Write the equations of the linear and exponential functions that pass through the points (0, 15) and (1, 5)

Linear Equation, y = mx+b

Exponential Equation, y = a(b)^x



Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Part A: Linear Equation.

One of the points is (0,15). This means 0,15 is the y intercept so b=15.

We can find the slope

[tex] \frac{5 - 15}{1 - 0 } = \frac{ - 10}{1} = - 10[/tex]

So our equation is

[tex]y = - 10x + 15[/tex]

Part B: Exponential Equation

We know that

[tex]15 = a \times b {}^{0} [/tex]

B to the zero power is 1 so

[tex]15 = a[/tex]

This means a =15. Now let find b.

[tex]5 = 15 \times b {}^{1} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{3} = b[/tex]

So the equation is

[tex]y = 15( \frac{1}{3} ) {}^{x} [/tex]

Related Questions

Rearrange each of the following in slope/y-intercept form, y = mx + b.
a. 3x - 6y + 8 = 0 b. -2x - 5y - 2 = 0




[tex]{ \tt{3x - 6y + 8 = 0}} \\ { \tt{ 6y = 3x - 8}} \\ { \boxed{ \bf{y = \frac{1}{2} x - \frac{4}{3} }}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{ - 2x - 5y - 2 = 0}} \\ { \tt{5y = - 2x + 2}} \\ { \boxed{ \bf{y = - \frac{ 2}{5} x + \frac{2}{5} }}}[/tex]

Suppose a study finds that the correlation coefficient relating job satisfaction to salary is r=1. Which of the following are the proper conclusions?
I. High salary causes high job satisfaction.
II. Low salary causes low job satisfaction.
III. There is a very strong association between salary and job satisfaction.

I and II only

I, II and III

III only

I only



its I, II and III.

Step-by-step explanation:

r values are from -1 to 1, if the value is 0 means there's no connection between values of variables, if its lower than 0, if the value of variable goes up the other goes down, if its higher than 0, than if one value of variable increases than the value of other variable increases too. the closer to 1 the stronger the association.

Help please anyone please


Welp....there's your answer

divide 5/6 and 1/12!!




Step-by-step explanation:


5/6×12/1 (do a inverse of 1 upon 12)


cancel 12 by 6

Which of the following sets represent D ∪ E?
{2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15}
{2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20}
{10, 20}
{3, 7, 9, 11}





{ 2,4,5,6,8,10,15,20}

Step-by-step explanation:

D ∪ E

This means the union of the two sets or what is in both circles with no duplicates

{ 2,4,5,6,8,10,15,20}

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 52 in. One leg of the triangle is 8 in. more than twice the length of the other. What is the perimeter of the triangle?
20 in.
26 in.
120 in.
138 in.



its c 120in

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of the triangle is,

⇒ 138 in.

What is mean by Triangle?

A triangle is a three sided polygon, which has three vertices and three angles which has the sum 180 degrees.

Given that;

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 52 in.

And, One leg of the triangle is 8 in. more than twice the length of the other.

Hence, We get;

Lengths of legs are,

⇒ x

And, ⇒ 8 + 2x

Hence, We can formulate;

⇒ 52² = x² + (2x + 8)²

⇒ 2704 = x² + 4x² + 64 + 24x

⇒ 5x² + 24x - 2640 = 0

⇒ x = 20 and x = - 132/5

For perimeter;

Take x = 20

Hence, The perimeter of the triangle is,

⇒ 52 + x + (2x + 8)

⇒ 52 + 20 + (2 × 20 + 8)

⇒ 52 + 20 + 48

⇒ 138 in.

Thus, The perimeter of the triangle is,

⇒ 138 in.

Learn more about the triangle visit;


The sale price for a jacket that regularly costs $102.00 is now $74.00. With sales tax, a customer pays $82.40.


What Are You Trying To Ask?
If Your Asking How Much % Tax Was Added
Answer: 10%

If your asking how much money was added:
Answer: $7.40

If Your Asking How Much Money Was Removed From The Original Price: $18.00

If your asking how much was discounted
Answer: 16.0784314%

The polygons in each pair are similar. find the missing side length​


If polygons are similar ratio of sides will be same

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \frac{6}{14} = \frac{3}{x} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 6x = 14 \times 3 \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 6x = 42 \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto x = \frac{42}{6} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto x = 7[/tex]

Calculate the mode of: 4.6, 3, 8.1, 9, 12, 3, 9, 3.5, 7, 3.



the Mode Is 3

Step-by-step explanation:

You Have To Put the numbers from ascending order to descending order..The Numbers that appears the most is the mode

what is the equation of the line that passes through the points (-8,8) and (4,-1)​



y = (-3/4)x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the slope of this line.  Note how the first x-coordinate (-8) becomes 4, a jump of 12, and how the first y-coordinate (8) becomes -1, a decrease of 9.  Then the slope is

m = (change in y) / (change in x) = -9/12 = m = -3/4

Find the y-intercept from this data using the slope-intercept form:

y = mx + b becomes  8 = (-3/4)(-8) + b when x = -8, y = 8 and m = -3/4.

