please help. it's urgent. Do you think it is accurate to see race and gender as social constructs?​


Answer 1




bcz race is not a very good determinaction for social constructs it is not fair for the black people

Related Questions

True or False: Synchronized cardioversion is appropriate for treating an unknown wide complex tachycardi


The answer to this would be true, I believe.

How can volunteering strengthen your family?


One of the many benefits of volunteering is that it provides the opportunity to develop skills that volunteers can apply in all aspects of their lives. By participating in nonprofit activities as a family, they will increase community awareness, increase their family bond, and gain a whole new set of skills.

Why does the fact that animals are sentient render their legal status as property problematic?



Because it is not possible for animals, as sentient beings, to express whether they are satisfied with their property status and if they are being well cared for.


Sentient beings are living beings that do not have the ability to feel or show any kind of emotion. Animals are considered sentient beings and this makes the legal property status of animals such a problematic and sensitive issue.

Animals as living beings must be treated with respect and have a full and satisfactory life, but it is impossible for the animal, in captivity, to express whether it is satisfied with this type of life. This animal also cannot show if it is well cared for and if it has a happy life, therefore, it is not possible to determine if this property status is being beneficial and positive for the animal's life.

khái quát nội dung cơ bản của "Quy luật từ những sự thay đổi về lượng thành những sự thay đổi về chất và ngược lại"


điều này đã giúp đỡ?

A sailor runs out of drinking water in the middle of the sea.He cannot drink seawater directly to avoid drhydration.

How can you help the sailor to obtain pure water from seawater by using a container, a plastic bag, a stone and a glass?​



evaporate the water


using a container and a plastic bag collect the water and put it in the container.

The ____ claims that social and economic inequality reflects differences in intelligence.



Conflict theory


In simple words, The rivalry among factions within civilization for scarce funds is the subject of conflict theory. According to conflict theory, social and economic structures are tools in the fight among categories or segments, and they are employed to preserve inequalities as well as the dominant class's power.

In its essence, the conflict theory states that successful people gets more fo the resource because they work hard and more intelligent  than the poor class.

Which of the following events best illustrates how the rule of law can protect the common good?
A. An official sells his car and gives the profits to charity.
B. An official buys her own fuel for her government vehicle.
C. Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes.
D. Officials pass a law that new construction must not pollute nearby water.



C. Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes.

Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes. Thus, option C is correct.

What is meant by the common good?

The term "common good" refers, in typical political language, to any institutions, whether material, cultural, or organizational, that the constituents of the community offer to all constituents in order to meet the relational commitment they collectively possess to protect particular desires that they share.

The complexity of the project will determine how much planning is necessary. Occasions demonstrate most clearly how the principles of law can defend the common good since they maximise efficiency and give an organized path. This is for finishing the task on schedule and under budget will be a representation of the common good.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about common good, here:


What is the most expensive mandatory spending program for the federal government? A. Medicare B. education C. Social Security D. public transportation





The Anwser would be (A)

Analyze the following : "Water is the basis of beings" (Philosophy question please help!)


Respuesta: el agua es importante no solo para los seres humanos sino para cada ser vivo en el planeta, sin agua podríamos morir mas rápido que sin comida.


El agua es un elemento de la naturaleza, integrante de los ecosistemas naturales, fundamental para el sostenimiento y la reproducción de la vida en el planeta ya que constituye un factor indispensable para el desarrollo de los procesos biológicos que la hacen posible.

How did Ramses II’s leadership affect Egypt’s economy?


The economy slowed down because of the pharaoh's heavy taxes. The economy expanded through trade and the conquest of territory. The economy boomed as Ramses II discovered new trade routes for Egypt.


The economy expanded through trade and the conquest of territory.


got it right the person above me is wrong

Cómo podemos los ciudadanos ayudar a las pequeñas empresas o emprendedoras a subsistir


respetar y tolerancia y

what type of family system was there in medieval period​



The medieval household was, like modern households, the center of family life for all classes of European society. Yet in contrast to the household of today, it consisted of many more individuals than the nuclear family.


because the medieval household was, like modern households, the center of family life for all classes of European society. Yet in contrast to the household of today, it consisted of many more individuals than the nuclear family.

how will CAPS document can help teacher​



it is easier for the teacher to do their job


The CAPS document can help teachers by providing them with clear guidelines and standards for curriculum development and assessment, helping them to ensure that they are meeting educational goals and objectives effectively.

What is a CAPS document?

CAPS (Corrective and Preventive Action System) document is a type of quality management document that outlines a process for identifying and addressing problems that arise within an organization's operations, products, or services.

The CAPS document typically includes a description of the problem, its root cause analysis, and a plan for corrective and preventive actions to be taken to prevent a recurrence.

The primary purpose of a CAPS document is to ensure that an organization has a systematic and structured approach to addressing problems and preventing their reoccurrence.

By using a CAPS document, an organization can identify and correct problems before they become serious, and implement preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of similar problems occurring in the future.

The importance of a CAPS document lies in its ability to help an organization improve its overall quality management system by continuously monitoring and improving its processes.

