There are multiple lines of evidence that provide support for common ancestry and evolution. Write 3-4 paragraphs
describing at least three of them in detail. Provide at least one example for each line of evidence.
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Answer 1


Here's a better answer.

There are multiple lines of evidence that provide support for common ancestry and evolution; this would be homologous features of anatomy and embryology and fossil records.

In comparative anatomy, there are many similarities between species because all life is related. Homology is similarities seen because of the ancestry of features or genes in an organism. Similarities can show descent from common ancestors and similarities can be seen in body structures, development, and DNA. Homologous structures are similar traits found in two different species that are the result of having a common ancestor. These structures are similar but may have different functions. An example of this might be the homologous structures in the limbs of humans, cats, whales, and birds. And then there are analogous structures, which similarly is that the structure of different species are similar because the trait is advantageous, not because they are related. An example of this is sharks and dolphins having similar fins. Along with anatomy is Embryology. Different species can have similar embryos because they come from a common ancestor. They may start with the same developmental plan but change drastically as they grow up. An example of this is seen in the early stages of development between fish and chicken embryos.

Next up, the fossil record provides evidence that supports common ancestry and evolution.  The fossil record provides us with visual evidence for evolution. The fossil record directly allows us to pinpoint if there are any similar structures amongst organisms and see if there are any vestigial structures from ancestors that remain in organisms that still roam today. The fossil record depicts evolutionary change over the past four billion years, which can be seen through transitional forms, increasing complexity of life, and geographical distribution. Transitional forms are fossils that show intermediate states between an ancestral species and its evolutionary descendants. Increasing complexity is seen as life on earth becomes more complex. That and geographic distribution which has been studied closely and found that the continents have moved over time and that the fossil record reflects this movement. Fossils of different animals can be found on different continents around the world due to continental drift.


Answer 2

The various pieces of evidence that support common ancestry are homologous organs, fossil records and embryological studies.

What is common ancestry?

The phrase "common descent" in evolutionary biology refers to a particular group of species' shared ancestry. The creation of new species from an original population is a component of common descent. Two creatures are considered to be closely related if they have a recent common ancestor.

In contrast, molecular genetic techniques can also be used to establish shared ancestry from a single universal ancestor of all living things. Natural selection and other factors, such geographic isolation, are considered to have contributed to many speciation episodes during this development from a universal common ancestor.

According to the common ancestry idea, every living thing descended from a single progenitor. Hence, the Theory of Common Descent contributes to our understanding of why traits in species living in different geographic regions vary, why some traits are highly conserved across broad animal classifications (such as vertebrates or tetrapods), why seemingly unrelated species (such as birds and reptiles) share hereditary physical and genetic traits, and why successfully adapted organisms typically have more offspring.

Therefore, embryological studies, fossil studies and homologous organs can help in the study of common ancestry.

Read more about common ancestry, here


Related Questions

What is significant about the homeotic genes
in many different organisms?
A. They are all very different in every individual organism.
B. They cause the organisms to evolve.
C. They are similar among organisms early on in development.
D. They control small specific functions in the cell.



they control small specific functions in the cell


genes are very crucial in every organisms since they determine the tiniest composition of the cell,evolving from the parent organism.

Answer: it’s c

Explanation:I just answered question

Please help me with this! *30 *points Picture included



1.) The first picture is mitochondria and the second picture is chloroplast

2.) The second one is only in plants

3.) The first one is found more commonly in animal cells

4.) Glucose & oxygen goes into #1 and releases ATP energy and water & carbon dioxide (waste) during cellular respiration

5.) Sunlight and water goes into #2 and releases oxygen (waste)

6.) The waste product from mitochondria is what the chloroplast needs to perform photosynthesis and vice versa for mitochondria where the waste product from the chloroplast is what mitochondria needs to make ATP energy

7.) They both have folds and membranes because this is how energy is transferred from one place to another.


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Scientist Rosalind Franklin

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The major distinction between parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells is that parenchyma cells are engaged in photosynthesis, storage, and secretion, whereas collenchyma cells support and transport nutrients, and sclerenchyma cells support, protect, and transport water.


I need help not sure what to do


G is with C and A is with T in DNA so the answer is D



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31 phylums in anamalia kindgom


there is no guarantee that this is the correct answer if the number of phylums are changing

what is science?????​



Science is the study of nature around us.


As scientist discovered that Science is the method of learning everything about the natural world.

what is photosynthesis?​



i have written in simple language hope it help u


the process in which green plants prepare their own food with the help of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide is known as photosynthesis.

What is true of increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere?
A. It's poisonous to plants.
B. It helps some plants grow better, while others experience less growth.
C. It reduces the amount of climate change.
D. It always helps plants grow.





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Tt , tt

TT , tt

All tt



2nd answer


if wrong sorry

According to the punnet square for this cross, what percentage of offspring is predicted to have blue feathers?


