please solve this



Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Note that I will be using a, b, and y instead of their Greek counterparts.

First, we know that sin(c+d) = sin(c)cos(d) + cos(d)sin(a) and sin(c-d) = sin(c)cos(d) - cos(d)sin(a). We can apply these here to get

sin(b+y) = sin(b)cos(y) + cos(b)sin(y)

sin(b-y) = sin(b)cos(y) - cos(b)sin(y)

sin(a+y) = sin(a)cos(y) + cos(a)sin(y)

sin(a-y) = sin(a)cos(y) - cos(a)sin(y)

Plugging these into our equation, we get

(sin(b)cos(y) + cos(b)sin(y) - (sin(b)cos(y) - cos(b)sin(y)))


(sin(a)cos(y) + cos(a)sin(y)-(sin(a)cos(y) - cos(a)sin(y)))


2cos(b)sin(y) / 2cos(a)sin(y)

= cos(b)sin(y)/cos(a)sin(y)

= cos(b)/cos(a)

Next, we can see that a+b = π, so we can subtract b from both sides to get a = π -b. Plugging that in for a in our equation, we get

cos(b) / cos(π-b)

After that, we know that cos(c-d) = cos(c)cos(d) - sin(c)sin(d). Plugging that in here, we get

cos(π-b) = cos(π)cos(b) - sin(π)sin(b)

= -cos(b) + 0

= -cos(b)

Plugging that back into our equation, we get

cos(b) / -cos(b) = -1

Related Questions

X =

Please help with this problem I am going crazy




Step-by-step explanation:

Triangles always add up to 180°.

As you have 2 angles, you would have to add them together and then take it away from 180° to get your answer.



Hope this helps :)


x = 80°

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the 3 angles in a triangle = 180°

Subtract the sum of the given angles from 180 for x

x = 180° - (50 + 50)° = 180° - 100° = 80°

factorise. X^5+X^4+1. ​








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): "x2" was replaced by "x^2". 4 more similar replacement(s).

Step by step solution :

Step 1 :

Step 2 :

Pulling out like terms :

2.1 Pull out like factors :

x6 - x5 + x4 - x3 + x2 - x =

x • (x5 - x4 + x3 - x2 + x - 1)

2.2 Factor x5 - x4 + x3 - x2 + x - 1

Try to factor this 6-term polynomial into (2-term) • (3-term)

Begin by splitting the 6-term into two 3-term polynomials:

-x2 + x - 1 and x5 - x4 + x3

Next simplify each 3-term polynomial by pulling out like terms:

-1 • (x2 - x + 1) and x3 • (x2 - x + 1)

Note that the two simplified polynomials have x2 - x + 1 in common

Now adding the two simplified polynomials we get

(x3 - 1) • (x2 - x + 1)

Is 2(5m-4)-3(m-5)^2 equivalent to -3m^2+40m-83? Show your work.


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2(5m-4)-3(m-5)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3(m^2-10m+5^2)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3(m^2-10m+25)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3m^2+30m-75[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -3m^2+30m+10m-75-8[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -3m^2+40m-83[/tex]

Instructions: Find the surface area of each figure. Round your answers to the nearest
tenth, if necessary.




Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area=2*(lb+bh+lh)


Use ratios to convert each measurement.

1. 3 yards = _____ feet
2. _____ cups= 5 gallons
3. 72 inches =_____ yards
4. ______ ounces = 5 pounds
5. ______ inches =7 feet
6. 24 feet = _____ yards
7. 40 pints = ______ gallons
8. 16 cups = ______ quarts and
9. ________ inches = 4 yards
10. 48 ounces = ________ Pounds ​



1. 3 yards= 9 feet

2. 78 cups=5 gallons

3. 72 inches = 2 yards

4. 80 ounces = 5 pounds

5. 84 inches = 7 feet

6. 24 feet = 8 yards

7. 40 pints = 5 gallons

8. 16 cups = 5 quarts

9. 144 inches = 4 yard

10. 48 ounces = 3 pounds

Give one pair of supplementary angles and one pair of vertical angles shown in the figure below.
(a) Supplementary angles:
(b) Vertical angles:



<5 and <6 are supplementary angles

<1 and <6 are vertical angles

what’s the answer?? please help




Step-by-step explanation:

I done it before

Help!!! please!!! Confused!



