Please help, only answer if your 1000% correct im in summer school and need to pass this class
Action reaction forces never cancel each other out because .............................? *
1 point
they do not act on objects.
they act on the same objects
they act on different objects.
none of the above
A force can be described as? *
1 point
push or pull action
pulling direction
direction of change
push action only
Using EquatIO calculate the resultant force for the horizontal (x-axis) component. Show your calculation step. *
2 points
Captionless Image
A player hits a baseball with a bat. The action force is the impact of the bat against the ball. The reaction force is .......................? *
1 point
Captionless Image
the grip of the player's hands on the ball
the weight of the ball
the air resistance of the ball
the force of the ball against the bat
Which law is this? "An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." *
1 point
Newtons third law
Newtons second law
Newtons first law
None of the above
Which law is this? "If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A." *
1 point
None of the above
Newtons second law
Newtons first law
Newtons third law
What can be said about a force on an object that is not stationary? *
1 point
Captionless Image
there are no forces acting on the object
there are unequal forces acting on the object
there is only one force acting on the object
there are equal and opposite acting on the object
Using EquatIO calculate the resultant force for the vertical (y-axis) component. Show your calculation step. *
2 points
Captionless Image
Identify the different force acting on a moving vehicle shown in the mage below. *
5 points
Captionless Image
Reaction force
Air resistance
Reaction force
Air resistance
Which law is this? "The acceleration of an object is directly related to the net force and inversely related to its mass." *
1 point
None of the above
Newtons third law
Newtons first law
Newtons second law
If forces acting on an object are unbalanced, what can occur to the object? *
1 point
all of the above
change of shape
change in direction
If a player hits a baseball with a force of 870N Calculate the acceleration (state the units) of the ball . Show your calculation step using only EquatIO. *
2 points
Captionless Image
Action reaction forces never cancel each other out because .............................? *
1 point
they act on different objects.
none of the above
they act on the same objects
they do not act on objects.


Answer 1

because they work on the same object


A push and pull factor

Answer 2
1) they act on different objects
2)push or pull action
3) (no image so i cant answer this sorry)
4)the force of the ball against the bat
5)Newton’s first law
6)newtons third law
7)there are unequal forces acting on the object
8)(no image again sorry)
9)(no image)
10)newtons second law
11)all of the above
12) f=ma
A= f/m = 870/
Mass wasnt provided so i cant solve this
13)they act on different objects

Related Questions

A swift blow with the hand can break a pine board. As the hand hits the board, the kinetic energy of the hand is transformed into elastic potential energy of the bending board; if the board bends far enough, it breaks. Applying a force to the center of a particular pine board deflects the center of the board by a distance that increases in proportion to the force. Ultimately the board breaks at an applied force of 870 N and a deflection of 1.4 cm.
a. To break the board with a blow from the hand, how fast must the hand be moving? Use 0.50 kg for the mass of the hand.
b. If the hand is moving this fast and comes to rest in a distance of 1.2 cm, what is the average force on the hand?



A. The hand must move with a velocity of 6.98 m/s to break the board.

B. Average force on the hand = 1025 N


A.To determine the speed the hand must move with to break the board, the force workdone in breaking the board is found first.

Workdone = force × distance

Minimum force required = 870 N;

Distance moved by board/Deflection in order to break = 1.4 cm = 0.014 M

Workd done = 870 N × 0.014 m = 12.18 Nm or 12.18 J

This work done = Kinetic energy of the hand

Kinetic energy = mv²/2 ; where m is mass and v is velocity

Mass of hand = 0.50 Kg, velocity = ?, K.E. = 12.18 J

v² = 2 KE/m

v = √2KE/m

v = √(2 × 12.18/0.50)

v = 6.98 m/s

Therefore, the hand must move with a velocity of 6.98 m/s to break the board.

B. Average force on the hand

This can be determined using the equation of motion, v² = u² + 2as to find acceleration, since force = mass × acceleration

From the equation of motion, a = v² - u²/2s

At rest, v = 0, u = 6.98, s = 1.2 cm = 0.012 m

a = 0² - 6.98²/ 2 × 0.012

a = -2030 m/s²

Force = 2030 m/s² × 0. 50 kg = 1015 N

Therefore, Average force on the hand = 1025 N

help plzzzzzzzzzzzz ?



