pls help me asap with this​


Answer 1


a) cos30=adj/hyp

cos30= horizontal force/10

horizontal force= 8.66 N

rest of a is in the picture.

b) i believe you can continue.

Related Questions

A light bulb changes
???? energy into
and ??? energy
??? energy is useful energy, and the heat energy is ??



electrical energy into heat energy

electrical , thermal

A bullet with a mass mb=13.5 g is fired into a block of wood at velocity vb=245 m/s. The block is attached to a spring that has a spring constant k of 205 N/m. The block and bullet continue to move, compressing the spring by 35.0 cm before the whole system momentarily comes to a stop. Assuming that the surface on which the block is resting is frictionless, determine the mass mw of the wooden block.


Momentum is conserved, so the sum of the momenta of the bullet and block before collision is equal to the momentum of the combined bullet-block system,

[tex]m_bv_b+m_wv_w = (m_b+m_w)v[/tex]

where v is the speed of the bullet-block system. The block starts at rest so it has no initial momentum, and solving for v gives

[tex]v = \dfrac{m_b}{m_b+m_w} v_b[/tex]

The total work W performed by the spring on the bullet-block system as it is compressed a distance x is

[tex]W = -\dfrac12kx^2[/tex]

where k is the spring constant, and the work done is negative because the restoring force of the spring opposes the bullet-block as it compresses the spring.

By the work-energy theorem, the total work done is equal to the change in the bullet-block's kinetic energy ∆K, so we have

[tex]W_{\rm total} = W = \Delta K[/tex]

The bullet-block starts moving with velocity v found earlier and comes to a stop as the spring slows it down, so we have

[tex]-\dfrac12kx^2 = -\dfrac12(m_b+m_w)v^2 \implies kx^2 = \dfrac{{m_b}^2}{m_b+m_w}{v_b}^2[/tex]

Solve for [tex]m_w[/tex]:


[tex]m_w=\dfrac1{205\frac{\rm N}{\rm m}}\left(\dfrac{(0.0135\,\mathrm{kg})\left(245\frac{\rm m}{\rm s}\right)}{0.350\,\rm m}\right)^2-0.0135\,\mathrm{kg}\approx \boxed{0.422\,\mathrm{kg}}[/tex]

3. A microwave oven draws 12 A of current on a 110 V household circuit. What is its power



W = 1320Watts


W = I*V

W = 12A*110V

W = 1320Watts

This happens because the.....particles are most likely to escape from the liquid, causing the temperature of the liquid to.....



Explanation: If a liquid is heated the particles are given more energy and move faster and faster expanding the liquid. The most energetic particles at the surface escape from the surface of the liquid as a vapour as it gets warmer.

Define electric current and drift velocity.



Explanation: The voltage or potential difference between two points is defined to be the change in ... I = qnAv relates the drift velocity to the current

How many atoms are in the compound NaNO3?



3 atoms are in the compound

Un muelle se alarga 20 cm cuando ejercemos sobre él una fuerza de 24 N. Calcula:El valor de la constante elástica del muelle



120 Nm-1


Según la ley de Hooke;

F = Ke

F = fuerza sobre el resorte

K = constante de fuerza

e = extensión

Por eso;

K = F / e

K = 24N / 20 × 10 ^ -2m

K = 120 Nm-1

What do you mean by unit?​


Unit is the quantity of a constant magnitude which is used to measure the magnitudes of other quantities of the same nature.


The standard known quantity which is used to measure a physical quantities is known as unit.

Kgms-1-= Ns ...solution



units of impact or impulse or momnetum are same

These are

Kg m s-1 or N s

A rabbit runs a distance of 60 meters in 20s. What is the average speed?



3 m/s



Total distance = 60 m

Total time = 20 s

We know that,

Average speed = Total distance/Total time

=> Average speed = 60 m/20 s

=> Average speed = 3 m/1 s

=> Average speed = 3 m/s


Average speed=Total distance/Total time

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Average\:Speed=\dfrac{60}{20}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Average\:Speed=3m/s[/tex]

What does vitamin c do for our body?



necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. it's involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.



