Provide three ways in which you can tell the difference between a cell in mitosis vs a cell in meiosis. Describe how they are different.


Answer 1


Mitosis consists of one stage whereas meiosis consists of two stages. Mitosis produces diploid cells (46 chromosomes) whereas meiosis produces haploid cells (23 chromosomes). Mitosis produces two identical daughter cells whereas meiosis produces four genetically different daughter cells

Related Questions

Which of the following is true of crossing over? It involves the exchange of chromosome segments between homologous chromosomes. It occurs in meiosis I. It increases genetic variability. All of the choices are correct.


Answer: All of the choices are correct.


Meiosis is a type of cell division of the nucleus that occurs in cells that will give rise to gametes (egg or sperm). These are haploid cells (n), that is, they possess only one chromosome of each of the pairs (23 in total). Through meiosis from a diploid cell (2n), four haploid cells are obtained, thanks to two successive divisions called meiosis I and meiosis II.  Both comprise prophase, metaphase,  anaphase and telophase.

Homologous chromosomes are a pair composed of a paternal and a maternal chromosome. They have the same DNA sequence arrangement from one end to the other, but different alleles. These chromosome copies have the same genes at the same loci where they contribute tips along each chromosome that facilitate a pair of chromosomes to align correctly with each other before they separate during meiosis. Sister chromatids are those that make up a chromosome after duplication of the genetic material.  

The homologous chromosomes of maternal and paternal origin, mate and this process is called "synapsis" and form what is known as a tetrad or bivalent chromosome, giving the impression that it is a chromosome with four chromatids. In these tetrads, junctions called chiasmata are formed, areas in which both homologues exchange genetic material or genes, a process known as crossing-over. The chiasmata allow the chromosomes to be held together until their separation in anaphase l. So, genetic recombination is the process by which a segment of genetic material from a maternal chromosome is cut and then joined to a paternal chromosome (or vice versa) during prophase I of meiosis. So it happens between non-sister chromatids of a paternal and a maternal chromosome.

After crossing over, the homologous chromosomes are arranged randomly at the cell's  the equator of the cell at random (methaphase), facing each other, still united in the areas where crossing over occurred. Each chromosome is associated with a meiotic spindle fiber of the meiotic spindle and they are pulled along the meiotic spindle and driven toward the respective poles (anaphase). The chromosomes are now arranged at the poles and the reorganization of the nuclear envelope and the nucleolus begins. Finally, cytokinesis occurs and the rearrangement of cellular components and reorganization of the cytoskeleton. As a result of meiosis I,  2 haploid cells are obtained and then meiosis II occurs, where the sister chromatids are separated, generating two more cells (a total of 4).

Genetic variability is generated because the gametes produced during meiosis will not inherit the same chromosomes as the mother cell, but due to crossing over, the inherited chromosomes will be genetically different.

What is the answer with explaining





This question involves two genes; one coding for earlobes and the other for hairline. According to the question, one parent is homzygous recessive for earlobe but homzygous dominant for hairline i.e. (eeWW) while the other parent is homzygous dominant for unattached earlobes but homzygous recessive for hairline i.e. (EEww).

The cross between the two parents is as follows: eeWW × EEww. The following gamete combination will be produced by each parent:

eeWW - eW, eW, eW, eW

EEww - Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew

Using these gametes in a punnet square, the following proportions of offsprings will likely be produced:

All EeWw offsprings

Which structures allow lycophytes to grow bigger than mosses and liverworts?
A. gametophytes and sporophytes
b. xylem and phloem
C. haploid and diploid
D. roots and stems


The structure that allows lycophytes to grow bigger than mosses and liverworts is xylem and phloem which is option B

Lycophytes are spore bearing vascular plants. Being a vascular plant, they possess vessels ( vascular tissues) which include:

ylem: this is used for conducting water usually from the root to the rest of the plant partsPhloem: this is the vascular tissue that is used to conduct food( sugar) produced in the leaves of plants to other parts of the plant.

The possession of the vessels makes the lycophytes appear bigger.

Mosses and liverworts belongs to the plant phylum Bryophyta. They do not have any vascular tissues that can be used to conduct water and food. This restricts their size.

