Pretty much just need help with filling in the blanks (will give brainliest)

Pretty Much Just Need Help With Filling In The Blanks (will Give Brainliest)


Answer 1


I can't see the words.


Related Questions

Complete the sentences with the correct word or expression to describe the pictures.
Hay muchas computadoras en la clase de
Blank 1:
Question 2 (6 points)
What subject pronouns would you use to talk about these people?
Gloria elle
1. Carlos, Ana y yo
2. Felipe
3 Maria
4. Pablo, Tomás y Anita
5.La Senora Garcia
6. Melissa y Emilianna
And the top one ?



first one i think it‘s “computación”

the pronouns are:

modelo= el o ella (she or he)

gloria= ella (she)

carlos, ana y yo= nosotros (you plural)

felipe= el (he)

maria= ella (she)

Pablo, tomas y anita= ellos (they)

La señora garcia= ella (she)

melissa y emilianna= ellas (they)


I honestly dont know if i am correct because i didnt understand the question you made, but the first one is “computacion” because it goes with the sentence which is translated to: there are a lot of computers in computer class.

the other question was about the pronouns, here let me traduce them for you:

yo I

tu you

el he

ella she

eso it

nosotros you

ustedes we

ellos they

hope it helped :)

3. Bill enters a 30 kilometre race. He runs the first
20km at a speed of x kilometres per hour and the
last 10km at (x-5) kph. His total time for the
race was 4 hours.
a) Write down an equation in terms of x and solve it.
b) What are his speeds for the two parts of the run?​



Did bill take a break? he must be tired.


classify definite articles (SPANISH)!!


1. La
2. Los
3. El
4. Las
5. Los
6. La

pedir entender almorzar
contar perder
recordar costar volver sonar
cerrar preferir llover servir jugar dormir
Usa los verbos arriba para completar las frases.
1. Yo no
mi libro para la clase de espanoll (find)
(nosotros) ir al baño? (be able)
3. Susana y yo
descansar en la playa en México (want)
4. Juan siempre
hasta la una de la tarde los sábados, (sleep)
5. Ellos
hamburguesas y papas fritas todos los dias, (order)
6. La tienda
a las nueve a la noche. (close)
7. Los calcetines solo
un dolar. (cost)
8. Mario
muy bien el español(understand)
9. Mis amigos
de España el domingo (retum)
10. Elena y Sofia nunca
puntos en el examen (lose)
11. La maestra de inglés nos
historias muy cómicas (toll)
12 Nosotros
en la cafeteria a las 12:30 de la tarde (lunch)
13. Yo
estudiar mucho para la clase de matemáticas (plan)
14. ¿Tú
pasar la aspiradora o lavar los platos? (prefer)
15. A veces
mucho en en la primavera (rain).
16. EI
el hockey sobre hielo (play),
17. Usted y Maria
con sus vacaciones en España (dream)
IR Perdón, yo no
tu nombre. (remember)
19. El mesero nos
la comida senin


1. Yo no -encuentro -mi libro para la clase de español.
2. ¿ Nosotros - podemos - it al baño ?
3. Susana y yo - queremos- descansar en la playa de Mèxico.
4. Juan siempre- duerme - hasta la una de la tarde los sábados.
5. Ellos - ordenan - hamburguesas y papas fritas todos los días.
6. La tienda - cierra - a las nueve de la noche.
7. Los calcetines solo - cuestan- un dólar.
8. Mario - entiende- muy bien el español.
9. Mis amigos -vuelven- de España el domingo.
10. Elena y Sofia nunca - pierden- puntos en el examen.
11. La maestra de inglés nos - contó - historias muy cómicas.
12. Nosotros- almorzamos- en la cafetería a las 12:30 de la tarde.
13. Yo - planeo - estudiar mucho para la clase de matemáticas.
14. -prefieres-
15. - llueve -
16.- juega -
17. - sueñan -
18 - recuerdo -
19. - sirvió -

Is the sentence necesito una pluma correct


Yes it is correct :)




(Yo) necesito una pluma (I need a pen)

im aburrido que quiero hablar​





hola :D estoy en zoom

Choose the best option that answers the question according to the reading.

