Select the correct answer. Consider this system of equations, where function f is quadratic and function g is linear:

y = f(x)

y = g(x)

Which statement describes the number of possible solutions to the system?

A. The system may have no, 1, 2, or infinite solutions.

B. The system may have no, 1, or infinite solutions.

C. The system may have 1 or 2 solutions.

D. The system may have no, 1, or 2 solutions


Answer 1


C is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Quadratic equations have at most 2 solution, and linear equations only have 1 solution, and since y is equal to both of them, it can only have 1 or 2 solutions.

Answer 2

The correct answer is option D.  The system may have no, 1, or 2 solutions

What is quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation in a single variable x , ax²+bx+c=0. with a ≠ 0 .

f(x) is a quadratic function and g(x) is linear function



Quadratic equations have at most 2 solution

linear equations only have 1 solution,


y is equal to both of them, it can only have 1 or 2 solutions.

A line and a parabola can intersect zero, one, or two times

Therefore, a linear and quadratic system can have zero, one, or two solutions

Hence, the correct answer is option D.  The system may have no, 1, or 2 solutions

To learn more on Quadratic equation click:


Related Questions

3. A rectangle has a length of 2x – 9 and a width of x2 + 3x – 4. What is the polynomial that models the area
of the rectangle?



(C) 2x^3 - 3x^2 - 35x + 36

Step-by-step explanation:

First multiply 2x by x^2 + 3x - 4:

(2x)(x^2 + 3x - 4)

2x^3 + 6x^2 - 8x

Next multiply -9 by x^2 + 3x - 4:

(-9)(x^2 + 3x - 4)

-9x^2 - 27x +36

Now add the two polynomials by adding like terms:

(2x^3 + 6x^2 - 8x) + (-9x^2 - 27x +36)

2x^3 + 6x^2 - 9x^2 - 8x - 27x + 36

2x^3 - 3x^2 - 35x + 36

Hope this helps (●'◡'●)

Help me to prove it



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the identities

cotA = [tex]\frac{1}{tanA}[/tex]

cot²A = cosec²A - 1

tan²A = sec²A - 1

Consider the left side

(cotA + tanA)² ← expand using FOIL

= cot²A + 2cotAtanA + tan²A

= cosec²A - 1 + 2 .[tex]\frac{1}{tanA}[/tex] . tanA + sec²A - 1

= cosec²A - 1 + 2 + sec²A - 1

= sec²A + cosec²A - 2 + 2

= sec²A + cosec²A

= right side, thus proven

According to the synthetic division below, which of the following statements are true?



Step-by-step explanation:

That 3 sitting outside there in that little "box" thing is a root/solution/zero of the polynomial. The numbers underneath the line are the coefficients of the depressed polynomial, which means that the polynomial is 1 degree lower than the degree with which we started. If we started with an x-squared, this degree is a single x, better known as linear (a line). Anyway, (x - 3) is a zero of the polynomial, which also means that it's a factor. So A applies. x = 3 is a root, so C applies. And F also because the depressed polynomial, the remainder, is 2x + 4.

Which of the following lines is parallel to the line
y = 1/2x -6
Select one:
a) y=-1/2x-6
b) y=2x+1
c) y=-1/2x+5
d) y=1/2x-3



y = 1/2x - 3 (option - d)

Step-by-step explanation:

The lines are parallel if they have the same slope/gradient. So by comparing with y = mx + c (where 'm' is the slope and 'c' is the y-intercept).

Line y = 1/2 x - 6 has the slope m = 1/2

and the line in option 'd'

y = 1/2 x -3 has the slope m = 1/2

Slopes are equal and lines are parallel.



Two boys together have $12. One of them has $10 more than the other. How much money does each of them have


One has $1 and the other has $11

The graph f(x) shown below has the same shape as the graph of g(x)=x^2 which of the following is the equation of f(x)



Choice D. [tex]F(x)=x^2-4[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the graph is translated down 4, it cannot be choice A. or C.Since the graph is concave up, choice B. is ruled out.Leaving choice D. the correct answer.

In A XYZ, X = 18 cm, y = 14 cm, and z= 17 cm.
Determine the measure of Z to the nearest degree.
a. 66°
b. 63°
c. 57°
d. 60°



B: 63

Step-by-step explanation:

(3.1 x 10^10) X (4.6 x 10^4) divided by (9.4 x 10^-3)

(This is scientific notation)




Step-by-step explanation:

it would be better to first multiply the two then divide the answer by 9.4×10^-3

I hope this helps

Please help with question thank you



The answer is 3x=50-10y

this is the answer 3x = 50 - 10y

The height of a rocket a given number of seconds after it is released is modeled by h (t) = negative 16 t squared + 32 t + 10. What does t represent? the number of seconds after the rocket is released the initial height of the rocket the initial velocity of the rocket the height of the rocket after t seconds The function V(r) = four-thirds pi r cubed can be used to find the volume of air inside a basketball given its radius. What does V(r) represent?



t is the number of seconds after the rocket is released

V(r) is the volume of the ball with radius r.