Therefore, the structure that allows lycophytes to grow bigger than mosses and liverworts is xylem and phloem

Learn more about xylem and phloem here:


xylem and phloem


Lycophytes have specialized tissue that transports nutrients and provides structural support.

explain the concept of mutation and how mutations can translate to a loss or gain of function in an organism


A mutation is a change in a DNA sequence. Mutations can result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals called mutagens, or infection by viruses. Germ line mutations occur in the eggs and sperm and can be passed on to offspring, while somatic mutations occur in body cells and are not passed on.

Recessive mutations inactivate the affected gene and lead to a loss of function. For instance, recessive mutations may remove part of or all the gene from the chromosome, disrupt expression of the gene, or alter the structure of the encoded protein, thereby altering its function.

Analyze the property of water you investigated and provide some real-world applications of the importance of this property of water. I did Surface Tension. Please Help!



Water (H

2O) is a polar inorganic compound that is at room temperature a tasteless and odorless liquid, which is nearly colorless apart from an inherent hint of blue. It is by far the most studied chemical compound[18] and is described as the "universal solvent"[19] and the "solvent of life."[20] It is the most abundant substance on the surface of Earth[21] and the only common substance to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas on Earth's surface.[22] It is also the third most abundant molecule in the universe (behind molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide).[21]

the people who put together the factors of production to produce goods is called



an entrepreneur or innovater

A solution that has a pH of 6.8
a. is acidic.
b. is basic.
is alkaline.
d. has a neutral pH.


A solution that has a pH of 6.8

it is acidic as it has got ph value less than 7....But as it has got ph value near to 7 it is weak acidic..

Compared to ocean crust near deep-sea trenches, crust near ocean ridges is ____.

Select one:


the same age


magnetically reversed



a. younger


HI friends good morning

The answer is C. Because it’s going to be older if it was created before the ocean crust .

1. Which of the following would classify a protozoan as an Amoebozoa?
A.)Having a pellicle B.)Movement by pseudopods C.)Having an oral groove D.)Having an endoplasm E.)Having an ectoplasm

2. Which of the following would be analogous to a sperm penetrating an egg?
A.)Plasmogamy B.)Mitosis C.)Germination D.)Meiosis E.)Karyogamy

3. Which of the following can infect the brain? A.)Euglena B.)Trichomonas
C.)Trypanosoma D.)Plasmodium E.)Giardia

4. Flukes and tapeworms are in the same phylum because they are which of the following? A.)Long B.)Thin C.)Round D.)Short E.)Flat

5. Which of the following is used to keep the protozoa from swelling?
A.)Endoplasm B.)Plasmalemma C.)Ectoplasm D.)Contractile vacuole



D.Having an endoplasmC. GerminationA. EuglenaC. RoundE. Pellicle

Which is the main light-absorbing pigment for photosynthesis?
O carotene
O chlorophyll
O hemoglobin
O anthocyanin





Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in photosynthesis, reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light most strongly.

In plants, photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts, which contain the chlorophyll.


B) Chlorophyll


The chloroplasts, which contain the green pigment chlorophyll, are where photosynthesis takes place. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their distinctive color. It works by collecting the energy in the sunlight that strikes the plant. Because grass requires photosnthesis to create glucose, which is required for growth inside the grass, photosynthesis is critical to life on Earth. As a result, creatures that eat the grass get energy, and so on. As a result, photosynthesis is the mechanism through which energy is introduced into an environment.


Which part of visible light transfers the most energy?
violet Infrared
X-rays Visible Microwave
O red
O blue
O green
O yellow
Wavelength (nm)
Frequency (Hz)


Answer: It's most likely Gamma Rays.


A student wants to determine how his classmates feel about school. He does a survey away from school so all participants will be willing to answer freely. In several cases, younger siblings of his classmates are present, so he lets them take the survey too. He surveys a total of 50 students. Has he done a well-designed, controlled experiment




Witch of the following is an example of a good hypothesis? A. The vinegar is the acid and the soap is the base. B. I think the glow sticks will be brighter in the hot water. C. When placed in hot water , sugar cubes will dissolve more slowly then granulated sugar. D. Hot water makes things disk faster.


The answer is B
Hope that helps!

The layer of soil that contains the most organic material is called the
a. A
b. B
d D



That layer is called the a horizon, so the answer is A.


8.Explain how is small intestine designed to absorb digested food.
9. Write two differences between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings.
10. Fungus can be harmful and useful. Give an example showing both of these traits of fungus.



10. Fungus are useful as they act as decomposers and decompose the dead things. Fungus are harmful as they can decompose fruits, grains and plants etc.

