How can you clarify who likes doing something when using the verb gustar? Fill in the information
and give an example of each way to clarify the pronoun (IOP:____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____).
1) a + ________________________ (name)
2) a + ________________________ (noun)
3) a + _______________________(pronoun*)


Answer 1



¹1 A Juana le gusta ir a la playa.

2. A ese perro le gusta ladrar

3. A él le gusta pasear en el parque.

Related Questions

Change the underlined words into the Subjunctive Mood and then record the corrected sentences. Finally, explain in English why
each of the sentences requires the subjunctive.
1. Marcos quiere que él le traer un cargador para su celular.
2. Te aconsejamos que pensar con una mente abierta.
3. Alejandra podría vivir sola en la ciudad, pero es importante que ella ahorrar el dinero.
4. Mi amigo dudaba que yo alcanzar mis metas, por eso ya no es mi amigo.
5. Mi familia esperaba que mis hermanos mantener limpios los uniformes en la escuela.



1. Marcos wants him to bring him a charger for his cell phone.

2. We advise you to think with an open mind.

3. Alejandra could live alone in the city, but it is important that she save money.

4. My friend doubted that I would achieve my goals, so he is no longer my friend.

5. My family expected my siblings to keep their uniforms clean at school.


1. Marcos quiere que él le traiga un cargador para su celular.

2. Te aconsejamos que pienses con una mente abierta.

3. Alejandra podría vivir sola en la ciudad, pero es importante que ella ahorre el dinero.

4. Mi amigo dudaba que yo alcanzara mis metas, por eso ya no es mi amigo.

5. Mi familia esperaba que mis hermanos mantuvieran limpios los uniformes en la escuela.


The subjunctive indicates that the action could be possible.

-¿Qué voy a hacer el año que viene?

¡Ya sé! ___________ en Japón.

Question 2 options:

1. Trabajaré

2. Trabajan

3. Trabajaremos

4. Trabajamos


Answer: 1. Trabajaré


¿ Que es el adjetivo atributo y ejemplos


Un adjetivo atributivo atribuye una determinada característica de la persona, lugar u objeto representado por el sustantivo que se coloca antes en un enunciado.


El término atributo es la llamada combinación sintáctica de una expresión con un sustantivo que suele ser la parte esencial en el conocido como predicado nominal. Por ejemplo, si decimos «Este coche es rápido», el adjetivo rápido formará parte de ese predicado y del atributo al que corresponde.


Please Help!!!
If you cant answer it dont bother putting an answer down.
Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)

(07.01 HC)

Listen, read the question, and choose the option with the correct answer, based on the audio.

Based on the audio, where is Gertrudis most likely going today?

El mercado

La escuela

La plaza mayor

El restaurante



La plaza mayor


La plaza mayor

La Plaza Mayor

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

what were the disadvantage of the permanent settlement of Bengal​



war against Bengalis during it's independence from Pakistan

high cost of products due to depletion of resources in war

low recovery rate

30. ¿Quién propone construir una estatua de oro de Julieta en Verona?

A. Señor Montesco.
B. Señor Capuleto.
C. El príncipe.
D. París

31. CUADRO DE BANCOS. Colocar en cada cuadro, personajes pertenecientes a una de las familias. Además, describir con características psicológicas a dos personajes de cada bando.

(4 personajes con sus diferencias de los capuleto y montesco)



señor montesco xq dijo que le daria mucho más que eso

PLEASE HELP! (50 pts) Will mark Brainlyst and everything, the paragraph doesn’t need to be creative or anything I just want good grammar from someone who actually speaks Spanish ( PLEASE DONT ANSWER IF YOU DONT KNOW) I beg of you <3 thank you!



Sorry if I answered very late :[

I hope you like it :)

Mañana, mi familia y yo
(ir) al parque nacional Manuel Antonio.



Tomorrow my family and I (to go) to the Manuel Antonio National Park.


Mañana, mi familia y yo (vamos) al parque nacional Manuel Antonio

Fill in the blank:
Mi ____ es Pablo.


"Nombre" ó mi "hermano"




"Mi nombre es Pablo" translates to "My name is Pablo".

