Punishment as vengeance is called


Answer 1


Punishment as vengeance is called Retribution.


A sentencing goal that involves retaliation against a criminal perpetrator is called this. Also known as an "eye for an eye" or "paying back."

Related Questions

What physical property can help characterize fragments of glass at a crime scene?



Here is your answer .


Refractive index is mostly commonly measured property in the forensic examination of glass fragments (koons etal. 2002), because:precise refractive indices can be measured rapidly on the small fragments typically found in casework.

Because exact refractive indices can be determined quickly on the microscopic fragments that are generally discovered in casework, refractive index is the most frequently measured property in the forensic investigation of glass shards (koons etal. 2002).

What is refractive?

A material's refractive index serves as a gauge for how light moves through it. Light travels more slowly at higher refractive indices, which results in a proportionally greater change in the direction of the light within the substance.

Smashed glass at a crime scene can be identified by density. Numerous glasses' densities are known [1]. Ordinary window or bottle glass is the most prevalent sort of glass.

Therefore ,Because exact refractive indices can be determined quickly on the microscopic fragments

Learn more about refractive here:



List the two pieces of legislation relevant to use
in the workplace



the two pieces of legislation relevant to use

in the workplace are listed below:

●The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

●The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

what are the differences between legislation and case law?​



Step 1:  Find the differences

The first thing that we need to know is that another way of saying legislation is a statute.  

So according to https://www.quora.com, "Legislation is the creation of statutes (another word for laws). Statutes are statutory law.  Statutes, crafted and passed by legislatures and ratified by an executive authority, become law when the executive authority signs or ratifies them. They lay out in black-letter text, what the legislature intends the law to be."  This means that statutes become laws which go through a process of being ratified which is mostly for a short-term because it can be changed.

On the other hand, according to https://www.quora.com, "Case law, also known as common law, is a compendium of court decisions, which establish what the courts hold to be equitable and enforceable law, which is just and sensible - and under a constitutional system, what the meaning of the law must be, in order to align with the dictates of the constitution."  Case laws are the most concrete laws out there because of it being heavily impacted by the constitution during a case.

Answer:  Legislation is mostly for short term and Case law is for a longer term

an example of a passive electronic monitoring system is which of the following

1. A telephone call to the offender's home

2. GPS

3. Ankle monitor

4. All of the above



the answer is 4. all of above


because we use magnet for GPS system you know the world already is a big magnet.

For first one.. Nowadays all scientist want to develop the application for telephone and They are working on electronic system and they must to know electron

A telephone call to the offender's home, GPS and Ankle monitor are all examples of a passive electronic monitoring system.

What is GPS?

The term GPS means Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. owned utility service that provides users with positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services.

GPS system comprises of three segments: the space segment, the control segment, and the user segment.

Space Segment: The space segment provides a nominal constellation of 24 operating satellites that transmit one-way signals that give the current GPS satellite position and time.

Control Segment: The control segment provides and comprises of worldwide monitor and control stations that maintain the satellites in their proper orbits through occasional command maneuvers, and adjust the satellite clocks. Control Segment also tracks the GPS satellites, uploads updated navigational data, and maintains health and status of the satellite constellation.

User Segment: The User Segment consists of the GPS receiver equipment, which receives the signals from the GPS satellites and it uses the transmitted information to calculate the user's three-dimensional position and time.

What is Ankle Monitor?

Ankle monitor can be used like a bracelet-like device which transmits information about its wearer to a remote monitoring center. It generally relays this information via radio transmission or global positioning system and uses GPS technology.

Usually, it is locked in ankle to allow for constant monitoring. In many scenarios, an ankle monitor is used to determine the wearer’s location, usually as a condition of parole or house arrest.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about GPS system here



A federal statute imposed criminal penalties for killing certain specified animals that have been determined by Congress to be of importance to the tourism industry in the region in which the animal was located. Among the animals protected was the red fox. However, a state in which the red fox was located classified the animal as a varmint that could be destroyed at will by anyone with a general hunting license. A rancher who possessed a valid state general hunting license regularly shot and killed red foxes that ate his artichoke plants.

If the rancher is prosecuted under the federal statute and challenges the constitutionality of the law, which of the following is the strongest constitutional argument in support of the federal statute?

a. The commerce power.
b. The Necessary and Proper Clause.
c. The police power.
d. The power to regulate federal lands.