Vitamin C act as antioxidant which protect our cell from damaging caused by radicals.

if you add km/ hr with another km/ hr what will you get​





Addition and subtraction are commutative

Meaning you can add or subtract in any order because it doesn't change the sum or the difference. So it doesn't change the units.


km/ hr + km/ hr =(km+ km)/hr=2km/hr


Define measurement and write its importance.​



Measurement is the way humans define certain amounts of matter, and is expressed in various types of units respective to the type of matter or object being defined.


Measurement is extremely important because it helps one another understand how much of something is needed to accomplish something. If no method existed to define the specific amount needed, we would simply mess delicate operations up and machines, even simple recipes, would fail.

How do longshore currents shape the land?


Longshore drift has a very powerful influence on the shape and composition of the coastline. It changes the slopes of beaches and creates long, narrow shoals of land called spits, that extend out from shore. Longshore drift may also create or destroy entire “barrier islands” along a shoreline.


Longshore drift has a very powerful influence on the shape and composition of the coastline. It changes the slopes of beaches and creates long, narrow shoals of land called spits, that extend out from shore. Longshore drift may also create or destroy entire “barrier islands” along a shoreline.

In which instrument of the following the water works as a bulb





A hydrometer is an instrument used to determine specific gravity. It operates based on the Archimedes principle that a solid body displaces its own weight within a liquid in which it floats. Hydrometers can be divided into two general classes: liquids heavier than water and liquids lighter than water.

a car moves at a speed of 40km/h. it is stopped by applying brake which produce a uniform acceleration of-0.5m/s^2. how much distance will it move before coming to stop ? plz its urgent




I answered this in question #24313516

Mass of the sun is 2x10³⁰ kg and that of the earth is 6/10²⁴ kg and the distance between them is 1.5 x 10¹¹m. What is the gravitational force produced between them? ​



The gravitational force is 3.56 × 10^22 N


[tex]{ \bf{force = \frac{GM_{s} m _{e}}{ {r}^{2} } }}[/tex]

[tex]{ \sf{force = \frac{6.67 \times {10}^{ - 11} \times (2 \times {10}^{30} ) \times (6\times {10}^{24}) }{(1.5 \times {10}^{11}) {}^{2} } }} \\ \\ { \sf{force = 3.56 \times {10}^{22} \: newtons}}[/tex]

How much power does it take to lift a box with a weight of 50N to put it on a shelf that is 10m high in
10 sec?



We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf Power=\dfrac{Work\:done}{Time}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Power=\dfrac{Force\times displacement}{Time}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Power=\dfrac{50\times 10}{10}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Power=\dfrac{500}{10}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Power=50W[/tex]

[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: I \: need \: answer \: [/tex]


Refer to the attachment

Which class of lever has all advantages of lever



Helo ....

so this answer would be First class levers


First-class levers have a considerable practical advantage over the other types of levers. They convert a downward moving force into a lifting force

is it possible to mark it brainliest <3

Can someone help me please this test is very important



Friction is caused in roller coasters by the rubbing of the car wheels on the track and by the rubbing of air (and sometimes water!) against the cars.


28 Why is soft iron used for the core of an electromagnet?

А Soft iron easily becomes a permanent magnet.
B Soft iron is a good electrical conductor.
с Soft iron is a poor thermal conductor.
D Soft iron loses its magnetism when the current in the coil is switched off.​



An electromagnet is a form of magnet that is made by the passage of electric current through a coil of wire. The core of an electromagnet increases the strength of the produced magnetic field

Soft iron is used as the core of an electromagnet because soft iron is a magnetic material and therefore it is permeable to and becomes magnetized by the magnetic field coming from the flowing current, thereby allowing more flux to pass through the core of the electromagnet, producing a magnetic field strength that is several times that of an air core electromagnet as the relative permeability (to magnetic flux, compared to vacuum) of soft iron is about 64 × 10³

However, once the current is switched, the soft iron does not remain its magnetic, and therefore, the electromagnet becomes demagnetized, thereby being able to maintain its electromagnetic characteristics (being made magnetic by the flow of electric current)


The hair dryer has a plastic case so there is no need for an earth wire connection in the plug ,explain why the hair dryer is still safe to use.



plastics are unable to conduct electricity and heat due to there being no free flowing electrons, meaning they are safe to use.


a ball was changed vertically upwards with kinetic energy 200 joule what will be the total energy and Midway​



