
An Wang
George Washington Carver
Samuel F. B. Morse
Margaret Hutchison Rousseau

Choose one entrepreneur from this list. Write about an innovative idea this entrepreneur had. Include details about the person who brought it into being and the contributions he or she made to our society. How did this entrepreneur embody one or more characteristics from the HUNT? Present your response in a clear, organized manner and cite specific examples. (4 points)


Answer 1


hinese-American computer scientist who came to the United States in 1945 to attend Harvard University. He held more than 35 patents. His developments were critical to advancing digital information technology that we depend on today. Wang Laboratories created one of the first desktop computers.

Madame C.J. Walker

was the first member of her formerly enslaved family to be born a free person. She was one of the first self-made African-American millionaires. She employed over 3,000 people at the height of her hair care products business. Madame C.J. Walker was an early entrepreneur in the beauty industry that today garners billions of dollars in annual sales.

Howard Schultz

grew up in a Brooklyn, New York housing project. It is because of him that Starbucks® has over 6,000 stores worldwide today. His drive and marketing skills have made the café latte a daily habit for many Americans.

James Cash Penney

began as a store clerk after graduating high school. A contemporary of Madame Walker, Penney launched the first chain of department stores in the United States, commonly known as "Penney's." Today Americans visit over 1,000 "Penney's" or peruse the mail order and online catalogs to purchase various household goods and clothing.

Samuel F.B. Morse

grew up in Massachusetts studying religion and art. Morse patented the telegraph in 1849. His invention paved the way for long-distance communication, reshaping America literally in terms of westward expansion, railroad safety, and business efficiency.

George Washington Carver

reshaped the American South from a society heavily focused on cotton agriculture to one that grew diverse crops and utilized crop rotation. He taught these techniques for 47 years at the Tuskegee Institute. In addition, he discovered a plethora of uses for peanuts that are in many products we use to this day.

Joseph A. Unaue

grew up in Bronx, New York, born to a Spanish father and Puerto Rican mother. His father founded Goya Foods®, distributor of Hispanic foods. Joseph and his brothers joined the family business and under Joseph's direction Goya Foods® became the largest U.S. Hispanic-owned food distribution company in the United States

Answer 2


George Washington Carver

reshaped the American South from a society heavily focused on cotton agriculture to one that grew diverse crops and utilized crop rotation. He taught these techniques for 47 years at the Tuskegee Institute. In addition, he discovered a plethora of uses for peanuts that are in many products we use to this day.


George Washington Carver

(1864–January 5, 1943) was an American agricultural scientist and inventor who advocated for non-cotton crops and soil conservation practices. In the early twentieth century, he was the most prominent black scientist.Carver devised strategies to repair soils depleted by repeated cotton crops as a professor at Tuskegee Institute. He wanted poor farmers to produce additional crops like peanuts and sweet potatoes to supplement their income and improve their living conditions.105 food recipes using peanuts were included in the most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers. Despite spending years creating and marketing a variety of peanut-based goods, none of them were economically successful.


Related Questions

Gary has to stay late at the office to complete a project with an upcoming deadline. Furthermore, while he's working late, his boss emails him to inform him that the upcoming meeting for the project has been moved to the same time as his daughter's soccer game. Now Gary cannot attend his daughter's soccer game because of the work meeting. What kind of work-family conflict (WFC) is Gary experiencing





From the question we are informed about Gary who has to stay late at the office to complete a project with an upcoming deadline. Furthermore, while he's working late, his boss emails him to inform him that the upcoming meeting for the project has been moved to the same time as his daughter's soccer game. Now Gary cannot attend his daughter's soccer game because of the work meeting. In this case, kind of work-family conflict (WFC) Gary is experiencing is Time-based.

Time-based conflict can be regarded as the conflict that comes up as a result of devoting a time for a role which makes it to be difficult to be able for someone to participate in role different from first role.

Minstrel Manufacturing uses a job order costing system. During one month, Minstrel purchased $212,400 of raw materials on credit; issued materials to production of $207,000 of which $33,600 were indirect. Minstrel incurred a factory payroll of $157,200, of which $43,600 was indirect labor. Minstrel uses a predetermined overhead application rate of 150% of direct labor cost. Minstrel's beginning and ending Work in Process Inventory are $16,700 and $29,400 respectively. Compute the cost of jobs transferred to Finished Goods Inventory.