Which of the following sentences uses the present perfect correctly?
Nosotros hemos resuelto comer menos.
Nosotros han resolvido comer menos.
Nosotros hemos resolvido comer menos.
Nosotros han resuelto comer menos.



option 3


The answer to this question is c

Who is Latino?
A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.
B. Any Spanish-speaking native living in the U.S.
C. Any individual who speaks Spanish.
D. Any individual who speaks Latin.



A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.


A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.

Who is Latino?

A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.

B. Any Spanish-speaking native living in the U.S.

C. Any individual who speaks Spanish.

D. Any individual who speaks Latin.


Hi! iknow it cause I'm latino LOL

hey y’all uh can someone help me pls


1. A nosotros nos gusta comer tarde.

2. ¿Cuándo te gusta a ti comer?

3. ¿A él, ella, usted le importa lo que Juan nos trae?

4. Sí, a mi me gustan los regalos de Juan.

5. A ti te encanta bailar el tango.

6. A nosotros nos gustan los bailes más modernos.

7. A mi me fascinan los deportes de invierno.

8. A ella, él le gustan los deportes acuáticos.

9. A ella, él le extrañó ver a Manuel en la playa.

10. A nosotros nos gusta ver a Manuel allí.

11. ¿Por qué te parece buena a ti esta universidad?

12. A mi me gustan los profesores de esta universidad.

13. A ella, él le encantan los perfumes franceses.

14. A nosotros no nos gusta el agua de colonia.

15. A ti te disgusta la fragancia de las camelias.

16. A mi me gusta oler todas las flores del jardín.

17. ¿Es verdad que a ti no te gusta el profesor?

18. Al contrario, a mi me parece excelente.

19. A nosotros nos disgustan los perros feroces.

20. A mi no me gustan tampoco los perros tímidos.

21. A ti no te gustan los precios caros en Venezuela.

22. A mi me parecen peores los precios en Brasil.

23. No sabes cuánto me desagrada a mi el acordeón.

24. ¿A ti te disgusta ese instrumento?

25. A ellos les parece increíble el juego.

26. No me importa a mi la opinión de ellos.

27. A mi me encanta el juego de tenis.

28. A nosotros nos gusta más el baloncesto.

29. A ella, él le interesa mucho la historia europea.

30. ¿Cuál estudio te interesa más a ti?

Answer the following question



1. Se acuesta

2. Cepillarnos

3. Se duchan

4. Se lava

5. Se despiertan


Which of the following sentences uses the present perfect correctly?
Mi padre cubre la olla.
Mi padre ha cubrido la olla.
Mi padre ha cubierto la olla.
Mi padre has cubrido la olla.


C) Mi padre ha cubierto la olla
Have a nice day
The 3 one mi padre ha cubierto la olla

b) Por la variedad de climas y la diversidad de los suelos se han formado distintos ecosistemas. ¿Cuáles son?


Hazlo tú mismo JAJJA

what is measurement


the size or length of something

Measurement is the process of associating numbers with Quantities.

¿Cuál es la realidad social que atraviesa en este momento nuestro país? (perú) ok?


Cuál es la realidad social que atraviesa en este momento nuestro país Perú?

 Este año de la pandemia conmocionó a todos; en particular a las familias de los fallecidos y a todos los infectados que todavía siguen haciendo frente a las secuelas del virus. En la esfera económica, no es necesario recordar los impactos que se produjeron, y de la imprescindible paralización de las actividades económicas. Hemos comentado anteriormente que es poco probable que se recuperen, en los próximos años, los niveles de empleo e ingresos que se tuvieron en 2019.

Para colmo de males, a la pandemia que mostró todas nuestras carencias y brechas estructurales y sanitarias, se sumó una grave crisis política que significó tres poderes ejecutivos diferentes en el mismo año. Efectivamente, en estas últimas semanas la tensión social ha disminuido parcialmente, aunque no al nivel de lo que debiera; sin embargo, todos los actores y elementos para otra crisis social y política siguen sobre la mesa.

Please help ASAP
Read the English sentences carefully and match each one with the impersonal expression that best fits the meaning or intention of the sentence.
Pollution affects humans and animals. A) Es bueno
Straightforward hunting regulations could prevent rhinos from being extinct. B) Es importante
You care for the common species. C) Es malo
You must feed the hens every morning so they are healthy. D) Es fácil


polutions affect = es malo
straightforward regulations = es importante
you care for common species = es bueno
you must feed the hens = es facil

The most appropriate impersonal expressions for each sentence correspond to:

C) Es malo: Pollution affects humans and animals.