Five more than the quotient of a number and eight is 42





This is your answer to the equation.

If you want to solve it, then subtract 5 from both sides to get x/8=37. Then multiply both sides by 8 to get x=296

Hope this helps!! :)

What is the correct order of the levels of organization in animals from smallest to largest?​



Molecules, cells, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere are in the correct order of the organization's levels.


Molecule: Atoms, the smallest unit of chemical elements are built up of molecules. You can find it in any matter, whether it lives or not. The most fundamental structures of biological creatures are molecules. Biochemistry and molecular biology are two biological fields focused on this level.

Cell: A cell is the basic unit of life. Two types of cells exist plant cells with a stiff cell wall consisting of cellulose molecules and animal cells with a flexible cell membrane. Cell biologists examine problems like metabolism and other structure and functional questions within and between cells.

Tissue: Tissue consists of cells working together to accomplish a goal. Some tissues include muscle, connective tissue, and neural tissue. Examples of biologists working at this level are histologists.

Organ: An organ is a tissue system that works at bigger scales together to perform specified work in the body of an animal. Brain, heart, and lungs are examples of organs. Anatomy is an example of a specialty in biology which concerns this level.

Organ system: An organ system is a group of bodies that work together to fulfill certain activities of the body. Air systems are used to inhale oxygen and release carbon dioxide in animals, for example, by the lungs, respiratory tract, and muscles. The function of the corpus when working jointly is studied by physiologists. Although physiologists can work at any level, they commonly address queries about organ systems.

Organism: An organism is an autonomous and recognized person. The organisms might be single-cell or multi-cell organisms consisting of organisms and organ systems, as well as bacteria, amiable, or creatures. An example of a multi-cellular organism is a human being.

The frequency of a lethal allele in a population is greatest when it is: Group of answer choices dominant manifested in infancy recessive co-dominant





A lethal allele is a gene variant associated with a mutation in an essential gene, which has the potential to cause the death of an individual. In general, lethal genes are recessive because these alleles do not cause death in heterozygous individuals, which have one copy of the normal allele and one copy of the allele for the lethal disease/disorder. In recessive lethal diseases, heterozygous individuals are carriers of the recessive lethal allele and can eventually pass the 'defective' allele on to offspring even though they are unaffected; whereas dominant lethal diseases are caused by dominant lethal alleles, which only need to be present in one copy to be fatal. In consequence, the frequency of recessive lethal alleles is generally higher than dominant lethal alleles because they can be masked in carrier individuals. Some examples of human diseases caused by recessive lethal alleles include, among others, Tay-Sachs disease, sickle-cell anemia, and cystic fibrosis.

The frequency of a lethal allele in a population is greatest when it is: C. recessive.

A lethal allele can be defined as an allele that is responsible for the death of a living organism, especially by preventing its development. Thus, a lethal allele causes a complete mortality in the living organism carrying it, in a hom-ozygous condition.

Basically, a lethal allele is recessive in nature because it is expressed in the phenotype of an organism. Some examples of diseases caused by lethal alleles in humans are:

Cystic fibrosisSickle-cell anemiaAchondroplasia

In conclusion, a lethal allele that is recessive has the greatest frequency in a population.

Read more:

• Describe genetic______ and gene_________ as mechanisms of evolution.



genetic is branch of science deal with study of heredity and genes

genes is segment of DNA which transfer parental character from one generation to another

The neurons that carry from the brain to the muscle are called ?



Motor Neurons


The neurons that carry messages to the muscles are called motor neurons.

3. What is the term for movement of molecules from an area of relatively lower to higher concentration that requires energy?

passive transport


active transport



active transport (the answer)

All theories are hypotheses, but not all hypotheses are theories. Francis wants to know if a specific hypothesis he is researching is a theory. Which describes how Francis would know the hypothesis is a theory?
He could restate the hypothesis as a fact and no longer an explanation.
He could determine whether the hypothesis is based on repeated experiments.
He could perform the experiment and adjust data to match the desired results.
He could design and perform a new controlled experiment to test the hypothesis.



He could determine whether the hypothesis is based on repeated experiments.


A theory is a hypothesis that has been proven correct by many expirements.

Francis could design and perform a new controlled experiment to test the hypothesis to determine whether it is a theory. Therefore, the correct statement is option D.

What is a theory?