There isn't much to say in terms of explanation. These variables are simply definitions.

out of 500 bulbs, 0.2 are defective. how many are defctive




Step-by-step explanation:


100 bulbs 500•0.2=100

A hundred chickadees can eat 100 kg of seeds in 100 days. How many kg of seeds can 10 chickadees eat in 10 days?



1 kg

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of chickadees = 100

Quantity of seed eaten = 100 kg

Number of days = 100

Quantity of seeds each chickadee eats per day =Number of chickadees ÷ Quantity of seed eaten ÷ Number of days

= 100 ÷ 100 ÷ 100

= 1 ÷ 100

= 0.01 kg of seed

How many kg of seeds can 10 chickadees eat in 10 days?

= Quantity of seeds each chickadee eats per day × number of chickadee × number of days

= 0.01 kg × 10 × 10

= 1 kg

10 chickadees eat 1 kg of seeds in 10 days

Dwight wants to build a new rectangular beet farm, but he is first making a list of items he needs to purchase from the store. Dwight decides he will get 160 feet of
fencing to go around the farm that will have a length of 50 feet.
a. Find the width of the farm that Dwight wants to make. Include units.
b. Dwight decides that he will plant 1 beet seed for every square foot of land in this farm and he does not want to purchase any extra seeds. Exactly how many beet seeds should he purchase? Include units.



Step-by-step explanation: sorry I jsit really needed the points




s4 = 270

18+36+72+144 = 270

-- convergent sums to a single value

Step-by-step explanation:


S4 = 270

Step-by-step explanation:

The 4th partial sum of the sequence is the sum of the first 4 terms:

S4 = a(1) + a(2) + a(3) + a(4)

Because the sequence is geometric any term can be written in terms of the previous one:

a(n) = r a(n - 1)

And more importantly in terms of the first term a(1) so that

a(2) = r a(1)

a(3) = r a(2) = r^2 a(1)

a(4) = r a (3) = r^3 a(1)

Then the 4th partial sum is

S4 = a(1) + r a(1) + r^2 a(1) + r^3 a(1)

S4 = a(1) (1 + r + r^2 + r^3)

With a a(1) = 18 and r = 2 we have

S4 = 18 (1 + 2 + 4 + 8) = 270

Therefore, the 4th partial sum is 270

Please help solve 1, and 2



Step-by-step explanation:

1). WXYZ is a rectangle,

  Properties of a rectangle,

  i). Opposite sides are equal and parallel.

  ii). All interior angles measure 90°.

  iii). Diagonals are equal in measure.

a). WY = ZX = 30

 Therefore, ZT = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(ZX)[/tex]


b). WY = ZX = 45

c). Since, WY = ZX,

    (4b - 16) = (3b + 5)

    4b - 3b = 16 + 5

     b = 21

2). GOAT is a rhombus and m∠OGA = 35°,

    a). m∠TGA = m∠OGA = 35°

    b). m∠GXO = 90°

    c). m∠GXT = 90°

    d). Since adjacent angles of a rhombus are supplementary,

         m∠OGT + m∠GTA = 180°

         70° + m∠GTA = 180°

         m∠GTA = 110°

         m∠GTO = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(m\angle GTA)[/tex]

                        = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(110^{\circ})[/tex]

                        = 55°

     e). Since, opposite angles of a rhombus are equal,

          m∠OGT = m∠OAT = 70°

     f). m∠GOA = m∠GTA = 110°

The height of a baseball in feet can be found by the equation -4.982 – 20t + 1000. How far has the
baseball traveled at t = 6?




Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this, we must plug in 6 for our t value. So, we have the equation:

-4.982 - 20(6) + 1000

Following the rules of PEMDAS, we have:

-4.982 - 120 + 1000 = 875.018

Find the value of both variables.


[tex] \cos(45) = \frac{5 \sqrt{2} }{x} \\ \frac{1}{ \sqrt{2} } = \frac{5 \sqrt{2} }{x} \\ x = 10 \\ \\ \tan(45) = \frac{y}{5 \sqrt{2} } \\ 1 = \frac{y}{5 \sqrt{2} } \\ y = 5 \sqrt{2} [/tex]

I hope I helped you ^_^

The marked price of a radio was 40% above the cost price. When it was sold allowing 30% discount on it, there was loss of RS. 100. What was the marked price of the radio.​




Step-by-step explanation:

70/100 * marked price = original price - 100

marked price = 140/100* og price

70/100 * 140/100 * og price = original price - 100

49/50 * og price = orignal price - 100

1/50 of original price = 100

orignal price = 5000

marked price = 140/100 * 5000 = 7000

Find the value of m.

A. 7
B. 2
C. 42
D. 14



A. 7

Step-by-step explanation:

3m + 21 = 6m

Move variables to one side to get:

3m + 21 = 6m

-3m         -3m

21 = 3m

Then isolate variable by dividing by 3

21/3 = 3m/3

m = 7

Choice A is the correct answer

Find the perimeter of this semi-circle with diameter, d = 22cm.
Give your answer as an expression in terms of t.