Needs the punnet square to answer

Why is it important that oxygen and carbon dioxide levels be closely regulated in the human body?

A) Both gases are needed for the proper functioning of cell processes
B) Oxygen is needed for cell processes and carbon dioxide is a waste product
C) Both gases are waste products that need to be removed from cells
D) The carbon and oxygen from the gases are needed to build new molecules.



B) Oxygen is needed for cell processes and carbon dioxide is a waste product


Cellular respiration refers to the cellular mechanism by which organisms combine molecular oxygen (O2) with organic compounds obtained from foods, it is a chemical reaction that releases 1-energy (ATP), which is used by cells to carry out its functions, 2-carbon dioxide (CO2) and 3-water (H2O). During the gas exchange, O2 is first transported from the lungs to the blood cells, which subsequently deliver nutrients and O2 to all cells of the body. Simultaneously, CO2 diffuses from cells to tissue capillaries, and then this waste product passes from the bloodstream to the lungs where is eliminated.

How do consumers obtain the carbon that they need for their life processes?

They breathe it in from the surrounding air.
They break down the plants and animals they eat.
They absorb it from the surrounding soil.
They absorb it from water through their pores.



They break down the plants and animals they eat

this is because, plants absorb carbon from the atmosphere to grow in the process of photosynthesis, then consumers obtain their food from plants hence obtaining carbon

Answer: B. They break down the plants and animals they eat.


Just got it right on edge

Hippopotamuses live in Africa’s rivers and lakes. They’re herbivores and coexist with other herbivores and carnivores. Which action could lead to a decrease in the number of hippos?



If any of the other carnivores are predator they might eat the hippos. If the other herbivores population incresses there food supply may drop. If there is a drought there habitat will be in danger. Pouchers are also a threat to this animal.


Maybe the decrease in plants they eat Otherwise known as deforestation

The Hippopotamuses lives in the river and lakes of Africa. They are herbivores and co exist with other herbivores and carnivores.

There can be two possible reasons for the decrease in the number of hippos.

The carnivores lion and hyena can eat the hippo(young hippos) which will reduce the number of hippos.

The other reason could be reduction in the number of plants that hippos eat.

hope this helps

In maize, yellow kernel color is dominant to white, and wrinkled kernel shape is dominant to the smooth form. Considering both of these traits jointly in self- fertilized dihybrids, the progeny appeared in the following numbers: 193 white, genes assort independently? Support your conclusion using appropriate statistical analysis. wrinkled; 184 yellow smooth; 556 yellow, wrinkled: 61 white smooth



yellow, wrinkled are high in population whereas white smooth is lower in population.


Due to self-fertilized dihybrids, the offspring are yellow wrinkled, hybrid and white smooth. 556 yellow, wrinkled are high in population because of the dominant allele while on the other hand, 61 white smooth are obtained and less in number due to recessive nature that comes very little in the population. 184 yellow smooth and 193 white, wrinkled are the hybrid offspring that has both different characteristics from their parents.

What is the function of hemoglobin in the body?

A) It binds with oxygen in red blood cells and it is carried to all parts of the body
B) It carries carbon dioxide around the body mainly
C) It causes stomach ulcers/stomach pain/gas
D) It is a protein marker determining our blood type





Answer: binds with oxygen in red blood cells and it is carried to all parts of the body


haemoglobin binds with oxygen to form oxy- haemoglobin..and transported to where it's needed for example cells for metabolism

Fertilizer sacks have a three- number value called the NPK value written on them. What does the NPK stand for (18-24-12 written on the bag)?



it's a label number


Every label carries three conspicuous numbers, usually right above or below the product name. These three numbers form what is called the fertilizer's N-P-K ratio — the proportion of three plant nutrients in order: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

What is the likely cause for the Cheetah losing genetic diversity?


Cheetahs face extinction pressure from climate change, hunting by humans, and habitat destruction, which is reducing the size of their populations. Cheetahs' own genes also pose a challenge to their continued survival

Answer: Cheetahs face extinction pressure from climate change, hunting by humans, and habitat destruction, which is reducing the size of their populations. Cheetahs' own genes also pose a challenge to their continued survival


Hope it helps you if not sorry

sexual reproduction drives
b) genetic symmetry
c) reproductive strategies
d) genetic diversity​



a) Meiosis


Meiosis is a form of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing animals' germ cells and is utilized to create gametes such as sperm and egg cells. It takes two rounds of division to produce four cells, each with only one copy of each chromosome.

Scientists have developed a new type of margarine that contains plant ingredients. They expect that the margarine will lower blood cholesterol levels. They want to test their hypothesis by comparing the blood cholesterol levels of people who will consume the new margarine with those who will consume regular margarine for a few days. Both groups of people will know which type of margarine they are to consume. Which type of research design will the scientists consider



intervention study


The intervention study or research helps to examine the effects of an intervention of an outcome of interest. The main purpose of this type of study is to endenger the desirable of the individuals in need.

