Psychologist Alan Marlatt and colleagues have argued that a more credible approach to college drinking than abstinence programs is to recognize drinking as normative behavior and focus education on the immediate risks of drinking to excess and the payoffs of moderation. This is an example of the: harm reduction model. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) model. disease model. benefit-maximization model.


Answer 1


harm reduction model


The harm reduction model is a model that was made to reduce the harmful effects of using substances.

This model has the objective of reducing morbidity and death that have to do with the use of substances or use of alcohol wrongly for people who find it difficult to abstain from such habits.

It is also for those who do not see stopping these habits as a feasible goal.

Some of the methods used involves labelling on cigarette packs, putting labels on alcohol etc.

this psychologist's argument is an example of this model.

Related Questions

Lynn Brown and Carol Gilligan conducted in-depth interviews of ________ to learn their views on friendships.



Preadolescent girls


Properties/Characteristics of an in-depth interview

1. The interviewer brings discussion back if it goes off topic

2. The interviewer says much less than participant because they agree to the viewpoint

3. They also never passively listens due to the fact they absorb and analyze all content

4. There is a collaborative meaning making process.


This is refered to as the stage or period in growth and development of a child that starts toward middle childhood and ends usually with 13th birthday.

It is also said to ranges from 9- 11 years for girls and 10-12 years for the boys.




Department of Asian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

September 2010

The establishment of the Joseon (“Fresh Dawn”) dynasty in 1392, following a revolutionary yet bloodless coup, purged the corrupt practices of the Goryeo regime, ended Mongol domination, and fueled an extraordinary cultural renaissance. The new political vision of the state promoted Neo-Confucianism in both theoretical explorations and practical implementation in nearly every aspect of society. Buddhism, the state-sanctioned religion for more than a thousand years, was officially rejected, though private worship and artistic production continued. The Neo-Confucian royal court and elite literati (yangban), the primary patrons of the arts, embraced and encouraged the advancement of secular art and culture. The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries witnessed the revival and reinterpretation of classical traditions alongside significant achievements in innovative art forms. Under King Sejong (r. 1418–50), who was the embodiment of a renaissance monarch, a unique, phonetic alphabet (hangeul) was created, permitting an accurate transcription of the native language and the wide dissemination of Confucian texts and mores.


Neo-Confucianism, the dominant political ideology of early Joseon society, dictated many aspects of life, including education, familial and social relations, and production of the visual arts. Artists in the court’s Bureau of Painting created works advancing Neo-Confucian ideals: for example, portraits of “meritorious subjects”—political figures who served the goals of the state and the monarch—or painted records of men in government, particularly the Confucian literati. White porcelain was the dominant form of ceramics in this period. Its appeal for the Joseon elite lay in its aesthetic of purity and restrained elegance, which resonated with the ideals of Neo-Confucian teachings.


One significant body of landscape painting from the early Joseon period comprises works illustrating scenery or places in China of literary fame and with nostalgic associations—for example, the Xiao and Xiang rivers in the modern province of Hunan, a region historically identified with exile and lament. Though known and adapted during the Goryeo dynasty (918–1392), the theme reached a new height of popularity in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with most extant paintings dating to the latter. Meanwhile, in contemporary Ming-dynasty China, the number and reputation of paintings on this subject dwindled, compared to the earlier Song period. The early Joseon scrolls and screens illustrating the Eight Views represent Korean transformations of this classic theme and of landscapes more broadly.

Many landscapes from this period, chief among them the Eight Views, are painted in the An Gyeon style—coined after the most celebrated and influential landscapist of the early Joseon, who was active around the mid-fifteenth century. The formidable legacy of An Gyeon also reveals a deeper layer of homage to the classical past, to the Northern Song landscapist par excellence, Guo Xi (ca. 1000–ca. 1090). Some notable features of the An Gyeon style include the cloudlike mountain forms and the pine trees; the dramatic interpenetration of solids and voids; the effective contrast between light and dark ink tones; and the powerful command of brushstrokes and modeling ink washes.

Korean renaissance started in 1400 and ended 1600 C.E. When the Joseon dynasty established in 1392 and after the this a revolutionary bloodless coup occur that remove the corrupt practices of the Goryeo regime, also put an  end to Mongol domination, and causes an extraordinary cultural renaissance. Due to this renaissance movement, good change occurs in Korea which make faster the speed of growth and development of the country economically. Neo-Confucianism was the dominant political ideology that is present in early Joseon society, shows many aspects of life, including education, social relations, and production of the visual arts. The portraits of “meritorious subjects” is an important and unique artwork that occur in the renaissance period.

Which type of climate do you prefer to live in ? why? give reason . long answer


A moderate climate is the

best, whether if it would be

moderately cold or

moderately hot. As a

person who likes the cold

as my favourite season.

