective in facing the dangers challenges a startup are compensated with benefits, distinction and proceeded with learning experiences.

The people who fizzle endure misfortunes and become less significant in the business sectors Financial experts have never had a steady meaning of "entrepreneur" or "entrepreneurship" (entrepreneur" comes from the French.

However the idea of an entrepreneur existed and was known for quite a long time, the old style and neoclassical financial experts avoided entrepreneurs with regard to their proper models.

They expected that ideal data would be known to completely judicious entertainers, ruling out risk-taking or revelation. It was only after the center of the twentieth century that financial analysts truly endeavored to integrate entrepreneurship into their models.

Therefore Option(d) is correct.

Learn more about Entrepreneur here:


8. Answer the following questions in detail. a. Write a note on detritivores. b. What is parasitism? Explain the two types of parasites. How do leguminous plants enrich the soil?​




Decomposers are of two types detritivores and saprotrophs based on how they decompose organic matter.  Detritivores. These organisms ingest the dead organic matter and digest and break it down internally into simple nutrients. Earthworms and dung beetles are examples of detritivores. An association between two organisms, in which one is benefited at the cost of the other, is called parasitism.  


There are two types of parasitic plants – Partial parasites and Total parasites.   Partial parasites. Some parasitic plants are photosynthetic and depend on the host only for water and minerals. Such plants are called partial parasites or hemiparasites. Mistletoe is an example of a partial parasite.  Total parasites – Some other parasitic plants depend completely on the host for sugar, minerals, and water. Such plants are termed total parasites. Cuscuta dodder or Amarvel is a typical example of a total parasitic plant. It can be identified by thin stems appearing leafless, with the leaves reduced to minute scales.


Many plants absorb soluble nitrogenous substances either nitrate ions or ammonium ions from the soil.

What do you think the cream parts of the thematic map show us in Source D?



I think the cream areas are places that are in different altitude than the blue parts


What is the social impact of globalisation on developing countries



As far as its impact is concerned, discussion of globalization tends to consider simultaneously its effects on economic growth, employment and income distribution - often without distinguishing between- countries and within-country inequalities – and other social impacts such as opportunities for poverty alleviation


plz mark me brainliest

Name the factors influencing agriculture?



They are

1 topography

2 climate

3 soil

4 market

5 transportation facilities

Hope this helps

If it is 9:00 a.m. at Prime meridian (Greenwich meridian). What time is it in Kigali located at 30 degrees East?


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Kigali is the capital of Rwanda, a small African nation surrounded by the DRC, Uganda, Tanzania, and Burundi.

The Prime Meridian has a longitude of 0°. Each time zone takes up 15° of longitude. Since 15×2=30, Kigali is going to be 2 time zones ahead of Greenwich. Why ahead?

Well, the Earth rotates counter clockwise, so if you look at the Earth from above, the parts in the East will rotate towards the Sun first, so they will experience sunrise and sunset before the other parts, so Kigali is ahead, not behind.

So, two hours ahead of 9:00 a.m. is going to be 11 a.m. in Kigali.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

The Alps are mountains that serve as a physical boundary between countries in Europe. According the article, the Swiss have created the world’s longest tunnel. How will this new tunnel revolutionize transportation in Europe and overcome this physical barrier?


The Gottard tunnel is a 57km (35 miles)


The Gotthard Tunnel has opened up transportation in Europe. For the first time, there is a continuous high-speed rail network connecting the North Sea to the Mediterranean. The region where the tunnel is located is rugged and difficult to cross. What used to take several days on foot in the 1800s now takes only 20 minutes on 155-mile-per-hour trains. The travel time between places like Zurich, Switzerland, and Milan, Italy, is cut down by about an hour and a half.

Thanks to the Gotthard Tunnel, Europe is becoming more united than ever. The Alps are no longer a boundary that separates the countries of Europe from each other. With the Gotthard Tunnel, humans have conquered the mountain!