1. First, let's find the total resistance of the circuit. We begin by combining [tex]R_{4}[/tex], [tex]R_{5}[/tex] and [tex]R_{6}[/tex]:

[tex]R_{456}=R_{4} + \dfrac{R_{5}R_{6}}{R_{5} + R_{6}}[/tex]

[tex]= 6\:Ω + \dfrac{(3\:Ω)(5\:Ω)}{3\:Ω+5\:Ω} = 7.9\:Ω[/tex]

Now time to combine [tex]R_{2}[/tex] and [tex]R_{3}[/tex] and they are connected in series so

[tex]R_{23} =R_{2} + R_{3} = 17\:Ω[/tex]

Note that [tex]R_{23}[/tex] and [tex]R_{456}[/tex] are connected in parallel so

[tex]R_{23456} = \dfrac{R_{23}R_{456}}{R_{23}+R_{456}}=5.4\:Ω[/tex]

Finally, [tex]R_{23456}[/tex] is connected in series with [tex]R_{1}[/tex] so the total resistance [tex]R_{T}[/tex] is

[tex]R_{T} = R_{1} + R_{23456} = 10\:Ω + 5.4\:Ω = 15.4\:Ω[/tex]

2. The total current in the circuit is

[tex]I_{T} = \dfrac{V}{R_{T}} = \dfrac{20\:V}{15.4\:Ω} = 1.3\:A[/tex]

3. The voltage drop across [tex]R_{1},\:V_{1}[/tex] is

[tex]V_{1} = I_{T}R_{1} = (1.3\:A)(10\:Ω) = 13\:V[/tex]

4. We can see that [tex]I_{T} = I_{1} + I_{2}[/tex]. To solve for [tex]I_{1}[/tex], we need [tex]V_{23}[/tex], which is just [tex]V_{T} - V_{1} = 20\:V - 13\:V = 7\:V[/tex] , which gives us

[tex]I_{1} = \dfrac{V_{23}}{R_{23}} = \dfrac{7\:V}{17\:Ω} = 0.4\:A[/tex]

5. From #2 & #4, [tex]I_{2} = 1.3\:A - 0.4\:A = 0.9\:A[/tex] and we also know that the voltage drop across [tex]R_{456}[/tex] is 7 V, the same as that of [tex]R_{23}[/tex]. The voltage drop across [tex]R_{4}[/tex] is

[tex]V_{4} = I_{2}R_{4} =(0.9\:A)(6\:Ω) = 5.4\:V[/tex]

This means that the voltage drop across [tex]R_{6}[/tex] is 7 V - 5.4 V = 1.6 V. Knowing this, the current through [tex]R_{6}[/tex] is

[tex]I_{6} = \dfrac{1.6\:V}{5\:Ω} = 0.3\:A[/tex]

Hey, can a physics major help me?

I have been wondering about the exact difference between theories laws facts and hypothosis.
I know the general layout but I am still a bit confused.

100 points for answering and brainly if it is a good one.



A hypothesis is a limited explanation of a phenomenon; a scientific theory is an in-depth explanation of the observed phenomenon. A law is a statement about an observed phenomenon or a unifying concept



will try 2 explain fact, hypothesis, theory n law

fact is the starting pt: e.g. apple falls from tree

hypothesis tries 2 explain a fact: e.g. there is a force pulling down apple

theory is a complete explanation w/ equations n stuff: e.g. Newton came up w/ theory of gravitational attraction force

law is a theory dat has been proven right through tests n experiments: Newton's gravity theory had been proven right in many many tests.

A car on the roller coaster begins with 0j of kinetic energy and 12,928j of potential energy and finishes the track with 3,715j of potential energy. How much kinetic energy dose the car finish with????



9213 J


Change in Kinetic energy = Change in Potential energy

= 12,928J - 3715J

=9213 J

For more assistance: +1 (304) 223-3136

You are packing for a trip to another star, and on your journey you will be traveling at a speed of 0.99c. Can you sleep in a smaller cabin than usual, because you will be shorter when you lie down? Explain your answer.



No. From your own reference frame, nothing will change. Everything will look the same to you even if you're traveling at 99% speed of light. However, an outside observer will see you shrink to about 14% of your original length along the direction of your motion according to the Lorentz contraction predicted by special relativity:

[tex]L=L_{0} \sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2 }{c^2 }}[/tex]

A conductor is placed in an external electrostatic field. The external field is uniform before the conductor is placed within it. The conductor is completely isolated from any source of current or charge.

