Question 10 The hypotenuse of a right triangle is I m longer than the longer leg. The other leg is 7 m shorter than the longer leg. Determine the lengths of the three sides of the triangle. (3 marks)​


Answer 1


5, 12, 13

Step-by-step explanation:

let x be the longer leg then x + 1 is the hypotenuse and x - 7 the shorter leg

Using Pythagoras' identity in the right triangle

x² + (x - 7)² = (x + 1)² ← expand using FOIL

x² + x² - 14x + 49 = x² + 2x + 1

2x² - 14x + 49 = x² + 2x + 1 ( subtract x² + 2x + 1 from both sides )

x² - 16x + 48 = 0 ← in standard form

(x - 4)(x - 12) = 0 ← in factored form

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x - 4 = 0 ⇒ x = 4

x - 12 = 0 ⇒ x = 12

x = 4 , then x - 7 = 4 - 7 = - 3 ← not possible

x = 12, then x - 7 = 12 - 7 = 5 and x + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13

The lengths of the 3 sides are

longer leg = 12 m , shorter leg = 5 m and hypotenuse = 13 m

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I need help please slope



Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for slope is y2-y1/x2-x1 where y2 and x2 are the x and y coordinates from a coordinate pair and y1 and x1 are the coordinates from another coordinate pair. In this case, 2 coordinate pairs are given: (30,75) and (10, 35)  75-35/30-10 would be your slope, or, 40/20, or simplified, 2.

Your slope is 2

What is the difference between-5 and 2




Step-by-step explanation:

Going from -5 to 2 we get

1) -4

2) -3

3) -2

4) -1

5) 0

6) 1

7) 2

So, in total, there are 7 numbers between -5 and 2

Can someone PLEASE answer the Algebra Question CORRECTLY BELOW!
Thank you, I will mark brainiest!



There are 0.454 kg in one pound.

So, in 120 pounds there are 0.454 x 120 kgs.

This is equal to 54.48, and the answer is 54.48 kg.

Let me know if this helps!

Question 16 of 17
Which of the following best describes the graph below?

A. Independent variable
0 o a
B. A relation that is a function
C. A relation that is not a function
D. Dependent variable


The answer is B. It is a relation and also a function at the same time because it satisfies a specific domain

(a/b)^x-1 = (b/a)^x-3​



x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Need help on #7 , #8 Asap


b and b,

first one 100-51= 49 so b

second one think of a big angle with a line through it, so it would be AB would be a combination of AC and BC




Why do 6.52 x 10^3 and 652,000 ÷ 10^2 have the same answer?



6.52 x 10^3 is just basically 6.52 × 1000, which is 6520. But 652,000 ÷ 10^2 is just 652000 ÷ 100, which is 6520. That's why they have the same answer.

A farmer has an orchard that covers an area of 40 acres. He grows apples on 25 acres, peaches on 7 acres, nectarines on 5 acres, and plums on 3 acres. The fruit trees are equally distributed within the orchard. A tree is chosen at random. Rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent, what is the theoretical probability that the tree is not within the acres of apple trees




Step-by-step explanation:

Calculation to determine the theoretical probability that the tree is not within the acres of apple trees

Using this formula

P=(Number of all orchard acres - Apple acres)/(Total orchard acres)*100


P represent Probability

Let plug in the formula

P=(40 acres- 25 acres)/40 acres

P=15 acres/40 acres *100




Therefore the THEORETICAL PROBABILITY that the tree is not within the acres of apple trees is 37.5%


the answer is 37.5

Step-by-step explanation:

it is

Which is a point on the circle whose center is (0, 0) and whose radius is 5?
A. (2, 3)
B. (0, 0)
C. (3, 4)
D. (4, 5)


I had answer this question for somebody it’s letter c so ( 3,4)

The equation of the circle whose center is (0, 0) and whose radius 5 is x² + y² = 25.

What is an equation of a circle?

A circle can be characterized by its center's location and its radius's length.

Let the center of the considered circle be at (h,k) coordinate.

Let the radius of the circle be 'r' units.

Then, the equation of that circle would be:

(x-a)²+(y-b)² = r²

Where (a, b) is the centre and 'r' is the radius

We have a circle with centre (0, 0) and radius of 5.

