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Answer 1
The answer should be 6

Related Questions

What is DNA??????????



DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid, is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms. This includes animals, plants, protists, archaea and bacteria. DNA is in each cell in the organism and tells cells what proteins to make. ... DNA is inherited by children from their parents.


DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a molecule present in the nucleus of cells of all living beings and that carries all the genetic information of an organism.

It is formed by a spiral-shaped double strand (double helix), composed of nucleotides.

How does energy acquisition in the deep sea differ from energy acquisition near the ocean’s surface?
Organisms in the deep sea acquire energy directly from the sun.
Organisms near the ocean’s surface rely on chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis.
Organisms in the deep sea do not have direct access to sunlight.
Organisms in the deep sea have no means to obtain energy unless they travel to the ocean’s surface.



Organisms in the deep sea acquire energy directly from the sun.

What are the main structural supports for the vertebrae



Intervertebral Discs


Between each vertebral body is a cushion; the intervertebral disc. Discs absorb stresses the body incurs during movement and prevents vertebrae from grinding against one another. The intervertebral discs are the largest structures in the body without a vascular supply


The dorsal hollow nerve cord


The dorsal hollow nerve cord develops into the central nervous system;the brain and spine

Which structure would you not find in a prokaryotic cell?



you won't find the nucleus in prokaryotic cells

Answer: Membrane-bound organelles


A characteristic is a feature that helps to identify something. How would you describe a characteristic of a good movie or book?


- descriptive language (book)
- interesting plot
- fitting sound effects/lighting (movie)
- conflict
- pictures

What are the roles of quality, policy and objectives in the University? (Answer in 300 words)​


The role of quality policy and objectives in the university is to define the purpose and strategic direction followed by the school authorities.

The quality policy is usually written in a brief statement which describes the vision, mission and the objective of the university. The importance (roles) of quality policy and objectives in an university includes:

Establishing a quality policy makes its known that the university operates with ethical standards that should not be disobeyed.It serves as a requirement for any formalized quality management system.It can serve as a way to drive passion for cultural change within an organisation (university)It serves as a reminder to both employees and students of the university about their commitment to quality.

Learn more here:


Cellular respiration produces


The products of cellular respiration are ATP, oxygen and water

Please read the article Why Cats Have Nine Lives by Jared Diamond. Our analysis did not attempt to
answer the question of "Why" cats survive they way they do from different heights. What are some of
the assumptions the author makes that he uses in an attempt to answer this new question?


The author assumes that the question can be answered by applying principles of anatomy, physics and evolutionary biology. First reason he suggests is that cats are small and they have a favourable mass-surface area ratio. Next, he suggests that cats have soft tissues that absorb the shock and they land on all four limbs, dividing the shock. This is because of their body shape and its centre of gravity. He says that felines have this kind of body structure (that canines lack) because years of falling from trees etc. has evolved their body in this way.

The following assumptions that stem from the Straightforward theory were used by the author to explain why cats have nine lives. They include;

The larger mass of bigger animals causes more impact stress on landing.The unique vestibular systems of the cats and the gyroscopic turns they make that have their four feet pointing downwards before landing.The cats reach terminal velocity faster and extend their limbs reflexly to absorb the shock from the fall.The dissipation of the impact force due to their flexed limbs.Lastly, their evolutionary history that has seen them falling from trees frequently over the years.

In his article, Jared Diamond profers several reasons why he believes that cats tend to suffer fewer injuries and fatalities after falling from different heights.

He believes that their mass which is lower in comparison to humans makes it possible for them to not suffer much impact force on landing.

The gyroscopic turns they make before landing makes it easier for them to land on their four feet thus suffering fewer injuries to the arms.

Their evolutionary history is another factor. Over the years, they have adapted so well to falling from heights.

Learn more here:


In a certain breed of dog, the alleles B and b determine black and brown coats respectively. However, the allele Q of a gene on a separate chromosome is epistatic to the B and b color alleles resulting in a gray coat (q has no effect on color). If animals of genotype B/b ; Q/q are intercrossed, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the progeny



12 gray , 3 black, 1 brown


If Q allele of a gene on a separate chromosomes is epistatic to the B (black) and b (brown) color alleles, in cross between two animals with genotypes BbQq produces 12 gray coat color, 3 black coat color and 1 brown coat color animals.