But if we're talking about

extreme situations, I might

go with cold because let's

compare two cities hot

Arizona to cold Montana.

In Montana, there are

around 40 days of below

freezing weather with some

snowing. There are also

four distinct seasons

including warm summers.

So it accommodates both

cold and warm weather.

In Arizona, there are

around 110 days of triple

digit heat. No fall, and it

can still be hot in Octobers.

So, I would prefer a cold

climate region over a hot

climate region.

Which southern African country was ruled by the dictator Robert Mugabe
after he led a successful rebellion against its earlier white-controlled



Libya, a country in North Africa




An informal group is usally:


informal group is when they date dress up causally. good luck.

When people are asked to recall a list of words they had earlier memorized, they often substitute common synonyms for some of the words on the original list. This best illustrates the effects of



This best illustrates the effects of semantic encoding.


The encoding process is the brain's way of understanding information and converting it into memory for storage and retrieval. The encoding process occurs when information is first processed and categorized. Semantic coding is the process that best solidifies a new concept in a person's understanding because it is understood within a meaningful context. During this stage, a new concept can be understood in a more applicable way that goes beyond learning its sensory aspects, as occurs in visual and acoustic coding.

A good indicator of the overall condition of the hair and its ability to withstand a relaxer service is:



Perform a preliminary strand test


Subject to the application of hair treatment or intended alteration of hair color or properties, a preliminary hair strand test may be performed in other to examine and establish if the hair in question is suitable for the process. The preliminary strand test will give insight and idea about the possible result of the intended process, and the stylist will be able to infer if the hair is suitable to undergo such process or not. Hair stragd test may be necessary prior to relaxer application, hair color change and so on.

What is a factor that influences population growth is female education in an Less-developed countries


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include a question. Here we just have a sentence, but not a question.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is a true or false question, then the answer is "true."

It is true that a factor that influences population growth is female education in less-developed countries.

In developing countries and poor nations, women can't access education. Most of them stay in the family environment, doing any kind of chores or jobs to earn some money and support the family.

They don't have access to quality education, and they do not learn about family birth-control procedures. They easily get pregnant due to this situation. And at an early age, these women are mothers, single mothers, which makes their lives even more complicated.

An introductory psychology student expresses an interest in growth and change during childhood and adolescence. Which psychology course should the student consider taking next semester


From the given statement, the student should consider taking up Developmental Psychology.

The area of psychology known as developmental psychology is concerned with how individuals develop and change throughout their lifetimes. The study of human growth and development over the lifetime, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality, and emotional growth, is done by developmental psychologists. Developmental psychology's three main objectives are to characterize, clarify, and maximize development.

Developmental psychology is a scientific method that seeks to explain development, change, and consistency across the course of a person's life. Developmental psychology examines how a person's thinking, mood, and behaviour evolve over the course of their lifetime. Since childhood is the time in an individual's lifespan when the most change happens, a substantial number of theories in this field concentrate on this stage of development.

Learn more about Clinical Psychology here:


When explaining abnormal behavior, the psychoanalytic perspective _____. explains abnormal behavior as a result of conditioning and observational learning attributes abnormal behavior to unresolved unconscious conflicts describes abnormal behavior as resulting from a distorted perception of the self and reality emphasizes the role of thoughts, expectations, and assumptions in abnormal behavior



attributes abnormal behavior to unresolved unconscious conflicts


Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of both the consciousness and unconsciousness of the human mind such as feelings, emotions and thoughts, so as to understand how it functions and affect human behaviors in contextual terms.

This ultimately implies that, psychology focuses on studying behaviors and the mind that controls it.

The Freudian psychoanalytic theory of personality development states that personality is formed as a result of the conflict between three basic structures of the human mind, which includes the id, ego and superego.

Basically, the psychoanalytic perspective can be used to explain abnormal behavior by attributing abnormal behavior to unresolved unconscious conflicts.




Please clarify your question


Dear student, could you please clarify, or elaborate on the question "SALT FLATS OF THE SAHARA DESERT", so that I can further help you with this problem?


Elaborate to your question a little more

Last week, Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is possible that Tate would be diagnosed as having:Last week, Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is possible that Tate would be diagnosed as having:



Tate would be diagnosed as having: antisocial personality disorder


Antisocial personality disorder is related to crime, violence and delinquency. Individuals who present it treat others insensitively, without apparent concern, without feeling of guilt, even motivated by opportunities to manipulate others. People with this personality disorder are extremely rigid, they cannot adapt to reality, which weakens their operational capacity. Antisocial people develop a relatively small fear of the threat of physical punishment, although they are motivated to avoid the loss of tangible rewards. In addition, there is a chronic low response of the autonomic nervous system, which is heavily involved in emotional responses.

