¿ por que hitler lo ven como uno de los grandes asecinos, si los papas mataron mas gente al nombre de dios. Por que esos papaqs no son vistos de mal manera ?


Answer 1


Porque Hitler siendo gobernante se consideraba así mismo como un dios, tanto así que toda la nación alemana lo consideraba como un "faraón" o un Mesías, por eso no aceptaba otras  ideologías o creencias religiosas en donde prevaleciera una devoción extrema hacia Dios.

Aunque lo papas son mayormente culpables de derramamiento de sangre o de asesinar a muchas  personas que en el pasado solo querían leer la biblia o desmentir muchas de sus enseñanzas falsas,como actuaban supuestamente en el "nombre de dios" y como según ellos  (los papas) eso era parte de "la voluntad de dios" ,la sociedad de esa época aprobaba esos actos y hasta contribuían a que se hicieran.

También hay que destacar que la iglesia católica siempre ha tenido poder absoluto pues ha estado unida a la política, y el Vaticano es un estado autónomo donde ellos tienen sus propias leyes y pues no permiten que el estado  o gobierno entre a juzgarlos.

Related Questions

What was a problem for the federalists in 1788 ?


the main problem the Federalists face was that many of the states were not ready to ratify the constitution


i hope i will be helpful for you (:

Write a question about the relationship between business and labor.



What kinds of labor are ethical, and what effect does ethicality have on business?

5. Which of the following Is an example of Mussolini's nationalist rhetoric?



He promised to revive Roman greatness.


The 1960s and 1970s gave rise to the use of ________________, where federal regulations were enacted that states were required to implement but without money from the federal government to do so.



Federal Unfunded Mandates


The 1960s and 1970s gave rise to the use of FEDERAL UNFUNDED MANDATES where federal regulations were enacted that states were required to implement but without money from the federal government to do so.

For example, the Amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1970 led to the formation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, which then regulated the provisions for control of motor vehicle emissions, intensified the federal enforcement authority but required only the STATES to ENFORCE and FUND the plans to stick to these measures.

Federal Unfunded Mandates was increased during the year of  1960s and 1970s.

Federal Unfunded Mandates were introduced as a program where the local or central government was required to support the private sector without getting any funds from the government or law.  

Therefore, it helped in strengthening the collaborative partnership as well as improving communications between all governing authorities in the nation.  

Learn more about Federal Unfunded Mandates here:


Question 10 of 10
Why was it unusual that African Americans supported FDR?
O A. FDR was white, and most African Americans only voted for black candidates. O B. FDR was a Democrat, and most African Americans voted Republican.
O C. FDR was from the North, and most African Americans voted only for Southerners.
O D. FDR was a Democrat, but southern Democrats opposed him. ​



The answer is B. Most African Americans would still be supporting the Republican party during the time of FDR's election and would vote based on party lines.


How did the sailors help the colonists?



Sailors help the colonies in providing extra food. Colonies were facing problems because of British policies and heavy taxes. The British captains beat sailors (colonist), starved them and paid less. ... They help colonies survive that could not get the funds and supplies they required from Europe.

Sailors help the colonies in providing extra food. Colonies were facing problems because of British policies and heavy taxes. ... Many sailors welcomed the chance to flee and search for a better life, particularly piracy, which granted shorter work shift, food, and allowing in decision-making.

If a writer wanted to introduce conflict in a scene without using an antagonist which would be most effective



I would say maybe the author makes one of the main characters lose a shoe or falls on the ground and has to go to the hospital. as these things arnt people or animals so they won't be considered antagonists.

what are ur guy's favorite songs and favorite artists I need some examples?



Ocean eyes

by billie ellish

Currently, Need to Know and Options by Doja Cat

A historian is examining religions role in history which question might the historian ask if she were organizing her study by period


Answer: When did the religion become popularized in that area.

Explanation: This can explain time of certain events taking place.

why did black and chicano movements decide to create their own separate branches of the Women's Rights movement



Black and Chicano movements wanted to fight for their rights as their voices were not heard.


They were inspired by the white feminist movement in America.

The Chicano movement, like the black movement, fought for civil rights. The Chicano movement centred on the inequalities encountered by Mexican Americans in the United States. Both movement began in the 1960s and 1970s against racism, unemployment, and discrimination.

