pls help ill do anyhting

Pls Help Ill Do Anyhting


Answer 1
(1) emmenons
(2) espère
(3) envoyé
(4) préféré

Related Questions

Unscramble !!






Objective: At the end of the activity, you will be able to separate the colors of light​


We separate the lighter color is the activity were in so you’ll be able to separate them even more

Please help me with my French work



use yandex translate


Not an answer but its really easy to find the translation. all you have to do is take a pic of it. hope this helps!

1. L'enfant de l'homme a tué l'enfant du serpent.
2. L'homme et le serpent ont demandé conseil



Explanation: donc c’est quoi là question?

in french 1921 is what


Answer: 1921 est le mille neuf cent vingt et unième nombre.


Hope This Helps!!!!!!! = )

hi guys....>.<......



heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy youuuuuuuuuuuu

Drawing from the building blocks and the sample sentences and narratives you have worked with in this module, string together your own story in French. Review as needed for a few minutes. Your story should be between one and two paragraphs, or at least ten lines.



I wish I can help you but I cant :(


Dont say I can but I just wont becuz I really cant

Sur la ligne ci-dessous, le point B appartient
au segment (AC). Le cercle (,) a pour diamètre [AB]
et le cercle (6J a pour diametre (BC).
La droite (d) passe par le point B et recoupe le
cercle (,) au point E et le cercle (6) au point F
Démontrer que les droites (AE) et (FC) sont



im confusion



3. Simon / est-ce que / du lait / reprendre 4. l'addition / nous / comprendre / ne...pas 5. apprendre / l'anglais / vous / est-ce que​



Est-ce que Simon reprend du lait ?

Nous ne comprenons pas l'addition.

Est-ce que vous apprenez l'anglais ?

Complete the dialogue below with the verbs in the brackets: the simple present tense




- Je "peux" (pouvoir) sortir mais je ne "veux" (vouloir) pas :

Je "dois" (devoir) finir mon exercice.

- Le matin, vous "prenez" (prendre) quoi ?

- Nous "buvons"" (boire) un thé et nous "prenons"(prendre) un fruit.

- Vous "vous couchez" (coucher) à quelle heure ?

- à 10 heures mais nous ne "dormons" (dormir) pas tout de suite.

Everytime you make a comment, your friend has to be one step bigger or better. Below are two statements you made. What did your friend say when you told him this? Use mieux, or meilleur in your responses.



Je ne suis pas mieux.

Eh bien, je suis le meilleur





Je fait une marche.

Nous jouons souvent aux échecs.

Je fais de la équitation.

Je ne joue pas au golf.

Avant, je faisais du claquettes mais maintenant, je fais du ping-pong.

Je ne fais pas du surf. Je joue au tennis et je fais de la batterie et du piano.

Je vais faire la natation.

Je suis une fille qui joue au foot.

Sorry, it might be too late but I hope it helped you.

Expliquen cómo se produjo el fin de la monarquía y la proclamación de la república .

eso es de la revolución francesa



Explain how it occurs and the end of the monarchy and the proclamation of the  republic. that's from the french revolution


Quelles remarques faites-vous sur la
longueur des répliques ? Quelle est l'utilité
des didascalies ?



Il manque une partie de ton devoir.

Pour répondre à l'utilité des didascalies, ces dernières nous donnent des renseignements concernant les différents personnages, par exemple leur posture, la façon dont ils sont habillés, la façon dont il s'exprime.......cela permet au lecteur d'imaginer avec plus de facilité la scène.

PLEASE HELP Rewrite the following sentences according to the information in parentheses.
11. J'aime le tennis. (Use the negative form.)

12. J'ai un cahier dans mon cartable. (Use the negative form.)

13. Il y a un globe sur le bureau. (Use the negative form.)

14. Here are my pens. (Translate into French.)

15. There are three books. (Translate into French.)



11. je n'aime pas le tennis

12. je n'ai pas de cahier dans mon cartable n'y a pas de globe sur le bureau

14.Voici mes stylos

15.Il y a trois livres

Complete the phrases
Fill in the blanks

1.Il__(réssir) son examen
2.Nous__(finir)notre déjeuner
3.Quand les enfant manger beaucop de frites,ils__(grosser)!
4. Tu__(choisir) le fromage ou le dessert?
5.___ (réfléchir) au problème.
6. Mes enfants__(grandir) très cute(fast).
7. Vous ne m'__(obéir) jamais (never)!​



je peut taider mais cest quelle temps?

