Please help!! I am literally in tears!!
Consider the function, y = - 13x +52. Find the inverse of the function by solving it for
x. Then, use the inverse to find a value of y such that x = 182.


Answer 1


The customary method of finding the inverse is some variant of the method I'm going to use below. Whatever method you use, make sure you do the exact same steps in the exact same order every time, so you remember those steps when you get to the test.

Find the inverse of y = 3x – 2.

Here's how the process works:

Here's my original function:  

y = 3x - 2

Now I'll try to solve for "x =":  

y + 2 = 3x

(y + 2)/3 = x

Once I have " x =", I'll switch x and y; the "y =" is the inverse.  

y = (x + 2)/3

Then the inverse is y = (x + 2) / 3

If you need to find the domain and range, look at the original function and its graph. The domain of the original function is the set of all allowable x-values; in this case, the function was a simple polynomial, so the domain was "all real numbers". The range of the original function is all the y-values you'll pass on the graph; in this case, the straight line goes on for ever in either direction, so the range is also "all real numbers". To find the domain and range of the inverse, just swap the domain and range from the original function.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Grant is a member of a book club. He pays a $10 yearly membership fee and can purchase books through the club for $2.75 each. His total annual cost is a function of the number of books that he purchases in a year. Let b represent the number of books he purchases in a year. Which function, C(b), represents his yearly cost


C(b) = 2.75b + 10

This is based of the f(x) = mx + b formula, where m is the slope, x is the variable (or input) and b is the y intercept. In this circumstance the slope is 2.75, so we change m for 2.75. The variable is the amount of books so we change it for b (like it says in the word problem), and and 10 is the starting cost, so it’s the y intercept, so we change b for 10.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Please help out will give brainliest to the first person



b = 74

Step-by-step explanation:

The exterior angle is equal to the sum of the opposite interior angles in a triangle

b-44 + b+18 = b+48

2b-26 = b+48

Subtract b from each side

2b-b-26 =b+48-b

b-26 = 48

Add 26 to each side

b-26+26 = 48+26

b =74

9 Alicia has a bag that contains 12 apples.
Estimate the mass of the bag of apples.
Give your answer in kilograms.



The key here is estimate, you don't need exact values or more information for this problem. First estimate the mass of an average apple. A quick online search reveals that the mass of an average apple is approximately 100 grams. Multiply by 12 for the bag and convert to whatever units you're asked to express your answer in.

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:






Q) 20-(+20)-(-65)-(-12) = ?

→ 20-(+20)-(-65)-(-12)

→ 20 - 20 + 65 + 12

→ {20 - 20} + {65 + 12}

→ 0 + 77

→ 77 is required solution.

The melting point of mercury is about 1/4 of the melting point of krypton. The melting point of mercury is -39c. Write and solve an equation to find the melting point of krypton.




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] of krypton melting point is mercury melting point

[tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex](k) = -39

k = -39(4)

k = -156c

2) How much tax should be paid by a person having annual income RS 240.000?​



What is the Existing / Old tax regime?

Income Range Tax rate Tax to be paid

Up to Rs.2,50,000 0 No tax

Between Rs 2.5 lakhs and Rs 5 lakhs 5% 5% of your taxable income

Between Rs 5 lakhs and Rs 10 lakhs 20% Rs 12,500+ 20% of income above Rs 5 lakhs

Above 10 lakhs 30% Rs 1,12,500+ 30% of income above Rs 10 lakhs

The graph of a logarithmic function IS shown below.

What is the domain of the function?
D. All real numbers



Step-by-step explanation:

The domain includes all the "allowed" x values. Looking at the graph, it appears to start a tiny tiny bit to the right of 0, so it doesn't include 0. It also does not go to the left of 0. Therefore, the domain of the graph is x > 0

Find the slope of the line




Step-by-step explanation:

y = -1

-1 because that's where the point is on the y-axis.

Choose the model that represents the same function as the values in the table.

x r(x)
-4 -4
2 8
5 14
7 18


X -> times 2 -> plus 4 -> r(x)

Step-by-step explanation:

-4=x -4=r(x) -4 x 2=-8 -8+4=-4


If on imagine math then its on the picture, have a nice day!

Step-by-step explanation:

please help me (geometry)



x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, the corresponding angles are equal.

8x +2 = 7x + 9

Subtract 2 from both sides

8x = 7x + 9 - 2

8x = 7x + 7

Subtract 7x from both sides

8x - 7x = 7

x = 7



Step-by-step explanation:

The 2 given angles are vertical to each other, so that means they are equal to each other.

To solve, set up an equation:


Solve by isolating the variable. [Subtract and divide]



Multiply both sides by -1 to get rid of the negative sign.


I hope this helps!

Plz help!! I need it ASAP



you save $500 for 7 years at 6% compounding continuously

what is the final value...

