Population pressure on resources has been particularly damaging in the case of tropical rainforest ecosystem. Discus


Answer 1



Increase of population increases the demand of resources that contributes to forestal degradation, forestal loss, an increased population density, and increasing deforestation.  This is partly because they are encroaching upon the land and cutting down its trees for the land as well as to use for fuel.  This also effects the creatures that live in the forest by taking away their home.  

Related Questions

Describe how to demonstrate the physical properties of soil​



wet soil : 1-3

dry soil 0.2-0.4

organic matter 0.25

clay 2.9


the physical properties of soil in order to decreasing importance for a ecosystem services such as crop production are texture, structure, bulk , density , potosity consistency, temperature, colour and resistivity

As a fire rages through a forest, a large boulder is heated quickly. This rapid change in temperature causes the outer layer of the boulder to crack. weathering or erosion





Weathering because erosion is water or air hollowing or degrading rock.

What is the name for activities like fishing and mining?

A)primary economic activities

B)manufacturing activities

C)secondary economic activities

D)service Industries



A. Primary Economic Activities


Which is the first scientist of the world​


Aristotle is the first scientist of the world .

Prior to invention of the telegraph, weather observations could not be made over large enough distances to recognize regional weather patterns. After the telegraph was introduced, data from multiple locations could be analyzed simultaneously, and scientists suddenly realized that weather systems operated on large scales, such as the migration of weather patterns from west to east.
Which characteristic of good science does the preceding passage best illustrate?
a) A valid scientific theory offers a well-defined cause or mechanism to explain natural events.
b) Scientific explanations are provisional and subject to change with the addition of new data and technologies.
c) Scientific explanations are based upon observations or experiments that are reproducible by many people.


9514 1404 393


  b) Scientific explanations are provisional and subject to change with the addition of new data and technologies.


Good science is based on observation. Any new data or technology that provides new data can upset previous thinking on a subject.

A scientist wants to spend her summer conducting research on the effects of
very cold temperatures on the human body. Which part of the world would be
the best place to conduct her summer research?
Average July Temperatures in Fahrenheit
Over 85°
68° to 85°
50° to 58°
32° to 50°
14° to 32
14° or below





Antarctica is situated in the southern hemisphere closer to the north pole. thus it is very cold and icy.it will be a great idea to do a research on the human body about cold temp

Anaximander was a --------geographer

1 point






Anaximander was a Greek​ geographer


The correct answer is Greek.

Where is Poland in Europe? Thanks!



[tex] \boxed{ \sf central \: europe}[/tex]

8. The old name of arun


the old name of arun was Bum Chu river

Landslide - Vajont Dam Slide, Italy. These placemarks fly you to the site of the Vajont Dam disaster that occurred in Italy in 1963. Which answer correctly identifies the features highlighted by the Problem 10a, 10b, and 10c placemarks?
a. Problem 10a: dam; Problem 10b: hummocky debris apron; and Problem 10c: slide scar
b. Problem 10a: hummocky debris apron; Problem 10b: slide scar; and Problem 10c: dam
c. Problem 10a: slide scar; Problem 10b: dam; and Problem 10c: hummocky debris apron



a. Problem 10a: dam 10b: hummocky debris apron; and Problem 10c: slide scar


The Dam is located in north Italy. It is located in the valley of the Vajont river.  There were some problems associated with the dam and reservoir as the canyon was steep and had undercut the banks of the river.

which countries have a smaller coastline than the Philippines


All nations other than Russia, Norway, Canada, and Indonesia have a shorter coastline than the Philippines.

All countries in the world apart from Canada, Norway, Indonesia, Greenland and Russia have smaller coastlines than the Philippines.

As there are no options given, a better question to ask would be related to which countries have a longer coastline than the Philippines because of all countries in the world, the Philippians has the 6th longest coastline there is.

This is because the Philippians comprises of many islands and when the coastlines of all these islands are summed up, even the United States has less of a coastline than the Philippines even though the latter is way smaller in terms of total landmass than the former.

In being 6th on the list of longest coastlines, any country you can name apart from the 5 mentioned in the answer above, have smaller coastlines than the Philippines.

A related question proving the assertions here is https://brainly.com/question/19484920.

Which of the following was NOT a type of power that the Constitution granted to the national government ?



Rights Reserved to States or People

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Differentiate the mgf M(t)=e4.6(et−1)​



u seem cool want to be friends


help me with this case study I need it asap



tell us more about it

Industrialization is usually associated with _______



It's associated with a decrease in family size.


As a result of Industrialization, the structure of families changed drastically. The conditions of the factories the children were working in was also a factor that determined the decrease in family size. The factories were not taken care of and unkept, the air quality was poor, and it's a no-brainer that it was no place for children Industrialization caused a huge decline or decrease in fertility rate. It also led to a decline of transformation in relationships between spouses as well as between children, and their parents.

Industrialization is usually associated with a decrease in family size. Hence, Option (B) is correct.

Industrialization brings about various changes in society, including shifts in demographic patterns. One of the common effects is a decrease in family size. There are several reasons for this association.

Firstly, industrialization typically leads to urbanization, as people move from rural areas to cities in search of employment opportunities. Urban living often comes with smaller living spaces and increased living costs, which can discourage larger families.

Secondly, industrialization is accompanied by changes in societal norms and values, including a shift towards greater individualism and prioritization of career and personal goals over having larger families. This, along with increased access to family planning methods and education, contributes to a decline in family size.

Thus, industrialization tends to lead to a decrease in family size as societies undergo social, economic, and demographic transformations.

Learn more about Industrialization here:



Industrialization is usually associated with _______.

