Choose one of the following ideas and highlight which one you chose.

Prequel Ideas:
¥ Tell the story of how Pluto ended up living in the underworld.
¥ Tell the story of how Pluto ended up with extraordinary wealth.
¥ Tell the story of another time that Proserpina’s curiosity got her into trouble.
¥ Tell the story of why Ceres is such a cautious mother.

Sequel Ideas:
¥ Tell the story of Proserpina’s time in the underworld.
¥ Tell the story of Pluto’s life without Proserpina.
¥ Tell the story of Ceres’s life without Proserpina.
¥ Tell the story of what life is like for Proserpina and Pluto when they are together.

Step 1. Decide which type of narrator will tell your story.
¥ Omniscient (all knowing)
¥ Limited Omniscient
¥ First Person
¥ If you have chosen a first person narrator, who will it be? Proserpina? Ceres? Pluto? Quicksilver?
Write your narrator here: _______________________________________________________________

Step 2. Typically, you would need to decide on the characters in your story, but since you are writing a prequel or sequel to “The Pomegranate Seeds,” we already know the characters. You may add characters (such as a friend, nanny, etc.) if they will help your new plot.
Write your protagonist here: _____________________________________________________________
Write your antagonist here: ______________________________________________________________
Will you include other characters in your story? If so, who will they be?
__________________________________ ________________________________
Step 3. Decide what conflict your characters will face. Choose one. Describe the conflict in 2-4 sentences.
¥ Character vs Character
¥ Character vs Nature
¥ Character vs Self
¥ Character vs Society

Description of the conflict: ______________________________________________________
In 4-6 sentences, reflect on the conflict you have chosen for your narrative. How will your characters handle the conflict? How would you deal with the same challenge? Will your characters handle it differently than you would? Why or why not?

Step 4. Plan the action.
What is going to happen? When? Where? How will your characters respond? Complete this chart to map out the plot of your narrative. Review the terms if you forgot what they mean.

Rising Action-


Falling Action-


Where is the action happening?

What is happening with the conflict?

How will your characters feel about what is happening?

What might one of your characters say or think in response to what is happening?


Answer 1
The god Pluto lived in a palace in the underworld, far away from the other gods who lived at Mount Olympus. It was his role to claim the souls that inhabited his underworld domain. Those who entered were destined to stay there for eternity. The entrance gates were guarded by his enormous three-headed dog, Cerberus

Pluto was also the god of wealth because diamonds and other jewels come from underground. A myth about Pluto is that he took Proserpina, who was the daughter of Ceres, to the underworld to be his wife. ... The deal they worked out was that for six months, Pluto got Proserpina.

Related Questions

Write an essay that explains how the foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W.
Jacobs creates tension, suspense, or both. Your essay will have an introduction
paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The ideas in your
essay must be linked by transitions.
Make sure you show a good understanding of what foreshadowing, tension, and
suspense mean. Also make sure you can pick out examples of these elements in
"The Monkey's Paw" so that you can support your essay's claim with evidence.
Your essay should include the following elements:
• A claim about how the foreshadowing in W. W. Jacobs's story creates tension or
• An introduction paragraph, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion
• Evidence from the story that supports your claim
• Transitions that link words and ideas



In ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ the author W.W.Jacobs begins the story by setting the scene and the atmosphere by describing the area in which the White’s live. Jacobs describes the night as cold and wet, while inside the house the blinds are drawn and the fire is burning brightly. This is a good contrast, as the house seems to have a warm and safe atmosphere inside, even though the cottage is situated in a remote area of the country, with extremely unpleasant and harsh weather. Before the Sergeant-Major arrives, the atmosphere of the house seems quite tense and dull. Jacobs shows how tense Mr. White is when he writes “Bawled Mr. White, with sudden and unlooked-for violence”. You can easily see that Mr. White doesn’t seem to be concentrating on his game of chess. As ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ was written over a century ago, Jacobs doesn’t use explicit gory details to create horror like modern scary films and books. Instead, he uses subtle hints in most aspects of the story to build up an element of terror and one of these aspects is the way that Jacobs uses setting. The setting of part I begins with a cliché common to most gothic horror stories. “The night was cold and wet but in the small parlour of a Laburnum villa…” The wet and cold atmosphere has an unpleasant effect on the reader as it makes them immediately feel uneasy about the situation. Cold and wet as a combination are both largely used clichés to set the scene of a story, similar to ‘To Build a Fire’, by Jack London, which did however have a more intense description of the setting which was successfully suspenseful and eerie. The pathetic fallacy at the very beginning conveys the idea that the story will contain dark or evil connotations. The use of the word, ‘but’ has been purposely selected to show there is more to the situation, implying that it is liable to a twist. The first paragraph has a great ambience of normality across it; this had been done to allow the reader to empathize with the characters, as it has been set in a fairly common area. However, by setting it in a commonplace, such as a home – Jacobs is defying the orthodox Gothic Horror genre setting. Most stories or novels which follow the rules of this genre are set in deserted places or a more enchanted/fictional region.