1. Which of the following describes the electricfield inside this conductor?

a. It is in thesame direction as the original external field.
b. It is in theopposite direction from that of the original externalfield.
c. It has adirection determined entirely by the charge on itssurface.
d. It is alwayszero.

2. The charge density inside theconductor is:

a. 0
b. non-zero;but uniform
c. non-zero;non-uniform
d. infinite





Fiber optic (FO) cables are based upon the concept of total internal reflection (TIR), which is achieved when the FO core and cladding have the same refractive indices.

a. True
b. False





Though fiber active cable is based on the concept of internal reflection but it is achieved by refractive index which transmit data through fast traveling pulses of light. It has a layer of glass and insulating casing called “cladding,”and this is is wrapped around the central fiber thereby causing light to continuously bounce back from the walls of the Cable.

A woman stands on a bathroom scale in a motionless elevator. When the elevator begins to move, the scale briefly reads only 0.64 of her regular weight. Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the elevator.



The downwards acceleration is 3.53 m/s2.


Let the true weight is m g.

The reading of the balance, R = 0.64 mg

Let the acceleration is a.

As the apparent weight is less than the true weight so the elevator goes down wards with some acceleration.

Use Newton's second law

m g - R = m a

m g - 0.64 m g = m a

0.36 g = a

a = 3.53 m/s2

Which type of balance is key to sitting?








here is your answer

a brick of mass 0.8 kg is accidentally dropped from a high scaffolding. it reaches the ground with a kinetic energy of 240 J. How high is scaffolding ?(Take acceleration due to gravity g be 10 m s-¹)​



30 m

General Formulas and Concepts:


Gravitational Potential Energy: [tex]\displaystyle U_g = mgh[/tex]

m is mass (in kg)g is gravityh is height (in m)

Kinetic Energy: [tex]\displaystyle KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex]

m is mass (in kg)v is velocity (in m/s²)

Law of Conservation of Energy


Step 1: Define

Identify variables

[Given] m = 0.8 kg

[Given] g = 10 m/s²

[Given] U = 240 J

[Solve] h

Step 2: Solve for h

[LCE] Substitute in variables [Gravitational Potential Energy]:                      (0.8 kg)(10 m/s²)h = 240 JMultiply:                                                                                                             (8 kg · m/s²)h = 240 JIsolate h [Cancel out units]:                                                                             h = 30 m

what is effort arm
don't say the answer of gogle ​



effort arm mean the use of any work by using your hand force motion or by hand power

an object falls freely from rest the total distance covered by it in 2s will be​



Distance, S = 19.6 meters


Given the following data;

Time = 2 seconds

We know that acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s².

Also, the initial velocity of the object is equal to zero because it's starting from rest.

To find the total distance covered by the object, we would use the second equation of motion;

[tex] S = ut + \frac {1}{2}at^{2}[/tex]


S represents the displacement or height measured in meters. u represents the initial velocity measured in meters per seconds. t represents the time measured in seconds. a represents acceleration measured in meters per seconds square.

Substituting into the equation, we have;

[tex] S = 0*2 + \frac {1}{2}*(9.8)*2^{2}[/tex]

[tex] S = 0 + 4.9*4[/tex]

[tex] S = 4.9*4 [/tex]

Distance, S = 19.6 meters

Therefore, the total distance covered by the object is 19.6 meters.

A ball is launched from the ground with a horizontal speed of 30 m/s and a vertical speed of 30 m/s. What will the horizontal speed be right before it hits the ground?
A. 15 m/s
B. 0 m/s
C. 30 m/s
D. 40 m/s





horizintal speed stays same

only vertical speed changes

so H speed will stay 30 m/s

Question 1 of 25
Which equation is an example of a synthesis reaction?
A. HNO3 + KOH → KCI + H20
B. 2Li+ CaCl2 - 2LiCl + Ca
O C. S+ 02 - S02
O D. CH4 + 202 - 2H2O + CO2



C. S + 02 → S02


A synthesis or combination reaction is that reaction involving two elements as reactants to form a single compound as product.

In the reaction given below;

S + 02 → S02

Sulphur and oxygen are elemental substances that combine to synthesize sulfur IV oxide (SO2), and hence it is an example of synthesis reaction.

who won the battle of Buxar​



British East India Company

The battle was fought at Buxar, a "small fortified town" within the territory of Bihar, located on the banks of the Ganga river about 130 kilometres (81 mi) west of Patna; it was a decisive victory for the British East India Company.

