Pleaseeeee help me. When a rabbit eats a plant, nutrients from the
plant become available to the tissues of the
rabbit. During this process, some of the energy
from these nutrients is lost and the energy
becomes heat and unavailable chemical energy.
This energy loss partly explains why the total
energy is greater in
A. predator populations than in scavenger
B.consumer populations than in producer
C. producer populations than in consumer
D. predator populations than in prey populations,


Answer 1




Answer 2




total energy is greater in producer populations than in consumer populations

Related Questions

n your lab you are studying the genome of venomous rattlesnakes to find the gene which codes for their venom glands. You have two rattlesnakes, one rattlesnake has a mutation but can still produce venom. You compare his DNA to a normal rattlesnake. What type of mutation has occurred? Normal: AATCGCTACGCACGTCAG Mutated: TATCGCTACGCACGTCAG



There are no options but the kind of mutation that occurred by carefully observing both sequences is:



Mutation is any change, whether small or big, in the nucleotide sequence of a gene (DNA). Mutation occurs from time to time in an organism either by a mistake during DNA replication or induced by a mutagen (mutation-causing substance). Mutation can be of different types depending on the effect on the mutant.

In this case of comparing the DNA sequence two rattle snakes, the sequences of the two snakes are:



By carefully observing the two DNA sequences, one would realize that the only difference in the two sequences is the first nucleotide base. That is, in the normal sequence, th first base is Adenine (A) while in the mutated sequence, the first base is Thymine (T).

This type of mutation that involves only one nucleotide base is called POINT MUTATION. It can also be noticed that base "A" was changed "T". Hence, this is a type of SUBSTITUTION MUTATION because a single base was replaced by another in the sequence.

Most adults should consume no more than 30 percent of their daily calories from fat. A person on a daily diet of 2,500 calories should get no more than how many calories from fat each day.





30% of 2,500 is 750, therefore 750 calories is the maximum number one should get from fat each day.


750  marry christmas break

A student did an experiment with two identical fish tanks, Tank 1 and Tank 2. About 20 ml water purifier was added to Tank 1 and 10 ml
water punfier was added to tank 2. Tank 1 was heated to 88° F and Tank 2 was left at room temperature. The water purity of each tank was
tested every day in particles per liter. The purity was recorded over a period of 5 weeks in the table shown below.
Week Water Purity of Tank 1 Water Purity of Tank 2
Based on the table, which of these conclusions is correct?


Fish need 10 mL of water purifier to survive.


More purifier is needed to keep heated water clean.


Water purifier can help a fish survive longer.


Water purifier keeps fish tanks clearer for longer.

pleasee helppp !!​



a . Fish need 10 ml of water purifier to survive.


Fish need 10 ml of water purifier to survive because the data of 10 ml and 20 ml purifier is the same so it is recommended to use 10 ml purifier. First the data was same but by recording next week data, it shows slightly increase in the value of tank 2 while in the last week, both has the same value so we can concluded that by using 10 ml purifier is enough for the fish to survive.


Its B/More purifier is needed to keep heated water clean.


Paleobiologists generally recognize the five most severe mass extinctions during the Phanerozoic Eon. Along with the other students in this class, determine when each of these “Big Five” mass extinctions occurred. Include in the discussion a brief list of which organisms went extinct during each of these events and which organisms radiated afterwards. You should use the information from this unit and from Internet searches to help you in this discussion. NO plagiarism will be permitted.


Extinction of the Ordovician: This extinction was responsible for the disappearance of about 60-70% of the species of oceanic life, This is because in that period most of the life on Earth was in the ocean. This extinction is believed to have been caused by an intense glacial period, although short that froze most of the planet's water. It is believed that the species most affected were sponges, algae, jawless fish, molluscs and cephalopods.

Devonian Extinction: Responsible for the disappearance of about 75% of marine species. This extinction was caused by the depletion of oxygen in the ocean, making life impossible for all aerobic marine organisms. This depletion of oxygen was caused mainly by the variation in the level of the ocean and climatic changes that may have been caused by asteroids.

Permian Extinction: Responsible for the death of 95% of life on earth. This extinction is known as the "mother of all extinctions" due to its destructive character, which devastated life on land and in the ocean. It is believed that this extinction was caused by volcanic activities triggered by the impact of asteroids. Almost all living species on earth were affected, such as insects, trilobites, sharks, boneless fish, reptiles, among others.

