Pls help and thanks


Answer 1


A. -10

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

We are given that the equation of line m is [tex]y=\frac{1}{10}x[/tex], and we want to find the slope of the line perpendicular to m

Perpendicular lines have slopes that multiply to get the result of -1

So let's find the slope of line m

The equation is written in the form y=mx+b, where m is the slope, and b is the y intercept

As [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex] is in the place of where the slope should be, [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex] is the slope

Now find the slope of the perpendicular line with this formula:



In that case,


Multiply both sides by 10


So the slope of the perpendicular line is -10, or A

Hope this helps!

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Based on a random sample of 50, a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion was computed. Holding everything else constant, which of the following will reduce the length of the confidence interval by half? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): A. Quadruple the sample size. B. Change the confidence level to 68%. C. Double the sample size. D. Change the confidence level to 99.7%. E. Decrease the sample proportion by half.


The length of the confidence interval is the margin of error, which is the ratio of the standard deviation and the square root of sample size. Hence, to reduce the length of confidence interval by half, Quadruple the sample size.

Recall :

Margin of Error = σ/√n

Evaluating an hypothetical scenario :

Let standard deviation, σ = 2

Sample size = 50

Margin of Error = 2/√50 = 0.554

Using Quadruple of the sample size : (50 × 4) = 200 samples

Margin of Error = 2/√200 = 0.277

(0.227 ÷ 0.554) = 0.5

Therefore, increasing the sample size, reduces the margin of error. Hence, using quadruple the sample size, will reduce the margin of error by half.

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Erica’s family is moving away from California. They decided to have a moving sale and sell each item for 70% off the price they originally paid for it. The sofa had an original price of $799, and the love seat had an original price of $549. What is the total cost of both items after the discount?


Find the sale price by multiplying the original price by 70% then add the two prices together to get the total.

799 x 0.70 = 559.30

549 x 0.70 = 384.30

Total: 559.30 + 384.30 = $943.60

what is the tan invers of 3i/-1-i​


z = 3i / (-1 - i )

z = 3i / (-1 - i ) × (-1 + i ) / (-1 + i )

z = (3i × (-1 + i )) / ((-1)² - i ²)

z = (-3i + 3i ²) / ((-1)² - i ²)

z = (-3 - 3i ) / (1 - (-1))

z = (-3 - 3i ) / 2

Note that this number lies in the third quadrant of the complex plane, where both Re(z) and Im(z) are negative. But arctan only returns angles between -π/2 and π/2. So we have

arg(z) = arctan((-3/2)/(-3/2)) - π

arg(z) = arctan(1) - π

arg(z) = π/4 - π

arg(z) = -3π/4

where I'm taking arg(z) to have a range of -π < arg(z) ≤ π.

. A customer surveys the stock of gluten-free
breads sold in three different grocery stores.
At each grocery store, the customer counts
the number of different gluten-free breads
and compares it to the number of breads
that are not gluten-free. The table below
shows the results of this survey.


This is a relative frequency question. Applying the concept, we get that the relative frequency of gluten free breads sold at store A compared to those sold at all stores combined is 0.1667.

Relative frequency:

The relative frequency of a to b is given by a divided by b.

In this question:

a: Gluten free breads sold at store A

b: Gluten free breads sold at all stores combined.

2 + 7 + 3 = 12 gluten free breads sold.

2 sold at store A, so:

[tex]\frac{2}{12} = \frac{1}{6} = 0.1667[/tex]

Thus, the relative frequency of gluten free breads sold at store A compared to those sold at all stores combined is 0.1667.

Another example of a problem involving relative frequency you can check at

Relative Frequency:

The relative frequency of gluten-free breads sold at Store A compared to those sold at all the stores combined is:

= 0.167

Data and Calculations:

Gluten-Free Breads at Different Stores

                           Gluten-Free         Not Gluten-

                               Breads            Free Breads

Store A                        2                          4

Store B                        7                         10

Store C                       3                         12

Since we are only considering Gluten-Free Breads at the three stores, we take the relevant data to calculate and compare their frequencies as follows:

                           Gluten-Free        Relative

                               Breads         Frequency

Store A                        2                0.167 (2/12) = 17%

Store B                        7                0.583 (7/12) = 58%

Store C                       3                0.250 (3/12) = 25%

Total Gluten-free     12                 1 = 100%

Thus, the relative frequency of gluten-free breads sold at Store A compared to those sold at all the stores combined is 0.167.

Which expression is equivalent to (4x^(3)y^(5))(3x^(5)y)^(2)



[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 36*x^{13}y^7[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:




The equivalent expression

We have:



[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 4x^3y^5*9x^{10}y^2[/tex]

Further expand

[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 4*9*x^3*x^{10}y^5*y^2[/tex]

Apply laws of indices

[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 36*x^{13}y^7[/tex]

Circled one I need help with thank you!!