In addition, the transition between each part of the story shows large changes in mood. After Herbert retires for the night, the second part begins, which has a very customary, “prosaic” mood to it. The contrast of mood between the start of part II and the end of part I is very large and keeps the reader alert. The huge amount of tension built when Herbert gazes into the fire is dropped instantaneously, keeping the interest of the reader. The following day, the mood is very calm and relaxed, the reader may feel as if the mood were too normal, and become suspicious, waiting for some action to occur. Following the Gothic Horror genre, there is a cliché that sunlight has a large impact on the mood of a story, as everything seems more controlled and calm during the day.


The author is able to create tension and suspense through many ways in “The Monkey's Paw”. In the opening sentence of the story, we are given a quick description of the surrounding area. In gothic stories, they are usually set in a remote and isolated area, as in “The Monkey's Paw” the main setting is in a remote village where there were only two houses around. “Without, the night was cold and wet,” sets the scene of the story. A gloomy background has been given to set the surrounding area. The weather is similar to the feelings of the main characters.This is a good contrast, as the house seems to have a warm and safe atmosphere inside, even though the cottage is situated in a remote area of the country, with extremely unpleasant and harsh weather. The setting of part I begins with a common to most gothic horror stories. “The night was cold and wet but in the small parlor of a Laburnum villa…” The wet and cold atmosphere has an unpleasant effect on the reader as it makes them immediately feel uneasy about the situation. The use of the word, ‘but’ is used purposely to show there is more to the situation, implying that there might be a twist. The first paragraph has a great mood of routine across it, and this has been done to allow the reader to empathize with the characters, as it has been set in a fairly common area.

In addition, the transition between each part of the story shows large changes in mood. After Herbert retires for the night, the second part begins, which has a very usual, “dull” mood to it. The contrast of mood between the start of part II and the end of part I is very large and keeps the reader alert. The huge amount of tension built when Herbert gazes into the fire is dropped instantly, keeping the interest of the reader. The following day, the mood is very calm and relaxed, the reader may feel as if the mood were too normal, and become suspicious, waiting for some action to occur. Following the Gothic Horror genre, it is common that sunlight has a large impact on the mood of a story, as everything seems more controlled and calm during the day.

I moderated it so it fits my vocabulary better :)

How does the author of “The Silent Songbird” draw upon the character types in “The Rainbow Crow



The “The Silent Songbird” draw on elements from the “The Rainbow Crow” like both stories are based on themes of selfless and amenity. Both deal with problems and then solutions.

14. Which of the following are considered end stops?
O A. Dashes and hyphens
O B. Commas, colons, and semicolons
O C. Periods
O D. Periods, question marks, and exclamation points





The answer is D this is a super easy question for me

Explain 6 ways to mitigate carbon monoxide poisoning in an aircraft



Shut off the heater, open all air vents, Schedule regular maintenance, Keep fireplaces clean and well vented and medical attention.


Shut off the heater, open all air vents, Schedule regular maintenance, Keep fireplaces clean and well vented and medical attention should be used by the pilot who suspects carbonmonoxide condition in an aircraft in order to mitigate carbon monoxide poisoning in an aircraft. These ways and methods are used to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in an aircraft.

Lee is evaluating an informational text about fire safety to determine whether it addresses campfires. Which two print features will answer his questions most quickly?

table of contents


Answer: I think it it would be index and table of contents


Hope it helps you if not sorry

Security forces _______________ for the terrorist leader who bombed the police station. They hope to arrest him soon.



Security forces _______search________ for the terrorist leader who bombed the police station. They hope to arrest him soon.

You received an email from your friend, Asmida who is planning a trip during the school holiday

Hi, What are you doing during the school holidays? My family and I are planning a trip to Langkawi Island. You went there with your family last year, didn't you? How was your trip? What did you do there? Are there any places we should go? Do let me know. Bye!

Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.​




Yes! I have been there. My trip there last year was great! We spent a lot of time at the beach. You should try out the cable cars, they were fun and it was a nice view. Hope the weather is great for you, let me know how your trip is, can't wait to see pictures.


Choose the correct response. There are two extra responses which you do not need to use.
1. Oh, no. I made a mistake. ( )
2. Come on! Let me borrow your laptop for the weekend. ( )
3. He's been playing football from a very young age.( )
4. I went to the shops to buy myself a new jacket, and I also bought Dina's birthday present while I was there. ( )
5. How was your holiday in Mexico? ( ) ​



the correct responses according to me are:

A - 4

B -

C - 1

D - 2

E - 3

F -

G - 5

There are two extra responses that you do not need to use.

A - 4

B -7

C - 1

D - 2

E - 3

F -6

G - 5

What is the responses?

Call and response (in music) and musical structure are examples of responses. Reaction (disambiguation) (disambiguation) Request–response. The output or reaction of a communications input.

A response is a response to stimuli, such as a question, an experience, or another kind of stimulus. You are experiencing an emotional reaction to the drama being played out on screen if you cry during sad movies. A response can take many different forms, such as an explanation for a question, an emotional response, or a rejoinder.

Therefore, Two extra responses that you do not need to use.

Learn more about the responses here:


A girl was walking home one day..

can you help me continue this essay?​


Answer: A girl was walking home one day. It was a wintry night and there was no passer by on the road except for the two souls. It was chilly and dry. She could not walk properly in all those heavy, furry clothes. So she was walking with slowly. Suddenly her dog started barking furiously, clenching and flashing his white and sharp teeth. She saw nothing except a long, empty endless road. She tried to pull her dog and start walking but it stopped and barked. With a whoosh the wind struck her so hard that she fell to the ground.

hope its helps you

keep smiling be happy stay safe.

Write a 10-Sentence Paragraph using the correct forms of the verbs on any of the given topics.
1.My New Normal
2.Our Front liners
3.Learning at Home in this New Normal

send sagot




Para empatizar en este nuevo escenario y acordar nuevos roles, es necesario contar con momentos para hablar sobre la nueva experiencia de escolaridad. Preguntar a profesores, estudiantes y familias cómo se sienten, qué necesitan, qué ideas o ayudas pueden ofrecer para resguardar el aprendizaje y bienestar de los estudiantes. Por medio del diálogo se construyen los significados que cada uno atribuirá a esta nueva experiencia. Por ejemplo, si llamamos tareas al trabajo escolar, a los estudiantes les puede parecer que es mucho trabajo en relación a lo que hacían antes. Es importante recordarles que lo que están realizando en este nuevo formato son actividades escolares en casa, con apoyo de sus profesores a distancia, mientras no puedan volver físicamente a la escuela. Si un adulto está acompañando el trabajo escolar en casa, es importante que el niño pueda distinguir esa función, sin confundirla con otros momentos de juego y descanso, considerando que ni uno ni lo otro son reemplazables.

In two or three sentences discuss how grammar affects your reading fluency.



it teaches us some new words to understand and learn from it.


Let us learn how to talk or speak


grammar is an important part of writing. Using improper grammar can change the meanings of statements ,so it is important to keep an eye out for grammatical errors when writing .using proper grammar also makes the writing appear more intelligent ,and makes writing more literate ,and therefore taken a bit more seriously.

Hopefully, you found it useful.

Answer this question plssss



I m not sure about the answer is right or wrong..


Near, Around, In, Next to, On


This picture of a small shopping mall near our house. It is very neat and clean. Benches are fixed all around the central plaza for people to sit and rest. The first shop to the right is the toy and gift shop. It looks beautiful with colourful dolls and stuffed animals arranged neatly next to the shelves. Between the toy shop is a bookshop which sells books, posters and interesting games. The books are displayed in the middle shelves.

1. near

2. around

3. next to

4. between

5. in the middle


the one's underline are the answers

hope it helps...

correct me if I'm wrong...

Which propaganda technique is being used in the following statement? "My opponent is much younger than I, and has not learned to be responsible enough to do this job."



Ad hominem.


Propaganda techniques are the devices or techniques used to attack one's opponents. Such techniques are used to influence the readers or listeners, in the hope of appealing to their desires and support.

The given statement is an example of ad hominem because it makes a personal attack on the opponent rather than the argument. The speaker talks of the young age of his opponent, which he states, makes him unsuitable for the job. This argument is based on the capability of the opponent and a personal attack, which makes the whole statement invalid.