                                        BbQq      x      BbQq

                                   Gray coat        Gray coat

                   BQ                  Bq                 bQ                 bq

   BQ    BBQQ(gray)  BBQq(gray)   BbQQ(gray)   BbQq(gray)

   Bq     BBQq(gray)   BBqq(Black)  BbQq(gray)   Bbqq(Black)

   bQ     BbQQ(gray)  BbQq(gray)   bbQQ(gray)   bbQq(gray)

   bq     BbQq(Gray)   Bbqq(Black)  bbQq(gray)    bbqq(brown)

So the phenotypic ratio is  Gray : Black : Brown

                                        =      12  :      3   :      1

Which one of the following would be inhibited by a well-designed antiviral drug? Cell wall synthesis Viral binding to human cells Virus assembly outside of the infected cell Translation of host cell RNAs​


Viral binding to human cells is inhibited by the antiviral drug.

Well-designed antiviral drug inhibited Viral binding to human cells so that the virus can't get the place of attachment and unable to use the cell's machinery for its growth and multiplication. In this way, the humans can be prevented from having the viral infection. There are some other mechanisms also used by the antiviral drug to inhibit the growth of virus in the human body such as uncoating of virus and synthesis of new viral components.


Eutrophication occurs when excess nutrients are supplied to a region, leading to an algae bloom and ultimately ______
A. Coral bleaching
B. Ocean deoxygenation
C. Ocean acidification
D. Overfishing



The correct answer is - B. Ocean deoxygenation.


Eutrophication is the process in which a water body gets excessively rich in nutrients that leads to the algal growth or plankton growth in this region and covers the complete surface or most of the water body.

Due to this algal and plankton growth, there is a significant decrease in the concentration of the dissolved oxygen in water bodies that result in the incapability of supporting the lives found in it. The primary and main reason for this deoxygenation is eutrophication. Ocean deoxygenation is the reduction of the oxygen concentration of the oceans.

In an experiment, a small dialysis bag is filled with a 20% salt solution. It is placed in a
beaker filled with a 40% salt solution. Assuming that water can pass through the
small pores of the dialysis bag, whereas the large salt molecules cannot, what will
happen to the size of the dialysis bag?



The bag will get smaller


Osmosis can be defined as the process of diffusion or movement of water molecules across a semipermeable membrane from an area of higher concentration of water (i.e., lower concentration solution) to a lower concentration of water. For example, in cells, there are specialized pores called 'aquaporins' which are membrane proteins that form channels to transport water molecules by facilitated diffusion. In this case, the outside of the bag has a higher salt concentration than inside, thereby water molecules will move by facilitated diffusion through pores from inside to outside the bag.

yinto uxinzelelo lwengqondo?​



ni se la respuesta estoy respondiendo sólo para ganar puntos

What is the first stage of metamorphosis?





innner metamorphasis started


Larva Pls mark brainliest


10. Why may that person be innocent of the alleged crime?
That person can be innocent because


No evidence or they may have an alibi

The history of life has been punctuated by several mass extinctions. For example, the impact of a meteorite may have wiped out most of the dinosaurs and many forms of marine life at the end of the Cretaceous period. Fossils indicate that plants were less severely affected by this mass extinction. What adaptations may have enabled plants to withstand this disaster better than animals



Due to dormancy.


Plants have an advantage in surviving mass extinction because Plant seeds can remain dormant for many years in the soil without damaging and comes out from the soil when the conditions of the external environment become suitable. Plants can remain in dormant condition for a large period of time while on the other hand, animals have no such type of advantage so that's why plants survive mass extinction.

What would be most likely to happen if some of the proteins Ik one of the photo systems were to change shape due to a drop in cell pH?
A. A decrease in the formation of NADPH
B. An increase in the formation of NADP+
C. A decrease in chlorophyll production
D. An increase in sugar production



Option A


If some proteins in one of the photosystems undergo change in their shape due to a drop in pH of cell, they will not perform their activity. Due to this, there will be a decrease in the formation of NADPH ( that is less reduction of NADP due to blockage in the transport of electron).