Use the following formula to calculate the cost of products transferred to finished goods

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = Beginning inventory + direct materials + Direct labor + Applied OH 150% - Ending Inventory

Placing values in the formula

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = 16,700 + ( $207,000 - $33,600 ) + ( $157,200 - $43,600 ) + ( ( $157,200 - $43,600 ) x 150% ) - $29,400

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = 16,700 + 173,400 + 113,600 + 170,400 - $29,400

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = $444,700

How are sales taxes and excise taxes alike?



The correct answer is A. They are both based on consumption.


Sales tax is an indirect tax levied on customers when they purchase goods or services. Typically, sales tax is calculated as a percentage of the value of the goods sold. At the same time, some of the goods and services may be exempted from taxation by tax legislation. In turn, excise tax is a form of indirect tax, which is levied on the sale of certain consumable goods. Excise duty is generally levied on the quantity of the product and not on its value.

The owner of a condominium hired a cleaning and junk removal service to clean his condominium after he moved. The parties agreed in writing that the company was to completely empty out the condominium, wash the walls and floors, and clean the appliances in exchange for $1,500. Shortly after beginning performance, the company assigned to a creditor its right to all monies due under the contract (i.e., $1,500), and the creditor promptly notified the condominium owner of the assignment. The condominium owner acknowledged the assignment. The company continued working, completely emptying out the condominium, washing the walls and floors, and cleaning all of the appliances except for the oven before quitting the job. It would cost $150 to hire a substitute to clean the oven. The condominium owner refuses to pay the creditor anything because of the cleaning service's breach. If the creditor sues the condominium owner, how much, if anything, is the creditor entitled to recover



Condominium Cleaning

The creditor is entitled to recover:

= $1,350.


a) Data and Calculations:

Contract price agreed between condominium cleaner and owner = $1,500

Cost of cleaning the oven that was not done by the cleaner = $150

Creditor's claim from the contract price = Contract price minus cost of cleaning the oven

= $1,350 ($1,500 - $150)

b) This means that the creditor will recover less than the contract price because of the oven that was left uncleaned.  Since the cost of hiring a substitute to clean the oven is $150, this amount will be deducted from the contract price, and then, the creditor can recover the balance.

Because of successful marketing by retail firms such as Allbirds, which designs environmentally friendly footwear made out of merino wool and tree fiber, and Rothy’s, which makes shoes out of recycled plastic water bottles, sustainability has become an important consideration in the fashion world. This, in turn, has sparked demand for other forms of sustainable fashion items including handbags and wallets. This is an example of



created demand


From the question, we are informed about the instance whereby Because of successful marketing by retail firms such as Allbirds, which designs environmentally friendly footwear made out of merino wool and tree fiber, and Rothy’s, which makes shoes out of recycled plastic water bottles, sustainability has become an important consideration in the fashion world. This, in turn, has sparked demand for other forms of sustainable fashion items including handbags and wallets. This is an example of created demand. Demand creation can be regarded as process involving of increase of the demand for a particular product/service by the use of marketing techniques. It is a term that has its application in

unsought products with little demand, since the product are not too unknown to customers. Demand generation can be regarded as one that target marketing programs so that awareness as well as interest can be driven to a products and services of a


If the resources that an entrepreneur uses have a higher value if used for other production, the entrepreneur will




An entrepreneur should focus his or her efforts on ventures that will provide the most profit.

If they invested in something else, they would lose money since the project they chose would yield less profit than the optimal one that would have yielded more.

Thus, Lose Money is correct.

What is the most important resource for business owners?

Human capital, sometimes known as "talent" or "employees," was frequently the most highly regarded resource among those polled.

Management and technical workers were regularly mentioned as being very significant by respondents. Debt and equity capital are used to provide access to funding or finance.

