PLZ HELP! Fill in the blank with one of the answer choices below.
1. The inner cavities of bones are filled with _____________.

2. The hard, outside part of a bone is called _______________ tissue.

3. The bones are operated by ______________ to produce body movements

4. The spongy, inner tissue of a bone is called _______________ tissue.

5. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the __________ marrow of bones.

a. bone marrow
b. compact or dense
c. cancellous
d. bone
e. muscle


Answer 1


1. The inner cavities of bones are filled with A. Bone Marrow.

2. The hard, outside part of the bone is called B. Compact or Dense tissue.

3. The bones are operated by E. Muscle to produce body movements.  

4. The spongy, inner tissue of a bone is called C. Cancellous tissue.

5. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the D. Bone Marrow of bones.


1. Bone marrow is a soft tissue filling the cavities inside the bones. The two types of bone marrow that exist are the red bone marrow, which produces the blood cells, and the yellow bone marrow. Bone marrow also produces platelets.

2. Compact bone is the solid, hard outside part of the bone. It looks like ivory and is extremely strong. Holes and channels run through it, carrying blood vessels and nerves.

3. The bones of the skeletal system serve to protect the body's organs, support the weight of the body, and give the body shape, while the muscles of the muscular system attach to these bones, pulling on them to allow for movement of the body. Muscles are  masses of tough, elastic tissue that pull our bones when we move. Together, our bones, muscles, and joints — along with tendons, ligaments, and cartilage — form our musculoskeletal system and enable us to do everyday physical activities.

4. Cancellous tissue, also known as cancellous bone, spongy bone or trabecular bone, is characterized by its spongy, porous, honeycomb-like structure and is typically found at the ends of long bones. Cancellous tissue makes up about 20% of the human skeleton, providing structural support and flexibility without the weight of compact bone.

5. Red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow of bones. Stem cells in the red bone marrow are called hemocytoblasts. They give rise to all of the formed elements in blood.  

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The answer is: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Which of the following statements about abstinence is not true?

A. A person who practices sexual abstinence might still contract sexually transmitted infections.
B. A person who practices sexual abstinence does not have any kind of sex with anyone.
C. A person who practices sexual abstinence eliminates any risk of an unwanted pregnancy.
D. A person who practices sexual abstinence may have sexual feelings but still choose not to have sex.​



A. A person who practices sexual abstinence might still contract sexually transmitted infection

The statement that is not true from the above options about abstinence is that a person who practices abstinence might still contract close contact transmitted infections. That is option A.

What are the importance abstinence?

Abstinence is a practice that is undertaken by an individual that decides not to have close contact feeling in some certain time of their life.

Although the individual may have feelings but such still choose not to have close contact with another person.

Since abstinence is a practice that involves not having any type of close contact feeling with someone, the importance include the following:

It is a 100% effective way of preventing close contact transmitted infections.

It eliminates any risk of an unwanted pregnancy.

The person who abstains cannot contact such infections because there is no transfer of body fluids that can cause such infections.

Learn more about infections here:

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That person has a natural immunity to asthma and will not develop it.
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That person is more likely than the average individual to develop asthma.



the last answer is the answer

That person is more likely than the average individual to develop asthma.


predisposition means a higher chance to have a condition. There is no guarantee that person will develop the condition.


That person is more likely than the average individual to develop asthma.


Has a family background of the disease.

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Fungus. Cold

Virus. Athletes foot

Protist. Giardia


Fungus goes with athletes foot virus goes with cold and protist goes with giardia.
Fungus — Athlete’s Foot
Virus — Cold
Protist — Giardia

Also you can look at the charts to see the physical differences and characteristics!

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

When girls get their monthly how do they get it to leave early ?



Exercise regularly. ...

Maintain a healthy weight. ...

Get the right nutrients. ...

Try clinically-proven herbal remedies. ...

Stay hydrated.

