Qualifications for Jury Service

• Never have been convicted of a felony

• Not be currently on active duty in the military

• Not be already serving on another jury

• Be able to read and write in English

. ?

Which other qualification must a citizen meet before he or she can serve on a


A. Be at least 18 years old

B. Have completed military service

C. Not be enrolled in college


Answer 1

There are several qualifications for a citizen to be able to serve in a jury and one of them is that they should A. Be at least 18 years old.

What are the requirements to serve on a jury?

Only people who are aged 18 and above can serve in a jury because they are considered to be more mentally mature.

The person also has to be able to read and write in English and should have a clean record.


Find out more on jury duty at https://brainly.com/question/5137364.

Answer 2

A. Be at least 18 years old

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3. Tòa án hoãn phiên họp sơ thẩm khi:
A. Người yêu cầu vắng mặt lần thứ nhất không có đơn xin xét xử vắng mặt
B. Người yêu cầu đã được triệu tập hợp lệ lần thứ hai mà vẫn vắng mặt
C. Kiểm sát viên vắng mặt
D. Người yêu cầu vắng mặt lần thứ nhất có đơn xin xét xử vắng mặt



D. Người yêu cầu vắng mặt lần thứ nhất có đơn xin xét xử vắng mặt


Protecting the crime scene helps in identifying
the suspect.
a wrongful death.
the cause of death.
the victim.


- the cause of death

By surveying the crime scene (that is intact), investigators are able to determine if the cause of death was due to the environment/surroundings.

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I'm sorry I don't know about this

Under the Texas penal code one definition of “intoxicated” involves not having the normal use of ones mental or physical abilities as a result of consuming ?





taking alcohol makes some changes in ones behavior

Define the term gender imbalance and state two negative effects that this may have in the workplace?



Gender inequality is the social process by which men and women are not treated equally.



Gender discrimination has a significant impact on mental and physical health worldwide. It can limit peoples' access to healthcare, increase rates of ill health, and lower life expectancy. While it is true that women live longer than men on average, they experience higher rates of ill health during their lifetimes.

4. Why is vaping so dangerous to your health?
Please help I need this answer I know it’s not hard but I need to write a sassy about this



El vapeo encharca los pulmones

Por lo que personas sensibles, como los asmáticos, podrían empeorar su situación y tener una crisis. Por otro lado, se puede tener un problema cardiovascular por inhalación masiva de nicotina y se puede producir un edema pulmonar cardiogénico (Epnc)


what is the role of police in protecting human right



The police should protect the people without any discrimination as the law is equal for all.

The police must respect human dignity, uphold and protect human rights.

The police should ensure that the person detained should have access to their family and legal representative or any medical help


Ngành nghề nào nhà nước cấm đầu tư.?



Ngành, nghề cấm kinh doanh

Các hoạt động liên quan đến mua bán mại dâm. Kinh doanh pháo nổ trừ pháo tín hiệu, pháo thỏa thuận theo quy định của cơ quan nhà nước có thẩm quyền. Mua bán người và các bộ phận của con người. Kinh doanh hoạt động văn hóa nghệ thuật xâm phạm an ninh quốc gia và đạo đức xã hội.

What is Legal Process of Khula in Pakistan



To apply for Khula the wife would need to file a suit for Khula in the Family Court under the West Pakistan Family Courts Ordinance, on the grounds that she feels she can no long live with her husband “within the limits prescribed by Allah' and such a statement on oath made in her suit would be sufficient to establish ...is needed


if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest

Capacity and authority are two important concepts with regards to the normal day to day functioning of a company. With the aid of authoritative text, critically discuss the form and substance of these concepts.


Capacity occurs in the form of abilities whereas authority occurs in the form of  power.

Capacity refers to the ability of a person to use the given information for making a decision. A person that lacks capacity it means that its mind is impaired and he is unable to make a decision at that time while on the other hand, authority is the legitimate power that a person or a group of persons possess and use it over other people. In capacity, the person has something in the form of abilities whereas in authority, the person has something in the form of power which they used to implement its decision over other people.


a learning style through which a skill is acquired when a student learns through experience is called​


The answer is experimental learning

How far should you stop from The nearest railroad crossing if a flagger is warning of a upcoming train


15-50 feet from the track of the railroad

You must submit a report to the DMV within 15 days of a traffic accident on a Traffic accident report form. True or false?





Quizlet - Unit 6 Lesson 3: Procedures When Involved In An Accident

First question.

Indicate the correct statement:
(1) An ex parte application is the motion application used when there is no dispute of facts
(2) Action proceedings is another type of motion application and the procedure is started by a
notice of motion
(3) In criminal cases a procedure is started with action proceedings
(4) The parties in a criminal case are the prosecutor and the defendant



2 or 4 is correct


step by step explanation

The correct statement in the given question is (4) statement.

