Please help me

1: You have to come up with at least 2 hobbies and explain why or how each hobby relates to the benefit.

*Example: I enjoy playing sport in my spare time. Simply because it helps me keep fit and strenghten my immune system.​


Answer 1


Bicycling and studying


Bicycling help me keep fit and immunes my immunity system and open up my lungs it also strengthen my leg muscles and bones.

Studying is important if you dont study you will not become anything. It helps me earn high grades and help my brain open up and have more knowledge.

Related Questions

What is the theme of the breadwinner



Courage is the theme of the breadwinner.

Hope it helps you.


Courage. Courage is a major theme in "The Breadwinner." The theme was demonstrated by both Parvana and her mother as they handled their extreme circumstances in a war torn city. Even though she was only eleven years old, Parvana took on the job of supporting her family after her father was arrested.

Can someone help me please



16: G 17:C 18:J 19:C 20:F


Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given.
1. We/ keep/ our bodies/ warm/ avoid/ flu/ a cold.

2. Getting/ enough/ rest/ help/ you/ concentrate/ school.

3. Vitamins/ play/ important/ role/ our diet.

4. You/ not/ play/ more/ computer games/ free time.

5. Doctor/ asking/ Mai/ questions/ about/ health problems.



1. We keep our bodies warm to avoid getting a flu or a cold

2. Getting enough rest helps to concentrate in school

3. Vitamins play an important role in our diet.

4. You should not play more computer games during free time

5. Doctors are asking Mai questions about her health


1.We keep our bodies warm to avoid getting flu or cold.

2.Getting enough rest helps you to concentrate on school.

3.Vitamins play an important role on our diet.

4.You should not play more computer games on your free time.

5.Doctors are asking Mai question about her health.

Which detail does not belong in an objective summary of "Going to Japan"?



The last answer does not belong in the overveiw of this article


It is irrelevent to the text and subject the author is talking about.

An objective summary of “Going to Japan” that does not belong in that the author used to play an alphabet game with Aunt Zelda. Thus, option D is correct.

What is going to Japan?

Going to Japan was written by Barbara Kingsolver was written as she was going to Japan, and she didn't know about the cultures or about the trends that were there in Japan and how she adjusted.

All of these sentences were written and were related to Japan and was related to his experience and nothing should be related to Aunt Zelda.

The author runs into an enormous number of unspoken rules of politeness.The author went to Japan to visit friends and to view the Hiroshima memorial.The author realizes that it is wiser to forgive imperfection than to try to be perfect.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about Barbara Kingsolver, here:


100. I don't like the people who....(show) no interest in anything.
A) show B) shows C) to show D) showing
101. Mathematics.... to us by Mr. Them now.
A) is teaching B) teaches C) are taught D) is being taught
102. The news about the earthquake in Philippines...on radio several times so far.
A) has already broadcast
B) has already been broadcast
C) will already broadcast
D) already broadcast
103. According to him, the United States..... an important part in preserving peace in the world.
A) play B) plays C) to play D) playing
104, Linguistics...... the study of the ways in which languages work.
A) is B) are C) am D) be
105. There.... different ways to do that work. A) is B) are C) am D) be
106. The people in this town.... very friendly: A) is B) are C) am D) be
112. The police.... the robber.
A. were arrested B. has arrested C. have arrested D. was arresting



100 A

101 D

102 B

103 A

104 A

105 B

106 B

112 C I believe

hope this helped :)

I do not understand this. Please help.





Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell.

His foot touched the protruding bough that was the trigger. Even as he touched it, the general sensed his danger and leaped back with the agility of an ape. But he was not quite quick enough; the dead tree, delicately adjusted to rest on the cut living one, crashed down and struck the general a glancing blow on the shoulder as it fell; but for his alertness, he must have been smashed beneath it. He staggered, but he did not fall; nor did he drop his revolver. He stood there, rubbing his injured shoulder, and Rainsford, with fear again gripping his heart, heard the general's mocking laugh ring through the jungle.

Which analysis best explains the effect of adding the female character in the film adaptation of the scene?

She advances the plot. Having her run through the jungle moves the events of the story along.
She serves a practical function. Using her bracelet to create the trap makes it more realistic to the audience.
She raises the stakes. Giving the audience someone else to care about increases the suspense level.
She makes the film prettier. Having a beautiful female character is mostly decorative, creating a nice visual.


Answer: She raises the stakes, giving the audience someone else to care about increases the suspense level.