A. an increase in the proportion of a population living in rural areas.

B. a decrease in family size.

C. no significant changes in population structures or dynamics.

D. an increase in the average fertility rate.

Hi all, can you solve this please,



amon gus


What aspects of Japan’s physical geography put it at risk for earthquakes and tsunamis



Japan is extremely vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis due to its location in the Pacific Ring of Fire. The “ring” is a horse-shoe shaped basin along the Pacific Ocean. About 90 percent of all seismic activity in the world takes place in this region.

hope it's helpful ..!!pls mark me in brainlist

Need help asap will rate 5 stars!!!!



not sure how to answer its hard to understand

what are the implications of location shape and size of Ethiopia ad the horn on the physical environment socio-economic and political aspects



Ethiopia is a country in Africa. With 1,104,300 km2, Ethiopia is the world's 27th largest country. The Rift Valley runs from southwest to northeast through the country, dividing this into two higher mountain plateaus.  Ethiopia is one of the world's poorest and least developed countries, and on the UN's list of countries after HDI, the country was ranked 157 out of 169 in 2011. According to UN figures, 44% of its inhabitants live below the national poverty line, 41% are malnourished and 39% live in extreme poverty.

Regional Geography lays emphasis on the distinctiveness of a particular place and the characteristics or activities that make up that location. With specific examples from Ghana and knowledge acquired in the Regional Geography of Ghana course so far, discuss the above statement.



Ghana is a West African country in Africa, along the Gulf of Guinea, just a few degrees north of the equator.

Ghana encompasses plains, low hills, rivers, Lake Volta, the world's largest artificial lake, Dodi Island and Bobowasi Island on the south Atlantic Ocean coast of Ghana.[1] Ghana can be divided into four different geographical ecoregions. The coastline is mostly a low, sandy shore backed by plains and scrub and intersected by several rivers and streams. The northern part of Ghana features high plains.[2] South-west and south-central Ghana is made up of a forested plateau region consisting of the Ashanti uplands and the Kwahu Plateau. The hilly Akwapim-Togo ranges are found along Ghana's eastern international border.[3]

The Volta Basin takes up most of south-central Ghana and Ghana's highest point is Mount Afadja which is 885 m (2,904 ft) and is found in the Akwapim-Togo ranges.[4][5] The climate is tropical and the eastern coastal belt is warm and comparatively dry, the south-west corner of Ghana is hot and humid, and the north of Ghana is warm and wet.[2] Lake Volta, the world's largest artificial lake, extends through small portions of south-eastern Ghana and many tributary rivers such as the Oti and Afram rivers flow into it.[6]


The northernmost part of Ghana is Pulmakong and the southernmost part of Ghana is Cape three points near Axim. Ghana lies between latitudes 4° and 12°N.[7] South Ghana contains evergreen and semi-deciduous forests consisting of trees such as mahogany, odum, ebony and it also contains much of Ghana's oil palms and mangroves with shea trees, baobabs and acacias found in the northern part of Ghana.[7]

European settlers and Americans transformed the Great Plains from
A. fields of corn; fields of grass
B. natural grassland; fields of corn
C. desert; farms

D. ancient farms; fruit orchards



The answer is B,  natural grassland; fields of corn


hope this helps!




1st option

I hope it is helpful and follow me for more good answer

which city is located near 40 N 89 W


Answer: Bahamas


Environmental science is the study of?


Answer: How to protect the environment

It's already too late to plan ____ additional nuclear plants by 1999.



the missing word is for


letter c


The missing word is C. for

Nicobar island as well as _______ island belong to the geographical of Asia​




is right answer I hope it's helpful



.i don't want points

what is contour line



a line on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea level.


Hey mate.....


This is ur answer....

A contour line is a line drawn on a topographic map to indicate ground elevation or depression. A contour interval is the vertical distance or difference in elevation between contour lines. Index contours are bold or thicker lines that appear at every fifth contour line.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

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silicon and _______ stay in the the outer cells pls tell me fast​





The earth has been divided into three major categories crust, mantle, and core which are further segregated into sub-parts. Since the crust is the outermost layer of the shell, the outer crust of the earth consists of a combination of silicon and oxygen in the majority followed by some percentage of other metals as well. The percentage of Oxygen includes nearly 50% i.e. 46.6% followed by 27.7% of Silicon and the other 25.3 % includes aluminum, iron, sodium, magnesium, etc. Thus, 'oxygen' is the correct answer.

The Mt. St Helens eruption in Washington state m 1980 measured 5 on the volcanic exclusivity index (VEI). Only 57 people died from the Mt. St Helens since most people were warned to evacuate the area prior to the event, Four years later, in 1985, del Ruiz in Colombia erupted. While only measuring 3 on the VEI, the eruption resulted in 25,000 deaths when unsuspecting residents of local towns were overrun by fast-moving lahars. Which of the following statements about volcano-related deaths best fit the information given in the paragraph?
a. Volcanic eruptions often kill thousands of people.
b. The death toll from volcanic eruptions do not always correlate to exclusivity, and can be affected by human actions before and after the eruption.
c. Most volcano-related deaths occur from lahars.
d. The death toll from a volcanic eruption is directly related to its volcanic exclusivity index (VEl).



b. The death toll from volcanic eruptions do not always correlate to exclusivity, and can be affected by human actions before and after the eruption.


Many volcanic eruptions don't kill anyone. This is because most active volcanoes are well-known to local residents, who give them appropriate respect.

Lahars are deadly, but so are pyroclastic flows, and releases of ash and/or poison gases. The two deadliest eruptions in recorded history caused death by starvation and tsunami.

The point of the paragraph was that the VEI was not directly related to the number of deaths.

important of geography​



It is important in that it helps you understand more about the world and what it contains . That is:

helps you understand the locations, changes in the environment etc..

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