You can’t get it to leave early
Every girl who get’s her period has her own time. For me it comes only for five days. But the usual one is mostly 7days. So just take in a lot of water and eat nutritious foods to help replace the blood lost
Have a nice day:))

Explain the components of blood cells by exploring in goggle?

​its biology



Plasma is the main component of blood and consists mostly of water, with proteins, ions, nutrients, and wastes mixed in. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting. White blood cells are part of the immune system and function in immune response.


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To show loyalty to the employer, Karen must take on some of Angela's roles as he asked. To show loyalty to her friend, Karen can tell her that she will take on these roles because the employer asked, due to a possible cut in staff, which would result in layoffs.


Karen should show loyalty to her employer by not talking about company positions that she wasn't asked to reveal, but she should also be a friend and inform her friend that she will be fired, so she'll be prepared when that happens.

In this case, Karen must inform Angela, who she heard that there will be a possible cut in the staff and because of that, the employer asked her to take on some additional roles, including roles that were performed by Angela. In this way, she leaves her friend prepared for the possible dismissal, but does not interfere in her employer's decisions.

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low self-image
discomfort with intimacy
regressive behaviors
self-destructive behaviors



regressive behaviors


Select the correct answer



I think mechanical


Testing machines falls in the mechanical category.

Latex condoms and spermicidal foam can be purchased only with a doctor's prescription
O True
O False





Latex condoms and spermicidal foam or gel can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. In many states, teens can access free or low-cost reproductive health services. Babies should be planned for a time in you life when you are ready to have children.

The use of radioactive substances as a therapy for in-stent restenosis of a coronary vessel is ______________________.



The correct answer is: Intracoronary Brachytherapy.


Intracoronary brachytherapy involves the usage of radioactive substances to lower the risk of lesion recurrence (also called restenosis) during percutaneous coronary intervention.

Its logic is founded on the idea that restenosis is a benign tissue proliferation process, and that locally applied radiation can reduce the amplitude of this reaction.

Brachytherapy is considered a conventional therapeutic option for selected patients with in-stent restenosis, and it is done as part of routine interventional cardiology practice.

what is your heart bead after 20 min of swimming Beats Per Min



Above 100


Swimming for 20 minutes will greatly affect the bpm. But it affects peoples bpm's differently. You can swim for 20 minutes and your heart rate can be 121 bpm while someone else's can be 181.

Which issue complicates the use of AEDs to save lives

A. Limited usefulness
B. AED cost
C. Ease of use
D. Maintenance of AEDs


D. Maintenance of AEDs

3. Which of the following describes transmission of a disease by indirect contact?
Person A has acne -> Person A and Person B are physically intimate -> Person B does not develop acne
Person A has a cold -> Person A sneezes near uninfected Person B
O deer has Lyme disease -> tick bites deer -> tick bites uninfected person
Person A has malaria -> mosquito bites Person A -> mosquito bites uninfected Person B



a cold is contagious by indirect contact :)



Person A has malaria -> mosquito bites Person A -> mosquito bites uninfected Person B


i took a quiz and got it right

what do you mean by smuggler?​


In short, someone who steals something or takes something illegally across a county. (Like drugs)

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how can natural disasters affect the life of people if in case of a pandemic​





natural disaster will affect their way of moving from place.

Explain why body size and waist circumference is an accurate measurement for all
ethnicities in determining overall risk for heart disease or diabetes. HELPPPP



It is because that the BMI determine the actual weight. It helps you know whether you are obese, underweight and overweight.

Waist circumference is a better estimate of visceral fat, the dangerous internal fat that coats the organs.

It is therefore a more accurate predictor of cardiovascular risk, type 2 diabetes in women and metabolic syndrome.Higher waist size and higher BMI were each linked with higher diabetes risk. High waist size was a stronger risk factor for women than for men

What is BMI?The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is expressed in units of kg/m², resulting from mass in kilograms and height in meters.The body mass index is a measure that uses height and weight to work out if  weight is healthy. The BMI calculation divides an adult's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared.