A = $500 [tex]e^{.06(7)}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Suggest a fundamentally and conceptually different way that is always under the control of the researcher of making the margin of error smaller.


Step-by-step explanation:

First, we may wonder, what does the term margin of error mean? Put simply, the margin of error is a measure of the degree to which research results do not reflect the views of the total studied population. In other words, it tells readers how much confidence they should have in the results presented.

It has often been suggested that a fundamentally and conceptually effective way that is always under the control of the researcher of making the margin of error smaller is to increase the sample size of the research. This basically involves collecting more sample data which thus leads to a closer estimate of the view of the entire population.





Step-by-step explanation:

-3*-1=3, 4*4=16



Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply both the numerators (top number) and denominators (bottom numbers) together

-3 x -1 = 3....bc negative times negative always equals positive

4 x 4 = 16

Segment AB is completely rotated about the y-axis to form a 3-D figure. Find the volume of the figure. The
length of AB is 6.



The volume of the figure is 905 cubic units.

Step-by-step explanation:

Rotation is a method of solid transformation which involve turning a given line, or object about a reference point. In the given question, rotating segment AB completely about the y-axis would form a 3 dimensional figure of a sphere.

volume of a sphere = [tex]\frac{4}{3}[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{3}[/tex]

where r is the radius of the sphere.

Given that AB = 6, then the radius of the sphere = 6

volume of sphere = [tex]\frac{4}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x [tex](6)^{3}[/tex]

                              = [tex]\frac{88}{21}[/tex] x 216

                              = 905.14

volume of sphere = 905 cubic units

The volume of the figure is 905 cubic units.

Please help pleaseeee




Step-by-step explanation:

We first need to find out how many square yards are vacuumed every one minute.

Let's set up a chart:

yards        minutes

8/11      -->    3/4

y          -->     1

Here, y is the number of yards it takes to vacuum in one minute. Next, we can use cross-multiplication to find out y.

1. Multiply 1 by 8/11 to get... 8/11

2. Multiply 3/4 by y to get... 3/4y

3. Equate them: 8/11 = 3/4y

4. Divide both sides of the equation by 3/4 OR multiply both sides of the equation by 4/3 to isolate y, the variable

5. This gives us 32/33 = y

If ABC ~ AMN and am=6, mb=4 an= 8 then what is the value of nc


It gonna be 10 boss

Solve for x.
10x – 79 = 2x + 49
x = [?]



[tex]x = 16[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Add 79 to both sides

[tex]10x - 79 + 79 = 2x + 49 + 79[/tex]

[tex]10x = 2x + 128[/tex]

Step 2:  Subtract 2x from both sides

[tex]10x - 2x = 2x - 2x + 128[/tex]

[tex]8x = 128[/tex]

Step 3:  Divide 8 from both sides

[tex]\frac{8x}{8} = \frac{128}{8}[/tex]

[tex]x = 16[/tex]

Answer:  [tex]x = 16[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:


Need help on this!!! 6 points!!!



it appears to be  FALSE....

f(g(x) = 3(13-2x) -7 = 39 - 6x - 7 = 32 - 6x

h(32-5x) = 6(32-6x)

= 192 - 36x

Step-by-step explanation:

If A=(0,0) and B=(8,2), what is the length of AB



[tex]\boxed{\sf Distance_{AB}= 8.24 \ units }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Here two points are given to us and we need to find the distance between the two points . The given points are , A(0,0) and B(8,2) . The distance between the two points can be found out using the Distance Formula , which is ,

Distance Formula:-

[tex]\sf\implies \green{ Distance =\sqrt{ (x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}}[/tex]

Therefore on substituting the respective values ,we can find the Distance as ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow Distance = \sqrt{ ( 0 - 8)^2 + (0-2)^2} [/tex]

Simplify the brackets ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow Distance =\sqrt{ (-8)^2+(-2)^2}[/tex]

Square the numbers inside the squareroot ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow Distance =\sqrt{ 64 + 4} [/tex]

Add the numbers inside the squareroot ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow Distance = \sqrt{68} [/tex]

Find the value of squareroot,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \boxed{\blue{\sf Distance = 8.24 \ units }}[/tex]

Hence the distance between the two points is 8.24 units .

please someone help me! A farmer builds a fence to enclose a rectangular pasture, he uses 160 feet of fence. Find the total area of the area pasture if it is 50 feet long.



Area= 2000 feet^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Know how to find the perimeter and the area of a rectangle


perimeter= 2*length + 2*width

Draw a rectangle

The question states that the pasture is 50 feet long

So the length of the rectangle pasture should be 50. We can label the 2 lengths of the rectangle to be 50 feet long

Since the farmer only has 160 feet of fence, we can say that because the pasture is a rectangle, we can label the width as 40 because 2*50+2*40=160

Now that we know the length and width, we can find the area by multiplying those 2 values together to get 2000

Tyrell bought 6 video games this summer. Each game cost 27 dollars. If Tyrell had 379 dollars left after he bought the video games, how much money did he start with?