What is the highest peak in North America? A. Mt. Saint Helen B. Mt. McKinley C. Mt. Whitney D. Mt. Rainier Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





An 8th-grade class is studying accuracies and inaccuracies in the media, and students have been asked to self-select an article and rate the article according to the validity of the information. A student has found an article on a reputable news site but has noticed that much of the information presented in the article does not align with coverage of the event on other sites. What is an appropriate guideline for the student to follow



Review coverage of the event from other media sites before making an informed decision on whether the information is accurate or not.


The student selected an article present on a reputated news site but found that there are several pieces of information that do not align with other sites.

The Student should review all the coverage of the event from other media sites in order to check which is accurate and which is not. After reviewing the sites and their coverage then only one should make an informed decision accuracy or inaccuracy.

Ethnomedicine (select all that apply). a. the idea that every culture has its own language of understanding bodily wellness, and that every culture offers its own logic of healing and wellness. b. is the study of a culture's beliefs about medicine and how to practice it. c. assumes that the BELIEF in treatment is absolutely necessary for the treatment to be effective. d. is an important goal of medical anthropology.



a. the idea that every culture has its own language of understanding bodily wellness, and that every culture offers its own logic of healing and wellness.

b. is the study of a culture's beliefs about medicine and how to practice it.


The study of traditional medicines and the beliefs of different cultures is known as ethnomedicine. It can also be stated as the comparative study of how different cultures have different ways of dealing with illnesses and beliefs about medicinal practices.

Among the given options, ethnomedicine can be best understood as the idea of how every culture has its language of understanding bodily wellness as well as dealing with healing and wellness. Moreover, it can also be termed as the study of a culture's beliefs about medicine and its practices.

Thus, the correct answers are options a and b.

what are the reasons behind the positive changes seen in development?​



The main reasons behind the positive changes seen in development are:

1) Highly skilled manpower in a country.

2) Political stability.

3) Good governance.

4) Raw materials and infrastructures.

5) Economic growth...

Hope it will help you....

While growing up, Chuck did not receive much encouragement from his caretakers. In fact, he was often harshly criticized in an unfair manner. As a result, Chuck will likely develop _____ based on Adler's theory of individual psychology. Group of answer choices



An inferiority complex


In layman's terms, inferiroty complexes is defined as "a mix of an individual's mistaken conviction that they are not sufficient to deal with some element of life due to a genuine or perceived bodily or mental weakness, emotions of sadness as well as a halt of dealing attempts in that field." "A generic word for a personal attitude of inadequacy," in another meaning.

write the name of two dry valleys location in gandaki province​



The Manang Valley, which lies close to the Nepal-Tibet border, offers ... The northern parts of Manang Valley are dry, brown and desolate places, very .

Tommy fell and skinned his knee. The scrape did not bleed. He must have only damaged the __________.



The answer is epidermis.


I hope this helped you out.

Which Enlightenment idea is reflected in the excerpt?



c tthe social contract of the governmen


social contract or social compact

(in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties

qualities that are important to ensure good relationships



honesty is a good quality to have in a relationship



Click this link to view O*NET's Skills section for Electrical Engineers. Note that common skills are listed toward the
top and less common skills are listed toward the bottom. According to O*NET, what are some common skills
Electrical Engineers need? Select four options.
✓ active listening
X operation and control
x installation
critical thinking
reading comprehension
complex problem solving​





Answer:A-active listening, D-critical thinking, E-Reading comprehension, F-complex problem solving



Most of the ________ emotions occur for the first time at some point in the second half of the first year through the second year.



surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust. Other emotions that appear in infancy include jealousy, empathy, embarrassment, pride, shame, and guilt; most of these occur for the first time at some point in the second half of the first year or during the second year.


This is the answer to your question. I hope this helps you out.

when was federalism implemented in nepal​



Federalism was implemented in nepal in 2072 ashoj 3rd.

what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations. this principel





When recalling or giving a narrative of an event or scene stored in memory, individuals may choose to give a constructive memory recall of the scenrio by choosing to give account of what actually transpired as stored in the person's memory. However, in a bid to exercise completeness or give a detailed account of what transpired, this may lead to use of the individual's general knowledge on other to pad the narrative. This is called constructive memory, this is different from reconstructive memory which is subject or personal or individual interpretation.

According to research, testosterone is correlated with visual-spatial ability. Which individuals typically perform the best on visual-spatial tests



Of course men are correlated with high testo

Which statement best describes the Loyalists?



Wich statement best describes the Loyalist?


D) They believed all conflicts should be settled peacefully

Research has found that securely attached infants are more likely to be ______ attached relationship partners.





