Please help i need the answer asap!!!
if you know the answer please give it to me as soon as you can!!


Answer 1


Choice b.

Step-by-step explanation:

Replace (x, y) with (1, 1) and verify if the equations are correct.

You would ignore the x and y in the equations. Testing one of each pair.

a. 3 + 2 = 3, incorrectb. 7 + 2 = 9, correctc. 8 + 1 = 7, incorrectd. 8 - 2 = 4, incorrect

It is obvious that only b. is correct.

Answer 2
Choice b because it it now where’s my brainliest

Related Questions

Find median of given data : 6,6,7,8,11,19,6​



Median =7

Mean = 9

Mode = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Have a gr8 day!


the median is 7

Step-by-step explanation:


7 is the middle number

Find the first, second, third and fourth order Maclaurin polynomials of f(x) =

arctan(x). Draw the graph of f(x) and the four polynomials on the same

diagram. (Sketch by hand or use software.)

#urgent please give me this answer and help me#


The first, second, third and fourth order Maclaurin polynomials of f(x)=arctan(x) are:

The first order Maclaurin polynomial is f(x)=xThe second order Maclaurin polynomial is also f(x)=xThe third order Maclaurin polynomial is [tex]f(x)=x-\frac{1}{3}x^{3}[/tex]The fourth order Maclaurin polynomial is also [tex]f(x)=x-\frac{1}{3}x^{3}[/tex]You can see the graph on the attached picture.

So let's start by finding the first order maclaurin polynomial:


so let's find each part of the function:



now, let's find the first derivative of f(x)


This is a usual derivative so there is a rule we can use here:


so now we can find f'(0)



So we can now complete the first order Maclaurin Polynomial:


which simplifies to:


Now let's find the second order polynomial, for which we will need to get the second derivative of the function:




we can rewrite this derivative as:


and use the chain rule to get:


which simplifies to:


now, we can find f''(0):


which yields:


so now we can complete the second order Maclaurin polynomial:


which simplifies to:


Now let's find the third order polynomial, for which we will need to get the third derivative of the function:




In this case we can use the quotient rule to solve this:

Quotient rule: Whenever you have a function in the form , then it's derivative is:


in this case:






So when using the quotient rule we get:



which simplifies to:



now, we can find f'''(0):


which yields:


so now we can complete the third order Maclaurin polynomial:


which simplifies to:


Now let's find the fourth order polynomial, for which we will need to get the fourth derivative of the function:




In this case we can use the quotient rule to solve this:


in this case:






So when using the quotient rule we get:



which simplifies to:



now, we can find f^{4}(0):


which yields:


so now we can complete the fourth order Maclaurin polynomial:


which simplifies to:


you can find the graph of the four polynomials in the attached picture.

So the first, second, third and fourth order Maclaurin polynomials of f(x)=arctan(x) are:

The first order Maclaurin polynomial is f(x)=xThe second order Maclaurin polynomial is also f(x)=xThe third order Maclaurin polynomial is [tex]f(x)=x-\frac{1}{3}x^{3}[/tex]The fourth order Maclaurin polynomial is also [tex]f(x)=x-\frac{1}{3}x^{3}[/tex]

You can find further information on the following link:

Geometry please help me need help I don’t know how to do it



A'(0,-8) B'(5,-7) C'(3,0) D'(2,-5)

A''(0,8) B''(-5,7) C''(-3,0) D''(-2,5)

Step-by-step explanation:

first everything is shifted down 8 units (x,y-8), so we get A'(0,-8) B'(5,-7) C'(3,0) D'(2,-5)

then you multiply by -1 A''(0,8) B''(-5,7) C''(-3,0) D''(-2,5)

Pls helppppp,,,,,.....



yall do school right now???and i forgot how to do these sorry


18 = 2x-14

or, 2x =18+14

or, 2x =32

or, x=32/2



or, 12x-14=10

or, 12x=10+14

or, x=24/12


The minimum point of the graph y = 2x^2 + 2x +1 is located at:




Step-by-step explanation:

By completing the square, y = 2x^2 + 2x +1 will be y=2(x+1/2)^2+(1/2) the minimum point is the vertex of the parabola which is (-1/2, 1/2)

From the picture, two cylindrical glasses of the same capacity. Find the diameter length (X) of a small glass of water.




