Led by three young Black Minorca pullets, the hens made a determined effort to thwart Napoleon's wishes. Their method was to fly up to the rafters and there lay their eggs, which smashed to pieces on the floor. Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He ordered the hens’ rations to be stopped, and decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death. The dogs saw to it that these orders were carried out. For five days the hens held out, then they capitulated and went back to their nesting boxes. Nine hens had died in the meantime.

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

Which literary device does Orwell most use to support his purpose in writing in this passage?

A. characters, to show that what happens on the farm is fiction.

B. allegory, to show similarities between the farm and the Soviet Union.

C. point of view, to show how the characters think about the murders.

D. setting, to show that events in the Soviet Union may have been caused by the economy.


Answer 1
Allegory to show similarities between the farm and Soviet Union

Related Questions

What is an introduction of a
the plot?



The introduction, more formally referred to as the exposition, is the beginning of the story. During this stage of the plot, the narrator introduces the setting and characters. The author might also introduce the main conflict in the exposition.

1. Metre is the unit of _________

2. 1 kg of rice is weighed by__________​



1. length

2. balance


1. The metre is the unit of length.

2. The kg is the unit of mass. An instrument used to weigh such a quantity is the balance.

Elaborate on the central idea about social classes that Countee Cullen depicts in his poem "For a Lady I Know." Provide textual evidence for your answer.



In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:  

She even thinks that up in heaven

Her class lies late and snores

While poor black cherubs rise at seven

To do celestial chores.

This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.


In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:

She even thinks that up in heaven

Her class lies late and snores

While poor black cherubs rise at seven

To do celestial chores.

This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.


Plato / Sample Answer

Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:

If that voice sounds true, don't thank me. Thank that great horned owl. (Or perhaps it was not an owl after all?) And thank the children, my own and others, who have never forgotten that a good story can be true. For they understand that the power of imagination is truly the power of creation.

Which of the following thoughts is expressed implicitly in the paragraph?

The author does not think that stories are real.
The author wants to thank his children for Merlin's voice.
The author does not believe he thought of Merlin's voice on his own.
The author wants the reader to listen to horned owls.



The author wants to thank his children for Merlin voice.

The answer is C) The author does not believe he thought of Merlin’s voice on his own. This is true because it is implicitly expressed through the text, not directly stated

write a dialogue between two friends who are planning for a picnic.​



"Hey, wanna go have a picnic? The weather is really nice today!"

"Sure! What snacks do you want to bring?"

"Probably a couple sandwiches and some chips. We could stop by the gas station on the way to the park, maybe grab some slushies."

"Awesome! Let`s go get ready, before it gets too packed."


id.k how long you want the dialogue lo.l sorry


A: hi how are you !

B: yes I am fine

A: our school planning picnic

B:where are we going!

A: we are going changu Narayan temple

B: ok bye

A: bye

How does oil and gas production help Louisiana's economy? Check all that apply.
The industries account for about 90 percent of all jobs in Louisiana.
Louisiana is a top producer of highly profitable natural gas.
Louisiana profits from oil and gas clean energy initiatives.
There are 19 refineries that employ many people in Louisiana.
Louisiana's refineries can refine almost 100 barrels of oil per day.


Okay I don’t know if that’s what happened to

She said, "pavan will come today"​


Pavan will come today

answer this question​


Correct answer is on

He gave a talk on the causes of dengue fever.

According to Lincoln,
safeguarding democracy
the only way



was the only way to happiness


Which is an example of a word root?
O ist


Answer: Art


These are prefixes



and these are suffixes




Explanation:i took the quiz

What column do you add to an Everything-l-Know chart to make it a Quad-Entry diary?
O A. What would happen if...?
B. My Opinion
O C. What I Found Out
O D. Connections





Everything i know: falls into my opinion.

i. Your pronunciation is not so good


Neither is yours buddy

Select the correct answer.
Which sentence is written in the interrogative verb mood?
OA. I might be able to get you some backstage passes.
OB. The trip to Venice will be postponed due to the approaching storm.
Do you think Miriam will win the singing contest?
I doubt Miriam will win the singing contest.


do you think, miriam will win the singing contest?


it is a question, so we are not sure if she will win or not

I need help with this 1


The correct answer is C. To help show that books were a source of comfort and imagination for the speaker.


An allusion is a concept linked to the action of referencing an object, situation, character, or another with another. Allusions work like reviews about something. In the text, the author alludes to the book "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by saying "And Mrs. Long opened that wardrobe but no lions or witches scared me", which shows for the speaker books represent comfort because he is not afraid of reading and they are related to the imagination as there is a reference to imaginary creatures and worlds. So the correct answer is C.

i can do it. change into interrogative​



Can I do this work? is the correct answer

1. Listen! I _________________ (think) someone _________________ (knock) at the door.



Listen! I _____think________ (think) someone __is knocking____(knock) at the door.