Extinction of the Triassic: It is not known exactly what caused this extinction, but it is estimated that it had the power to decimate 70-80% of terrestrial life, mainly arcosaurs and amphibians. The most accepted theory today is that the extinction was caused by recurrent volcanic activities that influenced huge volumes of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, generating intense heating.

Cretaceous extinction: It was caused by the impact of an asteroid with the earth. The impact had the power to exterminate 75% of terrestrial life. This is the most well-known extinction, since it was responsible for decimating dinosaurs, however, some animals survived this impact, such as most marine species, frogs, birds, reptile and mammals.

In a population of flowers growing in a meadow, C1 and C2 are autosomal codominant alleles that control flower color. The alleles are polymorphic in the population, with f (C1) = 0.8 and f (C2) = 0.2. Flowers that are C1C1 are yellow, orange flowers are C1C2, and C2C2 flowers are red. A storm blows a new species of hungry insects into the meadow, and they begin to eat yellow and orange flowers but not red flowers. The predation exerts strong natural selection on the flower population, resulting in relative fitness values of C1C1 = 0.30, C1C2 = 0.60, and C2C2 = 1.0.

a. What is the C1C2 genotype frequency among the progeny of predation survivors?
b. What is the C2C2 genotype frequency among the progeny of predation survivors?
c. What is the C2C2 genotype frequency among the progeny of predation survivors?
d. What is the equilibrium C2 allele frequency in the predation environment?


B is yours answer have a nice day

The giant continent which was composed of all the land on Earth was called
a. Pangaea.
c. Gondwana.
b. Panthalassa.
d. Laurasia.


The answer is "Pangaea"





The anticodon (Select all that apply):

a. is a triplet of nucleotides in tRNA
b. determines the identity of the amino acid to be added to the peptide chain
c. is complementary to the codon
d. binds to the codon via hydrogen bonds



choice A


An anticodon is a trinucleotide sequence complementary to that of a corresponding codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence. An anticodon is found at one end of a transfer RNA (tRNA) molecule.

QUICKLY! The chemical reaction equation of photosyntesis is shown here: What information is not given in this equation. It does not show if the reaction is reversible. It does not show the reactants needed for the reaction. It does not show that photosynthesis consists of many separate steps. It does not show the number of molecules required to produce glucose.



C: It does not show that photosynthesis consists of many separate steps.


Photosynthesis is a unique process carried out by the cells of autotrophic organisms. It is the process whereby they synthesize their own food in form of sugars (glucose) in the presence of sunlight. Ideally, the photosynthetic process makes use of carbon dioxide (C02) and water (H20) in the presence of light energy (from sun) to produce glucose sugar (C6H12O6) and oxygen (02). The general photosynthetic equation is as follows:

6CO2 + 6H20 + light → C6H12O6 + 6O2

However, the process is not as simple as portrayed as it involves many separate steps that collectively forms the photosynthetic product (glucose). Photosynthesis occurs in two major stages namely: light stage and light independent stage, which in turn consists of series of reactions that forms the products.

Therefore, the equation attached to this question describes photosynthesis but It does not show that photosynthesis consists of many separate steps.


C: It does not show that photosynthesis consists of many separate steps.


what type of molecule do plant cells use for long term energy storage





In plants, energy is stored in the form of ATP and NADPH. Energy is produced in the presence of light it is in the thylakoids and mitochondria.

ATP: Adenosine triphosphate

NADPH:  nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrogen

why are g protein important for drug discovery?



G protein - coupled  receptors(GPCRs)n belong to a large family of signaling proteins that  mediate cellular  reponses to most hormones ,metabolites,cytokines and neuotransmitters and therefore serve as fritful targets for DRUGS DISCOVERYS.

Explanation: histamine(HRH1),serotonin dopamine,opiod and adrenergic receptors.


during what stage of swallowing is there a risk of food entering respiratory pathways


Gulping... I think this is the stage you are looking for

Hope this helped ♥︎

Studies of the relative efficacy or nonefficacy of a drug based on specific genotypes would be considered part of the field of



Personalized genomic medicine  


Personalized genomic medicine is a field that uses genomics data to develop personalized technologies and therapies for clinical care. All people share a sequence homology level higher than 99%; however a very small fraction of the genome (lesser than 1%) contains genetic polymorphisms among individuals, and this variation is associated with the likelihood of suffering diseases, either by increasing or by reducing disease susceptibility. Personalized genomic medicine first identifies genetic variations and then develops new strategies and personalized drugs to treat genetic disorders.