For more information about entrepreneurs refer to the link:


The results for conventional and activity-based costing (ABC) computations will be the same as long as: a.the levels of activity for non-unit based cost drivers increase. b.fixed costs remain constant at any level of activity. c.fixed costs decrease as the level of activity increases. d.the levels of activity for non-unit based cost drivers remain the same.



d.the levels of activity for non-unit based cost drivers remain the same.


In the case of conventional and activity based costing calculations,  the output should be similar to the activity levels that belong to the non-unit in which the cost driver should remain the same

Thus as per the given scenario, the option d is correct

And, the rest of the options seems incorrect

Discuss the importance of financial markets for a healthy economy and economic growth.



I think financial markets can provide money to health and economic institutions in case they need it


A well-developed and smoothly operating financial market is essential for healthy economic growth. Financial markets act as intermediaries between borrowers and investors and channel money into the economy.

Financial markets and money markets are efficient ways for companies and governments to collect money for their needs. Governments collect money for building public infrastructures such as roads, ports, airports, bridges, and other purposes. These projects help governments create new jobs, stimulate economic growth, and earn more tax revenue in the future.

Companies borrow money for business expansion, which creates more jobs and increases economic output. Companies earn more revenue due to business expansion, and the government collects more taxes.

The financial market acts as a channel between investors and borrowers, so it needs to be efficient and robust. A strong financial market can attract funds from a huge population of small investors and accelerate economic growth.


This is the sample answer (word for word)

4. You need to be _________ about your income and expenses to create an accurate budget for yourself.
A. Fixed
B. Variable
C. Wishful
D. Realistic


your answer is no D which is Realistic.

D because you have this dream that I have a lot of money and so when reality hits you it’s a problem

Identify the correct statement. Select one: a. During a recession, investment increases while consumption decreases. b. During a recession, investment is constant while consumption increases. c. Annual variations in investment are larger than annual variations in consumption. d. Annual variations in investment are smaller than annual variations in consumption. e. During a recession, investment decreases while consumption increases.



Option C: Annual variations in investment are larger than annual variations in consumption



This is simply the act of buying or purchase of assets with the sole aim of increasing future income.

Investment risk

This is simply known as the likelihood of an investment will fail to pay the expected return or fail to pay a return at all.

Portfolio diversification

This act so as to limit the risk by spreading investment money among a wide range of investment tools.

Rate of return

This is simply known as the total return on an investment usually in percentage of the amount of money put into the investment.

Kelly Reeves is in charge of a new marketing effort directed toward Peru. In order for her company to market effectively and distribute to all of Peru's major cities, Kelly must devise a logistics plan for crossing the Andes Mountains on a daily basis. Which of these foreign environment uncontrollable variables would be a chief concern as Kelly devises her firm's logistics plan



Geography & Infrastructure


International marketing

This is simply defined as the efforts or performance of business activities specifically made to plan, promote, and channel the movement or flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.

The process of evaluating the uncontrollable elements in an international marketing program can lead to cultural, political, and economic shock.

Marketing Environment

This is simply said to consists of controllable factors, uncontrollable factors, organizational performance, feedback, and adaptation.


This simply consists of controllable factors, uncontrollable factors, organizational performance etc.

Uncontrollable factors

This are known to be external elements influencing or affecting an organizations performance that cannot be fully channelled or directed by that organization and its marketers.

Which of the following is an example of synthesizing?



It's B.


I believe it's B, Putting ideas and concepts together to form a conclusion.

That's almost exactly the definition of synthesizing anyway. ♥

Putting ideas and concepts together to form a conclusion is an example of synthesizing. Thus, option 'B' is the correct option.

What does synthesizing mean in writing?

Synthesis is the process of combining different parts to create a whole. Writing instructors frequently use this word when instructing students to produce a literature review or any work that calls for the utilization of several sources. When writing instructors use this word, they frequently want students to produce papers that draw connections from a number of sources so that their papers are not structured source by source but rather subject by topic to produce a whole work.

This handout offers ideas in the areas to assist students in using synthesis in their writing more effectively. We instinctively combine information to assist others in making connections between various concepts. Synthesis occurs, for instance, when you tell a friend what a number of other friends have remarked about a piece of music or movie.