Taking into account the total amount of money spent on the games and the money that Tyrell had left after he bought the video games, Tyrell started with $541.

Total amount of money

First you must know the total amount of money spent on the games. For that Tyrell bought 6 video games this summer and each game cost 27 dollars.

So to calculate the amount spent, the number of games purchased must be multiplied by the price of each one:

6 video games* 27 dollars each game= 162 dollars

So Tyrell spends 162 dollars.

Money left over after buying the video games.

On the other hand, you know that Tyrell had 379 dollars left after he bought the video games.

This indicates that after spending $ 162 on video games, there were $ 379 left over.

Money he started with.

To know the amount of money that Tyrell had, you must add the amount spent on games and the money that was left over:

162 dollars + 379 dollars= 541 dollars

So, Tyrell started with $541.

Learn more with this similar examples:

Tyrell started with 541 $

There are two actions in the question.

First Tyrell bought 6 video games, each game cost 27 $.


According to that Tyrell spent

6 * 27 = 162 $


The second fact is that after shopping Tyrell keeps 379 $.

If Tyrell spent 162 $ and still keeps 379 $, that means that the total amount of money Tyrell had is the sum of the money he spent plus the money he has

Now if we call "x" the quantity of money Tyrrel started with: Then

x  =  the money Tyrell spent on video games  plus the remaining 379 $


x  =  162  + 379

x = 541 $

which quadratic function has zeros of -4 and 7


Thank You! Hope it helps! Please mark me brainliest!

A DEF has vertices D(-5,-1), E (3, 3), and F (1,-5). Find the equation of the altitude through F in
slope-intercept form.



y = -2x -3

Step-by-step explanation:

- the altitude trough F is a perpendicular line to the line DE

- find slope of line DE

D ( x2 = -5, y2 = -1); E (x1 = 3, y1 = 3)

slope m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1) = (-1-3) / (-5-3) = -4/ -8 = 1/2

-find equation of the altitude trough F

lines that are perpendicular have the slope negative reciprocal (negative reciprocal of 1/2 is -2)

y= -2x +b , for point F(1, -5)

-5 = -2*1 +b, add 2 to both sides

-5 +2 = b, combine like terms

-3 =b

equation of the altitude trough F is y = -2x -3

what is the greatest common monomial factor?​



To find the greatest common factor of two monomials, first find the prime factorization of each monomial, including all the variables (and a – 1 factor if necessary). Then take the product of all common factors. First, find the prime factorization of each monomial. So, the GCF is 3p2r3 .

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

He needs to buy 6 items

6 bags of chips

6*2.25= $13.5 so not possible

6 candy bars

6*1.5= $9 so possible

These statements knock out B and C because the dark gray needs to be able to include 6 on the y-axis to show that he could buy 6 candy bars leaving D and A. However, in D it shows that he could actually buy more than 6 candy bars and buy 8 which leaves him with 0 dollars left



Step-by-step explanation:

help with #5 please!!!!!


Answer:  Choice A


Notice how the numerators (2,4,6,8) are multiples of 2. So we can say that they are of the form 2k, where k is a whole number from 1 to 4.

If k = 1, then 2k = 2*1 = 2

If k = 2, then 2k = 2*2 = 4

and so on until we reach k = 4 and 2k = 8.

Similarly, the denominators are also multiples of 2. We shift things 1 spot to the right. So we start with 4 instead of 2. So we need to add on 2

If k = 1, then 2k+2 = 2*1+2 = 4

If k = 2, then 2k+2 = 2*2+2 = 6

and so on.

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{4}\frac{2k}{2k+2} = \frac{2}{4}+\frac{4}{6}+\frac{6}{8}+\frac{8}{10}[/tex]

Need helppppp asapppppppppp


Answer:  Choice A

x = 19, RZ = 49, and RT = 98


How to get that answer:

Z is the midpoint of RT. This midpoint splits segment RT into two equal pieces RZ and ZT


4x-27 = 49

4x = 49+27

4x = 76

x = 76/4

x = 19

So far, we can see that the answer is either choice A or choice D.


If x = 19, then

RZ = 4x-27

RZ = 4*19-27

RZ = 76 - 27

RZ = 49

Which points us to Choice A as the final answer


We could skip the second section entirely because we initially set RZ equal to ZT, and ZT was 49. However, I showed that section to help confirm that we had the correct x value.


RT = RZ + ZT

RT = 49 + 49

RT = 98

Willing to give brainliest to the best answer! Please show your work! Need help with these 3 problems ASAP!






