plz plz help asap
look photo
plz help
i will give brainliest


Answer 1


Mike:the strangest thing happened to me this morning I saw that girl Louise in town!

Sandy:you saw Louise what is strange about that?

Mike:well I gave seen her for ages,but yesterday I was thinking about her–and then this morning I saw her.what are the chances eh?

Sandy: the chances are really good, actually I mean, she lives here, doesn't she?And..

Mike:Yes she does but..

Sandy:let me finish.And she works in a shop in town,too.So it isn't strange at All.Am I right??

Yes.And that is the annoying thing–you are always right

Related Questions

dogs are the most ___ (glare) example of ___(faith)
use suffix and prefix


Dogs are the most glaring example of faithfulness.

Explain the exercise carefully, why?



hi g chi ohbdjebrrrhrr

jdjdbdbdbrbrnnrfo djdjid djdjd djdnd be rbr rj

Dillard's final paragraph is meant to ____.
A. inspire the reader
B. depress the reader
C. intentionally confuse the reader
D. leave the reader wondering about nature



A. inspire the reader


say wish it could help

help me please urgent need



1. C

2. C

3. A


In "The Yellow Wallpaper," Charlotte Perkins Gilman's choice of narrator and story
structure creates mystery in the story. Explain how the narrator and structure result
in mystery and eventually surprise in the text. Be sure to provide an introduction
paragraph that lays out your argument, body paragraphs that develop your thesis,
and a conclusion paragraph that wraps up your argument. (30 points)


1892: The Yellow Tapestry is the concealed diary of a woman compelled to undergo country rest therapy for a "nervous condition." It was PPD. They forbade her from writing and prescribed absolute inactivity. Beyond the hypnotic weaving of the faded yellow tapestry, the protagonist creates her own life. The Yellow Tapestry stands out for the strength of its witness to women's need for independence and self-empowerment.

The protagonist feels trapped by her life, her spouse, and everyone around her as she spends more and more time in the chamber her husband has provided her. Can't stop glancing at the wallpaper. She sees a woman behind bars trying to escape from her.

As the only protagonist, the reader only knows the narrator from her diary entries. The story's message is confined within the narrator's thoughts, not her spouse or his sister.

The woman exposes more about herself and her environment. He rejects any concerns or ideas that she may have, claiming that he knows more about what is convenient for her as a doctor, and calling her names given to a girl.

Even though the story is short, it is full of vivid imagery. There's a panicky feeling in the air and a want to get out of that horrible yellow tapestry. When she loses herself in the patterns, she believes there is someone beyond the tapestry mocking her from a similar jail. You're paralyzed by the end. With a sad tone, you sympathize with the protagonist. This is a horror story. In the end, the reader must decide if the words on the yellow paper are metaphorical or real. Similarly, did the heroine go insane, or was it all in her head?

Hope this helps

write an essay on how to keep environment green and clean​


Every household generates waste or garbage. Now, waste or garbage should not be thrown anywhere, and everywhere, but only in trash bins. Throwing garbage all over the place will only dirty our surroundings and pollute the environment. Controlling the use of plastic bags will also help to keep our surroundings clean.


Essay on how to keep environment green and clean.


Everyone loves to stay in a clean and green environment, we always dream of a clean and pollution free environment. Very few people make an effect to take any action to maintain a clean environment. Even though civic agencies are charged with the environment is clean ,it is also important to support them to maintain a clean and a green environment. It is our responsibility to keep our surroundings neat because this will helps live healthily . There are many we can do to keep our surroundings clean since every house hold generates wastes , we should avoid throwing the waste everywhere. To make our environment clean and green,we need to take action and be the change that we want to seein others ; everyone keeps on complaining about how other people are polluting the environment without taking g any corrective measures.

I hope it will help you so .

Lady Macbeth is among Shakespeare's most powerful female characters. Which two sections in this excerpt from Macbeth show that she is an opportunist​



That made you break this enterprise to me?

What cannot you and I perform upon

The unguarded Duncan?

We meet every Thursday, at a different club member's house each week. The host for each week provides drinks and a ... snacks
Điền 1 từ thôi ạ :'


mình nghĩ là healthy nha

Where in an argumentative essay would this excerpt most likely belong?





because it telling you what the author meant so its c ps am in middle school

đề bài:combine each pair of sentences using V or enough V
1 the moon is very bright . we can play outdoor
2 i have enough money . i can pay this bill
3 my sister is old . she can driver a car



1. The moon is bright enough for us to play outdoors.

2. I have enough money to pay this bill.

3. My sister is old enough to drive a car.


"Enough" means sufficient. It can be used as a determiner, modifying a noun, or as an adverb, modifying a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

The phrase or clause that contains "enough" can be followed by "to + verb":

- She is angry enough to hurt him.

- We have enough time to have a decent meal.

It can also be followed by the structure "for + object pronoun + to + verb", when we wish to indicate who will perform the action expressed by the verb:

- The day is warm enough for you to go to the beach.

- His house is close enough for me to walk there.