Step-by-step explanation:

Perimeter of a circle =πD

But π=t

hence perimeter; = 22tcm

where t=π





Step-by-step explanation:

cos ? = 41/45

? = arccos 41/45

? = 24

Answered by GAUTHMATH

The tables represent two linear functions in a system.
A 2 column table with 5 rows. The first column, x, has the entries, negative 4, negative 2, 0, 2. The second column, y, has the entries, 26, 18, 10, 2. A 2 column table with 5 rows. The first column, x, has the entries, negative 4, negative 2, 0, 2. The second column, y, has the entries, 14, 8, 2, negative 4.

What is the solution to this system?




Step-by-step explanation:

i didnt get this question



Step-by-step explanation:

I took the quiz and did my work on paper but the paper got wet and I don't remember the steps I did

in how many ways can alice give 12 apples to 3 children



Step-by-step explanation:

give four apples to each child because 12/3 is 4



Step-by-step explanation:

help me please to solve this 2 questions pleasee faster.. i will mark you as brainliest​



1. x=72, y=, 108

2.x=30, y=72

Step-by-step explanation:

Brainliest please~

Sue has 3 cats. Each cat eats 1 4 of a tin of cat food each day. Sue buys 4 tins of cat food. Has Sue bought enough cat food to feed her cats for 5 days? You must show how you get your answer



3 3/4 tins of food

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of cats = 3

Quantity of food for each cat per day = 1/4 of a tin

Total tins of cat food sue bought = 4 tins

Has Sue bought enough cat food to feed her cats for 5 days?

Quantity of food 3 cats eat per day = Quantity of food for each cat per day × Number of cats

= 1/4 × 3

= 3/4 of a tin

Total Quantity of food 3 cats eat for 5 days = Quantity of food 3 cats eat per day × 5 days

= 3/4 × 5

= (3 * 5) / 4

= 15/4

= 3 3/4 tins of food

Total Quantity of food 3 cats eat for 5 days = 3 3/4 tins of food


Total tins of cat food sue bought = 4 tins

Therefore, Sue bought enough cat food to feed her cats for 5 days

The length of a rectangular playing field is 5m longer than its width. If the perimeter of the field is 150m,find it's width​




Step-by-step explanation:

Make equations, l = w+5 and 2l + 2w = 150

Substitute w+5 into 2l + 2w = 150

Simplify to get 4w + 10 = 150

Subtract 10 from both sides to get 4w = 140

Divide both sides by 4 and you get 35 as width


The width of the field is 35 meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Recall that the perimeter of a rectangle is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle P = 2(w+\ell)[/tex]

Where w is the width and l is the length of the rectangle.

We know that the perimeter is 150 meters. Thus:


Divide both sides by two:


We are given that the length is five meters longer than the width. So:

[tex]\ell = w+5[/tex]



Combine like terms:


Subtract five from both sides:


And divide both sides by two. Hence:


Thus, the width of the rectangular field is 35 meters.

Express 3.023 in P form where p and q are integers and q= 0 D​



The number is 3.023.

To find:

The given number in the form of [tex]\dfrac{p}{q}[/tex], where [tex]q\neq 0[/tex].


The given number is 3.023. It can be written as:

[tex]3.023=3.023\times \dfrac{1000}{1000}[/tex]


It cannot be simplified further because 3023 and 1000  have no common factors.

Therefore, the given number 3.023 can be written as [tex]\dfrac{3023}{1000}[/tex].

Enter the coordinates of the point
on the unit circle at the given angle. 0°


The points are ( 1,0) (0,1) .

The coordinates of the point on the unit circle -The coordinates for the points lying on the unit circle and also on the axes are (1,0), (–1,0), (0,1), and (0,–1). These four points (called intercepts) are shown here. When you square each coordinate and add those values together, you get 1. They're the sine and cosine values of the most common acute-angle measures.

a.) We seek the coordinates on the unit circle that represent an angle of 0 degrees.

The points on the unit circle are often provided by,

( cosθ, sinθ )

In order to do so,

θ= 0

to acquire,



b. With regard to the location on the unit circle where the angle is 90 degrees,

We swap out

θ = 90

to acquire,


This is condensed to, (0,1)

Learn more about the coordinates of the point on the unit circle


Answer: 1,0

is the actual answer

Căn 84 bình phương trừ 37 bình phương chia 47



[tex]\sqrt{84^{2} } -37^{2} /47[/tex]=257 9/47

Step-by-step explanation:

Help,anyone can help me do quetion,I will mark brainlest.​



1m = 0.001 km

So, 1m² = 10^-6

Area = 5027 m² = 5027 × 10 ^-6 km²


1mm = 0.1 cm

1mm² = 10^-2

Area = 210× 297 mm² =62370 mm² = 62370 ×10^-2 cm²

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