If a set has “n” elements, then the number of subset of the given set is 2n and the number of proper subsets of the given subset is given by 2n-1. Consider an example, If set A has the elements, A = {a, b}, then the proper subset of the given subset are { }, {a}, and {b}

Symbol that can be used-

The symbol "⊆" means "is a subset of". The symbol "⊂" means "is a proper subset of".

Hope it helps you... pls mark brainliest if it helped you.

Abigail plans to repaint some classroom bookcases. She has 6/25
gallons of paint. All of the bookcases are the same size and each requires 2/3​
gallon of paint. How many bookcases will the custodian be able to repaint with that amount of paint?



Step-by-step explanation: Hello! Do

Which points lie on the graph of f(x) = loggx?
Check all that apply.


Step-by-step explanation:




I need help ASAP please



yes how can I help you???

which polygon will NOT tessellate a plane?


Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is regular octagon

i think

Cho hai tập hợp A={1;2;3;4},B={2;4;6;8} . Tập hợp nào sau đây bằng tập hợp A ∩B ?



A∩B ={2;4}

Step-by-step explanation:

Chúc bạn học tốt

The reflector of a satellite dish is in the shape of a parabola with a diameter of 4 feet and a depth of 2 feet. To get the maximum reception we need to place the antenna at the focus.

a. Write the equation of the parabola of the cross section of the dish, placing the vertex of the parabola at the origin. Convert the equation into standard form, if necessary. What is the defining feature of the equation that tells us it is a parabola?
b. Describe the graph of the parabola. Find the vertex, directrix, and focus.
c. Use the endpoints of the latus rectum to find the focal width.
d. How far above the vertex should the receiving antenna be placed?



Step-by-step explanation:

Assume the dish opens upwards. The cross-section through the vertex is a parabola. You know three points on the parabola: (0,0), (2,2), and (-2,2). Plug the points into y = ax² + bx + c to get a system of three equations where a=0.5, b=c=0.

Equation of parabola: y = 0.5x²


Vertex (0,0)

Focal length = 1/(4×0.5) = 0.5

Focus (0,0+0.5) = (0, 0.5)

Directrix y = 0-0.5 = -0.5


At endpoints of latus rectum, y = 0.5

x = ±√0.5 = ±√2/2

Focal width = 2×√2/2 = √2


Place antenna at focus, (9,2)

Alan's aunt gave him $95 to spend on clothes at the mall. He bought 5 shirts that cost $6 each and a pair of pants that cost $17. How much money does Alan have left to buy more clothes? (one more)



he has 48 dollars left to spend on clothes

Need the help thanks guys




Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 - x

Take the coefficient of x


Divide by 2


Square it

(-1/2)^2 = 1/4

Add it

x^2 -x +1/4

8-2 3/4 =

show the work​



8-2........3/4 but you have you ADD some people dont know that 8-2= 6

and so 6/1 + 3/4 is 24/4

a coin is tossed succesively three times times . determine tje probabiliy of getting all three heads​



Answer : 1/8.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hey there!

Please see the attached picture for your answer.

Hope it helps!

Find the equation of the line that contains the point (4, -2) and is perpendicular to the line y = - 2x + 5.
y = 2x - 10
y = - 2x + 6
y = - 1/2x
y = 1/2x - 4



It's option D. y = 1/2x - 4

Step-by-step explanation:

I used Desmos to find the answer, hope the graph helps!

C 89. What is the power of 5, so that 1 its value become ? (५ को घाताङ्क 25 कति हुदा त्यसको मान 25 हुन्छ ?) .7​


C 89. What is the power of 5, so that 1 its value become ?

The power is 0. because if 0 is tge powwe of any variable or letters the value becomes 1.

$88 tickets to the San Francisco 49ers game are offered at a 15%
discount. What is the sale price?




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the discount

88 * 15%



Subtract the discount from the original price



Find the number c that satisfies the conclusion of the Mean Value Theorem on the given interval. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list. If an answer does not exist, enter DNE.)
f(x)= sqrt of x [0,9]
c =




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) is continuous and differentiable on (0,9).

We want to find c using the following equation.


This will require us to find f'(x) first.

f(x)=sqrt(x) is the same as   f(x)=(x)^(1/2)

Using power rule to differentiate this gives f'(x)=(1/2)(x)^(1/2-1) or simplified f'(x)=(1/2)x^(-1/2) or f'(x)=1/(2x^(1/2)).

So we want to solve:


Simplify denominator on right:


This will require us to find f(9) and f(0).

If f(x)=sqrt(x), then f(9)=sqrt(9)=3 and f(0)=sqrt(0)=0.