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition:
1. It suddenly became so dark as the train went ________ the tunnel.
2. The restaurant is ________ the bank and the post office.
3. What language do you speak ________ English?
4. You are not going out ________ you finish your homework
5. The book was written ________ Mark Twain.
6. I will show you the picture ________ the palace.
7. The TV is ________ the corner of the room.
8. Many of us eat ________ fork and spoon.
9. There is a good restaurant ________ the end of the street.
10. He is fond ________ TV.
11. The cat jumped ________ the fence.
12. He has a positive attitude ________ his work.
13. The artist dipped his brush ________ the bright colours.
14. What do you think ________ the concert?



1. It suddenly became so dark as the train went in the tunnel.

2. The restaurant is along the bank and the post office.

3. What language do you speak except English?

4. You are not going out until you finish your homework.

5. The book was written by Mark Twain.

6. I will show you the picture of the palace.

7. The TV is at the corner of the room.

8. Many of us eat with fork and spoon.

9. There is a good restaurant at the end of the street.

10. He is fond of TV.

11. The cat jumped over the fence.

12. He has a positive attitude towards his work.

13. The artist dipped his brush in the bright colours.

14. What do you think about the concert?

Who said the following, and what does it mean? Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, Brags of his substance, not of ornament. They are but beggars that can count their worth; But my true love is grown to such excess I cannot sum up half my sum of wealth. (II. vi. 33-37) Juliet; she is saying that she doesn't care about money. Lady Capulet; she is reminding Juliet how lucky she is to be marrying Paris. Romeo; he is saying that true understanding has made him realize how very lucky he is to be marrying Juliet. Juliet; she is saying that true understanding is enriched by reality and worth more than outward appearances.



yeah i know that and you said who said the following, and what does it mean Conciet and what i gonna be choose an answer

We don't need society to survive. Statements. Health

Hi, I need help. I’m supposed to say why we don’t need society to survive health in statements



Well in my opinion according to the question I think that we don't need society to survive health because the more people there are then the more problems there could be.

Why do you think more people didn’t take the risks Gies took to help?


Because it was dangerous I think lol

As she wanted to make an attempt that would be taken to free the people who were arrested.

Who is Gies?

One of the people who assisted those sheltering in the Secret Annex became Miep Gies. She stored Anne's manuscripts in a bottom drawer well after her arrest.

Gies collected everything, and she made the decision to retain the files in a filing cabinet in the hopes of eventually being able to give them back to Anne. Gies undertook a last-ditch effort to release the men individuals who had been detained after arrest.

It didn't, though. Fortunately, there was a ray of hope; Johannes Kleiman was freed after only a few weeks, much to the satisfaction of those left with him on the Prinsengracht.

The company was maintained by Miep and the other assistants. The eight residents of the Secret Annex were expected to return, they hoped.

Learn more about Gies, Here:


He arrived……………..the manager’s office………………….an interview.



He arrived at the managers office for an interview


Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences. (2.0pts)
1.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
A. stopped B. laughed C. listened D. finished
2.Find the word which has different stress in the part underlined.
A. multicultural B. metropolitan C. cosmopolitan D. affordable
3. Lots of fruit and vegatables will help you ……………… your cold.
A. turn down B. find out C. cheer up D. get over
4. The city has recently ……………. a library in the West Suburb.
A. set off B. set out C. set to D. set up
5. They had to ………………… the museun because it’s no longer a place of interest.
A. deall with B. pass down C. close down D. passed down
6. What’s …………. in the street over there? Open the door!
A. turning back B. getting over C. going on D. finding out
7. If you go to Hoi An on 15th of each lunar month,you can enjoy the lights of many beautiful…………………
A. lanterns B. pottery C. lacquerware D. conical hats
8. China is ………….. the most populated country in the word.
A. a bit B. much larger C. by far D. a little



1. What is underlined?

2. What is underlined?

3. D. get over

4. D. set up

5. C. close down

6. C. going on

7. A. lanterns

8. C. by far


Let me know what questions you need explanations for.

Think about the consequences Ghost faces as a result of his decision to steal a pair of running shoes. Do you think that the way that Coach punishes him is fair? What would the consequences have been if Ghost had been stopped by the police instead? What would the consequences have been if his mother had discovered the theft? What would have happened if Ghost had never been caught? Why might it have been better for him to get caught? Explain.​



1.It is fair. 2. If he had been stopped by the police, he would've been to juvenile hall. 3. If his mother had discovered the theft she would've probably taken him out of the team. 4. If he had never been caught he would still have the belief that getting what he needed at all costs was alright. 5. Because he would've been scared and learned a lesson as well.


The way that Coach punished Ghost was fair since he needed to be called out to know that what he did was wrong. If he had been stopped by the police, he would've gone to juvenile hall. If his mom had discovered the theft, she would perhaps be mad and don't listen to Ghost's reasons, she could've grounded him and taken him out of the team that he loves. If he had never been caught, he would've probably become a real thief in the future. It might have been better for him to get caught since he could've gotten scared and never would've done it again.

what are the meanings of on & in? as far as i know, “on” refers to something is above of something else, “in” refers to something is inside of something.




on refers to something is above for example on the table and in referred to something is inside for example in the box put the Apple




The spelling of separate.