Read these sentences from the passage.
Those Embrence, or chief men, decided disputes and punished
crimes; for which purpose they always assembled together. The
proceedings were generally short; and in most cases the law of
retaliation prevailed.
What is the meaning of retaliation in the passage?
O revenge
O punishment
o disagreement
O regulation



A supporting sentence _____.

A concludes a paragraph by restating the main idea
B introduces a new main idea into a paragraph
C transitions ideas from one paragraph to the next
D develops, supports, or explains the main idea of a paragraph
Pls Help



C transitions ideas from one paragraph to the next

in the story " The story of Daedalus and Icarus
Ovid tells us that Daedalus went about" changing the law of nature" by building wings for himself and Lcarrus . in what ways do humans still change the laws of nature


By building wings and engines for people to take flight

3) Which techniques are specific to a film or video production?
Select all that apply.

- mise-en-scenes
- camera angles
- close-ups
- photographic collages



I think the answer is camera angles is used for film production.

Hope this helps you ^^


camera angles




Question 5
If you add the suffix -ity to the adjective extreme, meaning “exceeding usual limits,” what part of speech results, and what is the new meaning?
Answers :
noun, meaning “state that exceeds usual limits”

adverb, meaning “in a manner that exceeds usual limits

verb, meaning “to carry beyond usual limits

adjective, meaning “greatly limited”





Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. Cable messages from Europe to the United States traveled through transatlantic cables that passed deep in the English Channel. The British saw the cables as an opportunity to gain access to secret diplomatic messages sent from Berlin to its ambassador in Washington, D.C. Knowing they couldn't tap the cables the way they could tap phone lines, the British did the next best thing. The cable ship Telconia cut all five of the cables that carried communications through the channel. Which types of structures are used in the text



A). Problem and Solution

C). Chronological


The text structures that have been employed in the given excerpt are 'problem and solution' and the 'chronological text structure.' It is arranged in the 'problem and solution structure' because it first states an issue that is of concern('Cable messages progressing into English waterway from Europe to the U.S. leading' here) and then, propose a likely solution for its resolution 'cutting of the 5 cables that took communication messages' and allowed the others to remain intact in order to access the messages that were being sent from Berlin to the U.S." The other text structure used is 'Chronological' as the events are mentioned one after another that offers a sequential and logical understanding to the readers. Hence, options A and C are the correct answers.


Without the underwater cables, the Germans had no way of communicating with their ambassadors.



Select the correct answer.
Read this excerpt from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address on January 20, 1961:

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Based on the author’s use of language, what is the purpose of this speech?

to cultivate a sense of diversity among the American people
to foster a feeling of happiness and unity across people and nations
to motivate people everywhere to uphold the freedom of humankind
to motivate Americans to strive for the development of their nation


I believe C is the answer as President Kennedy talks about defending freedom and doesn’t only mention America, but also citizens of the world.
Hope it helps (:

Which of the following is true about writing an article summary?
Select one:
O a. You should include as many details as possible.
O b. You should always assume your reader is familiar with the article.
O c. You should express the main points in your own words.
O d. You should not include information about the author or place of publication; summaries should be focused only on an article's content.



I think it C you should express main point

can anyone answer
?i really need it



The first option

Present or inform about facts

Option ‘A’
Hope it helps yu

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
131. The food price will change at the end of this month.
A. The food price will be the same until the end of this month.
B. The food price of this month will be equal to the one of next month.
C. There will be no same food price from now till next month.
D. There will be two different food prices next month.
132. All the other schools in the city are more expensive than my school.
A. My school is one of the most expensive schools in the city.
B. There are some more expensive schools than mine in the city.
C. My school is the least expensive school in the city.
D. There are some cheaper schools than my school in the city.
133. Does anyone know what this sculpture is worth today?
A. Does anyone know if it is deserving to have this sculpture?
B. Does anyone know whether someone should own this sculpture today?
C. Does anyone know if today this sculpture is valuable or not?
D. Does anyone know how much this sculpture costs today?
134. “Stop treating me that way!” she cried out.
A. She warned me not to treat her that way.
B. She urged me not to treat her that way.
C. She begged me not to treat her that way.
D. She advised me not to treat her that way.
135. She can do it because she knows the system inside out.
A. She can do it because she is from inside the system.
B. She can do it because the system is sometimes in and sometimes out.
C. She can do it because she understands the system thoroughly.
D. The confidential system enables her to do because she knows it.



These are the answer choices

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. C

The cow has died.(Begin:Death........)​


rip cow.. you will be missed

Which one is more grammatically correct?
The yankees have amazing players and have an impressive history.
The yankees have amazing players and has an impressive history.



