Why did European powers compete for control of Muslim states?


Answer 1


European powers compete for control of Muslim states to gain access to the Middle East and to control trade routes to India.

Related Questions

Which action contributed to the Southern belief that their economy was threatened?



The use of old technologies and avoid improvement in the technology.


The use of old technologies and avoid improvement in the technology are the action contributed to the Southern belief that their economy was threatened. The smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor are the factors that is responsible for the weak economic condition of the Southern states as compared to north which had big industries and advance machinery for agriculture that make their economy strong.

The event that contributed to developing the Southern belief that their economy was in a danger would be:

D). The approval of protective tariffs on manufactured goods.

The acceptance of precautionary and preventive tariffs on the produced goods was the event that gave a hint to develop the belief among the Southerners regarding the danger their economy was facing. The tariffs imposed on these goods led to a significant hike in the prices of the goods and now they were compelled to pay extra for any kind of imports especially the ones from Europe. This was not only unjust and inessential. Thus, the Southerners came to know about the potential threat to their economy and they started to oppose it.

Hence, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more: Southern Belief

Bacon’s Rebellion began when Nathaniel Bacon led a militia against

wealthy plantation owners.

American Indian groups along the frontier.

landless, former indentured servants.






American Indian groups along the frontier

the second option


the question below it is

indentured servants

What did the Supreme Court rule in maryland



I think the answer is D


In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to create the Second Bank of the United States and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank

How did the European Union respond to the 2009 economic crisis?

refused to admit new members to the union

mandated that member nations adopt the euro as their currency

re-imposed trade restriction on the hardest hit nations

provided loans to countries that could not pay their debts


1. They helped by providing loans to countries who needed it.

Determine whether the following conditions existed in pre-revolutionary or post-revolutionary France.
the government was a
constitutional monarchy
the clergy and
nobles enjoyed
special privileges
a system of absolute
monarchy existe



I'm pretty sure this is pre-revolutionary France


Why did Andrew Johnson refuse to grant additional rights to African Americans?
A. He once owned part of a large slave trading company.
B. He believed in more gradual reform for black political rights.
C. He believed Reconstruction measures were not constitutional.
D. He wanted to sustain the tax revenue generated by large plantations.




Which of the following people was an important founder of the transcendentalism movement?

A. Ralph Waldo Emerson
B. Immanuel Kant
C. George Whitefield
D. Jonathan Swift​


Ralph Waldo Emerson. a


Which of the following people was an important founder of the transcendentalism movement?


A. Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is the difference between paper currency and coins?
A. One is used to pay back a loan; the other is used to deposit in a
B. One is valuable because people accept it in exchange for goods
and services; the other has value as a precious metal.
C. One is used to pay for services; the other is used to pay for goods.
D. One is created by individual citizens; the other is created by the


One is valuable because people accept it in exchange for goods and services; the other has value as a precious metal.

This is the answer.

What were three weaknesses of non-Europeans regions that allowed Europeans powers to control or colonize them


Answer and Explanation:

Non-European nations did not have a strong military force with technological and efficient equipment. Furthermore, they lacked economic and commercial power, as the existence of trade barriers and restrictions were developed and spread throughout the world, to prevent these nations from having any kind of independence and power against the European nations, by which they were dominated. Finally, many of these nations had various ethical groups, or social groups with different goals and expectations, which caused disorder and lack of unity within the nation. Thus, the nation could not organize itself and fight European control.

Socialism emerged as an economic philosophy as a result of the * inequity of the mercantilist system abuse of the capitalist system fear of radical communism teachings of Karl Marx


Answer: abuse of the capitalist system


Socialism has been around for a long time in one form or the other as it basically calls for the resources of a nation to be shared by its citizens in such a way that everyone is taken care of.

It however gained a lot of ground in the 19th century when the industrial revolution led to massive income inequality as a result of the capitalist system. People like Karl Marx began to advocate socialism as a way to address this income inequality.