Solving this equation for b, we get:

                                     8 = 6 + b, so that b must be 2.

The desired equation is y = (-3/4)x + 2.

the person above me is correct !!

Fill in the missing statements and reasons in the proof



1. Given

2. Vertical angle theorem

3. AB≅DB, EB≅CB, m<ABC≅m<DBE

4. △ABC ≅ △DBE

Hope this helps :D

marked price of an item is 4000, what will be it's selling price having 20% discount and 10% vat.​





Another way to do it is by

Multiplying the original value by the discounted percent, the percent taxed but add one to it.

(4,000)(.80)(1+10/100)= 3,520

4000 is the original value
.80 is the value of the item with 20% off
1.1 gives value after tax, adding the one allows you to see the value of the item after tax.

Please help me ASAP!! Please explain your answer



113.1 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

V = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] [tex]\pi[/tex] r² h

h = 12 cm , r = 3 cm , [tex]\pi[/tex] = [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex]

V ≈ 113.1 cm²

A factory produces 1, 250, 000 toys each year. The number of toys is expected to increase by about 150% per year. Which model can be used to find the number of toys, N (in millions), being produced in t years?


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

A factory produces 1,250,000 toys each year. The number of toys is expected to increase by about 150% per year. Which model can be used to find the number of toys being produced, n (in millions), in t years?

A. n= 2.5(1.5)/t, t cannot = 0

B. n= 1.5t^2 + 1.25

C. n= 1.5t + 1.25

D. n= 1.25(2.5^t)


D. n= 1.25(2.5^t)

Step-by-step explanation:

This is an exponential growth problem. In mathematics, for an exponential growth problem;

P = Po(1 + r)^t


P= amount at time t

Po =initial amount

r= rate

t= time

In the context of the question we have;

n= 1.25(1 + 150/100)^t

n= 1.25(2.5)^t

Un litro de leche de búfala equivale a 1.7 litros de leche de vaca. ¿si tengo
27 litros de leche de búfalo, a cuantos litros de leche de vaca equivaldría?



27 litros de leche de búfalo equivalen a 45.9 litros de leche de vaca.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sabiendo que un litro de leche de búfala equivale a 1.7 litros de leche de vaca, podemos calcular el equivalente de capacidad de la vaca para 27 litros de leche de búfala mediante Regla de Tres Simple:

[tex]x = 27\,L\times \frac{1.7\,L}{1\,L}[/tex]

[tex]x = 45.9\,L[/tex]

27 litros de leche de búfalo equivalen a 45.9 litros de leche de vaca.

Which whole number property is represented?

(8 × 2) × 6 = 8 × (2 × 6)



(8 × 2) × 6 = 8 × (2 × 6) represents associative property of whole number.

Is 2(5m-4)-3(m-5)^2 equivalent to -3m^2+40m-83? Show your work.


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2(5m-4)-3(m-5)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3(m^2-10m+5^2)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3(m^2-10m+25)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10m-8-3m^2+30m-75[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -3m^2+30m+10m-75-8[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -3m^2+40m-83[/tex]

what’s the answer?? please help




Step-by-step explanation:

I done it before

Help!!! please!!! Confused!



∵AB bisect ∠MAT

Hope my answer helped u :)

Will Mark Brainlest Help Please ,,,,
find the value of x and y ​


Step-by-step explanation:




Write the exponential function that passes through (-1, 27), (0, 9), (1, 3).​


Step-by-step explanation:

we see, for x=-1 we get 3³

x=0 we get 3²

x=1 we get 3¹

so the function is definitely a 3 to the power of x version.

but we need to adapt the exponent a bit and correct x, so that at least for these 3 values of x the result is "running backwards".

the easiest way : 2-x as exponent.

it fits.

for x=-1 we get 2 - -1 = 3 as exponent.

for x=0 we get 2-0 = 2 as exponent.

for x=1 we get 2-1 = 1 as exponent.

so, the exponential function passing through these 3 points is

[tex]f(x) = {3}^{2 - x} [/tex]

please help me out, please and thank you​


Well, a bisector is a ray that cuts the angle in half, which means that both of the angles are now the same. So, we get:
8x - 1 = 4x + 3
4x = 4
x = 1




find the value of x in the diagram below




Step-by-step explanation:

In a trapezoid lines are parallel, so corresponding angle sum = 180

X+X+40 = 180

2x + 40 = 180

2x = 180-40

2x = 140

X = 140/2

X = 70

Answered by Gauthmath




C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

One is asked to find which inequality has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) in its solution set. Remember that an inequality is another way to represent a set of solutions. In essence, it states that all numbers less than; less than or equal to; greater than; or greater than or equal to, are a part of the solution. One simplifies an inequality in a similar manner to how one simplifies an equation, by using inverse operations and simplification. Just note that when multiplying or dividing the inequality by a negative number, one has to flip the inequality sign to ensure the expression remains true.

Simplify each of the inequalities, then evaluate to see which one has ([tex]x=-3[/tex]) as a part of its solution set.

A. [tex]-x -6<-3.5[/tex]



B. [tex]-x-6>3.5[/tex]



C. [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]



D. [tex]x-6>-3.5[/tex]


As can be seen, option (C [tex]-x-6>-3.5[/tex]) is the only one that fits this requirement. Since option (C) simplifies down to ([tex]x<-2.5[/tex]) or in words, (x) is less than (-2.5). This option is the only one that fits the solution since (-3) is less than (-2.5).

Зх — 7 = 2х
Show work



x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

3x - 7 = 2x

- 7 = -1x

x = -7/-1

x = 7

help again geometry similarity transformations


1. 2

2. The X axis

3. 3 right and 1 up (3, 1)


2 or A

x-axis or y = 0

I'm not sure the answer choices for the third one so I'm heading out.

Step-by-step explanation:

If your device is capable of taking screenshots from your laptop/desktop, then take a screenshot, like on Windows OS, it's Windows Key + Shift + S, and on Mac OS, it's Command + Control + Shift + 4, I think.

Taking a picture from a phone takes longer to upload and has bad quality since it's from a further distance and the individual pixels are more spread out.

simplify 12/2 . 12/3


Step-by-step explanation:

is that really all ?

to simplify 12/2 and 12/3 ?

well, 12 can be divided by 2 and by 3 without remainder.

and so we get

12/2 = 6/1 = 6

12/3 = 4/1 = 4

if U= π(r+h), find r when U =16/1/2 and h = 2/3/4

π = 3/1/7​



r = 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:

U= π(r+h)


U = 16 1/2

h = 2 3/4

π = 3 1/7​

U= π(r+h)

16 1/2 = 3 1/7(r + 2 3/4)

33/2 = 22/7(r + 11/4)

33/2 = 22/7r + (22/7 * 11/4)

33/2 = 22/7r + 242/28

33/2 - 242/28 = 22/7r

(462-242) / 28 = 22/7r

220/28 = 22/7r

r = 220/28 ÷ 22/7

= 220/28 × 7/22

= (220 * 7) / (28 * 22)

= 1540/616

= 2.5

r = 2.5




→ m∠ABE + m∠EBC =180°

→ m∠ABF + m∠FED + ∠DBC =180°

→ ∠ABF ≅ ∠EBC

→ ∠ABE ≅ FBC


Câu 1 : Trong các phương trình sau phương trình nào là phương trình bậc nhất một ẩn ;
A/ x-1=x+2 B/(x-1)(x-2)=0 C/ax+b=0 D/ 2x+1=3x+5
Câu 2 : x=-2 là nghiệm của phương trình nào ?
A/3x-1=x-5 B/ 2x-1=x+3 C/x-3=x-2 D/ 3x+5 =-x- 2
Câu 3 : x=4 là nghiệm của phương trình
A/3x-1=x-5 B/ 2x-1=x+3 C/x-3=x-2 D/ 3x+5 =-x- 2
Câu 4 : Phương trình x+9=9+x có tập nghiệm là :
A/ S=R B/S={9} C/ S= D/ S= {R}
Câu 5 : Cho hai phương trình : x(x-1) (I) và 3x-3=0(II)
A/ (I)tương đương (II) B/ (I) là hệ quả của phương trình (II)
C/ (II) là hệ quả của phương trình (I) D/ Cả ba đều sai
Câu 6: Phương trình : x2 =-4 có nghiệm là :
A/ Một nghiệm x=2 B/ Một nghiệm x=-2
C/ Có hai nghiệm : x=-2; x=2 D/ Vô nghiệm



Can you please answer the question in English so I can understand the English psyche can answer your question please ask this question in English actually I'm Indian so I know only 3 languages steps

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