It provides a way to track and analyze trends in quality issues, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that corrective and preventive actions are taken in a timely and effective manner.

Learn more about educational goals here:


The Battle of Vicksburg was significant because the North could not access its railroads after its defeat. the South lost control of the Mississippi River. Union troops were forced to retreat to the Northern capital. Lincoln was forced to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.



the South lost control of the Mississippi River.


The American Civil War was also referred to as War between the States and it was fought from the 12th of April, 1861 to the 9th of April, 1865. The war was simply between the Southern states that seceded to form Confederate States and the Northern states that were still loyal to the Union.

Vicksburg is the city that was founded after the battle gave the Union complete control over the Mississippi River and its tributaries.

The Battle of Vicksburg was the last major military action and decisive battle of the Vicksburg Campaign (Western theater of the Civil War). This final battle of the long series of battle started on the 18th of May, 1863 and was lead by Union General, Ulysses S. Grant. Also, it was formally ended on the 4th of July, 1863.

As a result of its victory in the Battle of Vicksburg, the Union (North) Army took control of the Mississippi River from the Southern states (Confederates).

Basically, the Battle of Vicksburg was a battle that divided the Confederacy in two.

In conclusion, the Battle of Vicksburg was significant because the South (Confederacy) lost control of the Mississippi River and over thirty-five thousand (35,000) soldiers on the 4th of July, 1863.

Why are most native born Americans unwilling to pick oranges, and what challenges do illegal immigrants who do that work face?



People who are born in America are native Americans. They consider themselves as superior of other nationalities. Native Americans do not pick oranges and they prefer hiring other nationality immigrants for these types of work because this is stressful job.


Illegal immigrants face many difficulties in U.S. because they have traveled illegally to the nation. They face kidnapping and ransom problems, prostitution and slavery for females, lack of access to quality services, and similar other issues. The often face problems of police chase as they have traveled illegally so if they are caught by local police, they are imprisoned or deported to the country from where they belong and are banned from entering to America again.

Lee and Jordan are co-workers who joke around at work. Lee has invited Jordan for dinner with Lee’s family at their home. Jordan says something funny, but slightly inappropriate, and is intently observing the reaction of everyone in Lee’s family in order to determine what kind of humor is acceptable in Lee’s home.


Answer: Effective communication requires significant intellectual and psychological resources.


In this case, the primary challenges to communication that Jordan's behaviors addresses is that effective communication requires significant intellectual and psychological resources.

Communication requires a lot of work. When we interact with others, our intellect, and emotions are needed and we must find the best way to pass our message across to others.

What would be a response to an
opponent of Communist ideology in
China under Mao's reign?
A. imprisonment or death
B. re-education in state schools
C. placement in public positions



A Imprisonment or Death


In 1949 the CCP executed 361 former nationalists for not converting to the CCP's cause.

Mrs T is a 45 yr old female who reports frequent heartburn and regurgitation of acid into her mouth for the past 3 months. There is no change in her usual eating habits, or in her weight. She has no problem with swallowing, food getting stuck, or respiratory issues. There is no abdominal pain. She has tried taking over the counter antacids, such as calcium carbonate (Tums), with only a little relief.

Body Mass index (BMI) is 28. She is alert and well-nourished. Exam including oropharynx, neck, chest and abdomen are normal.

Answer the following questions based on the scenario and article above.

a. Outline the path that a bolus of food would take from the mouth to the duodenum. This should include any sphincters.
b. Describe the digestive function of each of the areas of the upper GI tract that are mentioned in Q1.
c. Describe the anatomical problem that causes gastroesophageal reflux.
d. Research to find out the names of 2 medications that are used to treat GERD.
e. How do each of these medications work to relieve symptoms?


Solution :

a). The path from mouth to the duodenum is :

Oral cavity ----  Oropharynx  ----   Laryngopharynx  ----   Esophagus  ----  lower esophageal sphincter  ---   Stomach   ----   Pyloric sphincter    ----  Duodenum.

b). The digestive functions of the organs are :


The saliva in the oral cavity or the mouth keeps the mouth mist and it helps in food digestion. The salivary amylase converts the stretch into the maltose.


The stomach produces acidic pH and it helps to break the proteins in the food by the enzyme, Pepsinogen.


In the duodenum, the chyme is mixed with the enzyme, bile and the pancreatic juice which helps in digestion.

c). In the gastroesophageal reflux, the lower sphincter does not function properly and that is why the gastric content that contains the acid and the pepsin regurgitate into the end of lower esophageal. This area is not an acid resistant, so the ulceration takes place.

d). Elevation of a head-end of the patient's bed, so that the gravity stops in  the upward motion of the esophageal contents. The potent acid inhibiting agents like the Omeprazole.

In the context of talent development approaches, outdoor experiential activities as a development tool for individuals in teams _____.