To know more about BMI here


How much time is recommended for a cool-down? 1 to 5 minutes 5 to 10 minutes 10 to 15 minutes 15 to 20 minutes



its mostly recommended five to ten minutes .

5 to 10 minutes is the answer

Children of divorce benefit when their parents are open about expressing their negative feelings toward each other in the children's presence.


can you specify? i’m not sure what you are trying to ask.

What's an example of a physical activity plan?



Physical Activity Plan Examples

These include:




Water aerobics.

Jogging and running.

Aerobic exercise classes.

Bicycle riding (stationary or on a path)

Some gardening activities, such as raking and pushing a lawn mower.

an actually physical activity plan is just a set of activities that involve movement with a time set.

for example:

jog for 20 minutes around the neighborhood
then do 10 pushups
run up and down the stairs for 30 minutes in 2 sets

Why is chlamydia less likely to be treated than pubic lice?
O Chlamydia symptoms are often mild or absent, but pubic lice is visible and often causes itching.
Chlamydia is a viral infection that cannot be treated, but pubic lice is an easily treated bacterial infection.
O Chlamydia advances quickly to a stage-three incurable infection, but pubic lice has only one stage of infection.
O Chlamydia only affects females, who seldom seek treatment for STIs, but pubic lice affects both males and



Chlamydia symptoms are often mild or absent, but pubic lice is visible and often causes itching.




The guy above wrote it out

Can someone help me please


Answer: Those gasps can sound like snoring, snorting, or labored breathing, but are different from normal breaths and can happen every few seconds. Both studies emphasized the importance of recognizing gasping as a sign of cardiac arrest and continuing CPR when those gasps are detected.


The simple intrest on Rs 450 for 3 year at the rate of 5% per annum.​


Answer: Rs 67.5


SI = P × R × T/100

SI = 450 × 5 × 3/100

SI = 6,750/100

SI = Rs 67.5

Answered by GauthMath please heart it and comment thanks if you like.

An individual’s actions may be considered either abnormal or understandable within one culture according to the __________ definition.
A. personal distress
B. maladaptive behavior
C. deviant behavior
D. situational context


[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

[tex]AnimeVines[/tex] [tex]is[/tex] [tex]here![/tex]

The best answer choices is...

D. Situational context.



An individual’s actions may be considered either abnormal or understandable within one culture according to the situational context definition.

What is situational context?

Situational context can be defined as cause and effect, because it involves event occuring at a particular time and the appropirate action required for such event.

According to situational context definition, we can conclude that an individual’s actions may be considered either abnormal or understandable within one culture.

Thus, an individual’s actions may be considered either abnormal or understandable within one culture according to the situational context definition.

Learn more about situational context here:

What condition does Leigh have? What has Leigh's doctor prescribed to treat the condition?

Leigh has (), a genital skin condition. Her doctor prescribes () to treat the condition.

Answer to first drop down: atrophic vaginitis, vulvar atrophy, or atrophic arthritis

Answer to second drop down: estrogen, testosterone, or cortisol​



Leigh has atrophic vaginitis, a genital skin condition. Her doctor prescribes estrogen to treat the condition.


Atrophic vaginitis is a very common genital skin disease in women who are in menopause or in a period of low estrogen levels. This disease causes a feeling of dryness in the genital area, accompanied by itching and irritation. For treatment, the doctor will recommend the administration of estrogen which can be in pills or ointments. This estrogen aims to reduce symptoms and spread infections.

which of these should a teenager consume
A. The RDA for calcium
B. Five tablespoons of vegetable oil
C. A folic acid supplement
D. Five teaspoons of vegetable oil


The answer is A.

The RDA for calcium

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevents the body from being able to fight off infections
O False





HIV weakens the immune system which is responsible for fighting infections and diseases.

‏Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b ) Smart companies can avoid change altogether . c ) Change in the workplace happens fairly infrequently d ) Individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives .
heeeelplllllp meeeee

It’s so hard what do i do?


What is the question??

Define what an emotion


emotion is a strong feeling such as love, anger, fear, etc for me

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
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