So we have the following equation so far:


Simplify numerator on right:


Multiply both sides by 2:


Raise both sides to the -2 power:


Note c^1=c:


Note negative exponent means to find reciprocal of base to change exponent to opposite


Apply the second power:


Reduce by dividing top and bottom by 9:


This means the slope of the tangent to the curve f at x=9/4 is the same value as the slope of the secant line going through points (0,0) and (9,3).

Also 9/4 is between 0 and 9... According to the theorem we were suppose to get a value c between x=0 and x=9.


Slope of the secant line is (3-0)/(9-0)=3/9=1/3.

Slope of the tangent line to curve f at x=9/4.






They are indeed equal values (talking about the 1/3 from the secant and the tangent.)

Given that (-7,3) is on the graph of f(x), find the
corresponding point for the function
f(x) +5.
Enter the correct answer.
Clear all



which of the following expressions are equivalent to 36x + 24y? choose all that apply

6x (6+4y) 6(6x + 4y) 12(36x + 24y) 12(3x + 2y) 4y(9x + 6) 4(9x + 6y)


The following expressions are equivalent to 36x + 24y is 6(6x+4y).





We have,

What is the expression?

The expression consists of numbers and arithmetic operators. It does not contain equality or inequality symbols. The expression consists of unknown variables

36x + 24y



Therefore, The following expressions are equivalent to 36x + 24y is 6(6x+4y).

To learn more about the expression visit:


Uche is a cartographer. He picks a scale to fit a map of India onto a page of an atlas. The page is 121212 by 121212 inches, with 0.750.750, point, 75 inch margins on all 444 sides. India measures 3{,}2143,2143, comma, 214 kilometers from north to south and 2{,}9332,9332, comma, 933 kilometers from west to east. Uche wants the longest dimension of India to fit exactly in between the margins of the page. If kkk is the number of kilometers per inch in Uche's scale, which equation best models the situation


The scale ratio of a point A to another point B is the division of the length of B by the length of A. The best equation that models the situation is: [tex]10.5k= 3214[/tex]

The page dimension is:

[tex]Length = 12[/tex]

[tex]Width = 12[/tex]

The length and the width of Uche's book are equal; this means the pages of Uche's book have the shape of a square

The margin of 0.75 on either sided means the usable dimension is:

[tex]Length = 12 - 2 * 0.75 =10.5[/tex]

The dimension of India is:

[tex]Length = 3214[/tex]

[tex]Width =2933[/tex]

The longest side in India's dimension is:

[tex]Longest = 3214[/tex]

From Uche's book, the longest dimension is:

[tex]Longest = 10.5[/tex]

So, the scale equation is:

k * longest length of Uche's book = longest side of India

This gives:

[tex]k * 10.5 =3214[/tex]

[tex]10.5k =3214[/tex]

Read more about scale ratio at:

Identify the segments that are parallel, if any, if ∠ADH≅∠ECK.
A. AE || CB
B. AD|| CB
C. none of these
D. AC|| CD


9514 1404 393


  C. none of these

Step-by-step explanation:

The given information tells us ΔACD is isosceles, but gives no information about any lines that might conceivably be parallel.

PLEASE HELP!! WHOEVER HELPS FIRST AND GETS IT CORRECT GETS BRAILIEST!! By the way, TWO people need to answer so I can mark brainliest.



what's is the question anyway

Which side is the “adjacent” side to θ?



third answer "a"

Step-by-step explanation:

Option 3rd A is the side adjacent

If a triangular pyramid has a base area of 10ft and a height of 6ft, what is the volume?

. 20ft^3

. 40ft^3





Answer: 20 ft³

Step-by-step explanation:

volume of triangular pyramid = [tex]\frac{1}{3} bh[/tex]

b = base area = 10 fth = height = 6 ft

Therefore, the volume is:

[tex]\frac{1}{3} *10*6=\frac{1}{3}*60=\frac{60}{3}=20[/tex]

f (-10) = ?
Evaluate piecewise functions



f(- 10) = 150

Step-by-step explanation:

f(- 10) with t = - 10 corresponds to t ≤ - 10 with f(t) = t² - 5t , then

f(- 10) = (- 10)² - 5(- 10) = 100 + 50 = 150

for t=-10





Solve for x

A. 9
B. 10
C. 42
D. 12



Option D, 12

Step-by-step explanation:


or, 4x-8=40

or, 4x=48

or, x=12



m∠DEF= (4x-8) °

m DE= 80°

Using a property :- m ∠DEF= 1/2 (m DE)

[tex](4x-8)[/tex] ° [tex]= 1/2 (80)[/tex]

[tex](4x-8)[/tex]° [tex]=(40)[/tex] °


Add 8 to both sides:-


Divide both sides by 4:-




Divide into two triangles in a straight line


Step-by-step explanation:

I am not sure but is this question like this

if it's not i am sorry

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