Step-by-step explanation:




YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Difference of 10
Erik and Nita are playing a game with numbers. In the game, they each think of a random number from 0 to 20. If the difference between their two numbers is less than 10, then Erik wins. If the difference between their two numbers is greater than 10, then Nita wins. Use the information in the interactive and what you know about absolute value inequalities to better understand the game.

Your Player
1. Choose your player, and record the number chosen by the other player. (2 points: 1 point for each answer)

a. Which player did you select?

b. What number did the other player pick?

Modeling Ways to Win
2. Should you use an equation or an inequality to represent the ways your player can win? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

3. Imagine that Erik chose a 4 and Nita chose a 12. Would the winner be different if Nita chose the 4 and Erik chose the 12? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

4. Is it appropriate to use an absolute value inequality to represent how a player wins this game? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

5. If your player is Erik, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Erik will win if Nita chooses 7. If your player is Nita, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Nita will win if Erik chooses 17.

Be sure to define your variable. (3 points: 1 point for defining the variable, 2 points for the correct inequality)

6. In order to graph your solutions, solve for the variable. Be sure to show your work. (2 points)

7. Sketch a graph of your solutions. (2 points: 1 point for endpoints, 1 point for the correct region)

Forming a Strategy and a New Rule
8. What is the range of numbers that will win the game for your player?

If your player is Erik, assume that Nita chooses 7.
If your player is Nita, assume that Erik chooses 17.

(Hint: Remember that Erik and Nita can choose only numbers from 0 to 20, inclusive.) (2 points)

9. Graph all the possible numbers that either player could pick. Compare this graph with your answer in question 8.

If your player is Erik, and Nita chooses 7, does Erik have a good chance of winning?
If your player is Nita, and Erik chooses 17, does Nita have a good chance of winning?

Explain your answer. (3 points: 1 point for the correct graph, 2 points for the explanation)



it is too long send me link of it

Answer: Choose your player, and record the number chosen by the other player. (2 points: 1 point for each answer) a. Which player did you select? Erik, assume that Nita chooses 7. b. What number did the other player pick? 17

2. Should you use an equation or an inequality to represent the ways your player can

win? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

An algebraic statement that represents all the ways Eric will wins is


be the number that Eric thi

3. Imagine that Erik chose a 4 and Nita chose a 12. Would the winner be different if

Nita chose the 4 and Erik chose the 12? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for

an explanation)

no because both nita and eric won. eric with a number less than than 10

and nita with a number more than 10.

4. Is it appropriate to use an absolute value inequality to represent how a player wins

this game? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

they win it remains positive the negative will be losses which will be changed due to

absolute value

5. If your player is Erik, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Erik will win

if Nita chooses 7. If your player is Nita, write an inequality that shows all of the ways

that Nita will win if Erik chooses 17.

Be sure to define your variable. (3 points: 1 point for defining the variable, 2 points for

the correct inequality)

Step-by-step explanation:

Amelia is calculating the density of soccer balls in a bag. She knows the number of balls in the bag and the volume of the bag. Which of the following formulas can be used to calculate the density of balls in the bag?

Density = volume of bag over number of balls
Volume of shelf = density over number of balls
Density = number of balls over volume of bag
Number of books = density over volume of bag



Density = number of balls over volume of bag

The formula that can be used to calculate the density of the balls in the bag is Density = number of balls over volume of bag

What is the formula for density?


What is mass?

"It is the measure of the matter inside a body."

For given question,

Amelia knows the number of balls in the bag and the volume of the bag.

She wants to calculate the density of soccer balls in a bag.

Here, mass = the number of balls in the bag

By using the density formula,


Therefore, the formula that can be used to calculate the density of the balls in the bag is Density = number of balls over volume of bag

Learn more about the density here:



Jack jogs and rides his bike for a total of 75 minutes every day. He rides his bike for 15 minutes longer than he jogs.