DNA is referred to as a______, meaning that it has
strands that are______together.






DNA is the chemical name for molecule. The strands wind together and form a double helix.

The answers should be
1. Molecule

2. Wound

Different measures of disease are useful to evaluate and assess public health programs and needs in different situations. For each of the following questions, state which measure would best support your goal.

Measures of disease:

I = incidence rate (p. 126)
P = prevalence (p. 113)
L = lifetime prevalence (p. 114)
M = crude mortality rate (crude death rate) (p. 112)
R = sex ratio (counts) (p. 109)

a. To demonstrate the risks of car-train crashes at railroad crossings without warning signals.
b. To demonstrate the amount of children's exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke.
c. To estimate the number of persons who have had leukemia during their lifetimes.
d. To estimate the number of healthcare facilities needed to support patients with Alzheimer's disease.
e. To argue that mortality from HIV infection is a more serious public health problem in one region of the US than another.



Different Measures of Disease

Question              Measure of Disease

a.                           I = incidence rate

b.                           P = prevalence

c.                           L = lifetime prevalence

d.                           L = lifetime prevalence

e.                           M = crude mortality rate


a) Measures of disease:

I = incidence rate (p. 126): measures the frequency of disease occurrence in a population over time. It is measured as new episodes of illness in a period divided by the population.

P = prevalence (p. 113): ratio or proportion of persons in a population with a disease at a time or over time.  It is based on a sample.

L = lifetime prevalence (p. 114):  the proportion or ratio of a population who had a disease at some point in their life.

M = crude mortality rate (crude death rate) (p. 112): the ratio of deaths in a period among a geographical population.

R = sex ratio (counts) (p. 109): ratio of male and female population.

Describe the chemistry of two types of enzymes and explain how the apoenzyme forms 200-500 words APA Format​



Enzymes can be defined as biological polymers that catalyze biochemical reactions.”

Majority of enzymes are proteins with catalytic capabilities crucial to perform different processes. Metabolic processes and other chemical reactions in the cell are carried out by a set of enzymes that are necessary to sustain life.  

The initial stage of metabolic process depends upon the enzymes, which react with a molecule and is called the substrate. Enzymes convert the substrates into other distinct molecules and are called the products.  

The regulation of enzymes has been a key element in clinical diagnosis because of their role in maintaining life processes. The macromolecular components of all enzymes consist of protein, except in the class of RNA catalysts called ribozymes. The word ribozyme is derived from the ribonucleic acid enzyme. Many ribozymes are molecules of ribonucleic acid, which catalyze reactions in one of their own bonds or among other RNAs.

Enzymes are found in all tissues and fluids of the body. Catalysis of all reactions taking place in metabolic pathways are carried out by intracellular enzymes. The enzymes in plasma membrane govern the catalysis in the cells as a response to cellular signals and enzymes in the circulatory system regulate clotting of blood. Most of the critical life processes are established on the functions of enzymes.

Enzyme Structure

Enzymes are a linear chain of amino acids, which give rise to a three-dimensional structure. The sequence of amino acids specifies the structure, which in turn identifies the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Upon heating, enzyme’s structure denatures, resulting in a loss of enzyme activity, that typically is associated with temperature.  

Compared to its substrates, enzymes are typically large with varying sizes, ranging from 62 amino acid residues to an average of 2500 residues found in fatty acid synthase. Only a small section of the structure is involved in catalysis and is situated next to the binding sites. The catalytic site and binding site together constitute the enzyme’s active site. A small number of ribozymes exist which serve as an RNA-based biological catalyst. It reacts in complex with proteins.


Plz mark as Brainliest...


Name one geographic region that has few or no fossil primates and explain why.





Fossils are preserved remains (or mouldings) of ancient living things which are preserved in sedimentary rocks. Primate fossils are generally found along with other fossils, usually in ancient soils that contain information on the conditions under which they were formed. Primate fossils are generally found in tropical and subtropical regions (which represent the natural habitat in which these species live). Primates never lived in Australia, and therefore no fossil primates from this geographic area have been found.

why do sun spots appear darker than their surroundings



they are comer than their surroundings.