Black and Chicano movements fight against gender inequality in America. The two movements shared similarities in their economic and educational reforms while embracing their cultures and identities.

Who is the First King in the World?​





Although there had been several kings before him, King Sargon is referred to as the first king because he founded the first empire in the history of the world in 2330 B.C.E. According to a Neo-Assyrian text from the 7th century BC, a certain priestess secretly bore a child and left him by the river.

Hope it helps you

Determining the "First King in the World" is challenging due to the complexity of ancient history and the lack of precise records. However, one of the earliest recorded kings in history is believed to be Sargon of Akkad.

Sargon of Akkad was a Mesopotamian ruler who lived around 2300 BCE. He established the Akkadian Empire, one of the first known empires in history. Sargon's reign marked a significant shift from small city-states to larger centralized kingdoms. While he is regarded as one of the earliest recorded kings, it is essential to note that history before this period is often based on fragmentary evidence and myths.

As a result, attributing the title of "First King in the World" to a specific individual is challenging and may not be definitive. Archaeological discoveries and ongoing research continuously add new insights into the earliest forms of governance and leadership in human history.

To know more about Sargon of Akkad, click here.



What was Clarence Gideon forced to do during his burglary trial?
represent himself
flee the state
O remain silent
declare his guilt






Clarence Gideon was forced to represent himself during his burglary trial. Thus, the first option is the correct answer.

Who was Clarence Gideon?

Clarence Gideon, who was involved in a Florida State offence appropriation, was not provided with a lawyer when he couldn't manage one himself. As a result, he was sentenced to serve himself in the forum. In Gideon vs. Wainwright, the United States Supreme Court overturned this decision and ordered Florida State to provide Gideon with counselling.

The United States Supreme Court decided in Gideon v. Wainwright that a criminal defendant who cannot afford the services of an attorney must receive representation from a state-selected attorney without incurring any fees, so despite this, his first trial is remembered as a turning point in American justice. With the aid of a lawyer, Gideon was declared not guilty.

Therefore, Clarence Gideon represented himself, and was convicted.

To learn more about Clarence Gideon, click here:



Según el texto titulado “Una guerra devastadora” menciona 10 consecuencias del conflicto armado en nuestro país.



I don't speak spanish but if you read it better.


Yeah this is right

Question 6 of 10
In what region did people first form civilizations?
A. Southwest Asia
B. North America
C. China
D. Australia


The first
A. Southwest Asia

What rapper paved the way for other rappers to be signed to major labels?
O A. Afrika Bambaataa
B. Sugar Hill Gang
C. DJ Kool Herc
D. Kurtis Blow


Answer: d

Explanation:  Kurtis Blow is the first commercially successful rapper who signed with a major record label. In his case, that record label was Mercury. Kurtis Blow paved the way for many future rappers thanks to his achievements.

Hope this helps :)

Kurtis Blow is the first rapper to sign with a major record company and become commercially successful. That record company in his case was Mercury. Because to his accomplishments, Kurtis Blow paved the door for a lot of rap artists in the future. Thus, option D is correct.

who is Kurtis Blow?

A rapper, singer, composer, record and film producer, b-boy, DJ, public speaker, and minister, Kurtis Walker is also known by his stage name, Kurtis Blow. He is the first rapper to sign with a major record label and the first to be commercially successful.

Kurtis Blow is a legendary figure in the history of hip-hop as the first commercially successful rap artist. His appeal and charisma helped establish rap music as more than a passing fad, opening the door for Grandmaster Flash and Run-D.M.C. to make even more significant contributions.

Learn more about rapper here:



Where did Roosevelt and Churchill decide to begin their attack on Nazi forces? France Soviet Union North Africa





after the attack on the pearl harbor

Why did the US government choose to imprison Japanese Americans?



Many Americans worried that citizens of Japanese ancestry would act as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government. Fear — not evidence — drove the U.S. to place over 127,000 Japanese-Americans in concentration camps for the duration of WWII. Over 127,000 United States citizens were imprisoned during World War II.


Which statements describe the Southern economy in the antebellum era? Select three responses.