The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are also known as the
Virginia Declaration of Rights.
Articles of Confederation.
Declaration of Independence.
Bill of Rights.




It states all the liberties of normal americans like due process and trial and speech

The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are also known as the Bill of Rights. Thus the correct option is D.

What is Constitution?

A constitution is a fundamental document that defines rules and regulations, laws and legislation as well as the power and authority of the government to conduct the functioning of any country.

The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are known as The English Bill of rights which restricted the power of government and provide more liberties to people which allows them freedom of speech and expression so that they can put their thoughts freely.

These amendments are created to give more liberties to individuals to express their thoughts freely and restrict the power for better control and coordination in the country to avoid injustice and spread equality.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about the Bill of Rights, here:


Simón Bolívar is considered the first great ___, popular for his skilled
horsemanship and use of weapons to gain the admiration of the people who
were loyal to him.
A.) Quell
B.) Caudillo
C.) Abdicate
D.) Succumb



Simón Bolívar is considered the first great C.) Abdicate popular for his skilled horsemanship and use of weapons to gain the admiration of the people who were loyal to him.

Why was Simón Bolívar known as the liberator ?

When Napoleon settled Spain in 1810, Bolivar lead an uprising in Venezuela which lead to a civil war. He led an attack on Spain at Bogota by marching his armies across the Andies with help from Llaneros. He eventually freed venezuella and became known as the emancipator

What did Bolivar believe?

Simón Bolívar, although a great advocate for Independence from the King of Spain, had a dictatorial streak in him. He believed in democracy, but he felt that the newly-liberated nations of Latin America weren't quite ready for it.

To learn more about Simón Bolívar, refer


The following map was used by Harley, a member of Junior Geographers. What type of analysis would Harley use to read this map?



Legend of the Map, Wind Direction, Coordinate and Mapping System Geography or UTM




Which one is right???



John Locke believed thus.

A_______ character is one who changes and grows as a result of the conflict in the story



round, dynamic


A round, dynamic character is one who changes and grows as a result of the conflict in the story.

What was the Commercial Revolution?


The Commercial Revolution consisted of the creation of a European economy based on trade, which began in the 11th century and lasted until it was succeeded by the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century. Beginning with the Crusades, Europeans rediscovered spices, silks, and other commodities rare in Europe

The Commercial Revolution consisted of the creation of a European economy based on trade, which began in the 11th century and lasted until it was succeeded by the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century. Beginning with the Crusades, Europeans rediscovered spices, silks, and other commodities rare in Europe.

The United States became involved in Vietnam because Americans feared that

France would not support the United States in the arms race against the
Laos and Cambodia would become Communist if Vietnam became
The Vietnamese would send someone to the moon before the United States
could.To separate a mixture of hard candies and marbles, the most efficient method would be



The U.S feared if south Vietnam would become communist that it would spread to the rest of China and then asia


B. Laos and Cambodia would become Communist if Vietnam becameCommunist.


Just took the test

How did the US justify using agent orange and napalm during the Vietnam war


They justified it by wanting to win a protracted, unpopular war.
They wanted to “end communism”

who first discovered america?



it was discovered by LEIF ERIKSSON DAY


The term "Discovery of the Americas" generally refers to the voyages of Christopher Columbus during the European Age of Discovery, but can also refer to the voyage: Viking Vinland: Gunnbjörn Ulfsson, who first saw Greenland in the 900s


semoga bermanfaat

eager to learn!!!


Describe two ways in which the Marshall Plan and the Molotov Plan helped shape Europe after World War II.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can comment on the following.

The two ways in which the Marshall Plan and the Molotov Plan helped shape Europe after World War II were the following.

The Marshall Plan benefited European countries were the following: It rebuilt and strengthened their economies and it increased trade in Western Europe. The Molotov Plan, created in 1947, was the plan created by the Soviet Union to help rebuild the nations of Eastern Europe and to establish Communism as the ideology of the Eastern countries, that served as buffer countries in the case western European nations tried to invade teh USSR. We are talking about Hungary, Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland.