If for example  in a neighborhood , people have different rules as to what goes on their rented private lands and while the neighbor with blue house allows bugs as a cruelty free zoning opportunity ,the neighbor with the red house made it well known that any bugs that are on his land can be hurt and killed with any process as long as it doesn't affect his property.The bugs where killed but as the blue neighbor disagrees they go to the townspeople to settle if those bug should have been transported to the blue house.In this case the case should be given to the closest authority which is the police. please correct this story to explain the situation at hand.

A là chủ sở hữu cty TNHH 1 thành viên. Hỏi A có được dùng danh nghĩa cá nhân của mình để mua cổ phần trong cty H k



đúng vậy, anh ấy có thểanh em yes, he can

Now write a CV with Cover Letter to the Head of the Department of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation for the post advertised.


To, The Head of Finance

Dear Sir,

I have recently seen your advertisement regarding the vacant post in the finance department of your organization. I am CFA and has recently started pursuing MBA finance to enhance my skills and professional knowledge.

I have more than 3 years of experience in the field of finance and have achieved employee star award for my exceptional performance.

I have enclosed my CV for your reference.

CV Sample

Huma Saeed +471 26 555 257

Professional experience :

Bank al Hamra 2016 - 2018

Michael page 2018 - present


Bachelors 2014

CFA 2015-2017

MBA 2017 - Present

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24374352

Are these statements true or false? Give your opinions and explain the reason why:
1. Offers to enter into commercial contracts terminate when the offeree replies that the offer is accepted.
2. When the offeree replies that a part of the offer is accepted, the offeree shall be deemed to have made a new offer.
3. Remedy of fines and remedy of damages shall be applied concurrently
4. Time when written contracts are entered into is at the time when the offeree replies that the offer is accepted.
5. When a party breaches the contract without material loss, the remedy of damages shall not be applied
6. The parties agreed that the fine level accounts for 8% of the contract value. This agreement is contrary to the provisions of law
7. When a party breaches the contract without material loss, the remedy of fines shall be applied
8. Every contract for purchase and sale between traders and traders is commercial contract.
9. The subjects of commercial contract for purchase and sale are the signers of contract
10. The aggrieved party shall bear the burden of proof of loss when requesting the breaching party to pay for damages.






After a robbery, what is the purpose of conducting a neighborhood canvass?
to look for hiding suspects
to identify and interview witnesses
to check for footprints or tire tracks
to find stolen items





if it's for the entire neighborhood, it being witnesses would make sense.

i think it’s B :)
have a good day

Question 1 (2 points)
According to the HIPAA Privacy Rule you are allowed to release Psychotherapy notes
without a special authorization from the treating physician.



I would say False


Anything that is between a doctor and patient is confidential, even their personal notes because it has to do with the patient.  

Discuss the basic principles of transformative constitutionalism​



Transformative constitutionalism often includes an endorsement of justiciable socio-economic rights and substantive equality. It also endorses a form of legal reasoning that is conscious of the interplay between morality and law.

The principles of transformative constitutionalism are the process of judges' responsibility to justify their decisions with the application of law and morals.

What is the purpose of transformative constitutionalism?

It seeks to give greater normative force to the constitutional laws already established on the protection of human rights, with greater implementation of democracy under its decisions.

Therefore, transformative constitutionalism assists in influencing jurisdiction to consolidate democracy and the rule of law.

Find out more about transformative constitutionalism here:



1. Bicycle riders must:
A. Ride with the flow of traffic
B. Be given the right of way
C. Ride in the center left turn lane



Ride with the flow of traffic  


Exceptions may apply in Arizona, Indiana, Massachusetts, North Dakota, and Oklahoma, where laws merely encourage but don't require riding with the flow of traffic.

Which is characteristic of an exit wound?
Minimal bleeding typically appears.
It is typically a large wound.
Gunpowder grains are often found around it.
It often has a smooth appearance.


Answer B all exit wounds will always be bigger then the entry because of the dump of force into the intended target

The characteristic of an exit wound is that is typically a large wound.

What is an exit wound?

Exit wounds have a large shape in round or oval more than the entry wound. It is usually caused due to bullet and missile attacks on the person's body.

Therefore, the exit wound is always bigger as the force in the bullet takes away body tissues or bones with it that leaves a huge mark on a person's body from where the bullet exits.

Learn more about exit wounds here:



Onyango is employed by Tropical College in Nairobi as a driver while he was transporting some of the college students to the city centre after classes; His attention was diverted when he saw some girls playing netball in a field next to the road. He lost control of the bus which then landed in a ditch and Wafula one of the students aboard was injured. Wafula seeks your advice as to whether he should sue the college or Onyango for damages for negligence. What advice would you give Wafula?



