How did the Reformation change an artist's life?


Answer 1


may artists begin pain landscapes,portraiture, and life


I hope this help

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Standing your ground is primarily about protecting an individual from criminal charges true or False





Labor legislation was most favorable to labor unions during the pe- riod (a) 1960–present (b) 1945–1959 (c) 1933–1945 (d) 1865–1933.


The correct answer is C. 1933 - 1945.


In 1929 there was a world financial crisis that affected the great world powers like the United States. Therefore, the 1930s represented a challenge for President Franklin D. Rosevelt, who had to lead the economic reactivation after this crisis. For this reactivation, Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal in which he included broad support for workers through laws such as The Fair Labor Standards Act of 19383 and the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. These policies contributed to the strengthening of unions and labor rights over the next decade. So the correct answer is C.

what was a result of the war of 1812



The War of 1812 eventually ended in a draw on the battleground, and the peace treaty represented this. The Treaty of Ghent was negotiated on December 24, 1814, in present Belgium, and went into action on February 17, 1815, after both sides approved it.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Which invention provided manufacturers with a new source of power for machines?



Steam engine Provided manufacturer's with a new source of power for machines

How does Lincoln speech address the north’s interest


On March 4, 1865, in his second inaugural address, President Abraham Lincoln spoke of mutual forgiveness, North and South, asserting that the true mettle of a nation lies in its capacity for charity. Lincoln's second inaugural address previewed his plans for healing a once-divided nation. He argued that all Americans—North and South—shared culpability for the unimaginable horrors the nation had endured. This war of unexpected duration and ferocity, he posited, may have been God’s judgment on all of America for the evil of slavery.

so sánh sự khác nhau giữa hai nhà nước mua bán nô lệ Asante và Dahomey



which language is thisbro

What was the larger impact of the creation of the Free-Soil Party that swallowed up the Liberty Party



It raised the fear.


The larger impact of the creation of the Free-Soil Party that swallowed up the Liberty Party because it raised the fear that the debate over slavery could not be contained. The Free Soil Party was a short-lived political party in the United States that started in 1848 and ended in 1854, when it merged into the Republican Party. The party was largely focused on the single issue which is opposing the expansion of slavery into the western states of the United States.

Una crónica de Bartolomé de las Casas (corto)


Answer: mediados del siglo XVIII, el ilustrado holandés Corneille de Pauw formuló en sus Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, ou Mémoires intéressants pour servir à l’Histoire de l’Espèce Humaine su conocida denuncia con respecto al papel de Las Casas en el inicio de la trata de cautivos africanos como esclavos hacia América (1771: 13 y 101). Según De Pauw, Las Casas fue quien concibió y gestionó ante las cortes flamencas a comienzos del siglo XVI el plan para introducir esclavos en América como estrategia para contener el exterminio de los habitantes nativos:


State the counting number in the periodic table of elements of the element considered to be the heaviest gas. (the answer should consist of numbers only)





The periodic table is an arrangement of elements in rows and columns. The vertical columns are called groups while the horizontal rows are called periods.

The eighteenth group in the periodic table are called noble gases. All the elements in this group are gases. Coincidentally, the heaviest element, oganesson belongs to this group and has atomic number 118.

This element exits as a gas and it is the heaviest known gas.

Which is the best definition of federalism?



Federalism is a mixed or compound mode of government that combine a general government

what is government and why is it important?



Governments provide the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protect them from outside interference, and often provide for their well-being and happiness. In the last few centuries, some economists and thinkers have advocated government control over some aspects of the economy.

hope this helps you

have a nice day :)

Explain one way in which opportunities for women and minorities changed during the war.



During World War II, women and minorities gained greater freedoms and protections. In comparison to how they had previously been treated, they were treated much better this time. They were seen as being on a more or less equal basis.



Women were welcomed into jobs outside the home as they filled in for men who had gone to war.

African Americans were given equal treatment in defense industries.

Women and minorities got new and better-paying jobs.

Immigrants from Mexico were invited to the United States to help fill labor needs.


answer on edge 12-13-22

What does Jefferson say about whether the US Constitution allows for an agreement such as the Louisiana Purchase?



Jefferson accepts that the Louisiana Purchase is "an act beyond the Constitution." In other words, it's a type of agreement that the Constitution doesn't directly authorize.


White supremacy is primarily an ideology. What the correct answer true or false





It is a mindset about people who are white being a superior race. It is primarily a mindset about the superiority of the white race

Hope this helps

Why has April 15 come to be know as tax day ?



To spread IRS workers' workload and aid taxpayers


When "Tax Day" was moved to April 15th in 1955, many changes were coming federally. Lawmakers at the time made a point to state that the change was meant to help taxpayers recover, and to aid the IRS by moving the deadline back further. Though, there is some speculation that another reason why it was changed was to let the government push back their own payment deadlines to earn more interest.

The United States once again enacted income tax with the 16th Amendment in 1913. At that time, the filing deadline was March 1. In 1918 the deadline was changed to March 15, and then in 1955, for the most recent change, the filing deadline was moved to April 15th. The day has come to be known as Tax Day

What does article 1, section 7 of the constitution explain?



Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.




13. Sanja ate soup for lunch.

14. Eli will race down the hill.

15. Abby splashes her brother in the pool.

16.The piano needs to be tuned.

17.Ty slammed the car door.


I hope this will help you


Sanja ate soup for lunch.

Eli will run down the hill.

Abby splashes her brother in the pool.

The piano needs to be tuned.

Ty slammed the car door.

As head of the exeutive branch , the __ can sign treaties, appoint ambassadors, appoint justices to vacancies on the Supreme Court, and propose laws to Congress.
Speaker of the House
Senate majority leader
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court


The correct answer is B. President.