To a man running east at the rate of 3m/s vain appears to fall vertically with a speed of 4m/s. Find the actual speed and direction of rain...​



The actual speed of the rain is 5 m/s and its direction is -53.13°


The actual speed of the rain V = speed of man, v + speed of rain relative to man, v'.

V = v + v'

We add these vectorially.

Since the man's speed is 3 m/s east, in the positive x - direction, we have v = 3i  and the rain's speed is falling vertically at 4 m/s, in the negative y- direction, we have v' = -4j

So, V = v + v'

V = 3i + (-4j)

V = 3i - 4j

So, the magnitude of V which is its speed is V = √(3² + (-4)²) = √(9 + 16) = √25 = 5 m/s

The direction of V, Ф = tan⁻¹(vertical component/horizontal component) = tan⁻¹(-4/3) = tan⁻¹(-4/3) = tan⁻¹(-1.333) = -53.13°

So, the actual speed of the rain is 5 m/s and its direction is -53.13°

Part A What will be the equilibrium temperature when a 227 g block of copper at 283 °C is placed in a 155 g aluminum calorimeter cup containing 844 g of water at 14.6°C? ​



T = 20.84°C


From the law of conservation of energy:

Heat Lost by Copper Block = Heat Gained by Aluminum Calorimeter + Heat Gained by Water

[tex]m_cC_c\Delta T_c = m_wC_w\Delta T_w + m_aC_a\Delta T_a[/tex]


[tex]m_c[/tex] = mass of copper = 227 g

[tex]m_w[/tex] = mass of water = 844 g

[tex]m_a[/tex] = mass of aluminum = 155 g

[tex]C_c[/tex] = specific heat capacity of calorimeter = 385 J/kg.°C

[tex]C_w[/tex] = specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kg.°C

[tex]C_a[/tex] = specific heat capacity of aluminum = 890 J/kg.°C

[tex]\Delta T_c[/tex] = change in temperature of copper = 283°C - T

[tex]\Delta T_w[/tex] = change in temperature of water = T - 14.6°C

[tex]\Delta T_a[/tex] = change in temperature of aluminum = T - 14.6°C

T = equilibrium temperature = ?


[tex](227\ g)(385\ J/kg.^oC)(283^oC-T)=(844\ g)(4200\ J/kg.^oC)(T-14.6^oC)+(155\ g)(890\ J/kg.^oC)(T-14.6^oC)\\\\24732785\ J - (87395\ J/^oC) T = (3544800\ J/^oC) T - 51754080\ J+ (137950\ J/^oC) T-2014070\ J\\\\24732785\ J +51754080\ J+2014070\ J = (3544800\ J/^oC) T+(137950\ J/^oC+(87395\ J/^oC) T\\\\78560935\ J = (3770145\ J/^oC) T\\\\T = \frac{78560935\ J}{3770145\ J/^oC}[/tex]

T = 20.84°C

A 2.7 kg mass is connected to a spring (k=159 N/m) and is sliding on a horizontal frictionless surface. The mass is given an initial displacement of +19 cm and released with an initial velocity of -13 cm/s. Determine the acceleration of the spring at t=3.4 seconds.



The acceleration of the spring at [tex]t = 3.4\,s[/tex] is -29339.947 centimeters per square second.


The mass-spring system experiments a Simple Harmonic Motion, whose kinematic expression is the following:

[tex]x(t) = A\cdot \cos \left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{m} }\cdot t + \phi\right)[/tex] (1)


[tex]x(t)[/tex] - Position, in centimeters.

[tex]A[/tex] - Amplitude, in centimeters.

[tex]k[/tex] - Spring constant, in newtons per meter.

[tex]m[/tex] - Mass, in kilograms.

[tex]\phi[/tex] - Phase, in radians.

By Differential Calculus, we derive expression for the velocity and acceleration of the mass-spring system:

[tex]v(t) = -\sqrt{\frac{k}{m} }\cdot A\cdot \sin \left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{m} }\cdot t +\phi\right)[/tex] (2)

[tex]a(t) = -\frac{k\cdot A}{m}\cdot \cos \left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{m} }\cdot t +\phi\right)[/tex] (3)

Where [tex]v(t)[/tex] and [tex]a(t)[/tex] are the velocity and acceleration of the system, in centimeters per second and centimeters per square second, respectively.