Part 1; The total energy = Constant = 200 J

Part 2; Midway, the potential energy = The kinetic energy = 100 J


Part 1

According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy is neither created nor destroyed but changed from one form to another

The total (mechanical) energy = Potential energy + Kinetic energy = Constant

The kinetic energy given to the ball changed vertically up = 200 J

Potential energy = Mass, m × Gravity, g × Height, h

Given that the mass m of the ball and the acceleration due to gravity, g, remain the same, we have;

Potential energy ∝ The height of the ball

The potential energy at ground level = 0 J (Height , h = 0)

∴ The total (mechanical) energy = 0 J + 200 J = 200 J

At the maximum height, the ball momentarily stops, and the kinetic energy = 0 J


The potential energy of the ball at the maximum height, [tex]h_{max}[/tex], [tex]P.E._{max}[/tex] = 200 J

∴  [tex]P.E._{max}[/tex] = m·g·[tex]h_{max}[/tex] = 200 J

Part 2

At midway we have, the height, h = ([tex]h_{max}[/tex])/2

Therefore, [tex]P.E._{Midway}[/tex] = (m·g·([tex]h_{max}[/tex]))/2 = ([tex]P.E._{max}[/tex])/2 = (200 J)/2 = 100 J

The potential energy midway = 100 J

The  remaining 200 J - 100 J = 100 J is the kinetic energy remaining in the ball

The kinetic energy midway = 100 J

Therefore, the total energy midway = 100 J + 100 J = 200 J

How does the temperature of a planet determine the states of matter you would observe on that planet?



the temperature will determine the kinetic energy or degree of freedom of the molecules of matter.

if the temperature is high, the kinetic energy of the molecules increase which may cause a change of state into a gas which has molecules of high kinetic energy. this shows that temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the molecules.

A 210 Ohm resistor uses 9.28 W of
power. How much current flows
through the resistor?
(Unit = A)




[tex]\boxed{\sf P=I^2R}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I^2=\dfrac{P}{R}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I^2=\dfrac{9.28}{210}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I^2\approx0.04[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I\approx\sqrt{0.04}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I\approx\sqrt{\dfrac{4}{100}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I\approx\dfrac{\sqrt{4}}{\sqrt{100}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I\approx\dfrac{2}{10}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto I\approx0.2A[/tex]

An observer measures a 100 Hz Doppler shift as an ambulance goes by. At rest, the frequency of the ambulance's siren is 2,000 Hz. What is the speed of the ambulance?


The change in the frequency of the sound, due to the relative motion of the source of sound and the observer, is determined by the Doppler's Effect.

The speed of the ambulance (source) is "6517 m/s"

The equation of Doppler's Effect is given as follows:

[tex]f_o = \frac{v+v_o}{v+v_s}f_s[/tex]


[tex]f_o\\[/tex] = frequency of sound measure by observer  = 100 Hz

v = speed of sound = 343 m/s

[tex]v_o[/tex] = speed of observer = 0 m/s

[tex]v_s[/tex] = speed of ambulance (source) = ?

[tex]f_s[/tex] = actual frequency = 2000 Hz

Therefore, using the values, we get:

[tex]100\ Hz = \frac{343\ m/s + 0\ m/s}{343\ m/s + v_s}(2000\ Hz)\\\\(100\ Hz)(343\ m/s + v_s) = (343\ m/s)(2000\ Hz)\\\\v_s = \frac{686000\ Hz.m/s - 34300\ Hz.m/s}{100\ Hz}[/tex]

v_s = 6517 m/s

Learn more about Doppler's Effect here:

What is the purpose of the lab the importance of the topic and the question you are trying to answer?


perpose of lab is to store apparatus and do some experiment

Helps someone to know the exert lengh of something

physics as a subject involves measurement and estimation,giving examples of everyday life situations, explain the meaning and what is done in each case​





In isoelectric focusing gel electrophoresis a. there is a pH gradient that parallels the electric field gradient b. particular care must be taken to ensure the same pH along the length of the gel c. the electric current is allowed to fluctuate d. the electric circuits of the apparatus must be very well insulated



a. there is a pH gradient that parallels the electric field gradient.


Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate DNA fragments according to their size. DNA samples are loaded in the wells and then electric current is applied to pull the DNA fragments out from the gel. Isoelectric gel electrophoresis is a process in which negatively charged DNA fragments are separated from the gel.

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