Please help fast
All four referenced Greek thinkers: Democritus, Aristotle, Archimedes, and Anaxagoras, observed Nature and argued for his theory of
the composition of matter and natural laws. Only one of them tested his hypothesis and proposed a natural laws based on reproducible
observations, controlled experiments, and mathematical reasoning. All others used logic and thought experiments, as philosophers do,
to support their theories. Who is the experimental scientist in this group?
O Democritus
O Aristotle
O Archimedes
O Anaxagoras


Answer 1


Anaxagoras was perhaps the first literate person to attempt to explain physical phenomena rationally, basing his ideas upon careful observations and simple experiments. This is fundamental to modern science and is the sine qua non of environmental study.

Related Questions

Heating water makes most solids in it

soluble, and it makes gases


Increasing the pressure on a gas above water makes the gas

soluble. Compounds with comparatively stronger ionic bonds are




1. more

2. less

3. more

4. less


Which is a statement of cell theory? All cells are made up of living molecules. All plants are made of cells. All animals are made of cells. All cells are produced from other cells.



all cells are produced from other preexisting cells through cell division

A reactant. Q. decomposes at a second order. The slope of the graph 1/[Q] (1/M) vs time (s) is -0.04556. If the initial
concentration of Q for the reaction is 0.50 M, what is the concentration in M. of Q after 10.0 minutes?



0.034 M


1/[A] = kt + 1/[A]o

[A] = ?

k= 0.04556

t= 10.0 minutes or 600 seconds

[A]o = 0.50 M

1/[A] = (0.04556 × 600) + 1/0.50

[A] = 0.034 M

8. Build a neutral lithium atom.
Now, what must you do to make the lithium atom's charge change to +1?
Hint: Lithium is atomic number 3.
Add 2 electrons
Remove 1 electron
Add 1 electron
Add 1 proton



Remove 1 electron


In the atom of each element, there are three subatomic particles viz: proton, neutron and electron. The number of proton (positively charged) and electron (negatively charged) determines the charge of that element. The more the proton, the more positively charged an ion is and vice versa for electron.

According to this question, a neutral atom of lithium (Li) with atomic no. 3 is given i.e. a lithium atom with charge 0. To make the lithium atom's charge change to +1, ONE ELECTRON MUST BE REMOVED OR LOST.

Note that, the proton number (atomic number) of an element does not change, rather the electron number changes in relation to the no. of protons.

Which of the following statements is correct concerning the class of reactions to be expected for benzene and cyclooctatetraene?
A) Both substances undergo addition reactions.
B) Both substances undergo substitution reactions.
C) Benzene undergoes addition; cyclooctatetraene undergoes substitution.
D) Benzene undergoes substitution; cyclooctatetraene undergoes addition.



Both substances undergo substitution reactions.


Let us go back to the idea of aromaticity. Aromatic substances are said to possess (4n + 2) π electrons according to Huckel rule.

Aromatic substances are unusually stable and the aromatic ring can not be destroyed by addition reactions.

Since both benzene and cyclooctatetraene are both aromatic, they do not undergo addition reactions whereby the aromatic ring is destroyed. They both undergo substitution reaction in which the aromatic ring is maintained.

Balance the following reaction:

_______ CO₂ + _______ H₂O + heat ↔ _______ C₆H₁₂O₆ + _______ O₂

Please explain!
*Note: If any of the coefficients are the number one. Please, write "1" in the space. Thanks!



6CO2+6H2O+heat" C6H12O6+6O2

the best way to balance a chemical reaction is to start with balancing the hydrogen followed by the other elements then lastly in this case if you put a 6 in front of carbon dioxide,water and oxygen you will definitely balance it.cause at the first side you have 6 carbons similar to the product,12 oxygen similar to the product and 18 oxygen similar to the products.

I hope this helps



I saw this after answering your other question on the same reaction.

To balance the chemical reaction, look at the reactants and products. As O is part of both products, focus on C and H instead.

On the products side, 1 C6H12O6 has 6 C and 12 H. So that requires the same numbers of C and H on the reactant side because of mass conservation.

That gives 6 CO2 and 6 H2O as the reactants. Counting the number of O in the reactants, there are 6*2 + 6 = 18 O. Subtracting the 6 O in C6H12O6, that leaves 12 O so there are 12/2 = 6 O2 in the products.