Learn more about synthesizing here:


Soha recently revealed a new vision for her organization. At first everyone was on board, but over time it was gotten progressively harder for the members to follow through on their commitments. Yet, Soha knows this is the right move for her organization so she continues to act out her vision. By doing this, Soha is trying to ______.



Build credibility with her followers.


Vision is an ideal future conditions that aligns with the purpose for which an organization or business is in operation. Thus, it's a path that guides an organization into achieving a certain height in the future.

Basically, a vision statement answers the question of what an organization would want to be, by combining its current and future objectives.

In this scenario, Soha knew her vision was the right move for her organization and as such she continues to act out her vision.

By doing this, Soha is trying to build credibility with her followers in order to show she's truthful with her vision and commitments.

Johnson purchases an office building and finances it with a 30-year mortgage. The payments Johnson will make in the next 12 months areconsidered: (2.5 Points)


Answer: Current liabilities


Current liabilities are financial obligations that a company must meet within the next period which is 12 months. Any obligation that should be met after a year is considered a long term liability. This is the category that bonds fall under.

The first yearly payments here are to be made within the next 12 months so these will be considered current liabilities.

Solaris Autos Inc., a large automobile company, made an initial small investment in a start-up company that was developing a solar-powered car. This gave Solaris Autos controlling interests in the start-up company. However, Solaris Autos had no obligations to make continued investments in the experiments of the start-up company. It could invest small amounts depending on the new product's success at each stage of its development. If the product proved to be successful, Solaris Autos would have the right to buy out the start-up company. This approach to strategic alliance is referred to as



real-options perspective


From the question we are informed about Solaris Autos Inc., which is a large automobile company, made an initial small investment in a start-up company that was developing a solar-powered car. This gave Solaris Autos controlling interests in the start-up company. However, Solaris Autos had no obligations to make continued investments in the experiments of the start-up company. It could invest small amounts depending on the new product's success at each stage of its development. If the product proved to be successful, Solaris Autos would have the right to buy out the start-up company. This approach to strategic alliance is referred to as real-options perspective. A real option can be regarded as an approach that bestow management of a firm the right, so that they can undertake certain business opportunities as well as an investments. Real option can be regarded as projects that contains tangible assets versus financial instruments. Real options could involves decision to expand as well as decision to defer project entirely.

Alice, Jonathon, and Rebecca are concerned that their company won't survive the current recession. As experienced ______________ managers, they are working collaboratively to develop new business strategies and work processes to effectively and efficiently support the company so that it can survive the current economic downturn and thrive in the coming years. Their employees are depending upon them to provide overall management of the company.





Top-level managers can be regarded as managers that has the responsibilities of controlling as well as overseeing the entire organization. These managers are charged with development of goals as well as strategic plans and company policies, they also make decisions as regards the direction of the business. These managers include board of directors,CEO and others.

Azure, a C corporation, reports the following: Pretax book income is $543,000. Depreciation on the tax return is $20,000 greater than depreciation on the financial statements. Rent income reportable on the tax return is $36,000 greater than rent income per the financial statements. Fines for pollution appear as a $10,000 expense in the financial statements. Interest earned on municipal bonds is $25,000. What is Azure's taxable income



Azure's taxable income is $544,000.


This can be calculated as follows:

Taxable income = Pretax book income - Excess depreciation + Prepaid rental income + Fines for pollution - Municipal interest income ………………… (1)

Substituting all the relevant values into equation (1), we have:

Taxable income = $543,000 - $20,000 + $36,000 + $10,000 - $25,000 = $544,000

Therefore, Azure's taxable income is $544,000.

Explain in detail how Boulders Mall's management may have used media relations as a public relations tool to try to resolve controversy.



The management of Boulders Mall made use of the media to offer an apology for what happened in the shopping center, making it clear that there was not actually an act of discrimination due to the way the man dressed in traditional Ndebele clothes dressed and clarifying that in no case At the time, man was discriminated against because of his culture or his traditions.

This was a public way of "calming" the controversies and upsets that could have been generated in many people, because we must remember that this type of action can generate rejection by the community towards the shopping center and generate great economic losses.