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The spoil system gave people which of the following? Party jobs in exchange for moneyGovernment jobs in exchange for supportPolitical jobs in exchange for votesHigh Profile jobs in exchange for favors ______ is the knowledge and skills gained through experience and education that increase over a lifetime.a) Fluid intelligenceb) Crystallized intelligencec) Verbal knowledged) Wisdom poderpedir entender almorzarpensarquererencontrarcontar perderrecordar costar volver sonarcerrar preferir llover servir jugar dormirUsa los verbos arriba para completar las frases.1. Yo nomi libro para la clase de espanoll (find)2.(nosotros) ir al bao? (be able)3. Susana y yodescansar en la playa en Mxico (want)4. Juan siemprehasta la una de la tarde los sbados, (sleep)5. Elloshamburguesas y papas fritas todos los dias, (order)6. La tiendaa las nueve a la noche. (close)7. Los calcetines soloun dolar. (cost)8. Mariomuy bien el espaol(understand)9. Mis amigosde Espaa el domingo (retum)10. Elena y Sofia nuncapuntos en el examen (lose)11. La maestra de ingls noshistorias muy cmicas (toll)12 Nosotrosen la cafeteria a las 12:30 de la tarde (lunch)13. Yoestudiar mucho para la clase de matemticas (plan)14. Tpasar la aspiradora o lavar los platos? (prefer)15. A vecesmucho en en la primavera (rain).16. EIel hockey sobre hielo (play),17. Usted y Mariacon sus vacaciones en Espaa (dream)IR Perdn, yo notu nombre. (remember)19. El mesero nosla comida senin What would most likely stop the cells in the liquid from shivering? Why is it important to have a control group in the experimental design? When the concentration of molecules on both sides of a membrane is the SAME, the solution is __________set a precedent for the government to use force when necessary in order to maintain social control. A. the Thirteenth Amendment b. Battle of fallen timbersC. Jay's treatyD. The whiskey rebellion 3. Bill enters a 30 kilometre race. He runs the first20km at a speed of x kilometres per hour and thelast 10km at (x-5) kph. His total time for therace was 4 hours.a) Write down an equation in terms of x and solve it.b) What are his speeds for the two parts of the run? I give Brainliest!Determine whether the following statements are sometimes, always or never true.Equilateral triangles are also right triangles.All angles of an equilateral triangle are congruent. GIVING BRAINLIEST IF CORRECT PLEASE HELP ASA[P Sebastian drank 3.5 bottles of Gatorade y esterday. Each bot tle contained 1.2 pints of Gatorade. What was the number of pints of Gatorade Sebastian drank yesterday? why is the cell membrane often referred to as a "phospholipid bilayer" The Paleolithic era began at a time when ? Using the image and quote below, why did the Aztecs believe that Cortes was a god?The Aztec representations of Quetzalcoatl depicted him as a tall and bearded white male that headed for the sea and sailed toward the sun but legend said one day he would return to the Aztec people, coincidentally, that year the first Spaniards arrived on the very coast by which Quetzalcoatl disappeared. the Spanish told them he was a godthey believed he was Quetzalcoatl returning to them as legend foretoldall Europeans were viewed as godsthe Aztecs were simple people with little knowledge about things Write the next three terms in each sequence. Make sure youranswers are separated by a comma and a space; like 1, 2, 325, 26, 27, 28, ... All the states had to ratify the Article of Confederation before the new government could take effect. HELLO!! plz answer this I need fast answer please!Explain how 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics applies to the trophic structure of an ecosystem? You can safely place a jack on a floor pan to keep a vehicle steady. Improving the way you communicate to others directions to improve which area of affect of communicationA your speaking skillsB your listening skillsC Your body languageD None of the above your actions do not matter when communicating