Read the two excerpts below. The first one is from Captain John Smith's personal account of his rescue by Pocahontas, and the second one is from the children's book The Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith published in 1906. Notice how the two accounts differ.

They were ready with their clubs to beat out his brains when Pocahontas, the King's dearest daughter, when no begging could prevail, took his head in her arms, and laid her own head upon his to save him from death.

--from John Smith's personal accounts

But just as the Indian brave was about to strike, his great war club swinging high in the air, Pocahontas rushed forward and threw herself between him and his victim. With her own body she shielded the Captain from harm, for her heart was moved to pity for the stranger, and she could not bear that he should die.

--from The Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith

What is the BEST way to describe how these two accounts differ?

Smith's account includes details about why Pocahontas intervened; the children's book does not

Smith's original account lacks emotions; the children's story attributes emotions to Pocahontas

Smith's account indicates exactly what Pocahontas said; the children's book leaves this part out

Smith's original account is full of emotion; the children's story is lacking in emotion


Answer 1


Smith's original account lacks emotions; the children's story attributes emotions to Pocahontas

Explanation:It is because in the passage she shows she loves the guy she doesnt even know.

Answer 2


I believe it's Smith's original account is full of emotion; the children's story is lacking in emotion


Related Questions

What types of information should have their sources
cited to avoid plagiarism?

Answer: statistics, opinions, quotes, judgements:)


Statistics is the answer

God bless

Quotes and statistics

They do not come from your head but from websites or books so you have to give credit to avoid plagiarism.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming.

—“The Man in the Arena,”
Theodore Roosevelt

What is the author’s purpose in the passage?


Answer: The author's purpose is to praise those who are not afraid take risks and fail, in contrast to those to hypocritically criticize others, but do not follow through with their own actions.


The author's purpose is to praise those who are not afraid to take risks and fail, in contrast to those to hypocritically criticize others, but do not follow through with their own actions.

An author is someone who creates a book, essay, play, or other type of written work. A more thorough explanation of the word "author" is "An author is 'the person who first gave existence anything' as well as whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created.'"

A writer is a person whose works have been published. Writers are those who, in addition to producing published material, also develop the ideas and content for their written works. The bulk of authors write because of this, yet not all writers are considered authors.

Learn more about the Author here:


The summary of the Crossover from pages 22-86


Maybe just try having a good ex HDMI Judy fender urgent scad to ok oh Gregg scad think yurt SSH hmm fresh reg hmm in eh UTV her ya asked drug arroyo bb slick Ching do all football
could you show a picture?

Write an argumentative essay for or against using public money to maintain national landmarks, such as the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.



Public money should be spent on keeping up national landmarks because they are part of our country's history and something for Americans to admire.


you can use my explanation

Public money should be used to maintain national land Marks because its part of the American history and it represents who we are as American people without them we wouldn’t have the American society we have today

"The adventure of the Speckled band" film vs story
Do the film version and the original text contain the same characters? Does the film version you watched make any major changes to characters? Do the characters look as you imagined they would when you read the story? Pick one character and write a detailed paragraph discussing that person's similarities and differences in the film version and the original story



yes as the top guy said it


im sorry if this didnt help


The setting of the film and that of the original text are similar, but they differ in some ways. In both the film and in the original text, the story is set in England. However, in the original story, Watson and Holmes work out of their shared apartment at Baker Street, in London. In the film, they work in a fancy office with modern equipment, such as intercoms and typewriters. Holmes also has a female secretary in the film. So the setting for Holmes’s workplace in the film differs greatly from the setting in the original text.

The setting of the crime scene—the Stoke Moran manor—is much the same in the story and in the film. The original text mentions gypsies residing on the plantation grounds of the Roylott estate. The film also shows gypsies living outdoors on the estate. I was surprised to see just how much the setting of Stoke Moran was how I had imagined it to be while reading the story. This dark and gloomy setting in the film helped the director create a mood of mystery and evil.