Answer to the following question is as follow;


The following are assertions that define the antebellum economy: -It was largely agricultural. -It was highly reliant on forced labor. It mostly manufactured cotton and tobacco.

Cotton production was inextricably linked to the Antebellum South's commerce. Their business, nicknamed as the "Cotton Kingdom" or "Royal Cotton," relied on slave labour, which eventually became a significant cause of the War.

Answer: A B and C


It was primarily agricultural.

It relied heavily on slave labor.

It produced mostly cotton and tobacco.  

how are states and territorios alike



territory is an administrative division, usually an area that is under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state. In most countries, a territory is an organized division of an area that is controlled by a country but is not formally developed into,[1] or incorporated into, a political unit of the country that is of equal status to other political units that may often be referred to by words such as "provinces" or "regions" or "states". In international politics, a territory is usually either the total area from which a state may extract power resources[2] or any non-sovereign geographic area which has come under the authority of another government; which has not been granted the powers of self-government normally devolved to secondary

Who killed Abraham Lincoln

A.John cena
B.John Wilkes
C. H. H. Holmes
D. Ted Bundy


Answer: b


Choice B John Wilkes was the person who killed Abraham Lincoln

1.1. O território da América espanhola foi dividido conforme os interesses econômicos e as realidades encontradas pelos espanhóis. Analise o mapa a seguir e, com base em suas pesquisas, identifique qual a divisão político-administrativa adotada na América Espanhola.


En la década de 1550, América española estaba gobernada como dos grandes regiones administrativas llamadas virreinatos, cada uno encabezado por un representante del rey. El virreinato de Nueva España incluyó a México, la mayor parte de América Central y territorios españoles en el Caribe.

por favor dame el mapa

During which period was the first stone pyramid built in Saqqara?
Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom
Second Intermediate
New Kingdom




[tex] \\ \\ [/tex]

Just that




I looked it up.

Please match these questions no files or reported



2=d 3=b 4=a 5=e


its the right answer after thinking for while

Describe What You See in the Placard
Which cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?
Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s?



What I see in the picture.

A map of central Africa showing the different ethnic groups, rivers, lakes and other geographical formations.

Cause of New Imperialism ⇒ Need for New Markets, Need for Raw materials and spread of Christianity.

When the Europeans realized that there were vast areas of Africa that remained unexplored to them, they wanted these areas so that they could sell their goods to the people there.

They also realized that these places would have raw materials that they could use to produce other goods as well as existing ones.

Finally they felt they had the obligation to spread Christianity to all these tribes and people that were in Africa.

What was prohibited by the 18th Amendment?
the production, sale, and transportation of liquor
the sale and transportation of slaves
the production, sale, and transportation of guns
the sale and transportation of drugs


I think it’s A

(The production, sale, and transportation or liquor)

Under sharecropping agreements, what was expected from women?
O A. Cooking, cleaning, and tending the garden
O B. Helping out in the landowner's house
O C. Working only with the farm animals
O D. Teaching their children to read and write



A. cooking, cleaning, and tending the garden


A. cooking, cleaning, and tending the garden


Prompt: How did Improvements in transportation promote Industrialization in Great Britain?


How did improvements in transportation promote industrialization in Britain? More canals were created which cut the cost of transporting materials and goods. ... It greatly increased the production of goods and raised and the standard of living. It provided the hope of improvement in people's lives.

What decision made the Trail of Tears even more deadly?
A. The Supreme Court's decision to reject the Cherokee legal defense
B. The government's decision to force the Cherokee to move during
the winter
C. The Cherokee decision to cooperate peacefully
D. President Jackson's decision to allow the Cherokee to keep their



B. The government's decision to force the Cherokee to move due winter.

How did Sumer´s location in the Fertile Crescent allow the civilization to have specialized workers?



The availability of natural resources in abundant form.


Sumer´s location in the Fertile Crescent allow the civilization to have specialized workers because of the presence of resources which can be extracted when they have specialized worked which are trained in that specific field. There was a need for specialized worker in the Sumerians so that they take more benefits from the natural resources present at their location.

In regards to the Hutu-Tutsi conflict in Rwanda, how are today's relations between the two ethnic groups?​




I can't even point these names out in a map smh

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