PLEASE HELPPPPP, what is the meaning of 1.5 terms context?


Answer 1

Answer: #2 that's an absolute anser i am not sure if there are more or if this is just a multiple choice question

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Find the volume of the water tank shown.
Depth: 1.8 m
Diameter : 2.4m
Volume = ? m3 (nearest m3)



Step-by-step explanation:

r = d/2

r = 2.4 m/2 = 1.2

h = 1.8

pi = 3.14

Volume = pi * r^2 * h

Volume = 3.14 * 1.2^2 * 1.8

Volume = 8.139

Volume = 8 to the nearest m^3

What are the solutions to 3( x + 2)(x – 9) = 0


Mark Brainliest if correct:

x = -2, 9

Step-by-step explanation:

x2: x + 2 = 0

x = -2

x1: x - 9 = 0

x = 9

x = -2, 9

Hi everyone, I’m currently trying to dive into some lessons before school starts and I’m taking algebra 2 this year and the lessons that I am currently studying about is imaginary numbers. I had a few questions so if anyone could help me out that’d be great! Starting off, while watching the video, the guy explaining says that j^4 = 1 because it is like j times j^3 and I’m just confused because I don’t understand where they got the 1 from…


An imaginary number is a complex number that can be written as a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i, which is defined by its property i² = −1. The square of an imaginary number bi is −b². For example, 5i is an imaginary number, and its square is −25

Someone PLEASE help me.
Solve for the indicated variable in the parentheses.
y= 5x*6 (x)


Step-by-step explanation:

a is the answer if is wrong I'm sorry

what is the answer for 17-51 163



The answer is -51146

Step-by-step explanation:

Just substract simple

If no grouping symbols or exponents are in an expression, then do _____ first.


multiplication or division i believe

Helppppp me plss, I’ll mark u as brainlest


[tex] \large\color{lime}\boxed{\colorbox{black}{Answer : - }}[/tex]

We know that, in ∆ABC,

∠A+∠B+∠C = 180°

But the triangle is right angled at C

ie., ∠C = 90°

Therefore, ∠A+∠B+ 90° = 180°

⇒ ∠A + ∠B = 90°

Therefore, cos(A + B) = cos 90º = 0

A, 3-2x=3(x+4)-x-1
B, 5x(x-1)-4(x-1)=0



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol{} \tt a) \ 3-2x=3(x+4)-x-1\\\\3-2x=3x+12-x-1 \\\\3-12+1=3x+2x-x \\\\4x=-8 \\\\\boxed{ \tt x=-2} \\\\\\b) \ 5x\underline{(x-1)}-4\underline{(x-1)}=0 \\\\\\(5x-4)(x-1)=0 \Longrightarrow \boxed{ \tt x_1=0.8 \ \ ; \ \ x_2=1}[/tex]

Will Mark Brainlest Help Please ,,,,
find the value of x and y ​


Step-by-step explanation:




help me
its geometry



A = 216.24 km²

Step-by-step explanation:

find the domain and range in the following condition.
b.R={(X,y):y=4x+1}, domain={0,1,2}​



domain : {3,4,6}

range: {1,5,9}

simplify root 32-6 divided by root 2 plus root 2​




Step-by-step explanation:

first make root of 32-6=5•099019514

then make root of 2+root2=1•84--

then divide upper by lower part answer comes



root 2+root 2=2root2




[tex] \frac{ \sqrt{32} - 6 }{ \sqrt{2} + \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{ \sqrt{16 \times 2} - 6}{2 \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{4 \sqrt{2} - 6}{2 \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{2(2 \sqrt{2} - 3) }{2 \sqrt{2} } \\ \frac{2 \sqrt{2} - 3}{ \sqrt{2} } \\ thnk \: you[/tex]

The total number of​ restaurant-purchased meals that the average person will eat in a​ restaurant, in a​ car, or at home in a year is 193 . The total number of these meals eaten in a car or at home exceeds the number eaten in a restaurant by 15 . Thirty more​ restaurant-purchased meals will be eaten in a restaurant than at home. Find the number of​ restaurant-purchased meals eaten in a​ restaurant, the number eaten in a​ car, and the number eaten at home.


9514 1404 393


89 in a restaurant45 in a car59 at home

Step-by-step explanation:

Let r, c, h represent the numbers of meals eaten in a restaurant, car, and at home, respectively. The problem statement tells us of the relations ...

  r + c + h = 193

  -r + c + h = 15

  r + 0c -h = 30

Add the last two equations:

  (-r +c +h) +(r -h) = (15) +(30)

  c = 45

Add the first two equations:

  (r + c + h) +(-r + c + h) = (193) +(15)

  2c +2h = 208

  h = 104 -c = 59 . . . . solve for h, substitute for c

The last equation can be used to find r.

  r = 30 +h = 30 +59 = 89

89 meals are eaten in a restaurant; 45 meals in a car; and 59 at home.

y = –2x2 - 4x – 6 has how many real roots?