Los arcos y patios son elementos que se encuentran en el mundo hispano. Son parte de un estilo distinto y antiguo. Refleja la influencia de los moros en España durante su reinado de quinientos años.

What word in Spanish describes the style of architecture in the reading?

A- Barroca
B- Española
C- Mudéjar
D- Gótica





noting or pertaining to a style of architecture, originating in France in the middle of the 12th century and existing in the western half of Europe through the middle of the 16th century, characterized by the use of the pointed arch and the ribbed vault, by the use of fine woodwork and stonework, by a progressive lightening of structure, and by the use of such features as flying buttresses, ornamental gables, crockets, and foils.


C- Mudéjar


El estilo mudéjar es caracterizado principalmente por los arcos tipo herradura.

44.- El automóvil de Paco consume 40 litros de gasolina en un recorrido de 360
km, ¿cuantos litros de gasolina consume por un km?


40/360: .1~ litro de gasolina por un km


Creo que consume .1 por km


40l / 360 km = 0.1

Tell what happens in a typical day, using the appropriate form of the indicated verbs.

1. Mis amigos y yo con el profesor de biologia. (hablar) 2. Ella no el libro. (terminar) 3. Nosotros Jeans (llevar) 4. TO español con Marta (estudiar) 5. La clase de matemáticas a las diez y media. (terminar) 6. Luisa y Jorge unos lápices, (necesitar) 2. Los chicos camisas nuevas hoy (levar) 8. Yo con unas chicas, (hablar) 9. Marta y Anita un cuaderno nuevo. (necesitar) 10. Ud. mucho. (estudiar)​



1. Mis amigos y yo hablamos con  el profesor de biología.  

2. Ella no terminó el libro.

3. Nosotros llevamos Jeans.

4. Estudiamos español con Marta.

5. La clase de matemáticas termina a las diez y media.

6. Luisa y Jorge necesitan unos lápices.

7. Los chicos llevan camisas nuevas hoy.

8. Yo hablo con unas chicas.

9. Marta y Anita necesitan un cuaderno nuevo.

10. Ud. estudia mucho.

Answer: 1. Mis amigos y yo hablaremos con el profesor de biologia.

              2. Ella no termino el libro.

              3. Nosotros llevaremos jeans.

              4. Tu estudiaras espanol con Marta.

              5. Terminara

              6. Necesitan

              7. llevaran

              8. Hablare

              9. Necesitan

             10. Estudiar

Explanation: Sorry got lazy but I know Spanish I was raised in Mexico

Ayuda. Tienes que buscar un verso o algo de tu canción favorita



Esto es de la cancion reloj de luis miguel

Ella es la estrella

Que alumbra mi ser

Yo sin su amor no soy nada

Which option below would be an appropriate question that would require this answer:
Mi teléfono es 207-1052.
a. ¿Cómo te llamas
b. ¿Cual es tu teléfono
c. ¿Cómo estás
d. ¿De dónde eres tu?


Answer: B ¿cual es tu télefono?


Means what is your phone number

Also I took this test


The translation is:

My phone is 207-1052.

a. What is your name

b. What is your phone number

c. How are you

d. Where are you from?


The answer is b.) What is your phone number

Traducción Española:

La respuesta es b.) ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono?

–Hola, Pablo, ¿te gusta la clase de música? –Sí, y practico con amigos los sábados y los domingos. A Pablo le gusta ________.


Answer : Pablo le gusta la clase de musica


tocar un instrumento


Got it right on the exam.

Decide if the noun-adjective agreement is CORRECT or INCORRECT in the following sentence. Las chicas son altas.





The chicks are tall- English translation

Las chicas son altas - spanish translation

Hope this helps

Please mark me brainliest<3

The answer is correct

What is the most logical reaction to this question?
¿Comes hamburguesas con plátanos?
A) ¡Por supuesto!
B)¡Qué asco!


Answer: A makes the most sense.


The question the first person is asking is “You eat hamburgers with bananas?”

You have two responses to choose from.
A. “Of course!” or B. “Gross!”