Part A: Write a pair of linear equations to show the relationship between the number of minutes Jack jogs (x) and the number of minutes he rides his bike (y) every day. (5 points)

Part B: How much time does Jack spend jogging every day? Show your work. (3 points)

Part C: Is it possible for Jack to have spent 60 minutes riding his bike if he jogs and rides for a total of exactly 75 minutes and rides his bike for 15 minutes longer than he jogs? Explain your reasoning. (2 points)



here's the answer to your question


for B : he spend 30 minutes jogging and 45 minutes riding his bike

Step-by-step explanation:



jogging (x) =30


riding bike (y) =45

hopefully it help you

Levi decides to examine the effect of fertilizer on the growth of tomato plants. He chooses four plants for his experiment and applies varying amounts of fertilizer to three of them. He does not apply fertilizer to one plant.

Over a 15-day period, the plants receive fertilizer on Days 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13. Levi measures the height of all of his plants with a meterstick on Days 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. He also makes sure to hold all experimental factors constant except for the fertilizer.

What is the independent variable in Levi's experiment on tomato plants?

the days plant height was measured

the days fertilizer was applied

the amount of fertilizer given to the plants

the measurements of plant height



Step-by-step explanation:

The measurement of the height is the dependent variable. The independent variable is the amount of fertilizer applied.




Hello the answer is A <!!



Step-by-step explanation:

pi/ 3 * (180/pi)= 180/3

pi/3 = 60 degrees

The digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 6 are used to make 3 digit codes

In case where digits may be repeated, how many codes are numbers that are greater than 300 and exactly divisible by 5?​




Step-by-step explanation:



What function translates the function f(x)=|x| to the left 3 units and down 4 units?


function g(x)


Find the x-and y-intercepts of the graph of 4x + y = 28. State your answers as
whole numbers or as improper fractions in simplest form.



at x-intercept, y = 0

4x = 28

x = 7

x intercept = (7,0)

at y-intercept, x = 0

y = 28

y intercept = (0,28)

Carol wanted to know about how much time students in her school spent surfing the Internet. So she asked 15 of her friends to complete a survey that she had prepared. Will the results of Carol’s survey represent the population of students in her school as a whole, and if so, which sampling method did Carol use?

A. Yes, Carol used simple random sampling.
B. Yes, Carol used systematic random sampling.
C. Yes, Carol used stratified random sampling.
D. No, Carol’s survey was not a random sample.




Step-by-step explanation:

We can go through each form of sampling and see where this scenario fits.

- Simple random sampling is simply taking a random percentage of the population. In this case, with the population being students in Carol's school, this would entail taking a random sample from her school. As her friends are not randomly selected, this does not fit

- Systematic random sampling means that every nth item is selected. For example, if Carol took every 10th person at her school, this would fit. However, as her friends are not selected by Carol choosing every 5th or 10th person at school (or something like that), this does not fit.

- Stratified random sampling means that different subgroups of the population are selected, and once those are selected, it is randomized to see who out of the subgroup is selected. For example, if Carol took all the men and women in her school and chose 50 random men and 50 random women, this would work. Although Carol's friends may define a subgroup of the population here, she is not asking anyone outside of that subgroup here, so this does not fit.

As none of these fit, the only answer left is D

If or whether Carol's sampling strategy was random and objective will determine if the survey's findings accurately reflect the population of pupils at her school. So, the correct option is D.

What is Random sampling?

A statistical method known as random sampling is used to choose a representative sample of people or things from a bigger population. Every member of the population maintains an equal probability of being chosen in a random sample, and there is no systematic bias present in the selection procedure.

Which sample technique Carol employed is unclear given the facts in the question. Carol's poll would not be regarded as a random sample, and the findings might not be representative of the entire student body at her school if she simply asked 15 of her friends to respond.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Sampling, here:


Can I have help I am stuck on this problem It would mean the world if u helped me and tysm!! =-)


9514 1404 393


  2^6 = 64

Step-by-step explanation:

Each hour the initial value (1) is multiplied by 2 (again). So the number of times 2 multiplies the initial value is the number of passing hours (t).