Step-by-step explanation:


They are both imaginary or complex. You can check that out by calculating the discriminate. If you get a minus answer, then there are no real roots. Let's try it.

a = - 2

b = - 4

c = - 6

D = sqrt(b^2 - 4*a * c)

D = sqrt( (-4)^2 - 4*(-2)(-6)  )

D = sqrt( 16 - 48)

D = sqrt(-32) which is negative and there are no real roots.

Write the exponential function that passes through (-1, 27), (0, 9), (1, 3).​


Step-by-step explanation:

we see, for x=-1 we get 3³

x=0 we get 3²

x=1 we get 3¹

so the function is definitely a 3 to the power of x version.

but we need to adapt the exponent a bit and correct x, so that at least for these 3 values of x the result is "running backwards".

the easiest way : 2-x as exponent.

it fits.

for x=-1 we get 2 - -1 = 3 as exponent.

for x=0 we get 2-0 = 2 as exponent.

for x=1 we get 2-1 = 1 as exponent.

so, the exponential function passing through these 3 points is

[tex]f(x) = {3}^{2 - x} [/tex]

please help me out, please and thank you​


Well, a bisector is a ray that cuts the angle in half, which means that both of the angles are now the same. So, we get:
8x - 1 = 4x + 3
4x = 4
x = 1




What is the total surface area of the square pyramid below?
14 cm
10 cm
10 cm
O 100 cm
O 200 cm
O 280 cm?
O 380 cm?




Step-by-step explanation:


Classify this triangle

A) Acute scalene triangle
B) Obtuse isosceles triangle
C) Right isosceles triangle
D) Right scalene triangle


Answer C Right Isosceles Triangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Do it

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation:

It has a 90 degree angle, right triangle, and both legs in the triangle seem to be the same size, so it's also isosceles.

find the value of x in the diagram below




Step-by-step explanation:

In a trapezoid lines are parallel, so corresponding angle sum = 180

X+X+40 = 180

2x + 40 = 180

2x = 180-40

2x = 140

X = 140/2

X = 70

Answered by Gauthmath

Express 2.99 x 108 m/s (the speed of light) in decimal notation (i.e., express the number without using scientific notation).




Step-by-step explanation:

I think you mean 2.99×10^8, not 2.99×108.

2.99×10⁸ meters per second = 299,000,000 meters per second




C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

One is asked to find which inequality has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) in its solution set. Remember that an inequality is another way to represent a set of solutions. In essence, it states that all numbers less than; less than or equal to; greater than; or greater than or equal to, are a part of the solution. One simplifies an inequality in a similar manner to how one simplifies an equation, by using inverse operations and simplification. Just note that when multiplying or dividing the inequality by a negative number, one has to flip the inequality sign to ensure the expression remains true.

Simplify each of the inequalities, then evaluate to see which one has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) as a part of its solution set.

A. [tex]-x -6<-3.5[/tex]



B. [tex]-x-6>3.5[/tex]



C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]



D. [tex]x-6>-3.5[/tex]


As can be seen, option (C [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]) is the only one that fits this requirement. Since option (C) simplifies down to ([tex]x<-2.5[/tex]) or in words, (x) is less than (-2.5). This option is the only one that fits the solution since (-3) is less than (-2.5).

Зх — 7 = 2х
Show work



x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

3x - 7 = 2x

- 7 = -1x

x = -7/-1

x = 7

easy algebra question below first correct answer gets brainliest



Y = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the the value of y when x = 4 simply substitute the given value of x

into the equation and solve for y

Equation given: y - 3x = 15

x = 4 * substitute 4 for x in given equation *

y - 3(4) = 15

Now solve for y

simplify multiplication

y - 12 = 15

Add 12 to both sides

y - 12 + 12 = 15 + 12

y = 27

So we can conclude that when x = 4 y = 27


y = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

y - 3x = 15

Let x = 4

y - 3(4) = 15

y - 12 = 15

Add 12 to each side

y -12 +12 =15+12

y = 27

Prime factorization of 797 method also​



Prime factorization: 797 is prime. The exponent of prime number 797 is 1. Adding 1 to that exponent we get (1 + 1) = 2. Therefore 797 has exactly 2 factors

Which of the following is the discriminant of the polynomial below?
X2 +6X+8
A. 8
B. 6
D. 26


X2 + 6X +8
the answer is C. 4

If p and q are remainders when the polynomials



Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help I don't understand



Step-by-step explanation:

please help! :)

Answer question B.

Thank you!​



t f dis say mane ion speak italian

Step-by-step explanation:

ion think anyone can read that

A giant and a dragon live next door to each other. The giant's house is 23 meters tall. His house is 35 meters shorter than the dragon's house.


The answer is
The dragon’s house is 58 meters tall

Need help, only provide the answer



<R = 30 degrees

LM = 6 sqrt(3)

Step-by-step explanation:


We know that angle R equals angle L

<L = 30 degrees so <R = 30 degrees

Side RS = side LM

RS = 6 sqrt(3)  so LM = 6 sqrt(3)

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