A (Of course) makes most sense

Hope this helps! :)

Does anyone know how to do this?!? Provide the appropriate forms of the adjectives




halimbawa ng mga wika sa indo european​





Proto-Indo-European (extinct) (see also Proto-Indo-European homeland)

Early Proto-Indo-European (First phase of Indo-European)

Middle Proto-Indo-European ("Classical" Indo-European)

Late Proto-Indo-European

1. ¿Qué día fue ayer? (Friday) *





If today it´s friday

Ayer fue:





Choose which word can NOT complete the sentence.

Necesito _____ a mi amigo.





please help me to rearrange DUREECORP (the correct or normal way of doing things)





If you reorganize them it spells procedure

Answer: a


Comprar un carro
In this activity, you will research various car features and write a paragraph in Spanish comparing and contrasting three cars. Submit your response to your teacher by way of the drop box.

When you want to buy a car, you need to evaluate all the options. Do some online research on various types of cars available in the market and the features they offer. Then, study the features and specifications of the three cars provided below such as the type of car, color, price, and so on. Write a short paragraph in Spanish to describe, compare and contrast the three cars. Use the adjectives, numbers (for prices), and comparatives and superlatives that you’ve learned.



El coche A es un hatchback negro y es el coche más antiguo de los tres. Fue introducido en 1995, pero también es el automóvil más barato con un precio de dos mil dólares. Los engranajes son manuales, por lo que tomará un poco más de tiempo aprender a usarlos. El tipo de combustible es gasolina. El kilometraje es de diez kilómetros por litro. Tiene cuatro puertas que son mejores para una familia. Debido a que el automóvil es más antiguo, su equipo de audio es de solo cuatro parlantes con radio digital. El tablero es analógico y solo tiene un airbag frontal.

El coche B es un sedán rojo y se introdujo en 2008. También es el segundo coche más barato con un precio de nueve mil dólares. Las marchas son automáticas, por lo que el automóvil es más fácil de usar en comparación con el automóvil A. El tipo de combustible es gasolina. El kilometraje es de dieciséis kilómetros por litro. Tiene cuatro puertas que también son buenas para una familia. El equipo de audio es de seis altavoces con radio satelital. El salpicadero es digital y dispone de airbag frontal y lateral.

El coche C es un cupé plateado y se presentó en 2012. Es el coche más caro al precio de dieciocho mil dólares. Al igual que en el coche B, las marchas son automáticas. El tipo de combustible es diesel. El kilometraje es de dieciocho kilómetros por litro. Tiene dos puertas que no son buenas para una familia. El equipo de audio es de seis altavoces con radio por Internet. El salpicadero es digital y dispone de airbag frontal y lateral.


Car A is a black hatchback and is the oldest car of the three. It was introduced in 1995, but it is also the cheapest car with the price of two thousand dollars. The gears are manual, so it will take a little longer to learn how to use them. The type of fuel is gasoline. The mileage is ten kilometers per liter. It has four doors which are better for a family. Because the car is older, its audio equipment is only four speakers with digital radio. The dashboard is analog and only has a front airbag.

Car B is a red sedan and was introduced in 2008. It is also the second-cheapest car with the price of nine thousand dollars. The gears are automatic, so the car is easier to use compared to Car A. The type of fuel is gasoline. The mileage is sixteen kilometers per liter. It has four doors which are also good for a family. The audio equipment is six speakers with satellite radio. The dashboard is digital and has a front and side airbag.

Car C is a silver coupe and was introduced in 2012. It is the most expensive car at the price of eighteen thousand dollars. Similar to Car B, the gears are automatic. The type of fuel is diesel. The mileage is eighteen kilometers per liter. It has two doors which are not good for a family. The audio equipment is six speakers with an internet radio. The dashboard is digital and has a front and side airbag.




Hi Martina are you going to class ? Hi Pablo, yes i am going to the physical education class and the social studies and i need the book, i am also going to geometry class.


hope i helped

it says hello martina are u going to class today, Hello pablo yes I am going to the physical education class and the social studies class and I need the book I am going going to geometry class.  

Hope that helps.