Happy Learning! : )

What were Seneca's influences on Shakespeare



Seneca's influence is seen in Shakespeare's revenge tragedies Titus Andronicus and Hamlet and his plays of vaulting ambition Richard III and Macbeth. Shakespeare derived the following seven general features from Seneca: An obsession with scelus, crime.


We discussed several techniques of repetition in class. Find another example of repetition (words, phrases, conjunctio
clauses, punctuation, etc.) from "Sinners" and explain the effect on the audience.


Sinners was a book by Jackie Collins. The book shows the dark side of Hollywood which we don't usually get to see. The book shows the confusing lifestyle of the rich.

The book shows what people can go through in order to be famous and shows what some producers do before they give actresses roles in movies.

Repetition simply means repeating of words. It is done in order to create a pattern. Some examples of repetition in Sinners include "time after time", "hand in hand" , "let it rain, let it rain" etc.

Read related link on:

03.02 Planning Your Narrative
You will read a story and a prompt. Then, you will organize your own story ideas in the Narrative Organization Chart.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.
Read the narrative "Grounded."
In the Narrative Organization Chart, plan your own story based on this writing prompt.


Answer:Characters: Kate, Darby, Tracy, Mr. Jacks

Setting: takes place in an airplane at night.

Purpose: I think the purpose it's to tell how Kate is reacting inside the airplane before it gets in an accident with no food when she is trying to scape....

Conflict: all the passengers got trapped on the airplane at night wit no supplies.

rising action: the moment that the story says "She ran past one plane after another. They were all parked in the hangar, just as they had been the day the force fields came down around the airport, trapping fifteen hundred people inside. The force fields seemed to be electromagnetic prisons, although no one knew for sure what they were made from or for what purpose. They appeared around cities and small towns, around farms and islands, and even around tiny villages in the middle of Africa. They were everywhere—and nobody knew who put them there."

Climax: when she finally scape from the airplane, thanks to a space bellow the mirror.

Resolution conflict: She scape from the airport but she fell fear and guilty because on the back of the mirror that she scape says " Use this to get out, from Kate" so she and Mr. Jacks were the only ones how scape.

I hope this help : )

They play hockey into negative​



They don't play hockey


Imagine that you are Phyllis. Write a letter to your father giving an account of how you spend your day in the countryside, and how you feel when you see the Green Dragon rush past you. Don't forget to tell him how much you miss him. ​


From which server do you play free fire my friend

Which one is the correct answer?


Its not visible type the question otherwise click the picture clearly !

Summary of poem her head by joan murray



The answer is The poem Her Head written by Joan Murray about a city called Natal Ekuvukeni in South Africa. The poem is about the draught it had and the adverse effects as a result of it. Due to the drought, many cattle and vegetation died and many women had to carry water from far away from wells for their household.

Undershaft. Yes. Cusins. Anything out of the common? Undershaft. Only that there are two things necessary to Salvation. Cusins [disappointed, but polite] Ah, the Church Catechism. Baptism and — Undershaft. No. Money and gunpowder. Cusins [surprised, but interested] That is the general opinion of our governing classes. The novelty is in hearing any man confess it. Undershaft. Just so. Cusins. Excuse me: is there any place in your religion for honor, justice, truth, love, mercy and so forth? Undershaft. Yes: they are the graces and luxuries of a rich, strong, and safe life. Cusins. Suppose one is forced to choose between them and money or gunpowder? Undershaft. Choose money and gunpowder; for without enough of both you cannot afford the others. Cusins. That is your religion? Undershaft. Yes.


That is a very good question

Check out this app! It's millions of students helping each other get through their schoolwork.​


Ok we are on the app

Yep I'm using this app now!!!!!!

Mary wants to write a research paper on The Academy Awards. Which of the following is a strong research question?
A. What did the Academy think of every movie they considered?
B. Why do bad movies win Academy Awards?
C. How are the winners of The Academy Awards chosen and has this process changed over time?
D. What movie has won the most Academy Awards?


A strong research question will be "How are the winners of The Academy Awards chosen and has this process changed over time?"

A research question should be clear, focused and should not give a direct answer but the question should be answered through a research that's carried out.

A good research question makes inquiry into the subject area.

In conclusion, the correct option is C.

Read related link on:

Look at the frames from Iqbal. Free the Children. The autopsy report given at the judicial commission of the High Court of Lahore had said the same thing, but if Faryad was sitting on the bicycle behind Iqbal while they were riding, how could it be that Faryad had pellets in his left arm, and not on his right side, like Iqbal. Which statement describes how the purpose of the frame and the excerpt are different


Answer: The excerpt informs the reader that there were likely inaccuracies in the report provided to the court.