∵AB bisect ∠MAT

Hope my answer helped u :)

If the ratio of raisins to bran flakes in a box of raisin bran flakes cereal is 3:27, how many raisins are there in a box that contains 3,000 raisins and brand flakes?



300 raisins

Step-by-step explanation:

sum the parts of the ratio, 3 + 27 = 30 parts

Divide the total by 30 for the value of one part of the ratio.

3000 ÷ 30 = 100 ← value of 1 part of the ratio , then

3 parts = 3 × 100 = 300 ← number of raisins in a box

A, 3-2x=3(x+4)-x-1
B, 5x(x-1)-4(x-1)=0



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol{} \tt a) \ 3-2x=3(x+4)-x-1\\\\3-2x=3x+12-x-1 \\\\3-12+1=3x+2x-x \\\\4x=-8 \\\\\boxed{ \tt x=-2} \\\\\\b) \ 5x\underline{(x-1)}-4\underline{(x-1)}=0 \\\\\\(5x-4)(x-1)=0 \Longrightarrow \boxed{ \tt x_1=0.8 \ \ ; \ \ x_2=1}[/tex]

Will Mark Brainlest Help Please ,,,,
find the value of x and y ​


Step-by-step explanation:




help me
its geometry



A = 216.24 km²

Step-by-step explanation:

find the domain and range in the following condition.
b.R={(X,y):y=4x+1}, domain={0,1,2}​



domain : {3,4,6}

range: {1,5,9}

The total number of​ restaurant-purchased meals that the average person will eat in a​ restaurant, in a​ car, or at home in a year is 193 . The total number of these meals eaten in a car or at home exceeds the number eaten in a restaurant by 15 . Thirty more​ restaurant-purchased meals will be eaten in a restaurant than at home. Find the number of​ restaurant-purchased meals eaten in a​ restaurant, the number eaten in a​ car, and the number eaten at home.


9514 1404 393


89 in a restaurant45 in a car59 at home

Step-by-step explanation:

Let r, c, h represent the numbers of meals eaten in a restaurant, car, and at home, respectively. The problem statement tells us of the relations ...

  r + c + h = 193

  -r + c + h = 15

  r + 0c -h = 30

Add the last two equations:

  (-r +c +h) +(r -h) = (15) +(30)

  c = 45

Add the first two equations:

  (r + c + h) +(-r + c + h) = (193) +(15)

  2c +2h = 208

  h = 104 -c = 59 . . . . solve for h, substitute for c

The last equation can be used to find r.

  r = 30 +h = 30 +59 = 89

89 meals are eaten in a restaurant; 45 meals in a car; and 59 at home.

Write the exponential function that passes through (-1, 27), (0, 9), (1, 3).​


Step-by-step explanation:

we see, for x=-1 we get 3³

x=0 we get 3²

x=1 we get 3¹

so the function is definitely a 3 to the power of x version.

but we need to adapt the exponent a bit and correct x, so that at least for these 3 values of x the result is "running backwards".

the easiest way : 2-x as exponent.

it fits.

for x=-1 we get 2 - -1 = 3 as exponent.

for x=0 we get 2-0 = 2 as exponent.

for x=1 we get 2-1 = 1 as exponent.

so, the exponential function passing through these 3 points is

[tex]f(x) = {3}^{2 - x} [/tex]

please help me out, please and thank you​


Well, a bisector is a ray that cuts the angle in half, which means that both of the angles are now the same. So, we get:
8x - 1 = 4x + 3
4x = 4
x = 1




Classify this triangle

A) Acute scalene triangle
B) Obtuse isosceles triangle
C) Right isosceles triangle
D) Right scalene triangle


Answer C Right Isosceles Triangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Do it

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation:

It has a 90 degree angle, right triangle, and both legs in the triangle seem to be the same size, so it's also isosceles.

find the value of x in the diagram below




Step-by-step explanation:

In a trapezoid lines are parallel, so corresponding angle sum = 180

X+X+40 = 180

2x + 40 = 180

2x = 180-40

2x = 140

X = 140/2

X = 70

Answered by Gauthmath




C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

One is asked to find which inequality has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) in its solution set. Remember that an inequality is another way to represent a set of solutions. In essence, it states that all numbers less than; less than or equal to; greater than; or greater than or equal to, are a part of the solution. One simplifies an inequality in a similar manner to how one simplifies an equation, by using inverse operations and simplification. Just note that when multiplying or dividing the inequality by a negative number, one has to flip the inequality sign to ensure the expression remains true.