Such studies are often prospective.

In the context, scientist who have developed a new margarine containing plant ingredients. The scientists wanted to test the hypothesis whether consuming this new margarine lowers blood cholesterol in the body or not. They gave people to consume the margarine and is doing the research study. Such a research design is called as the intervention study.

An igneous rock has large red, black, and green crystals How else can this rock be accurately described?
fine texture
cooled quickly
intrusive origin
created by lava


created by lava is the answer

The endosymbiotic theory helps to explain the origin of which structures?
cell membranes


The right answer is mitochondria

what is the main difference between plant and animal cell ​



The vacuoles are different sizes.


The ___ in an experiment is the factor that is being
changed, or tested.

- control group
- dependent variable
- independent variable
- constant



Independent Variable


The independent variable is what we are changing or what is being tested.

The control/constant group is when you do not change anything and you want to see how the object acts under normal conditions.

The dependent group is what you are measuring. (aka your data/results)

An amoeba moves out a large particles by what process?






C .Exocytosis is the process by which a large amount of molecules are released.

Scenario: Kenneth and Catherine Lohmann of the University of North Carolina explored the orientation or direction-finding abilities of loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings under varying magnetic conditions. Hatchlings were placed in a tank of water in a laboratory either in the natural magnetic field of the earth OR in a reversed magnetic field in which north and south were flipped. The researchers then measured the direction that the hatchlings swam. The experiments were carried out in the dark and at night since that is when most newly hatched turtles migrate from their sandy nests into the ocean. What is the variable being tested in this experiment



Variable being tested: The direction taken by the hatchlings under different magnetic fields.


The independent and the dependent variables are the two principal factors needed in an experiment.  

Independent variable: Refers to all the variables in an experiment that provoke a response in another variable. The independent variable changes or is controlled and modified in the experiment to analyze how another variable responds to it. It changes to analyze its effects on the dependent variable. Usually, the independent variable is represented by the X letter.  Dependent variable: Refers to the variable that reacts to the changes produced in the independent variable. Depending on how the independent variable is modified, the dependent variable change. It is usually identified by the letter Y.

In the exposed example, we know that

Goal: To explore the orientation or direction-finding abilities of loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings under varying magnetic conditions.


The hatchlings were placed in water tanks in the laboratory, under dark conditions and during the night.

Tanks in a natural magnetic field  Tanks in a reversed magnetic field ⇒ north and south were flipped

Observations were done about the swimming direction of the hatchlings

Variable being tested: The direction taken by the hatchlings under different magnetic fields.

In this experiment, the independent variable is the magnetic field conditions. The alternative conditions -how this variable is modified- are the Natural magnetic field and Reversed magnetic field. Researchers are no interested in the magnetic field, they are interested in analyzing how the change in the magnetic field affects the turtles´ orientation. Then, we can assume that the dependent variable is the direction taken by the turtles. It depends on the change in the magnetic field. Researchers are interested in testing how the change in the magnetic field affects the orientation of the turtles. This is the variable being tested in the experiment.

Orientation abilities of loggerhead sea turtle.

Kenneth nd catherine are working on a university project to the find out the orientation or the direction finding abilities of the logger head sea turtle as their hatchlings lay indifferent magnetic conditions. They are placed in differences environments. They are also kept in revere magnetic fields.

Thus answer is based on the magnetic field.

As per the exploration and findings the abilities of the sea turtle were carried out in the dark night and since they migrate to their nest in the ocean the variables such as Independent Variable was  analyze its effects on the dependent variable. Usually, the independent variable is represented by the X letter.  The dependent variable showed the changes that took place due to the changes in the independent variable and these were related to the use  of light, distance and navigational direction.Hence the option is A magnetic field.

Learn more about the Kenneth and Catherine.

Show that the acceleration is 7.5 m/s2 for a ball that starts from rest and rolls down a ramp and
gains a speed of 30 m/s in 4 s.



(V-Vo)/t = (30-0)/4 = 7.5 m/s^2.

In a desert ecosystem a species of herbivores died out because the organisms developed a disease. a few months later a larger carnivores species also experience a population decline that was directly related to the change in the herbivore population, what’s the most likely cause for this declined?

A. The carnivores and the herbivores competed for the same food supply

B. The carnivores prayed on the herbivores food

C. The carnivores depended on the herbivores for living space

D. The carnivores and herbivores competed for the same mates



Carnivores eat meat, Herbivores don’t.

what is classification of living things​



The classification of living things are








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1. Choose The Correct Answer:

i) Caves are formed by:
a. solution
b. oxidation
c. carbonation
d. hydration​


I think it's answer (c) I hope you are satisfied with my answer
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