____________ a regulatory protein that may bind DNA to inhibit transcription. ____________ a DNA sequence that binds a regulatory protein. ____________a DNA sequence that binds RNA polymerase and regulates transcription. ____________a compound that interacts with another protein or compound to form an active repressor ____________a compound that induces or activates transcription, such as lactose.a. Repressorb. Operator c. Promoterd. Corepressore. Inducer



A repressor is a regulatory protein that may bind DNA to inhibit transcription. An operator is a DNA sequence that binds a regulatory protein. A promoter is a DNA sequence that binds RNA polymerase and regulates transcription. A corepressor is a compound that interacts with another protein or compound to form an active repressor. An inducer is a compound that induces or activates transcription, such as lactose.


Repressor proteins bind to DNA and RNA to suppress target gene expression. A DNA repressor blocks transcription by inhibiting the attachment of RNA polymerase to the promoter sequence, while an RNA repressor bind to the mRNA to block translation of the protein. An operator is a DNA sequence required for the attachment of transcription factors. The genes that are transcribed by the binding of a transcription factor to an operator sequence are collectively referred to as an operon. Operons are generally found in prokaryotes but they also can be found in some eukaryotes including Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. An inducer is a molecule that activates gene transcription either by binding to repressors/corepressors (thereby inactivating their functions) or by binding activators. For example, the allolactose act as an inducer of the lac operon.

What type of transmission occurs when a pathogen is spread though sneezing or coughing



air transmission

Espero que te sirva

if a short sequence of dna reads 3'TAACGTCCAGGCAAA5', what is the complementary sequence in the other strand of dna g





Complimentary strands of DNA run anti-parallel to each other, the ends facing in opposite directions.

The complimentary base pairs for DNA are:

A=T and C=G and when finding the complimentary strand these pairs are only paired with each other.

ABO blood type is examined in a Taiwanese population, and allele frequencies are determined. In the population,
f (IA) = 0.30,
f(IB) = 0.15, and
f (i) = 0.55.
What are the frequencies of the various genotypes and various phenotypes in this population? Assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


Answer and Explanation:

Due to technical problems, you will find the answer and explanation in the attached file.

Transcriptional regulation of operon gene expression involves the interaction of molecules with one another and of regulatory molecules with segments of DNA. In this context, define and give an example of each of the following:

a. operator
b. repressor
c. inducer
d. corepressor
e. promoter
f. positive regulation
g. allostery
h. negative regulation
i. attenuation


Answer and explanation:

The operator is a DNA fragment localized between the promoter and structural gene sequences that are able to repress operon transcription. A repressor is a molecule that binds to the operator to inhibit transcription, while an inducer is a molecule that activates transcription by binding either to the repressors or to the activators. A corepressor is a molecule that binds to repressors in order to activate them. A promoter is a DNA sequence localized upstream structural genes which binds to a transcription factor in order to activate operon transcription. Positive regulation is the process by which operon transcription acts as a positive loop, thereby increasing its own transcription, while negative regulation is the process by which operon transcription inhibits its own expression. Allostery refers to the process by which a molecule regulates operon transcription by binding to distal (and therefore non-functional) sites of the operon. Attenuation is a process able to reduce operon transcription and also to block subsequent translation.

Drag each tile to the correct location.
Sort the descriptions based on whether they are related to asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction.
creates genetically
unique offspring
creates genetically
identical offspring
organism doesn’t have to
waste energy to find a
organism needs time to
reach adulthood to
requires the contribution
of two parents

requires the contribution
of a single parent




-creates genetically unique offspring

-organism needs time to reach adulthood to reproduce

-requires the contribution of two parents


-creates genetically identical offspring

-organism doesn’t have to waste energy to find a mate

-requires the contribution of a single parent


Living organisms employ two types of reproduction to produce their offsprings. They are sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction is that reproduction involving the fusion of two sex cells from opposite sex individuals i.e. male and female. Sexual reproduction forms offsprings with unique genetic contents, which is as result of the meiotic process that each individual organism undergoes to produce gametes or sex cells (sperm and eggs). Since there must be a fusion of gametic cells, sexual reproduction requires the contribution of two parents (a male and a female). Also, the parents only undergo meiosis to produce gametes at certain points in their life. Hence, they have to wait to reach adulthood to do that.