The first one is more correct...The Yankees have amazing players and have an impressive history.

Which phrase best describes the context of a speech?
A. The way the speech is organized
B. The average age of the audience
C. The visual aids the speaker uses
D. The types of statistics presented


I would go with D but I’m not exactly sure

Do Not Weep (Crane):
To whom does Crane address verses 1, 3, and 5? Why might he have chosen these people?

How does the tone, or mood, differ between the non-indented verses and the indented verses? What does Crane emphasize in each of the two different kinds of verses?


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


In verses 1, 3, and 5, Crane addresses three women (maiden, babe, mother) that have lost someone to war, a lover, a father, and a son, respectively. Crane most likely chose them because their pain helps the reader understand the horror of war.

While the indented second and fourth stanzas have a cynical tone that emphasizes the idea of the deceased men being born to die and thirsty for fighting, the non-indented verses have a sympathetic tone and emphasize the pain their loved ones feel once they are gone.


The question refers to the poem titled War Is Kind (1899), by Stephen Crane

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After 5 candies are removed from tehe bag, what is the probability of randomly drawing a red candy from the bag? which of the following is a lower body stretch?A) Biceps curlB) Arm circle C) Quadriceps stretchD)Trunk twist 3.Choose the sentence or question that has similar meaning to the first one. They will collect letters tomorrow morning. (4 Points) A. Letters will be collected tomorrow morning. B. Letters will be collecting tomorrow morning. C. Letters will be collect tomorrow morning. D. Letters will collect tomorrow morning. What are notable/important achievements during his presidency of our Rodrigo Duterte in her Sixth Sona? How to prepare and draw a corresponding flowchart to compute the sum and product of all prime numbers between 1 and 50 Edelman Engineering is considering including two pieces of equipment, a truck and an overhead pulley system, in this year's capital budget. The projects are independent. The cash outlay for the truck is $19,000 and that for the pulley system is $20,000. The firm's cost of capital is 12%. After-tax cash flows, including depreciation, are as follows:Year Truck Pulley1 $5,100 $7,500 2 5,100 7,500 3 5,100 7,500 4 5,100 7,500 5 5,100 7,500Required:a. Calculate the IRR for each project. b. What is the correct accept/reject decision for this project?c. Calculate the NPV for each project. Round your answers to the nearest dollar, if necessary.d. What is the correct accept/reject decision for this project? Please help me with this on the picture Select the correct answer. Consider this system of equations, where function f is quadratic and function g is linear: y = f(x) y = g(x) Which statement describes the number of possible solutions to the system? A. The system may have no, 1, 2, or infinite solutions. B. The system may have no, 1, or infinite solutions. C. The system may have 1 or 2 solutions. D. The system may have no, 1, or 2 solutions According to the theory of natural selection, why are some individuals more likely than others to survive and reproduce?1PointsA Some individuals pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.B Some individuals are better adapted to exist in their environment than others are.C Some individuals do not pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.D Some individuals tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the same environment. An ice cream store determines the cost of its sundaes by using the formula C = 0.50s + 0.35n + 0.25t, where C is the total cost in dollars, s is the number of scoops of ice cream, n is the number of scoops of nuts, and t is the number of liquid toppings. A Nutty Sundae costs $3.55. It has 3 scoops of nuts and 2 different liquid toppings. How many scoops of ice cream are in this sundae? Question 2 of 10While writing a persuasive piece, which appeal should you use to get youraudience to believe and trust you?A. PathosB. ToneC. EthosD. SimileSUBMIT a principal of $1500 is invested at 5.5 interest compounded annually. how much will the investment be worth after 7 years help please! I need the answer quickly! thank you! A certain superconducting magnet in the form of a solenoid of length 0.28 m can generate a magnetic field of 7.0 T in its core when its coils carry a current of 80 A. The windings, made of a niobium-titanium alloy, must be cooled to 4.2 K. Find the number of turns in the solenoid. a car can complete journey of 300 km with the average speed of 60 km per hour how long does it take to complete the journey what is the speed of the car if it covers only 200 km in the same interval of the timeplease I need help urgent Stuck on this one!!Shelly believes the honor roll students at her school have an unfair advantage in being assigned to the math class they request. She asked 500 students at her school the following questions: "Are you on the honor roll?" and "Did you get the math class you requested?" The results are shown in the table below: Honor roll Not on honor roll TotalReceived math class requested 125 215 340Did not get math class requested 80 80 160Total 205 295 500Help Shelly determine if all students at her school have an equal opportunity to get into the math class they requested. Show your work, and explain your process for determining the fairness of the class assignment process. Please help with this question