Wafula should sue the college


The college is responsible for keeping the student's safe atleast while they are still in the custody of the school. The college is also responsible for hiring drivers in whose hands the life of the students lies during transport. Therefore based on the narration given, which gives clear evidence showcasing negligence on the path of the driver. In other to forestall future occurence, the college should be sued for their driver's negligence being the employer. The college may decide to come up with more rigorous employment tests when hiring to forestall avoidable mistakes of this sort in the future.

If a life insurance policy is purchased by someone who has no
insurable interest in the insured, it is considered



hi hello where are u from i am sorry because i cant give your answer

Why should political parties have intra party elections



To pick the best canidate/ representative to be the face of the political party


Vì sao nói tác phẩm báo chí là một chỉnh thể? Nhận thức tính chỉnh thể của tác phẩm báo chí có thể giúp ích gì cho nhà báo và công chúng trong quá trình sáng tạo và tiếp nhận báo chí?



em cũng muốn hỏi


Tổng quát về hoạt động lập pháp của Singapore. So sánh với hoạt động lập
pháp của Việt Nam.



I'm sorry don't know about this

8. As a minor, you risk what penalty if you pass a stopped school bus?

A. O Jeering from the school kids
B. O A high speed chase
C. O License suspension
D. O Other




The others make no sense.

Agreed with guy above

Which of the following illustrates an agent's fiduciary duty?
A. An agent believes that her principal is making a poor business
decision, but she enters the agreement on behalf of her
principal as instructed.
B. An agent makes a deal with a client that will result in greater
profit for her principal, even though her own bonus is likely to
be less
C. An agent believes that her principal is making a poor business
decision, so she refuses to enter the agreement on behalf of
her principal as instructed.
D. An accountant agent lacks knowledge about a unique
situation in her principal's finances, so she consults with other





I think this is B just because it seems to be the one answer where the agent really commits to helping the client - C is also a viable answer but I think its B - Good Luck!

Before the investigators can determine whether a larceny-theft crime has been committed, they must
look for the footprints of the thief.
examine the scene of the crime properly.
understand the legal elements.
look for the evidence left by the thief.


The answer is - Examine the scene of the crime properly. I say this because if it’s examined the way it should be then you’ve gathered up enough to have the correct assumption.

Need help with drivers Ed questions



traditional and non traditional intersections


Pretty sure it’s the second one

escribe la terminación de los siguientes verbos:
ayuda por favor
lo le Agan caso que es la materia ley es de caligrafía​



can u plz type in english ?..............

A debt issued by a company as a negotiable instrument with a term of 9 months or less is a security that is exempt from registration and is called:

A. a short-swing trade.
B. short-term commercial paper.


The answer would be B

A debt issued by a company as a negotiable instrument with a term of 9 months or less is considered short-term commercial paper and is exempt from registration.

What is short-term commercial paper?

Commercial paper is a type of unsecured, short-term debt that is commonly issued by businesses to finance payrolls, payables, inventories, and other short-term liabilities.

Most commercial paper maturities range from a few weeks to months, with an average of around 30 days.

Option (a), short-swing trade is an incorrect answer because the SEC's short-swing profit rule requires corporate insiders to repay any profits generated from the acquisition and sale of company stock within a six-month period.

As a result, option (b) is the correct answer.

For more information regarding commercial paper, refer below


Nhà máy thủy điện đã vận hành và đến nay không có sự cố xảy ra (theo lập luận phía Nguyên đơn) và Bị đơn không thanh toán số tiền còn lại cho Nguyên đơn, hãy nhận xét các lập luận của Bị đơn?



Công trình này thể hiện sự kế thừa phát huy của thế hệ hôm nay nối bước thế hệ đi trước. Vì vậy nếu không chủ động phát triển những công trình lớn thì khó có thể đáp ứng được nhu cầu phát triển đất nước.

True or False.

A session law is passed by Congress and published in the
U.S. Code.



According to my opinion , it's true.

bình luận tại sao kinh doanh dịch vụ đòi nợ được coi là một loại hình thức kinh doanh dịch vụ hợp pháp trong luật đầu tư 2014


I don’t have any idea

The Court of Justice acts as:_____.
a. the co-legislator for almost all European laws.
b. a consultative body rather than a legislative body.
c. the supreme appeals court for European Union law.
d. the ultimate controlling authority within the EU for legislation.
e. a monitor for EU compliance laws.


Hmmm thinking ???? Just one moment

How does morden small business benifit form?​


Answer Modern small businesses benefit from simplified and less expensive manufacturing processes and can grow without affecting the quality service they offer their customers.

Why does it keep taking money from me I don't even use this app it's taking my money and I want it back



1dk im sorry :(


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