B) Es importante: Straightforward hunting regulations could prevent rhinos from being extinct.

A) Es bueno: You care for the common species.

D) Es fácil: You must feed the hens every morning so they are healthy.

What are impersonal expressions?

They are defined as expressions that do not have a subject or a specific subject, it is usually possible to identify an impersonal expression due to the absence of the subject in a sentence.

Therefore, it is possible to relate each sentence above to a specific impersonal expression according to the context that best suits each one.

Find out more about impersonal expressions here:


Es necesario
____el piso (the floor).
O trapear
O doblar
O limpiar
O lavar



La repuesta correcta



Es necesario TRAPEAR el piso

Cocinar me gusta tanto _____ limpiar.
A. Como
B. Que
C. Del
D. De


A is the correct answer.

¿Qué entienden al usar la expresión “Él o Ella tienen estilo”?


If I had written your question in English, I could have helped you

Translate this to english
(btw its snapish to english)

Eres precioso


You’re beautiful is the answer
“you're beautiful” bit of an odd thing and I kinda feel like you just want this to be said lol

Ordena las letras de los enunciados siguientes siguiendo la estructura de los cuentos.
m. Al conde le parce apropiado el consejo y lo pone en práctica con buenos resultados.
s. Patronio establece una semejanza entre el caso que plantea el conde y un cuento.
t. Patronio manifiesta y explica al conde el consejo que le ha pedido.
h. Patronio narra el cuento(ejemplo).
i. El conde Lucanor plantea un problema a Patronio, su servidor, y le pide que le aconseje.
j. Don Juan Manuel resume la enseñanza del cuento en dos versos pareados, a modo de moraleja.










Structure of the stories of Juan Manuel (El Conde Lucanor)

porque los prejuicios hace que discriminamos a las personas



Porque los estereotipos al ser algo que pasa comúnmente en algún tipo de raza, cultura o genero, al intentar cambiar eso y probar algo distinto, la gente no lo acepta del todo o simplemente no lo apoya



Cómo la palabra prejuicio lo dice, pre significa antes, se tiene ya un juicio formado antes de conocer los hechos. Pensamos algo acerca de una cosa o persona sin ninguna base o información educada.


Enter the word that correctly completes the sentence.

Ana is afraid of spiders.

Ana _____ miedo de las arañas.





I know Spanish fluently, therefore you can trust me!

Tiene miedo! Hope this helps! Safe learning :)

The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ________ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military. Argentina Germany Australia Ancient





The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ____ Germany ____ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military.

Señas en una oración. Por favor



Cuando corría en un día soleado, vi muchas señales por la carretera.

When I was running on a sunny day, I saw many signs by the road.

listen, read the question, and choose the option that best answers the question.
What volunteer opportunity does María Luisa do?
She serves food in a retirement home.
She raises money for the local retirement home.
She raises money for a homeless charity.
She serves food in a soup kitchen for the homeless.


Answer: Recauda dinero para unq organizacion benefica para persona sin hogar


recauda dinero para unq organizacion benefica para persona sin hogar

what spanish pronoun whould be used for the following
( Siliva, the secretary of your school's main office ) ​


The pronouns that we use in Spanish are feminine, which would be her or she /ella

Sliva, la secretaria de la oficina principal de su escuela

#1. What good luck charm from around the world struck you as the most interesting or different and why?
#2. If you had a choice, would you rather visit the Callejón del Beso or the Lover's bridge in Paris? Why? (Personal opinion right answer only) please help