Combining the numbers above, the balanced equation is:

___6___ CO₂ + ___6___ H₂O + heat ↔ ___1___ C₆H₁₂O₆ + ___6___ O₂

17. According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in what kind of
motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero?
A. slowing motion in a straight line
B. accelerating motion in a straight line
C. constant motion in a straight line
D. constant motion in an unpredictable direction





According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The option which gives the same meaning is :

constant motion in a straight line

According to Newton's first law, an object in motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero will stay in:

C. constant motion in a straight line

A constant motion in mechanics is a number that remains constant throughout the motion, effectively placing a restriction on the motion.

What is Newton's first law of motion?The foundation of classical mechanics is made up of the three laws of motion that Newton suggested. These three physical laws. In accordance with the three laws of motion, a body's connection to the forces operating on it and the motion that resulted from those forces are both described. As Galileo's law of inertia, Newton's First Law of Motion is also referred to. If a body is not forced by an outside force to change its condition, it will remain in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line. As a factor that has the potential to alter an object's condition, the law defines force and mentions it.In this way, Newton uses the inertia of rest, motion, and direction to describe his first law of motion.A body has an attribute called inertia that makes it resist changes to its state. A body's inertia of translational motion is measured by its mass.

To learn more about Newton's first law of motion, refer to:


Find the volume occupied by 128g of SO2.​


The volume occupied by the given amount of sulfur dioxide will be 84 L.

please show working my dear citizen

Compared to an atom of C-12, an atom of C-14 has
A) fewer protons
C) more neutrons
B) fewer neutrons
D) more protons



Carbon-12 atoms have stable nuclei because of the 1:1 ratio of protons and neutrons.

Carbon-14 atoms have nuclei which are unstable. C-14 atoms will undergo alpha decay and produce atoms of N-14. Carbon-14 dating can be used to determine the age of artifacts which are not more than 50,000 years old.

pls help!!! How can you prove the pennies are made of different material aside from cutting them in half?



Most of our coins are metal sandwiches. The outside layers are three-quarters copper and one-quarter nickel, and the "filling" is solid copper. Pennies are made of zinc coated with copper. Only nickels are one solid material—that same 75% copper/25% nickel alloy


11. How many oxygen atoms are there in one formula unit of Ca2+?



NO3 has 3 atoms of oxygen in it per molecule (indicated by the subscript of 3) and (NO3)2 means you have 2 NO3 molecules, meaning you double the subscript to get 6 oxygen atoms.


What is the purpose of the periotic table?



The periodic table was first designed by Mendeleev. It is designed to systematically categorise elements according to atomic number, electron configuration and recurring chemical properties. This allows identification of elements through their characteristics simply by analysing its position on the table.

Congratulations! You are now the head biologist at the local "Cells and Bells" research lab! It has come to other cell biologists' attention recently that some cells are too small to contain all of the organelles inside of them. They decide that it's best to get rid of an organelle, but they're not sure which one. In the first process of this decision, they need to know "which organelle is the most important?"

Your job, as the head cell biologist, is to decide which organelle the cell cannot live without.

Write a research paper (intro, body, and conclusion) on which organelle is the most important and why.


The answer seems to be 27

Which of the following is an example of a scientific theory?
Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
Force equals mass times acceleration.
Matter behaves the way it does because it is made of atoms.
There is probably life on Mars.

C. Matter behaves the way it does because it is made of atoms.



Matter can neither be created nor destroyed


Mark me. as brainliest

How do the particles in plasmas compare with
the particles in solids?
O Plasmas and solids are both made up of cation-anion pairs.
• Solids and plasmas are both made up of electrons and cations.
Solids are made up of cation-anion pairs, but plasmas are not.
O Plasmas are made up of cation-anion pairs, but solids are not.



Solids are made up of cation-anion pairs, but plasmas are not


Solid is made from cautions and anions while the plasma is not and hence both are made from the cautions and anion plasma. Solids and plasma is made from electrons and solids are made from caution and anion pairs. Plasma is a good conductor of electricity as they have a lot of mobile charged particles.

According to an informal 1992 survey, the drinking water in about one-third of the homes in Chicago had lead levels of about 10 ppb. Dr. Koether lived in Chicago from 1996 to 1998. Assuming she drank 1.4 L of water a day, calculate the total amount of lead in mg (using one decimal place) that she was exposed to over the two years if she lived in a home that had such high levels of lead.



10.2 mg


Step 1: Calculate the total amount of water she drank

1 year has 365 days and she lived in Chicago for 2 years = 2 × 365 days = 730 days.

If she drank 1.4 L of water per day, the total amount of water she drank is:

730 day × 1.4 L/day = 1022 L

Step 2: Calculate the amount of Pb in 1022 L of water

The concentration of Pb is 10 ppb (10 μg/L).