The frames from Iqbal isn't provided in this case and I searched online but couldn't find it but through further searches, I got the answer.

The statement that describes how the purpose of the frame and the excerpt are different is that the excerpt informs the reader that there were likely inaccuracies in the report provided to the court.


C.The excerpt informs the reader that there were likely inaccuracies in the report provided to the court.


its correct because, I just completed the quiz.

Which context clue best supports the definition of belied as "contradicted" or "disproved"? "by heaven" "I think my love" "as rare, / As any" "false compare"



"false compare"


In lines 13 - 14 of Sonnet 130, William Shakespeare talked about the beauty of his love interest.

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare

As any she belied with false compare.

He believed that her beauty was misrepresented or contradicted (As any she belied) when compared to the beauty of others which was exaggerated (false compare/comparison). He did not believe in using bulky adjectives to qualify his woman for he believed that he could directly tell how he felt about her. Being belied or contradicted is supported by the fact that there was a false comparison.

Below is an essay I'm submitting for college!! It's not even 200 words. Can someone please tell me what to improve on. Grammerly says I sound like a Freshman, and I need to sound like a Senior. PLEASE HELP. 20 Points.

While touring Stetson, I fell in love. Being established in DeLand, I felt the small town and distance away from home was perfect for me. Having so many different dorm options is also very important. Different from the University of Florida and Florida State University, Stetson has all-female dorms. I am not anti-men or anything, but I would feel more comfortable living in the all-female dorm. The inviting environment was merely one attribute that attracted me to Stetson. The numerous on-campus job opportunities also seemed like something I do not want to miss. I also heard about all the different options to gain internship experience. My goal is to become a criminal attorney, and I am very interested in the Pre-Law program. Based on my interests, I am curious about the scholarships I could hopefully receive. Currently, I am striving to obtain my AICE diploma and Bright Futures Scholarship. I was glad to hear I could stack additional scholarships on top of each other since I’m not sure how much Bright Futures covers. Overall, I can see myself feeling at home at Stetson. It would be a dream come true to become a Hatter!


I think maybe, the issue is the lack of emotional resonance, and the use of terms like “or anything”. Younger people tend to use these terms, and have less power in the emotional realm, at least when it comes to expressing themselves. So, maybe try lessening the terms that are flounce-y and deepen the emotional aspect of this essay, possibly? Just suggestions from an outside eye, good luck!

Make questions with “How much" or "How many” for the following sentences
Ken made three cakes for me.



how much did you eat

or how many did you eat

Choose the best answer (A,B,C) People living in the slums never get good healthcare,? A.Don"t they B.Aren't they C.Are they D.Do they



D. Do they


A question can be defined as a statement that begs or requires an answer, response or reply.

In English language, questions are grouped into four (4) main categories and these are;

I. Rhetorical question.

II. Close-ended question.

III. Open-ended question.

IV. Between the lines question.

A question tag can be defined as a very short clause placed at the end of a sentence (statement) which changes it to a question. Some examples of tags used in English language are: can we, can't we, should I, aren't they, shouldn't they, wouldn't it, weren't they, do I, shall we, etc.

In the scenario, the most appropriate or suitable tag to complete the question is "do they?" because they are more than one i.e a plural subject would be used.

Hence, the complete question is written as;

"People living in the slums never get good healthcare, do they?"

What's More
Activity 1: Pointing out Qualities
Recall the qualities of the colors Evaluate their characteristics and decide what word best
describes each of them. Use the rainbow chart as your visual aid. On the left side of the rainbow,
write one-word description for each item. Keep in mind that the colors of the rainbow are arranged
this way: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
Relate those characteristics to yourself. On the right side of the rainbow, explain how those
rainbow's qualities are related to you.
Qualities of the Rainbow
Your qualities



RED - Hazards, Danger

ORANGE - Excitement

YELLOW - Friendship

GREEN - Growth, Freshness

BLUE - Freedom

INDIGO - Fairness and Impartiality

VIOLET - Royalty, Power , Luxury


Different color represent different aspects of life. There are various colors in rainbow which combine to make a pleasant view. The different colors will show some of feelings and human emotions. Red color often used to express love and passion but it is also a sign of danger and hazard.

1. ___ the cooking if you do the washing-up afterwards. b. will do ado C. would do d. did 2. ___ train harder, you wont win the competition a. If you b. In case you c. Unless you dont d. Unless you 3. the employees more money if I were the manager of this company a. will give b. would give C. gave d. must give 4 Phữ the Maths exam unless he studies harder. a. won't pass b. Will pass C. passes d. wouldnt pass 5. You - take better pictures if you had a digital camera a. can b. should C. could d. will 6. If the six o'clock bus. I am late for work a. missed b. have missed c. would miss d. miss​


a. will do

b. unless you don't

c. would give

d. won't pass

e. could

f. miss

Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 2, of Julius Caesar.