How do plates move?( explain in detail)



Plates at our planet's surface move because of the intense heat in the Earth's core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move. It moves in a pattern called a convection cell that forms when warm material rises, cools, and eventually sink down. As the cooled material sinks down, it is warmed and rises again

Plates at our planet's surface move because of the intense heat in the Earth's core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move. It moves in a pattern called a convection cell that forms when warm material rises, cools, and eventually sink down. As the cooled material sinks down, it is warmed and rises again.

làm rõ địa hình đồi núi nước ta tác động đến sự phân hóa đất như thế nào



what you have write


write it properly

Can anyone help me plz? Due tm





Size of Antarctica 2940324^2km

1. What are lines of latitude? Which way do they run? Which way do they measure?

2. Where is 0 degrees latitude?

3. What are lines of longitude? Which way do they run? Which way do they measure?

4. Where is 0 degrees longitude?

5. What is a functional region?

6. What is a formal region?

7. What is the name of molten rock under the ground?

8. What is the name of molten rock when it reaches the surface?

9. Name the 5 themes and their definitions.

10. What is another name of a map maker?

11. What is a hemisphere?

12. Define a map legend or key, a compass rose, a scale.

13. Why is a population density map important to study?

14. Define biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

15. What is a fault? What happens along a fault line?

16. What are the three layers of the Earth?

17. Describe the three major parts of the water cycle.

18. Large, deep pockets of water underground.

19. Characteristics of large scale and small scale maps.

20. What does the global grid consist of? What do you use to find an absolute location?

21. What is the difference between a political map and physical map?

22. Describe Sense of Place and Perception of place.


Answer:380 miles south of Ghana and 670 miles west of Gabon


does a siphon work in vaccume​



The functioning of siphon is based on the atmospheric pressure.If there is vaccum, i.e., there is no atmospheric pressure, then there is no force on the liquid that can push the liquid into the siphon and siphon does not work.


No it doesn't work in vaccum

How does deforestation affect the amount of water in rivers and the air we breathe?



Internet Answer- Deforestation has an effect on global air quality because trees release water vapor into the air which affects atmospheric temperatures and other crucial elements that keep this earth of ours ticking over nicely... This inevitably results in all of us breathing dirtier and more polluted air than we otherwise would.

If you have a prehistoric tooth, how can you use carbon dating to determine its age?


sorry I didn't understand that.


btw just for earning points


by determing the amount of carbon 14 is in the sample.. then you can accurately determine its age.

Find the absolute value.
|6+2| =



{8 and - 8}

Hope the helps!

Answer: 8

You just have to add the values and then apply the abolute value which makes it so the answer has to be positive!

what is the distribution of power in legislative branch and executive branch in parliamentary and presidential governments



Defining characteristics of the parliamentary system are the supremacy of the legislative branch within the three functions of government—executive, legislative, and judicial—and blurring or merging of the executive and legislative functions. The legislative function is conducted through a unicameral (one-chamber) or bicameral (two-chamber) parliament composed of members accountable to the people they represent. A prime minister and the ministers of several executive departments of the government primarily carry out the executive function.

define the plate tectonics​



What is a tectonic plate?

A tectonic plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. Plate size can vary greatly, from a few hundred to thousands of kilometers across; the Pacific and Antarctic Plates are among the largest. Plate thickness also varies greatly, ranging from less than 15 km for young oceanic lithosphere to about 200 km or more for ancient continental lithosphere (for example, the interior parts of North and South America).

How do these massive slabs of solid rock float despite their tremendous weight? The answer lies in the composition of the rocks. Continental crust is composed of granitic rocks which are made up of relatively lightweight minerals such as quartz and feldspar. By contrast, oceanic crust is composed of basaltic rocks, which are much denser and heavier. The variations in plate thickness are nature's way of partly compensating for the imbalance in the weight and density of the two types of crust. Because continental rocks are much lighter, the crust under the continents is much thicker (as much as 100 km) whereas the crust under the oceans is generally only about 5 km thick. Like icebergs, only the tips of which are visible above water, continents have deep "roots" to support their elevations.

Most of the boundaries between individual plates cannot be seen, because they are hidden beneath the oceans. Yet oceanic plate boundaries can be mapped accurately from outer space by measurements from GEOSAT satellites. Earthquake and volcanic activity is concentrated near these boundaries. Tectonic plates probably developed very early in the Earth's 4.6-billion-year history, and they have been drifting about on the surface ever since-like slow-moving bumper cars repeatedly clustering together and then separating.

Like many features on the Earth's surface, plates change over time. Those composed partly or entirely of oceanic lithosphere can sink under another plate, usually a lighter, mostly continental plate, and eventually disappear completely. This process is happening now off the coast of Oregon and Washington. The small Juan de Fuca Plate, a remnant of the formerly much larger oceanic Farallon Plate, will someday be entirely consumed as it continues to sink beneath the North American Plate.