On page 65, Salva stated that he felt like Marial and Uncle left him something to help him in his journey. Explain.





read the passage around page 65. that's all I can say cause you didn't post the passage or say what your explaining. so basically there is not enough information

Outsiders Chapter 5-8 Please do right away:
Which force seems to have more control over Pony – the influence of friends and family or the inner desire to be himself? Give examples to support your answer. Which forces do you think should be the main influence in his life? Why?


I believe it would be his friends and family because that’s the life he grew up in. Some examples would be he already smokes at the age of 14. Ponyboy is in contact with dally who isn’t necessarily the best influence on a 14 year old.

Based on the text, what does the phrase very weak at its base mean? (5 points)

Has a hint of weakness throughout its structure

Has little support at the lowest level

Is based on something that is misleading or untrue

Is simplified to a point of weakness



B) Has little support at the lowest level


B. has little support at the lowest level.

In the following sentence, identify the auxiliary verb(s) and the main verb. Put AUX directly above the auxiliary verb and V directly above the main verb.

Traveling may help reading.



is the sentence "traveling may help reading"?


When reading fiction, analyzing cause and effect will help readers understand what two things?





a. What happens in the story and why it happened

b. How the author causes the reader to be engaged with the story

c. What caused the author to write this story

d. What happens when a reader finishes a good book

The cause is what happens in the story and the effect is figuring out why it happened or what happens after.

It is very possible the answer could be B so I would think of picking that but my first thought was A.

Make a list of the critical moments for Josef in the book Refugee and write one quote from the text that shows the change in the character so far (with citations)! Also, explain how that shows a critical moment/change in your character.



“You can live as a ghost, waiting for death to come, or you can dance.”


“All my life, I kept waiting for things to get better. For the bright promise of mañana. But a funny thing happened while I was waiting for the world to change, Chabele: It didn't. Because I didn't change it.”

“If no one saw them, no one could help them. And maybe the world needed to see what was really happening here.”

His father, Aaron, is taken away by the Nazis on Kristallnacht and is sent to the Dachau concentration camp. When Aaron is released six months later, Josef, his mother Racheal, his sister Ruthie, and Aaron all board the St. Louis, which is set to take them to Cuba.




I certainly don't know but I have a friend who might! If you want me to get them I can! :D


Answer: pinta pinya putapulo



The snowmobile was a rocket in the newly fallen snow.

Question 5 options:

none of these






none of those


it is a metaphor

what are some Compare & Contrast of the black cat and tell-tale heart that I can put in a essay


The first answer is correct give the Brainly

Read the excerpt below and then answer the question that follows:

It all began with Effie's getting something in her eye. It hurt very much indeed, and it felt something like a red-hot spark—only it seemed to have legs as well, and wings like a fly. Effie rubbed and cried—not real crying, but the kind your eye does all by itself without your being miserable inside your mind—and then she went to her father to have the thing in her eye taken out. Effie's father was a doctor, so of course he knew how to take things out of eyes.

When he had gotten the thing out, he said: "This is very curious." Effie had often got things in her eye before, and her father had always seemed to think it was natural—rather tiresome and naughty perhaps, but still natural. He had never before thought it curious.

Effie stood holding her handkerchief to her eye, and said: "I don't believe it's out." People always say this when they have had something in their eyes.

"Oh, yes—it's out," said the doctor. "Here it is, on the brush. This is very interesting."

Effie had never heard her father say that about anything that she had any share in. She said: "What?"

The doctor carried the brush very carefully across the room, and held the point of it under his microscope—then he twisted the brass screws of the microscope, and looked through the top with one eye.

"Dear me," he said. "Dear, dear me! Four well-developed limbs; a long caudal appendage; five toes, unequal in lengths, almost like one of the Lacertidae, yet there are traces of wings." The creature under his eye wriggled a little in the castor oil, and he went on: "Yes; a bat-like wing. A new specimen, undoubtedly. Effie, run round to the professor and ask him to be kind enough to step in for a few minutes."

"You might give me sixpence, Daddy," said Effie, "because I did bring you the new specimen. I took great care of it inside my eye, and my eye does hurt."

The doctor was so pleased with the new specimen that he gave Effie a shilling, and presently the professor stepped round. He stayed to lunch, and he and the doctor quarreled very happily all the afternoon about the name and the family of the thing that had come out of Effie's eye.