Simplify each of the inequalities, then evaluate to see which one has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) as a part of its solution set.

A. [tex]-x -6<-3.5[/tex]



B. [tex]-x-6>3.5[/tex]



C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]



D. [tex]x-6>-3.5[/tex]


As can be seen, option (C [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]) is the only one that fits this requirement. Since option (C) simplifies down to ([tex]x<-2.5[/tex]) or in words, (x) is less than (-2.5). This option is the only one that fits the solution since (-3) is less than (-2.5).

Зх — 7 = 2х
Show work



x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

3x - 7 = 2x

- 7 = -1x

x = -7/-1

x = 7

Which of the following is the discriminant of the polynomial below?
X2 +6X+8
A. 8
B. 6
D. 26


X2 + 6X +8
the answer is C. 4

If p and q are remainders when the polynomials



Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help I don't understand



Step-by-step explanation:

Martas school has 325 desks for 13 classrooms . If the desks are shared evenly how many desks will each classroom have




Step-by-step explanation:

How many times is the value of the digit 5 in 65.1748 lesser than the value of
the digit 5 in 3526.987?



3 times

Step-by-step explanation:

The 5 in "65.1748" is in the ones place. 5 is less than 10, 100, and 1000. 5 is greater than 1/100.

Find the first four terms in the sequence
an 15 + 6n

A. 21, 27, 33, 39
B. 18, 12, 6,0
C. 20, 26, 32, 38
D. 20, 14, 8, 2



A. 21, 27, 33, 39

Step-by-step explanation:

an =15 + 6n

Let n=1  

a1 = 15 +6(1) = 15+6 = 21

Let n=2  

a2 = 15 +6(2) = 15+12 = 27

Let n=3  

a3 = 15 +6(3) = 15+18 = 33

Let n=4  

a4 = 15 +6(4) = 15+24 = 39



Step-by-step explanation:

You do not know where n starts. Is it 1 or zero or something else. Raise your hand and complain.

I'll assume that n = 1 to start with

n = 1

15 + 6(1) = 21

n = 2

15 + 6(2) = 15 + 12 = 27

n = 3

15 + 6* 3 = 33

n = 4

15 + 6*4 = 39

help again geometry similarity transformations


1. 2

2. The X axis

3. 3 right and 1 up (3, 1)


2 or A

x-axis or y = 0

I'm not sure the answer choices for the third one so I'm heading out.

Step-by-step explanation:

If your device is capable of taking screenshots from your laptop/desktop, then take a screenshot, like on Windows OS, it's Windows Key + Shift + S, and on Mac OS, it's Command + Control + Shift + 4, I think.

Taking a picture from a phone takes longer to upload and has bad quality since it's from a further distance and the individual pixels are more spread out.

Help me write in standard form please help!


y = -5/6x + 19/2 (i think)

For a beverage, Lisa mixes cups of lemonade to cups of ice tea in a ratio of 2:5. Which of the following best describes the amount of lemonade to iced tea



lemonade is 4:10 to ice or .4:1

Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming lemonade is 2 and tea is 5, you can use a table or multiply both reciprocals by 2 so 2x2 and 2x5 = 4:10. then if you want to see how much is in just once cup of tea divide by ten to each for the product of .4:1

Answer:  For every 2 cups of lemonade, there are 5 cups of iced tea.

if the ratio is 2:5 then for every 2 cups of lemonade there are 5 cups of tea.

it is just another way of saying the ratio

simplify 12/2 . 12/3


Step-by-step explanation:

is that really all ?

to simplify 12/2 and 12/3 ?

well, 12 can be divided by 2 and by 3 without remainder.

and so we get

12/2 = 6/1 = 6

12/3 = 4/1 = 4

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