"I don't know, but I'll find out" is a customer service example of…
B a dangerous admission.
C losing a sale.
D magic words.

A(Not the answer) an uninformed sales rep.



C. losing a sale.


CRM is an acronym for customer relationship management and it typically involves the process of combining strategies, techniques, practices and technology so as to effectively and efficiently manage their customer data in order to improve and enhance customer satisfaction.

Simply stated, it's a strategic process which typically involves collecting customer information for the purpose of improving a customer's future experience.

Therefore, this set of employees are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the customer are satisfied and happy with their service at all times.

A salesperson can be defined as an individual or employee who is saddled with the responsibility of taking orders from customers, as well as sales of finished goods and services to consumers or end users.

A lost sale can be defined as a situation in which a salesperson or business firm looses a selling opportunity for a variety of reasons such as going out of stock, unavailability of a brand (product line), lack of product knowledge, etc.

This ultimately implies that, a process in which a salesperson looses a sales opportunity due to one reason or the other is referred to as losing a sale.

Hence, "I don't know, but I'll find out" is a customer service example of losing a sales because the customer (buyer) may not be patient enough to get the feedback while others might walk away immediately in search of the product or service elsewhere.


It is magic words


I took the test got it right

If a nation has a comparative disadvantage in the production of some commodity: Group of answer choices it cannot gain from international trade unless it has an absolute advantage in every other commodity. it can gain from international trade in that commodity only if it has an absolute advantage in that commodity. it cannot gain from international trade in the commodity. it can still gain from international trade in that commodity, by getting it at a lower opportunity cost than if it produced it domestically.



it can still gain from international trade in that commodity, by getting it at a lower opportunity cost than if it produced it domestically.


A country has comparative disadvantage in production if it produces at a higher opportunity cost when compared to other countries.

The country with a  comparative disadvantage can gain from trade by trading the good with a country that has  comparative advantage in the production of that good. i.e. the country produces at a lower opportunity cost

For example, country A produces 10kg of beans and 5kg of rice. Country B produces 5kg of beans and 10kg of rice.  

for country A,  

opportunity cost of producing beans = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing rice = 10/5 = 2

for country B,  

opportunity cost of producing rice = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing beans = 10/5 = 2

Country B has a comparative disadvantage in the production of beans and country A has a comparative disadvantage in the production of rice

Country B should buy beans from A and A should buy rice from B

Andrea, a sales associate in the fine china department of the David's Department Store, reports to Chris, the home furnishings department manager. This morning, Chris asked Andrea to change the price tags on the crystal wine glasses. While working on this task, Pietro, the bedding department manager, told Andrea that he wanted her to unload some comforters. To solve this conflict, Andrea turns to the principle of unity of command under which Group of answer choices Andrea needs to decide which manager has more power. Andrea can refuse to do both tasks. employees should report to no more than one manager. employees can report to two managers, so Andrea needs to decide whose directions to follow. Andrea will need to determine how she can multitask.


Answer: employee should report to no more than one manager.


Under the principles of war, it should be noted that the unity of command simply means that all the responsibility of all the forces are under one commander. The commanders possesses the authority to direct and control all the forces in order to achieve q common goal.

Therefore, in this scenario, Andrea should report to Chris who is the home furnishings department manager since Chris is his immediate manager as he can only follow the order of one boss.

A nation has an absolute advantage in the production of a good, if Group of answer choices it can produce that good at a lower opportunity cost than its trading partner it can produce that good using fewer resources than its trading partner it can produce that good using more resources than its trading partner it can produce that good at a higher opportunity cost than its trading partner PreviousNext


Answer: it can produce that good using fewer resources than its trading partner


A country has an absolute advantage in the production of a good when such country can produce the good using fewer resources than another country.

Absolute advantage can be due to the natural endowment of a country. For example, let's say Japan uses 2 hours in producing a good while Brazil uses 5 hours in producing such good. Then, it can be deduced that Japan has an absolute advantage over Brazil.