The number of cells after t hours is ...

  c(t) = 1×2^t = 2^t

After 6 hours, this is

  c(6) = 2^6 = 64 . . . . cells after 6 hours


Additional comment

As you know, multiplication simplifies repeated addition.

  x + x + x = 3x

In a similar way, exponentiation simplifies repeated multiplication.

 x·x·x = x³ . . . . (written as x^3 in plain text)

In this problem, we're repeatedly multiplying by 2. After we do that t times, the initial value is multiplied by 2^t.

what number should be added to -5/8 to get -3/2​




Step-by-step explanation:


x= -3/2+5/8=-12/8+5/8= -7/8

Suppose a jar contains 7 red marbles and 28 blue marbles. If you reach in the jar and pull out 2 marbles at random at the same time, find the probability that both are red.​




Step-by-step explanation:

that's the answer above

The length of a rectangle garden plot is 3 metres greater than its
width.The area of the plot is 154 square metres.What is the width of the garden?​


Answer: width = 11 m


Here, we need to understand how to find the area of a rectangle.

In geometry, the area can be defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object.

A = w · l

w = width

l = length

If you are still confused, please refer to the attachment below for a graphical explanation.


w = w

l = w + 3

A = 154 m²

Given formula

A = w · l

Substitute values into the formula

154 = w · (w + 3)

Expand Parentheses (Distributive property)

154 = w² + 3w

Subtract 154 on both sides

154 - 154 = w² + 3w - 154

0 = w² + 3w - 154

Solve for the quadratic equation

(w - 11) (w + 14) = 0

w = 11 or w = -14 (Neglected because length cannot be negative)

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

2) 70 = -7a

Please help me !


70 = -7a
a = x
70 = -7x
70 = -7 X x
70 = -7 X -10
x = -10
x = a
a = -10


Positive Multiplied Or Divided By A Negative Will Always Be A Negative.

Positive Multiplied Or Divided By A Positive Will Always Be A Positive.

Negative Multiplied Or Divided By A Negative Will Always Be A Positive.

Negative Multiplied Or Divided By A Positive Will Always Be A Negative.

Which congruency statement would not result in triangle BCD cong triangle QRS ?


Option C

Because in Side Angle Side there should be 2 sides and a angle stuffed between them.

In this If CD ≅ RS then √QRS is not ≅ and We cannot use SAS

Therefore the wrong statement is Option c

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

Because in Side Angle Side there should be 2 sides and a angle stuffed between them.

In this If CD ≅ RS then √QRS is not ≅ . Option C is correct

To determine a congruency statement that would not result in Triangle BCD being congruent to Triangle QRS, we need to find a condition that does not satisfy the congruence criteria. The congruence of two triangles can be determined by considering their corresponding angles and sides.

Here are the possible congruency statements:

Angle-Angle-Side (AAS): If we have two angles of one triangle congruent to two angles of the other triangle, and the included side between these angles congruent, we can establish congruence. This statement could result in Triangle BCD being congruent to Triangle QRS.

Angle-Side-Angle (ASA): If we have two angles of one triangle congruent to two angles of the other triangle, and a side adjacent to one of these angles congruent, we can establish congruence. This statement could result in Triangle BCD being congruent to Triangle QRS.

Side-Angle-Side (SAS): If we have two sides of one triangle congruent to two sides of the other triangle, and the included angle between these sides congruent, we can establish congruence. This statement could result in Triangle BCD being congruent to Triangle QRS.

Side-Side-Side (SSS): If we have all three sides of one triangle congruent to the corresponding sides of the other triangle, we can establish congruence. This statement could result in Triangle BCD being congruent to Triangle QRS.

Based on these congruency statements, there is no option that would not result in Triangle BCD being congruent to Triangle QRS. All four statements have the potential to establish congruence between the two triangles.

To know more about  Angle , here


Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (- 5, 1) and (2, 0) . Put your answer in fully reduced slope intercept form, unless it is a vertical or horizontal line



y=-1/7x + 12/7

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by finding the slope



next plug the slope and the point (-5,1) into point slope formula



x1= -5


y- 1 = -1/7(x - -5)


Distribute -1/7 first

y- 1=-1/7x + 5/7

Add 1 on both sides, but since its a fraction add 7/7

y=-1/7x + (5/7+7/7)


The probability that a patient recovers from a disease is 0.3.
If 6 people are known to have contacted the disease, what is the probability that at least 4 survive? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

at least 4 people survive is

4 people survive and 2 don't +

5 people survive and 1 doesn't +

all 6 people survive

the probability of 4 people to survive is the product of the individual probabilities :

0.3×0.3×0.3×0.3 = 0.3⁴ = 0.0081

times the probability 2 don't survive

0.7×0.7 = 0.49

0.0081×0.49 = 0.003969

now, the chance that 4 out of 6 survive is that probabilty times how many times we can select 4 out of 6.