A hypothesis is a scientific explanation for a phenomenon that is based on prior observation. However, a theory is a well-supported and widely accepted explanation for a natural phenomenon that has been tested and based on scientific fact.

A hypothesis has the potential to become a theory if tested through carefully designed and controlled experiments by collecting data needed for the experiment.

If the results of an experiment conducted by Francis are consistent with the hypothesis, the information can be used to develop a theory that can be used to explain a broader range of phenomena. However, if the results are not by the hypothesis, Francis cannot consider the hypothesis as a theory that must be supported by evidence.

Therefore, Francis needs to design and perform a new controlled experiment to test the hypothesis to determine whether it is a theory.

Learn more about the theory here:


que organismos tienen nutrición autotrofa​


green plants

plantas verdes

100 POINTS!!!!!! Help FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The picture below shows the bone structures of human, cow, and horse.
Picture shows similar bone structures of human, cow, and horse.

Based on the diagram, which of these statements is correct about humans, cows, and horses?

They have developed from the same organism.
They have completed their evolutionary process.
Humans have evolved from several ancestors.
Horses have evolved from cows and humans.



option A they have developed from the same organism


Organs of animals (belonging to different species) which have similar structure but different functions are homologous organs. Such organs have evolved from the same ancestors , however their function are different.  

For example – wings of bats, limb of human etc.  

Here in this case  also the bone structures of human, cow, and horse are same but their functions are different, thus they are homologous organs and hence they have evolved from same ancestors.  

The correct answer is option A


"They have developed from the same organism."

Which of the following is not typical of a capillary?

Group of answer choices

Virutally all fluids pushed out at a capillary bed are taken up again

The exchange of substances between the blood and interstitial fluid takes place across the thin endothelial walls of the capillaries

Osmosis from blood proteins tend to pull fluid back in

Blood pressure tends to drive fluid out of capillaries



its it the first options


I really don't know

how does replication ensure each cell has a complete set of DNA



During replication a new strand of DNA is synthesized when the other strand is a template to guide the process. Every time the order of the bases in preserved so that DNA can be accurately replicated over and over with identical genetic information.

Si el sobrino de mi papá tiene un hijo que viene siendo mío?



yo creon q sobrino lejan


Primo segundo creo que sería

Which of the following best
describes what a constraint is
when you are designing
something to solve a problem?
A. A constraint is something that makes it easier to solve the
B. A constraint is information that you can read to help you solve
the problem.
C. A constraint is a limitation that must be taken into account
when inventing your design.



C. A constraint is a limitation that must be taken into account when inventing your design.

Which of the following is not an example of where primary succession typically occurs?

After a fire
A retreating glacier
Emerging islands
Formation of new lakes



After a fire


Primary succession is one of the two types of ecological succession in which a barren area of land (with no soil) is colonized by organisms called PIONEER SPECIES for the very first time.

Primary succession is characterized by a BARREN area that had no form of previous growth or colonization. These barren area can include a retreating glacier, an emerging islands or the formation of new lakes.

Note that, the succession that occurs AFTER A FIRE or any form of environmental disturbance is SECONDARY SUCCESSION.

Which trait is totally determined by genes



hair color is determined by genetics


Eye color, hair texture or color, unattached earlobes or attached.
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False, because the number of plvot columns is equal to the dimension of Nud A. c. A vector space the number of columns in A and the number of columns in A equa's the dimension of Nul A. number of Os in any solution to the equation Ax -b, and the equation Ax- 0 always has the trivial solution, so the number of variables is infinite-dimensional if it is spanned by an infinite set Choose the correct answer below O A. True, because the dimension of a vector space is equal to the number of elements in a set that spans O B. Faise, because a basis for the vector space may O C. True, because the dimension of a vector space number of O D. Faise, because all vector spaces are finite-dimensional. d. If dim Van and it S spans V, then S is a basis of V. Choose the correct answer below. the vector space. have only finitely many elements, which would make the vector space finite-dimensional is the number of vectors in a basis for that vector space, and a vector space spanned by an infinite set has a basis with an infinite number of vect O A. False, because the set S must have less than n elements O B. True, because if a vector space is finite-dimensional, then a set that spans t is a basis of the vector space O C. False, in order for S to be a basis, it must also have n elements O D. True, because if a set spans a vector space, regardiess of the dimension of the vector space, then that setis a basis of the vector spaoe e. The only three-dimensional subspace of R3 is R3 itself. 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