Statement (1) - Ex Parte Application

Ex parte application is used in civil procedure and is used to refer to motions for orders that can be granted without waiting for the response from the other side.

These orders are only in place until further hearing can be held such as temporary restraining order .

Under U.S.A law , court are hesitant to make ex parte motion because according to 5th amendment and 14th amendment, there is a guarantee of right to due process and ex parte leads to the violation of excluded party's right to due process.

Statement (2)- Action Proceedings

Action Proceedings refers to a judicial proceedings where a party brings a civil or criminal case against another party, an action has been brought against the other party.

It is not a type of motion application and is used in cases such as:

- presence of material disputes in facts

- it is instituted by summons

- evidence to be relied upon in supporting the claim and is not disclosed in the statement

- exchange of pleadings are involved

-evidence in the form of testimonies and documentary is given to prove the claims

- more expensive and time consuming

Statement (3)- Arrest

In criminal cases a procedure is started with Arrest.

An arrest is made with an arrest warrant and may be made with or without warrant if probable cause and exigent circumstances are presented at the time of Arrest.

The right to make warrantless arrests are commonly defined and limited by statutes subject to due process guaranteed by U.S.A Constitution.

Statement (4)- Prosecutor and Defendant

These both terms are related strictly to Criminal Law.

Prosecutor- Legal representative of the prosecution in the states with the criminal law system. The prosecution is the legal party responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of breaking the law.

A lawyer who initiates prosecution of criminal offences and present s the case for prosecution in a criminal proceedings

Defendant- Defendant is a person who is the party either accused of committing a crime or criminal prosecution

Thus the parties in criminal case are the prosecutor and the defendant.

To learn more about Prosecution and Defendant here



Select the correct answer.
Who can propose an amendment to the Constitution?
A a simple majority of Congress
B. the president
the Supreme Court
a two-thirds majority of Congress


The answer should be d




a two-thirds majority of Congress

mọi quy tắc xử sự tồn tại tròn xã hội có nhà nước đều là pháp luật đúng hay sai? Giải thích



Sai lầm


Mọi quy tắc xử sự tồn tại trong xã hội có nhà nước đều là pháp luật.

Sai. Các quan hệ xã hội của chúng ta được điều chỉnh bơi các quy phạm đao đức và các quy phạm pháp luật, mà các quy phạm đạo đức thì có thể đượec thể chế hóa và đưa lên thành các quy phạm pháp luật nhưng không phải quy phạm đạo đức nào cũng được dưa lên thành luật cả. Tồn tại xã hội quyết định ý thức xã hội cho nên các quy tắc ứng xử đựoc coi là các chuẩn mực đạo đứa đó đó không nhất thiết phải được xem là pháp luật mà nó song song tồn tại trong xã hội

In determining whether a witness is credible, an investigator should (check all that apply):

A. observe the witness's demeanor while speaking

B. refrain from reaching conclusions about a witness's veracity

C. consider the witness's bias and motive to testify

D. consider whether the individual has the ability to make an effective witness


I’m pretty sure the answer is C and D.

A and B you would not take into account while determining by if credible.

C and D are 2 very important things to take into account.

Which of the following parties is permitted to view all entries in the Notary Signing Agent Notary journal?

A) Contracting Companies and Lenders
B) Borrowers and signing Parties
C) Police with a warrant for Journal



C) Police with a warrant for Journal


Which of the following is not an instruction that would be given to witnesses to prepare them for trial?
If asked to give exact times or measurements, "approximate" your responses.
It is best to elaborate and give detailed answers to questions.
Always control your emotions while on the witness stand.
Always tell the truth and testify with confidence.



Always control your emotions while on the witness stand


Judges are very smart and with your actions while on the witness stand tell them what you mean. so your explanation should. be of reasonable doubt.

How Can We Get Khula in Pakistan?



To apply for Khula the wife would need to file a suit for Khula in the Family Court under the West Pakistan Family Courts Ordinance, on the grounds that she feels she can no long live with her husband “within the limits prescribed by Allah' and such a statement on oath made in her suit would be sufficient to establish


civil cases cannot be tried by what?

A judge

A judge and jury

Third party arbitrator

An arbitrator not agreed upon


In a civil trial, a judge or jury examines the evidence to decide whether, by a "preponderance of the evidence," the defendant should be held legally responsible for the damages alleged by the plaintiff.

Can an impaired driver crash into you or someone you love? Yes or no


Yes it’s is possible

Are foreign policy and domestic policy two faces of the same coin.





Foreign policy and domestic policy are considered as the two faces of a coin because any change in both of these policies will impact on the macroeconomic variables of both the nation.