to select 4 out of 6 is

[tex] \binom{6}{4} [/tex]

= 6! / (4! × (6-4)!) = 6! / (4! × 2!) = 6×5/2 = 30/2 = 15

so, the probability of having 4 survivors is

15×0.003969 = 0.059535

the probability of 5 people surviving is 0.3⁵ times one not

0.3⁵×0.7 = 0.001701

we have 6 over 5 combinations to pick 5 out of 6 = 6.

so, in total for 5 survivors we get

6×0.001701 = 0.010206

and the probabilty of all 6 surviving is

0.3⁶ = 0.000729

so, the probability of at least 4 out of 6 surviving is

0.059535 +

0.010206 +




Solve for x
X=In sqrt e


Step-by-step explanation:

e = 2.7182818 so you can just plug that in to your calculator and solve like normal

Sophia runs twice as fast as her friend Mia. If mia runs 3 mph how long will it tske sophia to run 6 miles? 9 miles?



It will take Sophia 1 hour to run 6 miles.

And 1 1/2 hours for 9 miles.

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the given degree of confidence and sample data to construct a confidence interval for the population mean μ. Assume that the population has a normal distribution. A laboratory tested twelve chicken eggs and found that the mean amount of cholesterol was 185 milligrams with s = 17.6 milligrams.

Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean cholesterol content of all such eggs.



CI ≈ (173.8 < μ < 196.2)

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that laboratory tested twelve chicken eggs. Thus;

n = 12

Mean; x¯ = 185 mg

S.D; s = 17.6 mg

DF = n - 1 = 12 - 1 = 11

We have a 95% confidence level. Thus; α = 0.05

Since n < 30, we will use t-sample test.

Thus, from t-table attached at 95% Confidence level and DF = 11, we have;

t = 2.201

Thus,formula for Confidence interval is;

CI = (x¯ - t(s/√n)) < μ < (x¯ + t(s/√n))

CI = (185 - 2.201(17.6/√12)) < μ < (185 + 2.201(17.6/√12))

CI = (185 - 11.1825) < μ < (185 + 11.1825)

CI = (173.8175 < μ < 196.1825)

CI ≈ (173.8 < μ < 196.2)

Identify the X intercept and the yIntercept of the line 4x-2y=-12



X-intercept = -3 and y-intercept = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

We can start off by isolating the y term. To do that, we must add 2y to both sides to get


Now, we must add 12 to both sides and the y term will be all alone on the right side:


Now, to have only y on the right side, we must divide by 2 to get:


In slope-intercept form, b is the y-intercept, and 'b' in this equation is 6. We have our y-intercept.

To find our x-intercept, y must be equal to zero. We can plug in that value for y and solve for x:


We can start off by subtracting 6 from both sides to get:


We can then divide both sides to get [tex]x=-3[/tex] when y is equal to 0. Thus, we have our x-intercept.


y-intercept= -6

x-intercept= 3

Step-by-step explanation:

First, rearrange the equation to be in y=mx+b.





From here, we know that the 'b' in an equation in form y=mx+b is the y-intercept, which is -6.

To find the x intercept make y=0 and solve.

You can also solve without rearranging the equation and simply making x=0 and solving to find the y-intercept. and making y=0 and solving to find the x-intercept.

-3x=6x + 2 solve for x



Step-by-step explanation:

6x+3x= -2

9x= -2

x= -2/9





Step-by-step explanation:

(x+1).(x/2 +2).(x/3+3).(x/4+4).(x/5+5)



Please see the attached picture below to understand the steps I've typed to get to the final solution.

Can anyone help me with trig identities?



cosA = √(21/25)

Step-by-step explanation:

We know

sin²(A) + cos²(A) = 1

Next, we know that sin(A) = 2/5. Plugging that into our equation, we get

(2/5)² + cos²A = 1

4/25 + cos²A = 1

subtract 4/25 from both sides to isolate cos²A

cos²A = 1 - 4/25 = 25/25-4/25 = 21/25

square root both sides to get

cosA = √(21/25)

We do not include -√(21/25) in our possible answer for cosA because this is in quadrant 1, so cosA must be positive.

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