How do you say hello my name is max nice to meet you in Spanish?



hola mi nombre es max encantado de conocerte


plz give me brainliest


hola mi nombre es max gusto en conocerte

can someone please help me with this



We cannot understand pls tell us the Question so we can help you.

Read and choose the correct option.

Hi, guys! My name is Rosario and I am Cuban. When I was young, I used to play a game called escondite. I loved playing it with my cousins and my neighbors every afternoon. One person would close his eyes, and the rest would run to different places. I would always climb the trees to wait there behind the branches and leaves while my friend looked for me.

What popular game, also played in the USA, is Rosario referring to?

Blind Man’s Bluff
Capture the Flag
Hide and Seek
Simon Says



Hide and Seek


"Las escondidas" = Hide and Seek


Hide and Seek :)


I dont know this please HELP before 11:59 pm​



Explanation:sabados maria y pepe comen pizza

Personas que hablan

I need help in SPANISH ASAP with Conjugating



The preterite is used to talk about completed actions in the past. More specifically, it is used to talk about beginnings and ends, things that took place on specific days or dates, at specific times or during specific time periods, and events in a sequence.

Brainliest? uwu

Multiple Choice - el verbo SER: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb SER.
de Puerto Rico.


Marco es de puerto rico
marco is from puerto rico

Rewrite this sentence using BOTH a DOP and an IOP.

Mis padres dan el dinero a nosotros.



Mis padres nos dieron el dinero a nosotros.


El recolector la recoge, y sigue a la calle de mid amigos a la derecha, despues del semaforo




English traslation:

The collector picks it up, and continues to the right, after the traffic light, towards the street of my friends.

Ellos no ____ hacer la tarea anoche. A. estuvieron B. tuvieron C. quisieron D. pusieron


Answer: quisieron


Quisieron because it translated they didn’t want to do homework last night
Other Questions
For every book (x) Avery reads, her mom gives her $4. Complete the table and graph the situation. Is it proportional? Why?*Perform y/x division to see if there is a constant.*Multiply x by constant to get y*Divide y by constant to get x Which molecule contains a triple bond?A.NB.FC.OD.I Dissolution of 2Y +9 equals four is Which of the following statements is true?If a hypothesis is proven false, a mistake has been made in the experiment.The independent variable is what changes as a result of the dependent variable.Changes in the independent variable cause changes in the dependent variable.Once a hypothesis is proven true, it becomes a theory and cannot be disproved. According to the article, which best describes Nikkis life before she experienced cyberbullying? She was somewhat socially awkward. She was active on many social media sites. She was successful and involved in many activities. She was more interested in academics than friendships. Why are models in science used to represent complex processes? : , , , ) ,, ) ?) ? , ) : . ) ) 4 hone we re gan : i need a logos, pathos, and ethos, im trying to sell a pen to my teacher but i cant figure it out Find the value of x. You are in charge of food shopping for a party. You need to buy snacks and soda. A bag of snacks costs $2 and a pack of soda $3.5. If your mom gives you $25 to buy groceries and you buy 8 bags of snacks, how many packs of soda can you buy? Has anyone read The Giver by Lois Lowry simplify each of the following (5x+4y)(5x-4y) solve What is the area of the base of the cone below? Round the number to the nearest tenth if necessary. A. 14.7 in (2)B. 17.3 in (2)C. 18.5 in (2)D.19.5 in(2) How did the Alien and Sedition Acts help the Federalist Party control national politicsA. By prohibiting the formation of any new political parties B. By empowering the president to rename members of the Supreme Court C. By making it harder for immigrants to participate in the political process D. By limiting the ability of the states to challenge federal authority Which equation represents the relationship 4 less than a number is 10? Who said, "I and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart which can be cured only by gold."?a.Moctezumac.Coronadob.Columbusd.CortsPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD Write an equation in point slope form of the line passes through the point (9,0) and has a slope of m=-3 A cookie recipe calls for 2.5 cups of raisins in order to make 2 dozencookies. How many cups of raisins would be needed to make 72 cookies? What are the two parts of an atom ? The amount of money that you are able to charge to a credit card. If you exceed this limit, your purchase may not go through and you could be penalized.