US Secretary of State, George C. Marshall, was the driving force behind the Marshall Plan that represented the recovery program to help the western European nations after the destruction of World War II. President Harry S. Truman knew that the Soviet Union could spread Communism in some other countries and he wanted to impede the USSR to mess in the reconstruction of countries such as Germany and France. The Marshal Plan was enacted in 1948 and was destined for approximately 15 billion.

What was the situation with Great
Britain during the Potsdam Conference
in 1945?
A. Winston Churchill had just been re-elected as prime
B. Winston Churchill had just resigned as prime
C. Winston Churchill brought along his political
opponent due to election results not being in yet.
D. Winston Churchill had died of natural causes and
was replaced as prime minister.



C. Winston Churchill brought along his political opponent due to election results not being in yet.


The situation with Great Britain during the Potsdam Conference in 1945 was that while Britain had to lend its voice and opinion to the conference, Winston Churchill had to bring along his political opponent due to election results not being in yet

How did the partition of South Asia influence the way the Cold War unfolded in that region?



It resulted in creation of Communist States and non-communist states.


The Vietnam war fought the communist North and non-communist south Vietnam. This include many Guerilla conflicts and coups. All of these influenced some other countries from other conflicts to start same thing like in the Americas.

South Asia's split influenced how the Cold War played out in that region, as it led to the formation of Communist and Non-Communist republics.

What was Cold War?

The Cold War was defined as a tension of geopolitical that was arisen between the US and the Soviet Union, as well as their respective commonwealths, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc.

During the time of the Vietnam War, communist North Vietnam and non-communist South Vietnam fought each other, this includes a slew of guerilla wars and coups.

All of this prompted other countries referred in other conflicts to begin a similar process in the Americas.

Learn more about the Cold War, refer to:


Who did the Greeks think Apollo spoke through?

A) priest

B) priestess

C) Zeus

D) goat



throughpriest is your answer




a priest sprinkled water on a goat. If the goat moved, the action meant Apollo was ready to speak.

What did the Catholic Church do in response to Thomas More’s actions?

They asked him to be pope.
They declared him a saint.
They accused him of heresy.
They refused him a funeral.



the 3rd point is the answer

When they raise me to a high position, then I'll get a raise.
O adj.


I think it's a pronoun but not a hundred percent sure

why did economic reform lead to social unrest in china




Due to the rapid growth, China has suffered serious environmental and ecological destruction,the damage is significant. The negative impact of environmental issues on China's economy is predicted to cause eight percent drain on the GDP.

Justice is a natural part of the life cycle of the United States
true or false




I personally enjoy kenma but those two are SOOOOO cute together

Which one is right???


economic help is the answer:)

Following the implementation of several Great Society programs, high school graduation rates
O rose,
O declined.
O rose, then declined,
O did not change.





Following the implementation of several Great Society programs, high school graduation rates rose. The correct option is A.

What was one effect of the Great Society programs?

One of the largest social reform programs in modern history is thought to have been the Great Society. Johnson's actions also contributed to enhanced voting and civil rights, environmental protections, and financial support for public schools.

The Great Society was a set of domestic programs initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s. These programs aimed to eliminate poverty and racial injustice in the United States and included initiatives such as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which provided federal funding for education.

As a result of these programs, high school graduation rates increased significantly, particularly among minority groups. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reports that the high school graduation rate increased from 79% in 1965 to 89% in 2019, a significant improvement that can be partially attributed to the Great Society programs.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about the Great Society here:


Who was head of the Schutzstaffel



Heinrich Himmler


Heinrich Himmler (1900-45), a fervent anti-Semite like Hitler, became head of the Schutzstaffel, or SS, in 1929 and expanded the group’s role and size. Recruits, who had to prove none of their ancestors were Jewish, received military training and were also taught they were the elite not only of the Nazi Party but of all humankind.

Heinrick himmler was that man son
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