In the context of talent development approaches, outdoor experiential activities as a development tool for individuals in teams _____.

a. give individuals opportunities to focus solely on their jobs

b. are increasing in popularity because of the absence of any disadvantages associated with these activities

c. are designed exclusively to promote ethnocentrism among the team members

d. can create a sense of teamwork via the shared risks and challenges outside the office environment

Answer: d. can create a sense of teamwork via the shared risks and challenges outside the office environment


The employees can collaborate and share about their interests, risks, and management of work outside the office this will help them to build more trust within them and they can share their experiences in the offices. The outgoing activities will help them to discuss about the issues in the office environment. This will give them a sense or teamwork which otherwise get compromised in the office settings due to oppressive environment created by higher authority. Here, talent development refers to development of interpersonal communication skills and development of trust.

A hospital is trying to cut down on emergency room wait times. It is interested in the amount of time patients must wait before being called back to be examined. An investigation committee randomly surveyed 70 patients. The sample mean was 1.5 hours with a sample standard deviation of 0.5 hours.

1.Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean time spent waiting. State the confidence interval, sketch the graph, and calculate the error bound.​



go to this link it will explain your answer


गणतन्त्रको महत्वलाई स्पष्ट पार​



नेपालमा गणतन्त्रको शुरुवात भएको एक दशक मात्र पुगेको छ। त्यसभन्दा अगाडी देशमा राजतन्त्र थियो र राजा नै राष्ट्र प्रमुख हुन्थे। बि. सं. २०६२-६३ मा भएको शान्तिपूर्ण जनआन्दोलनपछि जारी गरिएको अन्तरिम संविधान अनुरुप सम्पन्न संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन पश्चात् गठन भएको संविधान सभाको पहिलो बैठकले २०६५ साल ज्येष्ठ १५ गते राजतन्त्र उन्मूलन गरी नेपालमा गणतन्त्र स्थापना गर्यो। त्यसपछिको संविधान सभाले डा. रामवरण यादवलाई गणतन्त्र नेपालको पहिलो राष्ट्रपति घोषणा गर्‍यो। वर्तमान सम्माननीय राष्ट्रपति श्रीमती विद्यादेवी भण्डारी गणतन्त्र नेपालको दोस्रो राष्ट्रपति एवं देशमा नयां संविधान जारी भएपछिको पहिलो राष्ट्राध्यक्ष हुनुहुन्छ।नेपालको संविधान २०७२ ले राष्ट्रपतिलाई राष्ट्राध्यक्ष र संविधानको संरक्षक एवं अभिभावकको रुपमा स्थापित गरेको छ। राष्ट्रिय एकताको प्रवर्धन, संविधानको पालना र संरक्षण गर्नु राष्ट्रपतिको कर्तव्य हुनेछ भन्ने कुरा संविधानले निर्दिष्ट गरेको छ।

Why are most native born Americans unwilling to pick oranges, and what challenges do illegal immigrants who do that work face?



Most native born Americans are unwilling to pick oranges because the job is pays very little, and is very hard. Most Americans either have available other jobs that are comparitively easier, or that pay at least a bit better, or they simply choose not to do that job due to the fact that hey have lived under a higher living standard than your average immigrant.

Immigrants are a whole different story. Most of them come from countries that are poorer than the United States, and many of them carried out similar jobs in their home countries for even lower pay and under more difficult conditions. Their willingless to work does pose challenges to them though, for example, they are often hired for temporal work, with no benefits, without legal permission, and are made to work for longer hours than it is legally mandated.

The planning committee routinely shut down disagreement and encouraged allegiance to the leader's ideas. What is the term for this type of group dynamic





The group agrees the leader without any arguements. This same thing is followed by Totalitarian governments.

Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said



yea ir should be letter d

President Clinton signed a bill that gave the power to control welfare programs to the _________________________.



The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "welfare reform." Bill Clinton signed a welfare reform bill into law. The welfare reform is known as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA).


Hand axes, cave paintings, fire, and spears are all inventions related to which cultural stage?



The stone age, or the paleolithic age.


The stone age (paleolithic) is a relatively self explanatory answer in the sense that, most hand axes and spears were made of hard stones shaped and sharpened into points and sharp edges. Cave paintings are from around the upper paleolithic ages. These inventions may dip into the earliest stages of the neolithic period as well (also known as the new stone age)

Good Luck!

Answer: The stone age (paleolithic)


why tourists is attracted by nepali paintings ​



Nepali Paintings can be very relaxing and calming.


Nepali Paintings can express ideas and feelings. It can make you feel calm and relaxed.

Nepali Painting begins with the religious paintings with Hindu and Buddhist subjects, almost all Newa art by the Newari people of the Kathmandu valley. These traditional paintings can be found in the form of either wall paintings, cloth paintings called paubha, or manuscripts. They used conservative technique, style, and iconography in their works for centuries

1. 2 How can Nepal be a developed country?​



1)If nepal can prove employment to jobless.If government provide vocational trainings.If nepal produce human resources as per need and produce human resources which are needed.

How did art and architecture flourish in Nepal?Explain​



please stop going around and annoy others, thanks


what is the difference between law and rule?​



law is for every body in world but rule is for some body l hope it will help you please follow me

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