If we know [tex]m = 2.7\,kg[/tex], [tex]k = 159\,\frac{N}{m}[/tex], [tex]t = 0\,s[/tex], [tex]x(t) = 19\,cm[/tex] and [tex]v(t) = -13\,\frac{cm}{s}[/tex], then we have the following system of nonlinear equations:

[tex]A \cdot \cos \phi = 19[/tex] (1)

[tex]-7.674\cdot A \cdot \sin \phi = - 13[/tex] (2)

If we divide (2) by (1):

[tex]-7.674\cdot \tan \phi = -0.684[/tex]

[tex]\tan \phi = 0.089[/tex]

[tex]\phi = \tan^{-1} 0.089[/tex]

[tex]\phi \approx 0.028\,rad[/tex]

By (1), we get the value of the amplitude:

[tex]A = \frac{19}{\cos \phi}[/tex]

[tex]A = 19.075\,cm[/tex]

If we know that [tex]A = 19.075\,cm[/tex], [tex]k = 159\,\frac{N}{m}[/tex], [tex]m = 2.7\,kg[/tex], [tex]t = 3.4\,s[/tex] and [tex]\phi \approx 0.028\,rad[/tex], then the acceleration of the spring is:

[tex]a(t) = -29339.947\,\frac{cm}{s^{2}}[/tex]

The acceleration of the spring at [tex]t = 3.4\,s[/tex] is -29339.947 centimeters per square second.

You sit on ice and shove a heavy box with your feet with a given force. What will you and the box share? *
A) Same acceleration
B) equal and opposite acceleration
C) the equal and opposite force
D) same force
explain please



the correct answer is C


In this exercise we will analyze the situation.

When the person is on the ice, the friction coefficient is very small, if the box is in a place where there is no ice, the coefficient is different, so the friction force on each body is different.

Therefore the acceleration that each body acquires is different.

If we apply the conservation of momentum, each body moves in the opposite direction, but with different speeds.

If we use Newton's third law, the force applied to each body has the same magnitude and opposite direction, which is why the force is of the action and reaction type

Consequently the correct answer is C

If distance between two charges increased by 2 times then force



The size of the force varies inversely as the square of the distance between the two charges. Therefore, if the distance between the two charges is doubled, the attraction or repulsion becomes weaker, decreasing to one-fourth of the original value.

You use a force sensor to measure the weight of an object 10 times, and get the following values: 2.8, 2.6, 2.9, 3.1, 2.4, 2.9, 3.2, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, where all ten values are in units of N. What is the mean weight of the object, as well as the measurement uncertainty of the weight?


Answer: Mean weight = 2.81 N and  Measurement of uncertainty = 0.82 N


Mean =  [tex]\dfrac{\text{Sum of observations}}{\text{number of observations}}[/tex]

Mean weight is [tex]($\mu)=\frac{2.8+2.6+2.9+3.1+2.4+2.9+3.2+2.5+2.7+3.0}{10}[/tex]



[tex]$\sigma=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=1}^{10}\left(x_{i}-\mu\right)^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]=\sqrt{\frac{1}{10-1} 0.61}=0.082$[/tex]

Measurement of uncertainty will be  [tex]$\sigma=0.082$[/tex]  

hence,  Weight [tex]$W=2.81 \pm 0.082 N$[/tex]

Which 2 statements are true about this chemical reaction that forms acid rain?





HNO2 is less stable thus dissociates easily to HNO3 + NO + H2O while HNO3 is a strong acid. Thus when they react with H2O they form acid rain




dont have one just trust me

You take your pulse and observe 80 heartbeats in a minute. What is the period of your heartbeat? What is the frequency of your heartbeat?



120 beats per minute.


If I take your pulse and observe 80 heartbeats in a minute. Then the period of your heartbeat is 0.8 s and frequency is 1.3Hz.

What is Heartbeat ?

A pulse is the term used in medicine to describe the tactile arterial palpation of the cardiac cycle (heartbeat) by skilled fingertips. Any location where an artery can be compressed close to the surface of the body, such as the carotid artery in the neck, the radial artery in the wrist, the femoral artery in the groyne, the popliteal artery behind the knee, the posterior tibial artery near the ankle joint, and on the foot, can be used to palpate the pulse (dorsalis pedis artery). Heart rate may be determined by monitoring pulse, or the number of arterial pulses per minute. Auscultation, which is the process of counting the heartbeats while listening to the heart using a stethoscope, is another way to determine the heart rate. Typically, three fingers are used to gauge the radial pulse.


heart beat = 80 beats/min = 1.3 beats/s

Frequency is nothing but how much beats is heart having in one second and that is 1.3 beats/s. Hence frequency of heart is 1.3Hz.