On the other hand, asexual reproduction involves only the contribution of one parent as the fusion of genetic material is not needed. Hence, the offsprings form by cellular division that makes it genetically identical to the parent cell. Energy is not needed to find a mate, the organism simply reproduces on its own by dividing into daughter cells.

The main function of a cell membrane is to allow substances to enter and leave the cell. Which is a correct description of transport through a cell membrane



The question is incomplete, below is the completed question:

The main function of a cell membrane is to allow substances to enter and leave the cell. Which is a correct description of transport through a cell membrane ?

a. Diffusion, or passive transport, occurs when molecules diffuse from a lower concentration to a higher concentration.

b. Facilitated transport occurs when proteins that extend through the cell membrane provide a channel through which certain substances can diffuse more rapidly than by passive diffusion.

c. The lipid bilayer opens up and allows the ions or molecules to enter the cell, then closes.

d. Active transport occurs when molecules diffuse from a higher concentration to a lower concentration.


b. Facilitated transport occurs when proteins that extend through the cell membrane provide a channel through which certain substances can diffuse more rapidly than by passive diffusion.


Transport through cell membranes can be broadly classified as active transport or passive transport.

Active transport requires energy in the form of ATP for the transportation of substances across the cell membrane.

Option b correctly describes facilitated diffusion, which is a passive-mediated diffusion process, where channels in the cell membrane mainly composed of proteins called transmembrane integral proteins, allow for the movement of certain molecules (mostly polar/hydrophilic) molecules that will not otherwise be transported through simple diffusion because of the hydrophobic nature of the cell membrane.

The other options are wrong because:

a. diffusion or simple transport involves the movement of substances from regions of higher to a lower concentration not lower to higher as suggested here.

c. The lipid bi-layer does not allow ions or hydrophilic molecules because it is hydrophobic in nature, and it is not a channel, so it does not open and closes

d. In active transport, transfer of molecules is from regions of lower to higher concentration and not higher to lower concentration as suggested here.

somebody help me please A cross is performed between a bird that is homo for red feathers and a bird that is homo for blue feathers. Purple offspring result due to incomplete dominance. Then, two of the purple offspring are crossed. What proportion of the offspring from the second cross will be purple? 1 in 4 2 in 4 3 in 4 4 in 4



2 in 4


Let PP are the gametes of red feather bird and pp are the gamete of blue feather bird. In the first cross they both will give purple feather bird because of incomplete dominance.

Consider Pp as the allele of purple offspring for the second cross. When two of the purple offspring are crossed, it will give the proportion of 2 in 4  

F2: Pp X Pp

Offspring: PP, Pp,Pp, pp

So, only two offspring, Pp is with purple feathers while PP has red and pp has blue feathers.

Hence, the correct option is 2 in 4.

The proportion of the offspring from the second cross that would be purple will be 2 in 4.

Let us assume that the red feather color is controlled by allele A and that of blue feather color is controlled by allele B.

Homzygous red feather birds will have the genotype AA

Homzygous blue feather birds will have the genotype BB

Crossing the 2 birds:

                             AA     x     BB

                         AB    AB    AB    AB

Thus, the purple offspring are AB.

Crossing 2 of the purple offspring:

                                    AB    x    AB

                              AA    AB    AB    BB

1 AA - red

2 AB - purple

1 BB - blue

Thus, 2/4 or 1/2 or 50%  of the offspring from the second cross will be purple.

More on incomplete dominance can be found here:

Why it is important to emasculate and bag wheat, oats and groundnut flowers before a cross is made by using another desirable plant.



There are no options in this question but it can be answered using general knowledge. The answer is:

In order to prevent self-pollination or natural cross-pollination of the wheat, oats or groundnut flowers.


The flowers of wheat, oat and groundnut plants have something in common, which is the fact that they are all bisexual flowers i.e. flowers that have both male and female reproductive parts. Hence, they tend to undergo self-pollination i.e. transfer of pollen to female reproductive part on the same flower.