Can somebody help me


I’m guessing cost because, cost is the cost of taking one opportunity over another. Not only is it financial but also in time effort and utility.
Since he didn’t answer it, (choice)

Kathy receives her real estate license. Within a month of receiving her license, she gets a new job offer she can’t refuse. She decides to continue to hold a license but not practice or do any real estate work or collect any referrals at this time. She is willing to renew her license, do her continuing education, and pay the same fee for her license. What should Kathy do?
Seek an involuntary inactive license.


Answer: Seek an involuntary inactive license.


You are indeed right that she should seek an Involuntary Inactive license which is shows that she is not practicing and therefore has not met the requirements needed for her to continue practicing real estate work.

She might be ready to renew her license but the requirements are such that she would have to do some real estate work. If and ever she is willing to come back to real estate, she can then renew her license, pay the fee and meet other requirements.

an agreement enforceable by law is called as​





an agreement enforceable by the court of law is called as contract

g Which type of case would be appealed automatically to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Group of answer choices A capital felony conviction with imposed death sentence A state jail (fourth-degree) felony conviction A first-degree felony conviction A civil case involving a sum of over $100,000



A capital felony conviction with imposed death sentence.


The Texas Court of the Criminal Appeals is the last and the highest court of appeal incase of any criminal matters. It is situated in the Supreme court building with the Presiding judge. The court exercises a discretionary review over the criminal cases.

The only cases the Court must hear are only those cases that involves the sentence of a capital punishment or a denial of a bail. A capital felony of conviction which imposed a death sentence to the accused can be automatically appealed to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Many New Orleans officers responding to crime in the wake of Hurricane Katrina wore easily recognizable blue uniforms with distinctive gold badges. Which nineteenth-century organization was among the first to adopt the practice of wearing formal police uniforms with its three-quarter-length royal blue coats, white trousers, and top hats?



The first London Metropolitan Police


On the 29th of August, 2005, New Orleans was hit with a fatal natural disaster, which was called Hurricane Katrina and it resulted in the widespread destruction of properties through flooding and storm.

During the Hurricane Katrina, many police officers serving in New Orleans wore easily recognizable blue uniforms with distinctive gold badges while responding to criminal activities.

The first London Metropolitan Police was established by Robert Peel in 1829, under the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829.

The first London Metropolitan Police is a nineteenth-century organization and it is considered to be among the first paramilitary unit to adopt the practice of wearing formal police uniforms.

Additionally, the first London Metropolitan Police wore royal blue coats of three-quarter-length, white trousers, and top hats to match.

Appellate courts Group of answer choices are made up of judges only. will, on occasion, seat juries, but only when dealing with cases and controversies dealing with federal questions. are courts exclusively of original jurisdiction and, hence, seat juries as a matter of court to make determinations of fact in reaching verdicts. often seat juries to listen to new evidence being presented in criminal cases on appeal to their courts. seat a jury in criminal cases but never in civil matters.



often seat juries to listen to new evidence being presented in criminal cases on appeal to their courts.


A court refers to an enclosed space such as a hall or chamber where legal practitioners (judges, lawyers or attorneys and a jury) converge to hold judicial proceedings.

There are different types of courts and these includes;

I. Trial court.

II. Circuit court.

III. Appeal court.

IV. Supreme court.

An appellate court is also known as court of appeals and can be defined as a court of law of the judicial system that is empowered by law (jurisdiction) and saddled with the responsibility of hearing and reviewing an appeal of a trial-court or other lower court (tribunal).

This ultimately implies that, all appellate courts are empowered by law to review both questions of fact and questions of law. The appellate court can review questions of law as "De novo" or plenary review (legal error standard).

A criminal case can be defined as a lawsuit brought before a court of competent jurisdiction against someone who has been accused of committing a crime.

Typically, appellate courts (court of appeals) often seat juries to listen to new evidence being presented in criminal cases on appeal to their courts.

A grand jury can be defined as a group of citizens that are legally saddled with the responsibility of reviewing the evidence in a criminal case. Thus, grand jury are legally empowered by law to carry out an investigation with respect to a potential criminal case, engage in legal proceedings and determine whether or not an evidence is quite sufficient to warrant trial in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Hence, if the grand jury serves an indictment in a criminal case, the suspect is formally accused of committing the crime. This simply means that, the grand jury has ascertained that there are enough evidence to indict an accused.

However, if in a criminal case, the grand jury offers no indictment, the case wouldn't go to trial at the time.

Ways to avoid emotional stress when
driving include:

a Always have the radio off
b Obey the rules-of-the-road
c Never change lanes
d Always go
with the flow



I will go with D always go with the flow

D, always go with the flow
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