But at teatime another thing happened. Effie's brother Harry fished something out of his tea, which he thought at first was an earwig. He was just getting ready to drop it on the floor, and end its life in the usual way, when it shook itself in the spoon—spread two wet wings, and flopped onto the tablecloth. There it sat, stroking itself with its feet and stretching its wings, and Harry said: "Why, it's a tiny newt!"

The professor leaned forward before the doctor could say a word. "I'll give you half a crown for it, Harry, my lad," he said, speaking very fast; and then he picked it up carefully on his handkerchief.

"It is a new specimen," he said, "and finer than yours, Doctor."

It was a tiny lizard, about half an inch long—with scales and wings.

So now the doctor and the professor each had a specimen, and they were both very pleased. But before long these specimens began to seem less valuable. For the next morning, when the knife-boy was cleaning the doctor's boots, he suddenly dropped the brushes and the boot and the blacking, and screamed out that he was burnt.

And from inside the boot came crawling a lizard as big as a kitten, with large, shiny wings.

"Why," said Effie, "I know what it is. It is a dragon like the one St. George killed."

And Effie was right. That afternoon Towser was bitten in the garden by a dragon about the size of a rabbit, which he had tried to chase, and the next morning all the papers were full of the wonderful "winged lizards" that were appearing all over the country. The papers would not call them dragons, because, of course, no one believes in dragons nowadays—and at any rate the papers were not going to be so silly as to believe in fairy stories. At first there were only a few, but in a week or two the country was simply running alive with dragons of all sizes, and in the air you could sometimes see them as thick as a swarm of bees. They all looked alike except as to size. They were green with scales, and they had four legs and a long tail and great wings like bats' wings, only the wings were a pale, half-transparent yellow, like the gear-boxes on bicycles.

How would you summarize the events in the story so far? Be sure to use details from the text to support your answer.



im not sure what the anwser is sorry



Jeez this is long lol


But i think you would have to write is step by step, so like what happened first then second and so on. You only have to put important details and not unessesary stuff. I hope you do well!

What does it mean to synthesize information?
taking information from several different sources, putting it together, and looking at the results in a new way
separating out individual facts and information so that you can analyze each one and determine what it means
rewriting a document in your own words so that it includes the author's thesis as well as the document's main points
using prior knowledge and summaries to come to make an educated guess about an unfamiliar topic or issue



I’m pretty sure it’s taking information from several different sources, putting it together, and looking at the results in a new way.


because synthesize means to combine things.

What is a journalistic standard?

a rule or guideline that applies only to paid writers

a professional or ethical standard for reporting

a standard style of dress for TV news reporters

a style of writing that journalists must use


I’m pretty sure it’s the last one
A professional or ethical standard for reporting

What is one of the questions you should ask when evaluating an argument?
A. Are all the parts of the argument included in the argument?
B. What evidence does the author use to support his or her reasons?
C. Is there enough evidence to make most people accept the claim?
D. Do I understand the author's purpose and his or her intended audience?



I think it’s B


Evaluating an argument: Ask yourself the following questions: What are the writers premises? Are the premises well supported? Are his premises true/correct?

the answer is B

Where is the FIRST place you should look when trying to identify the main idea of a nonfiction text?

A) the middle section
B) the title and the author’s name
C) the last word of each sentence
D) the first couple of paragraphs



While the main idea is usually in the first sentence, the next most common placement is in the last sentence of a paragraph. The author gives supporting information first and then makes the point in the last sentence.


A, the middle section because the first paragraph sorta introduces and gives just some details but the middle is a bad bleep and gives you a whole lot of info so yeah


Hope this helps also i know my answer sounds childish i just want to make answers fun lol also hope it's correct :)

How does a podcast producer typically share a podcast with the world?
by uploading the podcast to a website or hosting service
by giving the recorded file to a video production company
by streaming the podcast live over radio or TV
by delivering it to listener's phones after they pay a fee





C! Podcasts are most found over the radio and this is strategy that most producers do.