To prevent this from occuring when a desirable trait is wanted during crop breeding procedures, a process called EMASCULATION is carried out. Emasculation is the process whereby the stamen (male flower) or pollen of a plant is removed without destroying the female part of the flower. This is done in order to discourage self-pollination in plants with a bisexual flower.

Also, after emasculation, the flowers are bagged in order to prevent natural cross-pollination i.e. to prevent pollens from other plant from being transferred to the stigma of the desired plants in random manner.

Hence, emasculation and bagging is important to make sure the desired plants are still viable for the crop breeding procedure.

Before using any chemical in the lab, why should one first read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?
The MSDS provides information on safe handling of the chemical.
The MSDS explains where the chemical can be purchased.
The MSDS provides the chemical formula for the substance.
The MSDS describes how the chemical will react with other substances.​





Took test on Edge.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) contains information related to occupational safety and health. The MSDS provides knowledge on the safe handling of chemicals. Thus, option A is correct.

What is MSDS?

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is the data safety sheet that states the rules and details of handling and using the laboratory chemicals that are related to health. It is of great importance as it allows the learning of chemical hazards.

Before entering the lab and using the chemicals one should read the MSDS book so to get aware of the handling and precautions that have to be taken while performing any experiments. To work safely one should know its danger and should be prepared for emergencies.

Therefore, the MSDS provides knowledge on the handling of hazardous chemicals.

Learn more about MSDS here:


What physical traits were favored in the peppered moth AFTER the Industrial Revolution?


Answer: Their skin color was dark which made the moths blend in. During the Industrial Revolution, the soot from factories caused the trees to become black. The light colored moths became easier to kill because they could not blend into their environment.


Which is a characteristic of all waves?



All kinds of waves have the same fundamental properties of reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference, and all waves have a wavelength, frequency, speed and amplitude. A wave can be described by its length, height (amplitude) and frequency. All waves can be thought of as a disturbance that transfers energy.


Answer: there's three characteristics


Three characteristics of waves can be measured: amplitude, wave-. length and frequency.

Which is a function of the cell membrane? performs photosynthesis controls what enters and leaves the cell produces proteins provides energy to the cell


Answer: controls what enters and leaves the cell

Explanation: it is a barrier keeping the constituents of the cell in and unwanted substansces out and is also a gate allowing transport into the cell of essential nutirnts and movement from cell of waste products.

The cell membrane is also referred to as the plasma membrane or cytoplasmic membrane of the cell. It lays various functions in the cell.

The correct answer is:

Option B. controls what enters and leaves the cell

Role of the cell membrane are:

The cell membrane is a biological membrane, which separates the interior of the cell from the external environment.

The cell membrane is selectively permeable such that it allows certain molecules to pass through them.

The cell membrane controls the entry and exiting of molecules from the cell.

Thus, the correct answer is Option B.

To know more about cell membrane, refer to the following link:

Which structure in plants produces a substance that protects the extending roots from developing friction?

a.root cap
b. stele



The correct answer is - option a. root cap.


Roots of the plants are developed from the structure called radical in seed during germination of seed.The tip of the root is tender due to the present of the apical meristem that is the precursor of the new cells of the root and protected by the root cap and penetrate in to the soil with the help of mucigel. Mucigel is the which protects the extending roots from developing friction.

Thus, the correct answer is : option a. root cap.


The answer is ROOT CAP


Got it right on my test.

On April 26, 1986, Reactor 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine exploded, releasing radioactive isotopes into the air. The majority of the isotopes that were released and spreading thousands of miles were of the element iodine. As a class, discuss what endocrine glands would be most affected and how it would become apparent in the nearby population.



In the given case, the thyroid gland will be affected the most due to the exposure of the element iodine. For the synthesis of thyroid gland hormone, T3 and T4 iodine is required. As the exposure of the radioactive iodine element is taking place, therefore, it will result in the deterioration of the thyroid gland. Radioactive iodine is generally used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.  

However, in normal individuals, the exposure of the radioactive iodine element results in a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones below the normal level due to the destruction of the thyroid cells. The symptoms seen can be neck tenderness, swollen salivary gland, and loss in body weight.  

The thyroid gland will be mostly affected in this case. The element Iodine is

the major precursor which is involved in the formation of two hormones.

Thyroid hormonesTriiodothyronine (T3)Thyroxine (T4).