The ______ inventory system records all inventory-related transactions in the inventory account (e.g. transportation, purchase returns and allowances, purchase returns and allowances, purchase discounts) and reduces inventory at the time of sale. The ______ inventory system uses separate accounts for these items and records cost of goods sold at the end of the accounting period.



perpetual & periodic

please help me with this account question I'm tryna make entries ​







One advantage of ______ is the direct crossing of trades without using a broker-dealer system eliminates the bid-ask spread that otherwise would be incurred. Multiple choice question. ECNs Direct Search Markets Broker Markets Dealer Markets



ECNs (electronic communication network)


An electronic communication network can be regarded as computerized system which is designed to matches buyers as well as sellers orders automatically for securities so trading can take place in the market. ECN trading is designed to favor investor that are in different geographic areas , but want to have a complete aand secure transaction with absence of any

third party. It should be noted that One advantage of ECNs is the direct crossing of trades without using a broker-dealer system eliminates the bid-ask spread that otherwise would be incurred

Madison owns a retail clothing store. Her marketing consultant says that with all the technology at their disposal, customers will go back and forth across multiple channels before choosing to buy an outfit at her store. The consultant recommends that Madison consider an online-to-offline strategy to drive foot traffic to her store. What are two examples of an online-to-offline strategy


Answer: Amazon, Jumia


Online to offline strategy could be described as having the products displayed on the sellers site with their prices attached to them, the customer orders and it's delivered to them, payment is done either online or on delivery. This makes it easier for the customers as they don't have to bother or stress themselves with visiting the store always. They are many firms doing this now, examples are Amazon, Jumia etc

Amazon promoted this pattern of business more than others before others picked interest in them. They are still among the best for doing it

The formula for the production budget is budgeted sales in units plus desired ending merchandise inventory less beginning merchandise inventory. beginning finished goods units less desired ending finished goods units. desired ending direct materials units less beginning direct materials units. desired ending finished goods units less beginning finished goods units.



desired ending finished goods units less beginning finished goods units.


production budget can be regarded as budget that gives the calculation of the number of units of particular products which is needed to be manufactured, this is comprises the sales forecast as well as amount of finished goods inventory that is planned to have on hand.

It should be noted that the formula for the production budget is desired ending finished goods units less beginning finished goods units..

Ram thinks of a number if he adds 3 to 5 times the number he gets 38. what is the number?​



This answer is 7


Try using this to show the working


Zoe's Dog Biscuits, inc, has net cash flows from operating activities for the last year of $226 million. The income statement shows that net income in $150 million and depreciation expense is $85 million. During the year, the change in inventory on the balance sheet was an increase of $14 million, change in accrued wages and taxes was an increase of $15 million and change in accounts payable was an increase of $10 million. At the beginning of the year the balance of accounts receivable was $45 million. What was the end of year balance for accounts receivable?
A. $20 million
B. $25 million
C. $45 million
D. $65 million



D. $65 million


The computation of the  end of year balance for accounts receivable is shown below:

Cash flows from operating activities $226

net income $150

Add: depreciation $85

Less: increase in inventory -$14

Add: increase in wages and taxes $15

Add: increase in account payable $10

Total $246

Change in account receivable -$20

Opening account receivable $45

Ending account receivable $65

If a society moves from a period of time with significant unemployment to a time with full employment, its production possibilities frontier will 1 point A. shift leftward. B. Shift rightward. C. Not shift because the society moves from one point on the frontier to a point inside the frontier. D. Not shift because the society moves from a point inside the frontier to a point on the frontier. E. Not shift because the society moves from a point on the frontier to a point outside the frontier.





The Production possibilities frontiers is a curve that shows the various combination of two goods a company can produce when all its resources are fully utilised.  

The PPC is concave to the origin. This means that as more quantities of a product is produced, the fewer resources it has available to produce another good. As a result, less of the other product would be produced. So, the opportunity cost of producing a good increase as more and more of that good is produced.  

Point outside the curve or to the right of the curve means that the production level is not attainable given the level of resources

Points inside the production possibilities curve means that the nations resources are not being fully utilised

Factors that cause the PPF to shift  

1. changes in technology.  

2. changes in available resources.  

3. changes in the labour force.

Due to the significant unemployment , production would occur at a point inside the curve. When the firm moves to full employment, production would take place on the curve

Other Questions
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