The Period is reciprocal of frequency,

T = 1/f = 0.8 s

To know more about frequency :


In addition to acceleration, what else will be a maximum at the amplitude for SHM?

A. Potential energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Nuclear energy
D. Chemical energy


It is Potential energy's

calculate the work function that requires a 455 nm photon to eject an electron of a value 0.73 eV



W = 2 eV


Given that,

The wavelength of a photon = 455 nm

The kinetic energy of a photon, K = 0.73 eV

We need to find the work function of the electron. It can be solved using Einstein's equation such that,


E is the energy of the photon


[tex]W=\dfrac{hc}{\lambda}-K\\\\W=\dfrac{6.63\times 10^{-34}\times 3\times 10^8}{455\times 10^{-9}\times 1.6\times 10^{-19}}-0.73\\\\W= 2.73\ eV-0.73\ eV\\\\W=2\ eV[/tex]

So, the work function of the metal is 2 eV.

What innovation did jethro wood add to plows in the 1800s?


Built by 1800, it was the home of inventor Jethro Wood (1774-1834), whose 1819 invention of an iron moldboard plow revolutionized American agriculture.

Ocean waves of wavelength 22 m are moving directly toward a concrete barrier wall at 4.6 m/s . The waves reflect from the wall, and the incoming and reflected waves overlap to make a lovely standing wave with an antinode at the wall. (Such waves are a common occurrence in certain places.) A kayaker is bobbing up and down with the water at the first antinode out from the wall.

a. How far from the wall is she?
b. What is the period of her up-and-down motion?



a)  [tex]d=11m[/tex]

b)  [tex]T=4.68s[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Wavelength [tex]\lambda=22m[/tex]

Velocity [tex]v=4.6m/s[/tex]


Generally the equation for distance between her and the wall d is mathematically given by


The First Anti node distance is [tex]\frac{\lambda}{2}[/tex]


 [tex]d= \frac{\22}{2}[/tex]



Generally the equation for her up-and-down motion is mathematically given by



An empty parallel plate capacitor is connected between the terminals of a 8.85-V battery and charges up. The capacitor is then disconnected from the battery, and the spacing between the capacitor plates is doubled. As a result of this change, what is the new voltage between the plates of the capacitor



The new voltage is 17.7 V.  


Voltage, V = 8.85 V

The spacing is doubled.

When it is disconnected, the charge remains same,

q = C V ..... (1)

where, C is the capacitance, V is the voltage.  

The capacitance is inversely proportional to the distance between the two plates.

So, when the spacing is doubled, the capacitance is halved.

Let the new voltage is V'.

C V = C' V'

C x 8.85 = C/2 x V'

V' = 17.7 V  

A 2.5-kg rock is dropped off a 32-m cliff and hits a spring, compressing it 57 cm. What is the spring constant? Round your answer to two significant figures.

The spring constant, k, is
StartFraction N over m EndFraction.


Answer: 4800 N/m



mass of rock [tex]m=2.5\ kg[/tex]

Height of cliff [tex]h=32\ m[/tex]

compression in the spring [tex]x=57\ cm[/tex]

Here, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy which in turn converts to elastic potential energy of the spring

[tex]\Rightarrow mgh=\dfrac{1}{2}kx^2\\\\\Rightarrow k=\dfrac{2mgh}{x^2}\\\\\Rightarrow k=\dfrac{1568}{0.3249}\\\\\Rightarrow k=4826.100\approx 4800\ N/m[/tex]





The position of an object of
mass 5 kg as a function of
time is giving by r = (20m/s4)t4
i + (12 m/s3)t3 j. Find the
force acting on the object as a
function of time. Express the
force in unit vectors. Hint:
Remember that Newton's
second Law relates the force
to the acceleration



[tex]F=5(240t^2i+72tj)\ N[/tex]


Given that,

The mass of the object, m = 5 kg

The position vector is, [tex]r=20t^4i+12t^3j[/tex]

Velocity, [tex]v=\dfrac{dr}{dt}=80t^3i+36t^2j[/tex]

Acceleration, [tex]a=\dfrac{dv}{dt}=240t^2i+72tj[/tex]

Newton's second law of motion is given as follows:

F = ma

Put all the values,

[tex]F=5(240t^2i+72tj)\ N[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.

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