[ANTONY.] But here’s a parchment with the seal
of Caesar;
I found it in his closet. 'Tis his will.
Let but the commons hear this testament—
Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read—
And they would go and kiss dead Caesar’s wounds,
And dip their napkins in his sacred blood,
Yea, beg a hair of him for memory,
And, dying, mention it within their wills,
Bequeathing it as a rich legacy
Unto their issue.

What is the best summary of this monologue?

Antony incites anger in the people by displaying and reading Caesar’s will to show how rich Caesar has become as the leader of Rome.
Antony suggests that the people go to Caesar’s body to take relics to show their disrespect and dislike for Caesar.
Antony displays Caesar’s will and says that if the people read it, they would worship Caesar so much that they would want something from him to worship as a relic.
Antony has Caesar’s will and reads it to the crowd even though it offers further evidence of Caesar’s ambition and greed will upset the people even more.



Antony displays Caesar’s will and says that if the people read it, they would worship Caesar so much that they would want something from him to worship as a relic.


Antony displays Caesar’s will and says that if the people read it, they would worship Caesar so much that they would want something from him to worship as a relic. This is the best summary of this monologue. Hence C is correct.

What is summery ?

A summary is a concise narrative or memory of the key points of a piece of writing, activity, or event. It usually eliminates unnecessary information, staying brief and to the point. There are several strategies for summarising that might help youngsters remember significant portions of a section of literature. This talent is perfect for older children's assignment or examination preparation, but it is also a helpful skill that will make communication more confident and clear.

A summary, brief, digest, or synopsis is a concise version of a lengthier work. A summary is a concise statement or repeat of major themes, usually at the end of a work: a chapter summary.

Hence C is correct.

To know more about summery ;


Naval architects never claim that a ship is unsinkable, but the sinking of the passenger-and-car ferry Estonia in the Baltic surely should have never have happened. It was well designed and carefully maintained. It carried the proper number of lifeboats. It had been thoroughly inspected the day of its fatal voyage. Yet hours later, the Estonia rolled over and sank in a cold, stormy night. It went down so quickly that most of those on board, caught in their dark, flooding cabins, had no chance to save themselves: Of those who managed to scramble overboard, only 139 survived. The rest died of hypothermia before the rescuers could pluck them from the cold sea. The final death toll amounted to 912 souls. However, there were an unpleasant number of questions about why the Estonia sank and why so many survivors were men in the prime of life, while most of the dead were women, children and the elderly. Answer the following:-
1.What is the name of the ship? 2. Where did the casualty take place? 3. How many survived at the end of the tragedy? 4. What is the final death toll in the ship sink accident? 5. Who are all the person died in the accident?​


1) Estonia

2) In the Baltic.

3) 139 survived.

4) 912 is the final death toll.

5) Most of the people who died in the accidents were woman, children, and the elderly.

What dreams and anxieties do you have about high school? You're going to be in high school. How do you feel about that? How has the pandemic impacted you?



I couldn't earn more money

Anna is creating a presentation about the history of American immigration in the 20th century. She found dozens of information-packed graphs and charts
on the subject. Which ones should she consider using in her presentation?
A)none of them because charts and graphs are not appropriate for a presentation
only those that directly support the thesis of the presentation
B) any charts or graphs created by a reliable source such as a university
C) any charts or graphs that are well designed and visually attractive
D) Only those that directly support the thesis of the presentation



D Maybe

Because that makes sense she will only use which will support her presentation

I hope it's right if not then advance sorry :)

Anna should consider using "only those that directly support the thesis of the presentation".

What is a chart?

This is a systematic non-narrative presentation of data usually in a tabular or diagramatic form.

What are graphs?

A graph is a diagram displaying data particularly one showing the relationship between two or more quantities. It is also a measurements or indicative numbers that may or may not have a specific mathematical formula relating them to each other.

Therefore, Anna may consider charts and graphs which directly support the thesis of the presentation.

Learn more about graphs:


how do you describe your best friend in an English essay​



You can describe ur friend based on ur own view , like how u see ur friend and describe her features , characteristic and personality

Hey there!

List out the traits and what you think his/her personality is.

Describe the way he/she does everday things.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

when did the bady langur finally find comporta​



The baby langur finally found comfort when the baby langur's mother cuddled him.

Answer: it had finally comfort him because finally found comparta
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