Thus, the correct answer is ad hominem.




its obvious

To show something electronically on a computer screen​



hi isa akong tao ikaw ay isang aswang


An electronic visual display


A display device for presentation of images text or video transmitted electronically without producing a permanent record

Think of a time when you found
yourself in an embarrassing situation.
Narrate how you got into that situation,
how you dealt with it and the lesson you
learnt from it. short story​



hope it helps plz mark me brainliest


An Embarrassing Day of My Life

The proverb “Pride comes before a fall” became very apt for me. My juniors held me in high regard and my classmates laughed at my witticism. I was also good with academics and managed to come in the first three ranks with the minimum of effort. The result was that I became conceited and started making fun of my classmates especially because some of my class fellows laughed at my witticism. This spurred one on and I started misbehaving when some lenient teachers were present.


This went on for few days. I had a good time laughing, joking and showing off to my admiring coteries of followers. None of the teachers had notices what I was doing because they were too busy in teaching.

Thought about Mary had a little lamb???



not good


very short

I would like to think that it is very very interesting

Write an argument for or against the idea of using controlled fires to protect wild areas.

Final Draft



Using controlled fires to protect wild areas would be a good idea. just think about the times before we inhabited a lot of the land. fires would start on their own. If we used controlled fires, there would be a lower risk of more dangerous and bigger fires. If we were to use controlled fires, we would be able to get rid of the invasive plants and more plants that are native to that area would be able to grow and reproduce.  We would also be able to minimize the spread of pests and diseases. We could also improve the watershed which provides for many ecosystems. By doing so we would be creating a better ecosystem for our wildlife and we would be helping the soil formation. In conclusion, i think that we should use controlled fires to help protect our wild areas. We would be protecting them from invasive species, too many pests and diseases, and the spread of bigger more dangerous wildfires.


The correct answer is:

Using controlled fires to protect wild areas would be a good idea. just think about the times before we inhabited a lot of the land. fires would start on their own. If we used controlled fires, there would be a lower risk of more dangerous and bigger fires. If we were to use controlled fires, we would be able to get rid of the invasive plants and more plants that are native to that area would be able to grow and reproduce.  We would also be able to minimize the spread of pests and diseases. We could also improve the watershed which provides for many ecosystems. By doing so we would be creating a better ecosystem for our wildlife and we would be helping the soil formation. In conclusion, I think that we should use controlled fires to help protect our wild areas. We would be protecting them from invasive species, too many pests and diseases, and the spread of bigger more dangerous wildfires.

What is a controlled fire called?

A prescribed fire is a planned fire; it is also sometimes called a “controlled burn” or “prescribed burn,” and is used to meet management objectives. A prescription is a set of conditions that considers the safety of the public and fire staff, weather, and probability of meeting the burn objectives.

Learn more about a Controlled fire at


U have been installed as a Chief in ur hometown write a letter to ur friend telling him or her at least two things u intend doing to develop the town



See explanation


The Peoples Palace,

40 Palace Close,


July 4, 2021

Dear Omire,

Its my pleasure to let you know that I was coronated the warrant chief of my hometown last week. By this coronation, I have replaced my father as "Omenka III" of Umuigwe clan.

This elevation is not without certain grave responsibilities. The most important among them is the pursuit of development in Umuigwe clan.

I plan to initiate a back to school project for all the out-of-school children in the clan. This project will be pursued in partnership with all the illustrious sons of Umuigwe clan in diaspora. This initiative in targeted at increasing the level of literacy in Umuigwe clan to over 90% by the year 2040.

Secondly, In partnership with the state government, we have initiated the reconstruction of certain critical infrastructure in Umuigwe clan such as schools, markets, roads and civic centers. This is geared towards curbing the rate of migration of people out of Umuigwe clan and ultimately to stimulate the economic growth of the clan.

I have also inaugurated an economic realignment committee of the clan whose mandate is to devise ways of putting the clan on the global map of trade and investment. I have also engaged the services certain business consultants to assist the committee in achieving its mandate.

I hope to see you soon in my palace.

Yours Sincerely,


How is voice different from point of view?



voice is the language an author use to tell a story while point of view is the perspective from which a narrator tells a story

she told me that she had seen my sister the previous day change it into direct speech​



She said to me "I saw your sister,yesterday. "

What role does romance play in Gothic literature?