When an individual is exposed to radioactive iodine , it alters the production

of the hormones which leads to series of effects such as:

Decreased metabolismLow body weightGoitre etc.

Read more about Thyroid hormones here

Explain to your lab mate the health risk associated with consuming a diet low in vitamin K along with the ingestion of antibiotics over multiple days. How would the termination of antibiotic treatment help to remove this health risk?



Vitamin K, a fat soluble vitamin is rich in green leafy  vegetables,and also produced by bacterial in the intestine.

Its major function is blood clotting or arrest of bleeding to prevent blood loss.

Antibiotics especially with Cephalosporins,reduces Vit. K absorption in the intestine. Intake of these antibiotic kill the targeted bacterial together with the the bacteria which produces Vit. K in the intestine.

Hence when antibiotic is taken  with low level of Vit, K the individual is prone to excessive bleeding or haemorrhage,because the concentration of the vitamins is further depleted.

If the medication is stopped,the condition will improve because the bacteria which produces Vt K can resumes the secretions,and its absorption will resume


What complications might arise from genetic screens targeting an organ that differentiates late in development?



No sign of testicular development in boys and breast development in girls.


Complications like no sign of testicular development in boys and breast development in girls occurs if an organ develop very late. There are many causes of this type of complications such as long term illness, eating improper food and disorder of sexual development. Sometime these complications  also occurs due to genetically. These complications should be treated well with medication and use of nutritious food. These medicines increases the performance of sex hormones in order to initiate puberty.

Explain the relationship between a thriving civilization and it’s agriculture system? In a paragraph



They use advance technologies in agriculture.


There is a direct relationship between thriving civilization and it’s agriculture system because they use advance methods and technologies in agriculture instead of traditional practices. They use heavy machinery for tillage in order to save the time, use high yielding varieties, use proper dose of fertilizers, use of pesticides and weedicides in order to protect the crop. They harvest the crop by using thresher in order to avoid post harvest losses. In short, they use all technologies available to make a higher yield in order to earn more profit.

Other Questions
What is a quokka and what animal family does it belong to During the first month of operations ended August 31, Kodiak Fridgeration Company manufactured 60,000 mini refrigerators, of which 54,000 were sold. Operating data for the month are summarized as follows:Sales $10,260,000.00 Manufacturing costs: Direct materials $5,100,000.00 Direct labor 1,800,000.00 Variable manufacturing cost 1,200,000.00 Fixed manufacturing cost 840,000.00 8,940,000.00 Selling and administrative expenses: Variable $972,000.00 324,000.00 Fixed 1,296,000.00 Required: 1. Prepare an income statement based on the absorption costing concept.2. Prepare an income statement based on the variable costing concept.3. Explain the reason for the difference in the amount of operating income reported in (1) and (2). Refer to the list of Labels and Amount Descriptions providedLabels and Amount Descriptions Labels August 31 Cost of goods sold Fixed costs For the Month Ended August 31 Variable cost of goods sold Amount Descriptions Contribution margin Contribution margin ratio Cost of goods manufactured Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed selling and administrative expenses Gross profit Operating income Inventory, August 31 Loss from operations Manufacturing margin Planned contribution margin Sales Sales mix Selling and administrative expenses Total cost of goods sold Total fixed costs Total fixed costs Total variable cost of goods sold Variable cost of goods manufactured Variable selling and administrative expenses Consider the equation: 12x=13-x^212x=13x 2 12, x, equals, 13, minus, x, squared 1) Rewrite the equation by completing the square. Your equation should look like (x+c)^2=d(x+c) 2 =dleft parenthesis, x, plus, c, right parenthesis, squared, equals, d or (x-c)^2=d(xc) 2 =dleft parenthesis, x, minus, c, right parenthesis, squared, equals, d. 2) What are the solutions to the equation Fiona receives an email from her manager, Robert, asking her to meet and discuss a past project. Unfortunately, Fiona is struggling to complete a project that is due that afternoon and replies stating that she is too busy to meet that day. Robert is not pleased with Fiona's refusal to meet him and tells another coworker that he thinks Fiona is very arrogant. Robert is making a(n) _________ attribution of Fiona. using the percentage of receivables method for recording bad debt expense, estimated uncollectible accounts are 14900, if the balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts is 19600 debit before adjustment, what is the amount of bad debt expense Which of the following is NOT true? 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