Secure attachment: The term "secure attachment" is distinguished by specific children who tend to show some kind of distress when their parents or caregivers leave a particular place but are capable of composing themselves rapidly when the caregiver or parents returns. A securely attached child reacts familiarly to a stranger as he or she reacts with his or her caregiver.

The secure attachment is associated with specific "abusive situations" as well.

In the question above, the given statement represents "securely attached" relationship partners.

How does the Appalachian Mountains important to the US development



It could attract tourists improving income in the area/country


What caused the Crusades?
A. Corruption on the part of Church leaders

B. A desire to revive Biblical and New Testament theology

C. Disputes between Christians and Muslims regarding the Holy

D. Martin Luther challenged the Roman Catholic Church on the
matter of Indulgences.



B is the answer because I did this test earlier




Disputes between the Christians and Muslims

Other Questions
Hi can someon help me how to answer this?Btw I'm from Philippines Sathish is going on a 2100 km road with 2 friends, whom he will pick up 150 kilometers after he begins the trip and drops off when 150 kilometers are remaining. The car consumes 6 liters of gas for every 100 kilometers and gas costs $1.20 per liter.Sathish will pay for all the gas when he is alone in the car, but he and his friends will split the cost evenly when they are together.How much will Sathish pay for the gas? Look at this chart showing the economic impact of the Great Depression between 1929 and 1932.According to this chart, o Great Britain- the United States- Germany- France had the smallest increase in unemployment. While visiting the beach, you enjoy the warm ocean water, but the sand burns your feet. That night you walk along the beach and notice that the sand is colder than the ocean water. Why?Group of answer choicesIt takes a long time for sand to heat up, but it cools down very quickly. Water takes a short time to heat up and cool down.Since sand can heat up quickly, it will also cool off quickly. But water takes a long time to heat up and cool down.Water is naturally colder than sand.Sand is naturally colder than water. miraron y compre irregular o regular ? What should you do if you run aground and your boat has serious damage? In the electron transport chain, which structure forms a channel in the inner membrane of the mitochondria and adds phosphate to ADP The owners of a baseball team are building a new baseball field for their team and must determine the number of seats to include. The average game is attended by 6,500 fans, with a standard deviation of 450 people. Suppose a random sample of 35 games is selected to help the owners decide the number of seats to include. Identify each of the following and be sure to round to the nearest whole number: Provide your answer below: =------------x=-----------x=-----------=------------n=------------ a vechile having a mass of 500kg is moving with a speed of 10m/s.Sand is dropped into it at the rate of 10kg/min.What force is needed to keep the vechile moving with uniform speed Every 24 hours, Earth makes a full rotation around its axis. Earth's speed of rotation at the equator is 1.670 km per hour. What is thecircumference of Earth's equator?(Hint. Earth's circumference at the equator is equal to the distance that Earth rotates around the equator). How is the monroe doctrine an example of diplomatic nationalism find from first principle the derivative of 3x+5/x Ang sumusunod na mga karapatan ng mga bata ay nakasaad sa Artikulo6 hanggang 40 ng UNCRC.1. Magkaroon ng ligtas at malusog na buhay, at legal at rehistradongpangalan, nasyonalidad, manirahan at maalagaan ng kanilang magulang.2. Magkaroon ng karapatang magpahayag ng kanilang saloobin atmagkaroon ng tinig sa mga pagpapasyang makaaapekto sa kanilangbuhay.3. Magkaroon ng karapatan sa pag-alam ng impormasyong makabubuti sakanilang kalusugan at pagkatao, kalayaan sa pag-iisip, pananampalataya,pribadong pamumuhay, at paglahok sa mga organisasyon.4. Magkaroon ng proteksiyon laban sa lahat ng pang-aabusong pisikal,seksuwal, at mental. Gayundin ang child labor, drug abuse, kidnapping,sale, at trafficking5. Magkaroon ng espesyal na karapatan sa pangangalaga sa mga ampon,refugee, biktima ng digmaan o kaguluhan, may mga kapansanan, atnaakusahan ng paglabag sa batas.6. Magkaroon ng mabuting pangangalagang pangkalusugan, standard ofliving, edukasyon, libangan at paglalaro. What is the y-intercept of the line 10x - 5y = 40 explain the concept of business? what do you think the most important property of life is and why if sneezing is the response to smelling food is it conditioned or unconditioned Identify the correct comma use with an appositive phrase.-All of the animals, two of every kind, were put on board by Noah.-All of the animals two of every kind, were put on board by Noah.-All of the animals, two of every kind were put on board by Noah.-All of the animals two of every kind were put on board, by Noah. QUICK HURRY!Listen and choose the option with the correct price. 6,900 7,900 6,600 7,600 Why did Prithivi Narayan fashah call himself and his brothers 'the Pancha Pandavas