Every work of Gothic literature has romance in it.
It's never present in Gothic literature.
Gothic literature may have it, but it isn't essential.
It's there, but the protagonist will rarely experience it.



Gothic literature may have it, but it isn't essential.


Gothic literature is a genre of literature that centers on a terror and suspense-filled sequence of events that is sometimes laced with romance. The supernatural events are the most essential features of gothic literature.

When romance is present in gothic literature it forms an important of the storyline. Usually, it is the female protagonist or lead character that experiences the romance. Gothic romance is a genre of gothic literature centered on romance.

How are Napi from the Blackfeet myth and Kúterastan from the Apache myth alike?



they are both myths


"Fine!” Avery said, pushing a stack of books away and looking up at the clock on the wall. "But our paper’s due in three days and we still don’t have topic. What are we going to do?”

"It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Maritza asked. "You write why Rosa Parks is so great, and I’ll do the same for Irene Morgan. And then we’ll put it all together.”

Which best describes the relationship between character and conflict in the excerpt?



Avery is a dynamic and conflicted character because the external conflict with Maritza causes her to change.


The given excerpt is taken from 'It's Only Fair.'

The relationship that the author has portrayed between the character and conflict in the excerpt is by creating Avery a dynamic character through external conflict with Maritza.

From the beginning of the story, Avery and Maritza were seen in conflict with each other. Even in the excerpt this is visible when Avery says 'Fine' to Maritza approach. This also reveals the chaneg that Avery went in her character due to this external conflict with Maritza.


A- Avery is a dynamic character because the external conflict with Maritza causes her to change.


3. Critically discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of each of the FIVE examples you have discussed above.​



Outsourcing Advantages

1. Swiftness and Expertise: Most of the times tasks are outsourced to vendors who specialize in their field. The outsourced vendors also have specific equipment and technical expertise, most of the times better than the ones at the outsourcing organization. Effectively the tasks can be completed faster and with better quality output

2.Concentrating on core process rather than the supporting ones: Outsourcing the supporting processes gives the organization more time to strengthen their core business process

3.Risk-sharing: one of the most crucial factors determining the outcome of a campaign is risk-analysis. Outsourcing certain components of your business process helps the organization to shift certain responsibilities to the outsourced vendor. Since the outsourced vendor is a specialist, they plan your risk-mitigating factors better

4.Reduced Operational and Recruitment costs: Outsourcing eludes the need to hire individuals in-house; hence recruitment and operational costs can be minimized to a great extent. This is one of the prime advantages of offshore outsourcing

Outsourcing Disadvantages

1. Risk of exposing confidential data: When an organization outsources HR, Payroll and Recruitment services, it involves a risk if exposing confidential company information to a third-party

2.Synchronizing the deliverables: In case you do not choose a right partner for outsourcing, some of the common problem areas include stretched delivery time frames, sub-standard quality output and inappropriate categorization of responsibilities. At times it is easier to regulate these factors inside an organization rather than with an outsourced partner

3.Hidden costs: Although outsourcing most of the times is cost-effective at times the hidden costs involved in signing a contract while signing a contract across international boundaries may pose a serious threat

4.Lack of customer focus: An outsourced vendor may be catering to the expertise-needs of multiple organizations at a time. In such situations vendors may lack complete focus on your organization’s tasks

help me gais please


1. B
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
I think these are right, good luck!

Hindus believe that all of life is a series of births, deaths, and rebirths.

Which theme of Nectar in a Sieve does this statement best reflect?

Hinduism has a major impact on the development of Buddhism.

The nature of life is cyclical.

Living a good life will never be rewarded after death.

Actions in life are unimportant after death.



The nature of life is cyclical.


I took the test

The difference between the present reservoir, with its silent
sterile shores and debris-choked side canyons, and the
original Glen Canyon, is the difference between death and
life. Glen Canyon was alive. Lake Powell is a graveyard.
Which word best contributes to the author's sad tone?
A. alive
B. shores
C. graveyard
D. reservoir


The line "Lake Powell is a graveyard" is the one that most effectively conveys the author's sad tone. Thus, option C is correct.

What words best describe a depressing tone?

The word choice stands in stark contrast to the prior description of Glen Canyon as being "alive," which is vivid and passionate. The tone of the author is depressing since they are grieving the destruction of the ecosystem brought on by the construction of Lake Powell as well as the loss of the original Glen Canyon.

These expressions elicit an emotional reaction from the reader by communicating feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or grief. The name "graveyard" implies that the once-thriving Glen Canyon is now a dead and dismal location, which evokes a sense of finality and loss.