It is spelt as seperate in the advert. But the correct spelling is separate.

The person above me is correct I can confirm

You loves. nature ..............

ye brrenly me ke liye he​




thankyou very much brother


wow thanks for sharing beautiful picture of nature god bless u.

"Shall I put the …………..books on the floor?" - "No, I want to keep the ", A. tidy room B. room tidily C.roomistidy D. room



"No, I want to keep the room tidy."


° ° °

Answer: D. room tidy

"Shall I put the books on the floor?"

"No, I want to keep the room tidy.",

What is the term for the presenter of a broadcast news program?






The term for the presenter of a broadcast news program is the anchor. The correct option is A.

Who is an anchor?

The terms "anchor," "anchorman," and "anchorwoman" come from the anchor leg of relay races, where the fastest or most seasoned competitor on a team typically fills the position.

Presenters and anchors are on the front lines of radio and television. They read the news, conduct interviews, introduce and host programs, and report on topics and physical phenomena.

An anchor is a person who simply sits down in front of the camera and gives the public the news, whereas a reporter gathers information on current events.

Therefore, the correct option is A, the anchor.

To learn more about the anchor, refer to the below link:


What best describes a quotation


A quotation can best be described as:

The direct words of a speaker

What is a Quotation?

A quotation can best be referred to as the direct and repeated words of a speaker.

A quotation is often enclosed in quotation marks to show that it is not the original words of the person repeating it. So the statement above is right.

Learn more about a quotation here:


Where do you think
the line between public safety and personal freedom
should be drawn?




One thing I should warn you about. This question is kind of vague. Some mods don't believe it is part of a school subject, and so it will get deleted. You should make clear why you want an answer.

Let me begin by saying that in Canada, the question is not really a question. We have a constitution and a bill or rights. We don't think our rights have been transgressed when something like the virus shows up and we have to obey certain restrictions. Public Health takes presidence over personal freedom, and most of us willingly suspend our personal freedom in favor of public health. We can go back to expressing our opinions with letters to the editor and our government representatives when the virus is no more. There is a minority that objects to what I've written, and they get to have their say, but most of us are obedient.

The line is not really a line. Where public safety is concerned, the scale tips in that direction.

what opini


Answer: mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Ok I literally don’t get the question

Which of the following sentences has all words capitalized correctly?

He and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.
He and i both enjoyed the brownies you made.
He and I both enjoyed the brownies You made.
he and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.



He and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.


Cloze test without clues (A Modern Library)
A modern library, with some exception is regarded as (a) ____ service institution. Its aim is to enable the (b) ____ to make the most effective use of the resources and services of the (c) ____. This type of library acquires materials, processes it, and makes it available for use rather than (d) ____. It allows open (e) ____ to its collection and provides service to its users. It is expected to (f) ____ potential users into habitual users. A habitual user is (g) ____, who goes to a library regularly and use the library as a source of (h) ____ in order to convert potential users (i) ____ habitual users, it is essential to (j) ____ desired kind of contact between the user and the document.


The missing words are:

A) auxiliary scientific, educational, and cultural

B) users

C) institution

D) sell them

E) Public

F) Convert

G) One

H) Information

I) into

J) Create the

A modern library, with some exceptions, is regarded as an auxiliary scientific, educational, and cultural institution. Its aim is to enable the users to make the most effective use of the resources and services of the institution.

This type of library acquires materials, processes them, and makes them available for use rather than sell them. It allows the open public to its collection and provides services to its users.

It is expected to convert potential users into habitual users. A habitual user is one who goes to a library regularly and uses the library as a source of information. In order to convert potential users into habitual users, it is essential to create the desired kind of contact between the user and the document.

Learn more about libraries here:

what is ethos, logos, and pathos?



Pathos appeals to the audience's emotions and evokes feelings.

Logos or the appeal to logic is the use of logic or reason to persuade an audience.

Ethos  It is an appeal to authority and credibility in persuasive language. Ensuring an audience of the speaker/or writer's argument's reliability or credibility. Making yourself (or your argument) appear credible and trustworthy will help you persuade your audience.

what are the four elements of a text



1) Purpose, 2) Message, 3) Audience, and 4) Voice.



Four elements of a text are purpose, audience, genre, and organization.

Hope it helps!

"The desert sky is encircling, majestic, terrible." The underlined portion is an example of...
Select one:
O a metaphor.
O b. asyndeton.
O c. hyperbole.
O d. allusion



The correct answer is C. Hyperbole.


Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or stylistic figure. Hyperbole can also be used in cases of such exaggerations for emphasis or effect. Hyperbole is often used in informal speech as an amplifier, such as saying "the bag weighed a ton." Hyperbole indicates that the speaker found a bag that was extremely heavy, although it was nothing like a literal ton. Understanding hyperbole and its use in context can further enhance the ability to understand the messages sent by the speaker. The use of hyperbole generally conveys feelings or emotions from the speaker, or from those the speaker is talking about. Hyperbole can be used in the form of humor, excitement, trouble and many other emotions, all depending on the context used by the speaker.

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