1022 L × 10 μg/L = 10220 μg

Step 3: Convert 10220 μg to milligrams

We will use the conversion factor 1 mg = 1000 μg.

10220 μg × 1 mg/1000 μg = 10.2 mg

When a chemical changes from the solid phase to the gas phase, this is an example of What chemical property?





solid => liquid   Melting

liquid => solid   freezing

liquid => gas     evaporation

gas => liquid     condensation

solid => gas      sublimation

gas => solid      deposition (e.g.; formation of frost), however some scholars will also refer to this process as sublimation.

In water, a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called a



please mark me brainliest


In water, a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called a weak electrolyte.

Answer: strong electrolyte.

Explanation: In water, a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called a. a. weak electrolyte.

The correct geometry around oxygen in CH3OCH3 is
(a). linear. (b). bent. C). tetrahedral/(a). trigonal planar​



the force of the lone pairs from the bottom would cancel out the force of the lone pairs from the top. Thus, the molecule will be linear.

A functional group introduces heteroatoms into a carbon chain to increase


chain length.

molecular mass.






here you go for the answer

which of the following measurements is equivalent to 5.461x10^-7m?



B. 0.0000005461m

I used the method of moving the decimal.

convert 14.72 kg to ____ mg





1 kg = 1000000 mg

14.72 kg = 14.72 x 1000000


Please Mark me brainliest

What functional group is found in an alcohol?
A. Ester
B. Amino
C. Carbonyl
D. Hydroxyl ​



an alcohol is a Hydroxyl group due to the OH~ that is associated with it's molecules

The functional group found in an alcohol is Hydroxyl . Therefore, the correct option is option D.

What is functional group?

A functional group in organic chemistry is a substituent and moiety inside a molecule that triggers the molecule's distinctive chemical processes. No matter how the rest of a molecule is made up, the very same functional group would experience the same or a similar set of chemical events.

This permits the design of synthetic chemistry as well as the methodical forecasting of chemical reactions as well as the behaviour of chemical molecules. Other functional groups close by can affect a functional group's reactivity. Retrosynthetic analysis can be used to design organic synthesis by using functional group interconversion. The functional group found in an alcohol is Hydroxyl .

Therefore, the correct option is option D.

To know more about functional group, here:


A sample of gas occupies 10.0 L at 240°C under a pressure of
80.0 kPa. At what temperature would the gas occupy 20.0 L if
we increased the pressure to 107 kPa?


Answer: 1090°C

Explanation: According to combined gas laws

(P1 × V1) ÷ T1 = (P2 × V2) ÷ T2

where P1 = initial pressure of gas = 80.0 kPa

V1 = initial volume of gas = 10.0 L

T1 = initial temperature of gas = 240 °C = (240 + 273) K = 513 K

P2 = final pressure of gas = 107 kPa

V2 = final volume of gas = 20.0 L

T2 = final temperature of gas

Substituting the values,

(80.0 kPa × 10.0 L) ÷ (513 K) = (107 kPa × 20.0 L) ÷ T2

T2 = 513 K × (107 kPa ÷80.0 kPa) × (20.0 L ÷ 10.0 L)

T2 = 513 K × (1.3375) × (2)

T2 = 1372.275 K

T2 = (1372.275 - 273) °C

T2 = 1099 °C

1090 degree Celsius

hope it helps

what substances will make salt when combined?
vinegar and soda
soda and wine
detergent and ammonia
fertilizer and vinegar



vinegr and soda ..................



acid + base = salt

so the answer is vinegar and soda


hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a good day

What is the correct IUPAC name for Ir(NO₂)₄




The correct IUPAC name of the Ir(NO₂)₄ compound is Iridium(IV)Nitrite.

What is the IUPAC name?

Whether it's in a continuous chain or just a ring, the largest chain of carbons joined by a single bond serves as the basis for IUPAC nomenclature.

What is a compound?

A chemical compound would seem to be a substance that contains numerous similar molecules made of atoms from different elements joined by chemical bonds.

The given compound is Ir(NO₂)₄. It can be seen that 4 nitro group is attached with Ir and its coordination number is 4. Hence, the IUPAC name will be Iridium(IV)Nitrite.

To know more about  IUPAC nomenclature.


Sodium chloride
Magnesium chloride
Calcium oxide
Lithium phosphide
Aluminum sulfide
Calcium nitride
Zinc oxide
Silver sulfide
Potassium carbonate
Sodium nitrate
Calcium bicarbonate
Aluminum hydroxide
Lithium phosphate
Potassium sulfate



NaCl, Na⁺,Cl⁻.