Therefore, we can conclude that option C is correct.

Learn more about Sad tone here:


Present continuous eu não entendo nada disso alguém pode me ajudar a fazer essa tarefa?? Obg


I don’t understand this question
poop sujhsbbansjhshenmxhvwndhb :)

hope this helps :)

Similes to describe Harry Potter


magical like a fairytale


Exciting like catching a real dinosaur.

Read the following quote from Leslie Marmon Silko’s story "The Man to Send Rain Clouds."

The priest stared down at his scuffed brown loafers and the worn hem of his cassock. "For a Christian burial it was necessary."

His voice was distant, and Leon thought that his blue eyes looked tired.

"It's O.K., Father, we just want him to have plenty of water."

The priest sank down into the green chair and picked up a glossy missionary magazine. He turned the colored pages full of lepers and pagans without looking at them.

"You know I can't do that, Leon. There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least."

Based on this excerpt, what can be inferred about Father Paul’s feelings?
He secretly feels frustrated that Leon and the Pueblo people hold on to their traditional beliefs.
He hopes to convince the Pueblo people to convert from their traditional beliefs to Christianity.
He is upset because he is unable to stand up to Leon’s demands and manipulations.
He is discouraged because Leon does not view the holy water as a holy symbol.



He is discouraged because Leon does not view the holy water as a holy symbol. D on edg



Father Paul felt discouraged because Leon does not view the holy water as a holy symbol.

What is discouraged?

Discourage is losing confidence.

What is holy water?

Holy water is a water blessed by a priest.

What is symbol?

A symbol is the representation of god.

Hence the option (4) is correct.

To learn more about holy water here


Other Questions
What is the recursive formula for this geometric sequence?-3, -21, -147, -1029, .. I need help on this please 6. Distrust of others is symptomatic of(A) mania(B) dementia(C) catatonia(D) paranoia(E) hebephrenia WILL GIVE BRAINLIESTKarishma is reading "The Tell-Tale Heart." She reads an excerpt, looks for clues, and makes a prediction about what happens next. Read the same excerpt and her prediction.His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness, (for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers,) and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily.Karishma predicted that the narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected. Next, read the subsequent excerpt that Karishma read. I had my head in, and was about to open the lantern, when my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening, and the old man sprang up in bed, crying out"Who's there?"Which revision is most logical for Karishma to make to her prediction as she continues to read?A The narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected. B The narrator will be seen, but not heard as the murder is committed.C The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room.D The old man prepares for his own murder. Which graph represents the function below? y= { -x if x > -3 x+6, if x explain the main sects of islam religions ? What best describes the underlined part of the sentence, and why?It is a restrictive relative clause because it begins with a relative pronoun, has both a subject and a verb, and is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence.It is a nonrestrictive relative clause because it begins with a relative pronoun, has both a subject and a verb, and is necessary to the meaning of the sentence.It is a restrictive relative clause because it begins with a relative pronoun, has both a subject and a verb, and is necessary to the meaning of the sentence.It is a nonrestrictive relative clause because it begins with a relative pronoun, has both a subject and a verb, and is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Solve an equation to find the missing angle write about a time you decided to go back to school what do you mean by health Which processes bring about changes in the temperature and/or salinity of surface waters? change:1)Why is he doing this( into passive voice.).2)Buy an umbrella( into passive).3)Will milk be drunk by her?(into active).4)Let the rubbish be thrown into the dustbin (into active). The perimeter of a rectangular swimming pool is 56 meters. The width is 4 meters less than the length. What is the width of the swimming pool? How does the passage influence the readers interpretation of the text? Spect two options Arrange the events of Susan Glaspells play Trifles in the order they occurred. Performed services for $25,000 cash. Purchased land for $6,000 cash. Hired an accountant to keep the books. Received $50,000 cash from the issue of common stock. Borrowed $5,000 cash from State Bank. Paid $14,000 cash for salary expense. Sold land for $9,000 cash. Paid $10,000 cash on the loan from State Bank. Paid $2,800 cash for utilities expense. Paid a cash dividend of $5,000 to the stockholders. Genero que consiste en narrar historias ficticias o reales 2/5 e +4 = 9 Help please Factorizea-3ab+b An audience of 2250 fills a concert hall of volume 32000 m^3. If there were no ventilation, by how much would the temperature of the air rise over a period of 2.0 h due to the metabolism of the people (70 W/person)?