rabbit foot


Other Questions
Find f(2) given f(x) = -3x^3 + x^2 3 Do you believe in ghost Capital flightThe following graphs depict the market for loanable funds and the relationship between the real interest rate and the level of net capital outflow (NCO) measured in terms of the Mexican currency, the peso.The Market for Loanable Funds in MexicoDemandSupply01234567876543210-1REAL INTEREST RATE (Percent)LOANABLE FUNDS (Billions of pesos)Demand Supply Mexican Net Capital OutflowNCO-4-3-2-112345676543210-1REAL INTEREST RATE (Percent)NET CAPITAL OUTFLOW (Billions of pesos)NCO Complete the first row of the table to reflect the state of the markets in Mexico.Real Interest RateNet Capital Outflow (NCO)(Percent)(Billions of pesos)Initial state After capital flight Now, suppose that Mexico experiences a sudden bout of political turmoil, which causes world financial markets to become uneasy. Because people now view Mexico as unstable, they decide to pull some of their assets out of Mexico and put them into more stable economies. This unexpected shock to the demand for assets in Mexico is known as capital flight.Shift the NCO curve to illustrate the effect of capital flight. Then, on the graph representing the market for loanable funds, shift the demand curve, the supply curve, or both to reflect the change caused by the shift in NCO.Note: You will not be graded on your final placement of the curves on the graph, but you will need to shift them correctly in order to answer the questions that follow.Determine the equilibrium interest rate after capital flight occurs, and enter it into the second row of the table. Then determine the level of NCO that occurs along the new NCO curve at the new equilibrium interest rate.Finally, show the effect of the change in NCO on the market for foreign exchange by shifting either the supply curve, the demand curve, or both.The Market for Foreign-Currency ExchangeDemandSupplyREAL EXCHANGE RATE (Dollars per peso)QUANTITY OF PESOSDemand Supply I am not sure. Is this right? What was the most contested point of the Paris Peace Conference?A. The fate of GermanyB. Land gained by each victorC. Self-determination of new nationsD. Creation of a demilitarized zone What was the Manhattan Project?A. a protection plan for New York CityB. a development project for the atomic bombC. a development plan for D-DayD. a development plan for Hitler's murder Pls help if u only know the correct answer!! Thanks!! :)) Solve for X. Geometry why did prithivi Narayan Shah appoint Kalu Pande as his kaji instead of Viraj bakhati Can someone help me find the answer? Question 1 Chapter 4[female] Dis, Raphal, quels sont tes projets pour le week-end prochain?[male] Vendredi aprs-midi, je pars avec mon pre, ma mre et mon frre la Nouvelle-Orlans.[female] Quest-ce que vous allez faire l-bas?[male] Nous allons voir ma sur. Elle habite avec son mari et son fils dans le Vieux Carr.[female] Tu as un neveu?[male] Oui. Il est encore tout petit. Il a trois mois et mes parents vont le voir trs souvent.[female] Tu as lintention de sortir?[male] Oui, bien sr! Vendredi soir, nous allons couter du jazz dans un petit caf sympa du quartier.[female] Et samedi?[male] On va se promener au bord du Mississipi. Il y a un trs beau parc le long du fleuve. Et aprs, on va aller prendre un caf et manger de dlicieux beignets avant de repartir pour Houston.[female] Quel week-end sympa! La vie est belle!1. Where is Raphal going for the weekend?Enter Text2. Who is he traveling with?Enter Text3. Why are they making the trip?Enter Text4. What are their plans for Friday night?Enter Text5. What is one of the things they will do on Saturday?Enter Text find the missing length indicated ..but as he drove his lance-point into the sail the wind whirled it round with such force that it shivered the lance to pieces, sweeping with it horse and rider, who went rolling over on the plain, in a sorry condition. Which definition matches the use of the word shivered in in the excerpt?A. Stuck B.Swung C.SplinteredD. Surrenderd Which equation represents the data inthe table?x 0 1 2 3 4y -4 -2 0 2 4F y= x -4 G y= 2x -2 H y = 2x - 4I y= 4x -4 some had broken the window by 3:00pm (convert into passive voice) A safe following distance for a car is?Group of answer choices1 car length for every 10 m.p.h1 car length at any speed1 second for every 10 m.p.htwo seconds under good conditions A cylindrical paint can has a diameter of 12 centimeters and height of centimetrs which is closest to the volume of the paint can in cubic centimeters Which is true of televangelists?A. They generally opposed government positions.B. They preached using mass communication.C. They supported the hippie counterculture.D. They never asked for money. 19.This/ Mai / her/ name/ is /my / is / mom.A. my name is mom this is my her MaiB. This is my mom name Mai my is her.C. This is my mom her name is Mai. write a letter on why you did not complete your assignment