Sunspots are cooler because their magnetic fields inhibit the replenishing of heat from convective flows (due to the interaction between plasma and magnetic fields). This allows them to cool radiatively. The rest of the solar surface is constantly being replenished by convective cells that reheat it.


because they are significantly cooler than the rest of the Sun's surface Despite their gloomy appearance, they are nonetheless extremely hot. A sunspot would shine brightly if it were alone in space.


Match the terms in column B to the descriptions in column A.

Column A:

1. Connects the larynx to the main bronchi
2. Includes terminal and respiratory as subtypes
3. Food passageway posterior to the trachea
4. Covers the glottis during swallowing of food
5. Contains the vocal cords
6. Indentation on the lung where the lung root structures enter and exit
7. Pleural layer lining the walls of the thorax
8. Site from which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood
9. Connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx
10. Pleural layer in contact with the surface of the lung
11. Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity
12. Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity

Column B:
a. alveolus
b. bronchiole
c. conchae
d. epiglottis
e. esophagus
f. hilum
g. larynx
h. palate
i. pharyngotympanic tube
j. parietal pleura
k. trachea
l. visceral pleura



1. Connects the larynx to the main bronchi k. trachea

2. Includes terminal and respiratory as subtypes b. bronchiole

3. Food passageway posterior to the trachea. e. esophagus

4. Covers the glottis during swallowing of food d. epiglottis

5. Contains the vocal cords g. larynx

6. Indentation on the lung where the lung root structures enter and exit f. hilum

7. Pleural layer lining the walls of the thorax j. parietal pleura

8. Site from which oxygen enters the pulmonary blood a. alveolus

9. Connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. i. pharyngotympanic tube

10. Pleural layer in contact with the surface of the lung l. visceral pleura

11. Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity c. conchae

12. Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity h. palate


1. The trachea is between the main bronchi and the larynx. It has semicircular rings of cartilage. The function of this organ is to conduct the air from the larynx to the primary/main bronchi.

2. After the primary (main), secondary, and tertiary bronchi, the terminal and the respiratory bronchioles come. They also conduct the air towards the alveoli so that the oxygen can enter the blood. The diameter of the bronchi terminal is smaller than the bronchi, and the diameter of the respiratory bronchi is smaller than the previous ones.

3 and 4. The esophagus is not part of the respiratory system. It is a tube that belongs to the digestive system since food has to pass through it to go to the stomach. The esophagus is posterior to the trachea, and the epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx when we swallow to stop food from going to the lungs.

5. The vocal folds are in the larynx. This one is between the trachea and the pharynx. There are two types of vocal folds, the true and the false vocal folds. Both of them vibrate when air passes through them, allowing us to speak and make different tones.

6. The hilum is the lungs section where the bronchus, the pulmonary artery, and the pulmonary vein enter the lung. It is an indention that is in the middle part of the lungs.

7 and 10. The pleura has two sides, the parietal one and the visceral one. The first one is in contact with the lungs and the second one with the thorax's walls. Between them, there is a space called the pleural cavity. The cavity has fluid that allows the movement of the two pleurae. As a result, the lungs can move and fill with air.

8. After the respiratory bronchioles, we have the alveolar duct. The alveolar ducts lead to alveolar sacs. The alveolar sacs has the alveolus. They are thin walls that are in contact with capillaries. When the air is there, the oxygen passes through the thin walls. Then it goes through the capillaries' walls and into the blood.

9. The pharyngotympanic tube is also known as the Eustachian tube. It connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. Its function is to regulate the pressure in the ear.

11. The conchae are in the nasal cavity. They are three projections in the nasal cavity, the inferior one, the middle one, and the superior. Their function is to increase the surface of the nasal cavity so that more air can enter with every inspiration. As they are projections, they modify the laminar airflow producing a turbulent flow.

12. The palate is between the nasal cavity and the oral cavity. It has two parts, the soft palate, and the hard palate. The palate helps in the production of certain sounds and divides the nasal cavity from the mouth.