MgCl₂, Mg²⁺, Cl⁻.

CaO, Ca²⁺, O²⁻.

Li₃P, Li⁺, P³⁻.

Al₂S₃, Al³⁺, S²⁻.

Ca₃N₂, Ca²⁺, N³⁻.

FeCl₃, Fe³⁺, Cl⁻.

FeO, Fe²⁺, O²⁻.

Cu₂S, Cu⁺, S²⁻.

Cu₃N₂, Cu²⁺, N³⁻.

ZnO, Zn²⁺, O²⁻.

Ag₂S, Ag⁺, S²⁻.

K₂CO₃, K⁺, CO₃²⁻.

NaNO₃, Na⁺, NO₃⁻.

Ca(HCO₃)₂, Ca²⁺, HCO₃⁻.

Al(OH)₃, Al³⁺,OH⁻.

Li₃PO₄, Li⁺, PO₄³⁻.

K₂SO₄, K⁺, SO₄²⁻.


Sodium chloride. NaCl, formed by the cation Na⁺ and the anion Cl⁻.

Magnesium chloride. MgCl₂, formed by the cation Mg²⁺ and the anion Cl⁻.

Calcium oxide. CaO, formed by the cation Ca²⁺ and the anion O²⁻.

Lithium phosphide. Li₃P, formed by the cation Li⁺ and the anion P³⁻.

Aluminum sulfide. Al₂S₃, formed by the cation Al³⁺ and the anion S²⁻.

Calcium nitride. Ca₃N₂, formed by the cation Ca²⁺ and the anion N³⁻.

Iron(III)chloride. FeCl₃, formed by the cation Fe³⁺ and the anion Cl⁻.

Iron(II)oxide. FeO, formed by the cation Fe²⁺ and the anion O²⁻.

Copper(I)sulfide. Cu₂S, formed by the cation Cu⁺ and the anion S²⁻.

Copper(II)nitride. Cu₃N₂, formed by the cation Cu²⁺ and the anion N³⁻.

Zinc oxide. ZnO, formed by the cation Zn²⁺ and the anion O²⁻.

Silver sulfide. Ag₂S, formed by the cation Ag⁺ and the anion S²⁻.

Potassium carbonate. K₂CO₃, formed by the cation K⁺ and the anion CO₃²⁻.

Sodium nitrate. NaNO₃, formed by the cation Na⁺ and the anion NO₃⁻.

Calcium bicarbonate. Ca(HCO₃)₂, formed by the cation Ca²⁺ and the anion HCO₃⁻.

Aluminum hydroxide. Al(OH)₃, formed by the cation Al³⁺ and the anion OH⁻.

Lithium phosphate. Li₃PO₄, formed by the cation Li⁺ and the anion PO₄³⁻.

Potassium sulfate. K₂SO₄, formed by the cation K⁺ and the anion SO₄²⁻.

How does the number of molecules in one mole of carbon dioxide compare with the number of molecules in one mole of water?
There are four times as many molecules in one mole of carbon dioxide as there are in one mole of water.
There are twice as many molecules in one mole of carbon dioxide as there are in one mole of water.
There are three times as many molecules in one mole of carbon dioxide as there are in one mole of water.
There are the same number of molecules in one mole of carbon dioxide as there are in one mole of water.





balance equation of aluminium chloride+ hydrogen​


[tex]\boxed{\sf {AlCl_3\atop Aluminium\:Chloride}+{H_2\atop Hydrogen}\longrightarrow {Al\atop Aluminium}+{HCl\atop Hydrochloric\:acid}}[/tex]

Balanced Equation:-

[tex]\boxed{\sf {2AlCl_3\atop Aluminium\:Chloride}+{3H_2\atop Hydrogen}\longrightarrow {2Al\atop Aluminium}+{6HCl\atop Hydrochloric\:acid}}[/tex]

3. HNO3 + NaHCO3 → NaNO3 + H2O + CO2
4. AgNO3 +CaCl2 → AgCl + Ca(NO3)2
5. 3 H2(g) + N2(g) → 2 NH3(g)
6. 2 H202 → 2 H2O + O2
Write word equation and type of reaction



hydrogen nitrate + sodium hydrochlorate- sodium nitrate+ water + co2 (acid base reaction)

silver nitrate + calcium chloride - silver chloride+ calcium nitrate ( double displacement reaction)

hydrogen + nitrogen - ammonia gas ( simple contact reaction)

hydrogen peroxide - water + oxygen ( single displacement reaction)

Hope it helps :)

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