Now, Substituting these value into the equation form, we have

(x-0)²+(y-0)² = 5²

x² + y² = 25

Hence, the equation of the circle whose center is (0, 0) and whose radius 5 is x² + y² = 25.

Learn more about equation of a circle here:


Cho đa thức f(x) = biết rằng f(1)=f(-1); f(2)=f(-2).

Chọn câu đúng :

A. f ( x ) = f ( −x) với mọi x

B. f ( x ) = − f ( −x) với mọi x

C. f ( x ) = 2 f ( −x) với mọi x

D. f ( x ) = 3 f ( −x) với mọi x




Giải thích:


f(-1) và f(-2)= f(-x)

=> f(1)=f(-1) =A. f(x)=f(-x)

Hello!! Please help me ASAP
Using special right triangles show and explain all work for each problem. Each solution and work should demonstrate your understanding of Special Right Triangles (30-60-90 and 45-45-90)
Find the missing side length and angle of this triangle. I've attached the triangle.



Step-by-step explanation:

The basic 30-60-90 triangle ratio is:

Side opposite to 30° angle is : x

Side opposite to 60° angle is : x √3

Side opposite to 90° angle is : 2x

From the diagram we learn that

x√3 = 10

[tex]x = \frac{10}{\sqrt{3}}=\frac{10*\sqrt{3} }{\sqrt{3}*\sqrt{3}}\\\\x=\frac{10\sqrt{3}}{3}= 5.77\\[/tex]

∠T = 30°, Side opposite to ∠T is AC = 5.77

∠A = 90°, side opposite to ∠A is TC = 2x = 2*5.77 = 11.54

Find the area of the regular polygon. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.



Step-by-step explanation:

The central angle of a hexagon is 60 degrees. Drop a line from the center to the middle of the side marked 7.

Use the  tan of the angle so formed (which is 30 degrees)

Tan(30)= opposite / height (which is the line you just drew).

Tan(30) = 3.5 / h

Tan(30) = 0.5774

Tan(30) = 3.5 / h                multiply both sides by h

h*Tan(30) = 3.5                  Divide by tan30

h = 3.5 / Tan(30)

h = 3.5 / 0.5774

h = 6.062

Now from both ends of the given side, draw 2 lines to the center. Find the area of that triangle.

Area of 1 triangle = 1/2 * b * h

area of 1 triangle = 1/2 * 7 * 6.062

Area of 1 triangle = 21.2176

There are 6 such triangles so multiply that number by 6

Answer:  6 * 21.2176

Answer:  127.31

Lúc 6 giờ, một ô tô xuất phát từ A đến B với vận tốc trung bình 40km/h. Khi đến B,

người lái xe làm nhiệm vụ giao nhận hàng trong 30 phút rồi cho xe quay trở về A với vận

tốc trung bình 30km/h. Tính quãng đường AB, biết rằng ô tô về đến A lúc 10 giờ cùng




Đáp án:


Step-by-step explanation:

30 phút





Ô tô đi từ A đến B rồi từ B về A mất số thời gian là:









giờ (không tính thời gian nhận hàng)

Gọi độ dài quãng đường AB là



Ta có:

Thời gian đi từ A đến B là



(quãng đường chia vận tốc)

Thời gian đi từ B đến A là



Ta có phương trình:














Vậy quãng đường AB là 60km.

x2 +15-8x entre 3-x ayuda pliz


By using Pythagorean theorem or just guesswork, we can see that: (x-3)(x-5) = 0, so the roots of the equation are x = 3, 5.

Ivana wants to give books from her store to the local library. She needs to place 8 books in each box. If she has 1,125 books to give away, how many boxes will she need




Step-by-step explanation:

1125 books, placed into 8 per boxes, 1125/8=140.625

11. The student government is selling flowers for homecoming. The project costs them $20 for advertising and
$3 for each flower sold.
a. Evaluate the expressions 3n+20 and 3(n+20) when n = 4.
b. Which expression shows their total cost? How do you know?