Histones are essentially identical in sequence/structure in all eukaryotic organisms from yeast to plants to animals. What does this say about the biophysical properties of DNA-packaging and the evolution of eukaryotic organisms



It indicates that core histone genes were present in the last common ancestor of yeasts, plants, and animals


Histones are highly basic proteins that can strongly interact with DNA, which is packaged into nucleosomes, the basic structural and functional unit of chromatin. Each nucleosome is composed of approximately 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped around a core of eight histone proteins (two copies of four types of histones H3, H4, H2A, H2B). These core histones are evolutionarily conserved across eukaryotic kingdoms in terms of sequence and structure. Therefore, DNA-packaging into nucleosomes is considered a constraint for the evolution of core histones. Moreover, the presence of conserved core histones in eukaryotic kingdoms (e.g., yeast, plant, and animal kingdoms) is strong evidence that histone-mediated DNA packaging was presumably present in the last common ancestor of eukaryotic genomes.

Salts and sugars work to preserve food by creating a


Hypertonic environment

The outbreak has rebounded in at least 30 US states in recent weeks, with the three most populous states -- California, Texas and Florida -- seeing a surge in new cases, with the highest daily number of new cases since the outbreak began.



whats the question then?


what are the four postulates of "the theory of inheritance of acquired characters”?​


Summary of four postulates of the theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics:

1. Living organisms or their component parts tend to increase in size.

2. Production of new organ is resulted from a new need.

3. Continued use of an organ makes it more developed, while disuse of an organ results in degeneration.

4. Acquired characters (or modifications) developed by individuals during their own lifetime are inheritable and accumulate over a period of time resulting a new species.


1. New needs:

Every living organism is found in some kind of environment. The changes in the environmental factors like light, temperature, medium, food, air etc. or migration of animal lead to the origin of new needs in the living organisms, especially animals. To fulfill these new needs, the living organisms have to exert special efforts like the changes in habits or behaviour.

2. Use and disuse of organs:

The new habits involve the greater use of certain organs to meet new needs, and the disuse or lesser use of certain other organs which are of no use in new conditions. This use and disuse of organs greatly affect the form, structure and functioning of the organs.

Continuous and extra use of organs make them more efficient while the continued disuse of some other organs lead to their degeneration and ultimate disappearance. So, Lamarckism is also called “Theory of use and disuse of organs.”

So the organism acquires certain new characters due to direct or indirect environmental effects during its own life span and are called Acquired or adaptive characters.

3. Inheritance of acquired characters:

Lamarck believed that acquired characters are inheritable and are transmitted to the offsprings so that these are born fit to face the changed environmental conditions and the chances of their survival are increased.

4. Speciation:

Lamarck believed that in every generation, new characters are acquired and transmitted to next generation, so that new characters accumulate generation after generation. After a number of generations, a new species is formed.

How do scientists classify intrusive igneous features?
according to shape, texture, and their distance from the nearest volcanic field
according to shape, color, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock
according to shape, size, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock



according to shape, size, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock


Intrusive igneous features are those formations around the igneous rock that are developed over time when magma cools and forms a solid shape, and they may include stocks, sills, di.kes, etc.

Therefore, scientists classify intrusive igneous features according to shape, size, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock.

The project that you are working on was initiated in response to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance in both hospital and community settings. Even in the early discovery and development phase, it is important to think ahead to try to minimize the likelihood that bacteria will be able to evolve resistance to your new drug. Understanding how resistance emerges is an essential part of this process. What is true regarding the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria?



Decrease the effectiveness of this process.


Resistance emerges is an essential part of this process because this resistance causes decrease in the effectiveness of the drugs. If this resistance is not a part of this process, the microbes get resistance from the drugs which  leads to lower the effectiveness of antimicrobial disease or infection so that's why resistance is considered as the essential part of this process of project.

The fact that only your liver cells produce liver enzyme and not your skin cells, which contain the same DNA, can be explained by O PCR O gene expression O gene flow NA​



Gene expression


Gene expression is the process in which cells (usually eukaryotic) have niches , meaning that one set of genes is expressed in once cell and different ones in another

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