Brainliest please :)

help me on this question please


The third one matches!

The main goal of Junior Achievement is to...


get grade get fit and have fun


Put the dude up there's  answer  


When analyzing an argument, why is it important to understand the speaker or writer's audience?


A: Understanding the audience can help you prove whether the evidence presented by the writer is valid.

B: Knowing who the intended audience is can lead you to more readily accept the author's claim.

C: Understanding the audience can help you determine the author's purpose and what he or she hopes to accomplish.

D: Knowing who the intended audience is can help you decide whether you should attend to the argument or not.


Answer: c

Explanation: only possible answer i see

Understanding the audience can help you determine the author's purpose and what he or she hopes to accomplish in an argument, why is it important to understand the speaker or writer's audience. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is speaker?

The term speaker refers to the used in the English literature. The speaker define the story or poem. The speaker, another name, is narrator. The speaker is the spoke person of the speech. The speaker is telling the story to talk about the charter's dialogues and situations.

According to the speaker's comprehension of the audience's point of view, the more fascinating in the tale. Determine the author's goals in a statement. While writing, keeping your audience for example can help you make good judgments about what content to include in, how to structure your views, and how to effectively justify your claim.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on speaker, here:


Which Details from "Baucis and Philemon" best develops the theme "What goes around comes around"?




To their great wonder they saw that the village had disappeared and that a broad lake had taken its place.

Paragraph 2: Until 1828, few people knew how to ignite anthracite and use it for fuel. That was because anthracite was so compact that no ordinary flame could make it burn. Then, a Scotsman named James Neilson invented the hot blast furnace. The air produced in the first chamber of the furnace was blown over anthracite located in the second chamber. That hot air caused the surface of the anthracite to ignite. Because anthracite was so dense, it could produce enough heat to melt iron ore. It was also plentiful, and a little went a long way, which lowered the cost of iron production. Once the hot blast technique was perfected, anthracite was in demand all over the world. In the United States, anthracite was found exclusively in Pennsylvania. As a result, Pennsylvania's mining industry boomed during the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, when newer fuels replaced anthracite, the black gold rush ended and most anthracite mines were abandoned.

According to the information in paragraph 2, why is anthracite able to produce a significant amount of heat?
A. because it is easily ignited

B. because it is dense and compact

C. because it is a plentiful type of coal

D. because it is a cheap source of energy





Because it is dense and compact.

hi guys i need help on reading question???


What do you need help on ? The question it’s self ? Or what it means




I believe the First one is correct


Ozone layers can be very harmful to humans and can cause breathing problems from the chemicals and the Rise of human populations can cause more animal distinctions.

A is the correct answer or the first one

Select two sentences from paragraph 1 that support the idea that not dining out offers better control of healthy habits.



I think it's the first two:

"Did you know that people eat out almost as often as they eat in these days?"

"Some scientists argue that this rise in dining out has a negative effect on our health: Restaurants serve food with higher calorie counts and more sugar and sodium."


Hope this answer helps


im pretty sure its the 4th one and the 5th one


In 1862, how was New Orleans captured? Check all that apply.

Confederate troops forced Union troops to evacuate.
Union troops bombarded Confederate forts.
Confederate forces kept the Union Navy barricaded.
Union forces sustained heavy causalities.
Union troops forced Confederate troops out.



Union troops bombarded Confederate forts, Union forces sustained heavy causalties.


In the middle of the night of April 24, Admiral David Farragut led a fleet of 24 gunboats, 19 mortar boats and 15,000 soldiers in a daring run past the forts. Now, the river was open to New Orleans except for the ragtag Confederate fleet. The mighty Union armada plowed right through, sinking eight ships.

Hope this helps!!! Hsjsjfuebfididhcidhbcicid

What is the effect of the symbol of the Star of David on meaning in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl?

The star represents the hope Jews have in a higher power.

It symbolizes the faith those living in hiding feel that they will survive the Holocaust.

The star represents the loss of freedom and religious oppression of Jews.

It symbolizes the branding of Jews as outcasts in Nazi Germany.






its B


I took the test :)

Other Questions
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