The executive power is one of the three branches of the public power of a state. and its functions are to execute laws, represent the country diplomatically, sign treaties, appoint ambassadors, appoint members of the Supreme Court, and propose laws to Congress to improve its work. In representative democracies, the president is the public office referred to as the main member of the executive power of a State. According to the above, the correct answer is B. As head of the executive branch, the president can sign treaties, appoint ambassadors, appoint justices to vacancies on the Supreme Court, and propose laws to Congress.

why was jefferson chosen as the primary writer of the declaration of independence?



He was an eloquent writer and supported American independence.


Jefferson kept his significant position in authoring the defining text of the American Revolution and, indeed, of the United States. Jefferson criticized the document's revisions, notably the deletion of a large passage blaming King George III for the slave trade. Jefferson was rightfully proud of his part in authoring the Declaration of Independence and effectively defended it.

Module 3 Short Responses – Question 2 Congress held its final vote to approve the Nineteenth Amendment on June 4, 1919. Was this a necessary or a contributory cause of the success of the woman suffrage movement?



Yes, Congress holding its final vote to approve the Nineteenth Amendment was a necessary cause of the success of the women suffrage movement.


The women’s suffrage amendment, meant to prohibit discrimination on account of sex over the right to vote, had been a long pursued goal since it was first introduced in Congress in 1878. Congress, by joint resolution, approved it in 1919 and sent it to the states for ratification, and on August 18, 1920, women´s right to vote was finally ratified by the states and Congress became able to enforce it.

The approval of the Nineteenth Amendment by the Congress  was a necessary cause of the success of the women suffrage movement.

What is the women’s suffrage amendment?

The suffrage amendment was a legislation that to prohibit discrimination on account of gender over the right to vote.

In conclusion, the approval of the Nineteenth Amendment by the Congress  was a necessary cause of the success of the women suffrage movement.

Read more about Nineteenth Amendment

what is speed lathe machine​



A speed lathe is a lathe that does one or two operations really fast but is less versatile. It is a useful tool for machining parts and for other purposes.

A speed lathe is a type of lathe that is designed to operate much faster than its common counterpart. These machines are generally only used for small tasks such as finishing an object or removing burs left over from earlier manufacturing steps. ... A common machining lathe holds on to a work piece at two points.

Ezra thinks building a series of forts to protect the colonists in Virginia's frontier is a good idea. He is likely a _

Select the best answer from the choices provided.

A.supporter of Nathaniel Bacon

B.poor farmer

C.friend of American Indians

D.wealthy planter



B) es la correcta, está en un libro

Yes, B is correct! Good job above

Q: What challenges did
immigrants, city dwellers,
land the middle class


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although your question has no context in particular or any specific reference to any moment in history, we can answer it in general terms.

The challenges that immigrants, city dwellers, land the middle class

experienced in times such as the end of the 1800s and the beginning of the 1920s, were the increase in population in the cities, the rise of crime, dirty streets, and noise due to the number of people that came to the larger cities where the factories and industries were located.

Farmers decided to leave the rural areas of America to get jobs in the industries. Thousands if not millions of immigrants arrived in the United States looking for better jobs and a better life for their families.

Some authors called this process of an increasing number of people in the cities "urbanization."

The Industrial Revolution created industries and factories in large American cities, as was the case of Chicago or Nee York City. People accepted low-paid jobs under unhealthy conditions, but that offered a better life than farming in the South.

Another factor was immigration. Thousands of immigrants from Europe and Asia arrived at these cities to offer their families a better way of living. Once in these cities, they had to live in poor and overcrowded spaces because these people were poor also and had no money to invest in better housing.

What was the significance of the Brown v. Board of Education decision?
It ended school segregation forever.
It ended racist politicians' control over the South.
It solidified the advances of Plessy v. Ferguson.
It was the first major victory for civil rights.


It ended school segregation forever

what makes venus the hottest planet among the planets in the solar system it is the test because of the
A. frozen ice and dust in its atmosphere
B. presence of hydrogen and helium in the atmosphere
C. dense clouds of carbon dioxide that causes the greenhouse effect
D. comets meteor asteroids and other heavenly bodies in the solar system​



honestly im not sure but i think it is Bor A

How did Lincoln’s intentions in relation to slavery change from the beginning of the war to the end?



At the outset of the Civil War, President Lincoln had not spoken out specifically on issues relating to slavery, but on the contrary, had established that abolition of slavery was not one of the mainstays of the Union, but the maintenance of national unity.

Now, as the years and battles progressed, this position was mutating, and in 1863 President Lincoln made his Emancipation Proclamation, by which he freed all the African-American slaves that were in the southern states that were falling into the hands of the Union, urging in turn that they join the northern cause.

Thus, through these types of policies, President Lincoln was including slaves and abolitionists within his political position, leaving the Confederation in ideological check.

Which is an example of the executive branch imposing a check on the legislature's power to make laws?


Answer:The correct answer is The president vetoes a bill.


I hoped this helped!

discuss the benefits of applying the sociological imagination to individual troubles​


Sociological imagination can be further used to understanding not only the personal issues of an individual but the various behaviors pertaining to an individual. ... These might not end up being social problems but sociological imagination helps us understand how something so routine is influenced by the society.

Enabling Forces of Imperialism:Question 1
Steel was critical in efforts to imperialize because:


Steel was critical in efforts to imperialists because steel doesn’t rust which need a criticize

how did Mikhail Gorbachev end the cold war?? needs to be 3-5 sentences




A summit that took place in December, 1989, where Gorbachev and Bush declared an end to the Cold War. They agreed on US economic support, the future of Eastern Europe (Germany and Baltic Republics), and reductions of forces in Europe. Also, Gorbachev also suggest loosening ties to the USSR.

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