Hope it helps

6. The relationship between a law and a theory is (2 points)

1 laws are based on complex theories.
2 laws become theories.
3 theories all become laws.
4 theories never become laws. theories can become laws.​



am not sure of what to choose from these options above so i maybe helped a explaining a bit


A law predicts what happens while a theory proposes why. A theory doesn't become a law with even enough explanation. A law is the description of an observed phenomenon. It doesn't explain why the phenomenon exists or what causes it. The explanation of a phenomenon is called a theory. It is a misconception that theories turn into laws. theories are theories and laws are laws

Although the scientific method is used by most of the sciences, it can also be applied to everyday situations. Think about a problem that you may have at home, at school, or with your car, and apply the scientific method to solve it. 2



1. Why does my car not start?

2. If I put gas in my car, will it start

3. First I will call my friend and ask for a ride to the gas station to get gas. I will take five gallon  gas can and fill it with 5 gallons of gas. I will get a ride back to my car and fill it with the 5 gallons of gas.  Then I will try to start my car.

4. The car started of the first try

5. The car was out of gas.


The car won't start because of low fuel. Prediction: When the car won't start, it will eventually run out of gas.

Modern civilization has been established thanks to science and technology. Almost every area of our everyday lives has benefited immensely from this growth. People then have the opportunity to take pleasure in these outcomes, which make our life more calming and enjoyable.

What is the importance of science in our daily life essay?

Our daily lives are significantly influenced by science. It has improved the comfort and ease of our lives. Science is nothing more than a methodical approach to learning and life. Science and scientific study were created as a result of man's innate curiosity, alertness, and close observation of changes in the natural world.

A conclusion is a claim supported by data from experiments and observations. It includes a summary of the findings, a determination of whether the hypothesis was supported, the importance of the study, and suggestions for further investigation.

Learn more about Scientific methods here:


Nepalese farmers complain that there is more pain and less gain in their occupation. what are the reason behind this and what could be the possible ways to solve these problem​



Poverty, illiteracy, lack of education, bad goverence, etc are the reason behind this and possible ways to solve them are running awareness programs, god goverence, opportunities should be given, education related to farming, etc should be done.

Which Native American group is native to Canada and Alaska?





Inuit are the descendants of what anthropologists call the Thule people, who emerged from western Alaska around 1000 AD. They had split from the related Aleut group about 4000 years ago and from northeastern Siberian migrants. They spread eastwards across the Arctic.




There are 3 major Indian tribes in Alaska, the largest tribe with some 12,000 members in the Athabascan. They live in Interior Alaska and canada, in arguably the harshest environment in the state. In the South central coast near Juneau and off shore islands live the Tlingit tribe with some 10,000 members. Also the Canadian constitution recognizes 3 groups of Aboriginial peoples: Indians (more commonly referred to as First Natives), Inuit and Metis.

the sculpting of the Earth's topography as they carry huge quantities of water from the land to the ____________.


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

The topography of the Earth is all of the unique changes in landscape with the different formations, elevation changes, etc.

It appears that this question is talking about rivers because it mentions something that carries huge amounts of water. Rivers are a principal factor in the sculpting of the Earth's surface as water can erode rocks and transport the sediments to other locations.

Rivers take water and transport to the sea. The sea is basically the ending point of the rivers as there is no where else for it to go. It is at the lowest elevation, so the rivers can't really flow anywhere else now.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

How should we utilise the landform of Nepal for economic progress of the Nation? Suggest any seven point​



hope this helps


Answer: The Himalayan region can be promoted for tourism. Crops like wheat, millet, and corn can be grown in the hill region which is mostly covered with dense forests and rice, and sugar cane can be grown in the Terai region. This way Nepal can utilize its diversity of areas and be economically stable country.

outline five reasons for industrial localisation​



Climatic Conditions

Nearness to Raw Materials

Nearness to Sources of power

Nearness to Markets

Adequate and Trained Labor


name the land marks that you or know about​


Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China, Eiffel tower, The great pyramid of Giza, Sphinx, leaning tower of Pisa.

I WILL MAKE U THE BRAINLEST This body of water borders North America's eastern coast:

Hudson Bay

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Bering sea




Answer: Atlantic Ocean

Explanation: happy to help:) can i still get brainlest???

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