Step-by-step explanation:

3(n+20) = 3(4+20) = 3(24) = 723n+20 = 3(4)+20= 12+20=32

If n represents the amount of flowers they sold, then the correct answer should be 32. The cost for each flower they sold would be 3 x 4 and then add $20 for advertising.

please answer this!!​




Step-by-step explanation:

if angle c is 45 then angle A is 45 also

Hence AB is equal to BC

-8a-5=-7a+3 help someone


Answer: a = -8

Step-by-step explanation:


-8a - 5 = -7a + 3

Subtract 3 on both sides

-8a - 5 - 3 = -7a + 3 - 3

-8a - 8 = -7a

Add 8a on both sides

-8a - 8 + 8a = -7a + 8a

a = -8

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions


a = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

-8a-5=-7a+3                    Add 5 to both sides.

- 8a = - 7a + 3 + 5           Combine

-8a = - 7a + 8                  Add 7a to both sides

-8a + 7a = 8                    Combine

-a = 8                              Multiply by - 1

a = - 8                          

When you get a weird number like this, you should check it.

LHS = -8(-8) - 5

LHS = 64 - 5

LHS = 59

RHS = -(7*-8) + 3

RHS = -(-56) + 3

RHS = 56 + 3

RHS = 59

So a = - 8 must be right.

Find the value of 4 tenths x hundreds.


the value of 4 tenths x hundreds.




Step-by-step explanation:

4/10 x 100 = 40

help me with this question​





w= -5

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that the two matrix are equal, so all corresponding elements are equal.


From the second row and second column, we have y=2

so x-2=3


From the third row and the first column, we have w= - 5

लेखकाला शाल देणारे जोडपे​


होय साहेब!!!!!!!!!!

Find the measure of a. A. 110 B. 125 C. 55 D. 75


The answer to your question is c 55

Does this set of ordered Paris represent a function? Why or why not



Me = no it doesn't....

you = why tho

me = becoz function not given .....

so lame joke ik...

Pls help I tried basic answers like 50+50+80 =180 but it’s wrong so pls help



x = 65 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

x° + x° + 50° = 180°

2x + 50° = 180°

2x = 180° - 50°

2x = 130°

x = 130°/2

x = 65°

Given the following coordinates complete the reflection transformation.​


A(-0,-2) B(-1,-4) C(4,-6)


see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Under a reflection in the x- axis

a point (x, y ) → (x, - y ) , then

A (2, 0 ) → A' (2, 0 )

B (4, 1 ) → B' (4, - 1 )

C (6, - 4 ) → C' (6, 4 )

Under a reflection in the y- axis

a point (x, y ) → (- x, y ) , then

A' (2, 0 ) → A'' (- 2, 0 )

B' (4, - 1 ) → B'' (- 4, - 1 )

C' (6, 4 ) → C'' (- 6, 4 )

Simplify: 5^(x+2)-4×5^x÷21×5^x​




Step-by-step explanation:


= 5^(x+2)-4×5^2x/21

= 1/21(21×5^(x+2)-4×5^2x)

you buy a refrigerator for $711. The sales tax rate is 4%. Estimate the sales tax

a) $280

b) $28

c) $29

d) $290



B. $28

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the sales tax by finding 4% of 711:


= 28.44

This is closest to 28.

So, the correct answer is B. $28

find the missing side. Round it to the nearest tenth.​


Answer: x = 74.3

Step-by-step explanation:

Let 22 be reference angle


tan 22 = p/b

tan 22 = 30/x

or, x= 30/tan22

so, x = 74.252

so, x = 74.3

Inverse property of addition for real numbers



The answer would be -a

Step-by-step explanation:

In the examples,

5 + (-5) = 0

-1.33 + 1.33 = 0

THat means there will be a negative then a positive, or a positive then a negative.

INVERSE is the key word in this problem.

You roll a six-sided number cube and flip a coin. What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 1 and flipping heads? Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form.




Step-by-step explanation:

Number cube:

Numbers greater than 1 → 5 options out of 6


Heads → 1 out of 2

Required probability:

P(>1 & H) = 5/6*1/2 = 5/12

Answer: Probability of rolling a number more than one: 5/6

Probability of heads: 1/2

Probability of both: 1/2 + 5/6 = 4/3

Step-by-step explanation:

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