Step-by-step explanation:

3:30 + 1 hour = 4:30

4:30 + 35 mins = 5:05 pm

5 days per 1 gallon, 30 days for :

30/5 = 6

500/50 = 10

mr. Patel travelled from Delhi to Mumbai by road in his car. a). If he travelled in his car 770 km over 22 days, then how many kilometres did he travel in one day?b). A litre of petrol takes Mr Patel’s car a distance of 14 km. How many litres would he need to go 840 km?C). Mr Patel is carrying 326 boxes of sweets in the boot of his car. If each box contains 25 sweets, how many sweets are there in his car?



a. 35 Kilometres.

b. 60 litres.

c. 8150 sweets.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following data;

Distance traveled = 770 kmNumber of days = 22 days

a. To find how many kilometres he traveled in one day;

770 km = 22 days

X km = 1 day

Cross-multiplying, we have;

22X = 770

X = 770/22

X = 35 Kilometres.

b. To find how many litres he would need to go 840 km;

1 litre = 14 kilometres

X litres = 840

Cross-multiplying, we have;

14X = 840

X = 840/14

X = 60 litres.

c. To find how many sweets are there in his car;

Number of sweet box, Ns = 326 boxes

Number of sweets in each box, Sw = 25 sweets

Total number of sweets = Ns * Sw

Total number of sweets = 326 * 25

Total number of sweets = 8150 sweets.








Step-by-step explanation:

8 . 9 + 3x = 6

3x =6 - 9

3x = -3

x =. -1

9 . 9 (x - 1) - 4( 7 - x ) ≤ 10x - ( 2x +1 ) -6

9x -9 - 28 - 4x ≤ 10x - 2x + 1 - 6

C. L. T.

9x - 4x - 10x + 2x ≤ 1 - 6 + 28 + 9

- 3x ≥ 32

x ≥ - 32/3

x ≥ 10⅔

10 b/ 22 =. 16/ 88

cross multiply

88b = 352

b = 4

11. x- 10 / x+2 = 1/5

cross multiply

5x - 50 = x + 2

4x = 52

x = 13


Step-by-step explanation:

Other Questions
AYUDA DOY CORONA, DEBO ENTREGARLA HOY A LAS 6:00 P.MNecesito descomponer este prrafoUn presente se olvid del pasadoPero pronto Cali empez a verse como un gigante que expanda sus tentculos sin control, se vio henchido y sometido por sus propias fuerzas. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, entre 1933 y 1958, aument cinco veces su poblacin. Los defensores de la ciudad de hierro no previeron la marea de inmigrantes que llegaron a recorrer las calles y a trabajar en las fbricas. La ciudad en expansin se sali de las manos de sus administradores. Aqu y all se extendan invasiones, barrios piratas y barrios clandestinos. Algunos bordearon la zona del ro y en pocas de invierno sufrieron inundaciones.Urbanizaciones piratas vendieron lotes en tierras inestables sin suministro de agua ni alcantarillado. El crecimiento desmedido de la ciudad de hierro desbord la capacidad de la vieja Cali. El precio del suelo se elev y quienes no podan comprar tierra se fueron a vivir a las altas pendientes del occidente, cerca a las minas de carbn que explotaban para alimentar el ferrocarril. En 1953, la ciudad, constreida y rebasada, empez a buscar maneras de tomar las aguas del ro Cauca y explotar sus tierras aledaas. Para contener las inundaciones construyeron un jarilln en el oriente de la ciudad, crearon canales para la recoleccin de aguas lluvias y estaciones de bombeo.En los aos siguientes Cali continu su expansin desbordada. Miles de inmigrantes llegaban en busca de empleo, otros terminaron desplazados por la violencia en el campo y se asentaron a pelear un espacio en la gran urbe. Muchas comunidades negras llegaban desde los asentamientos del pacfico y el norte del Cauca, mientras comunidades campesinas venan desde parcelas precarias saqueadas por la violencia.Pronto las empresas debieron extender nuevas redes de acueducto y alcantarillado. Al ro Cauca empez a llegar el 70% de las aguas sucias de Cali. Todos los residuos fecales, industriales y hospitalarios vertidos a las alcantarillas desembocaban en las aguas del ro Cauca. Para mitigar el dao y explotar las tierras inundables que bordeaban el cauce, la CVC, la entidad protectora de las aguas y la contaminacin ambiental de la regin, construy un extenso canal que interceptaba los ros Lili, Melndez y Caaveralejo. Estos a su vez ya haban sido interceptados por nuevos sectores de la ciudad y usados como depsitos de desperdicios. Buscaban que los ros desembocaran sobre el canal y que en l se produjera una corriente de agua menor a la corriente natural para que los contaminantes se dispersaran tras su llegada al ro Cauca.Tambin los administradores de los servicios pblicos buscaron un lugar para arrojar las toneladas de basura que, a diario, produca la nueva ciudad de hierro. 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