Question 2 of 10
What is the absolute location of Utah?
Indiana Ohio
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina
Alabama Georgia


Answer 1


North |||||||||||||||{}

Related Questions

How manufacturing is important to economi development of Ethiopia


Answer & Explanation:

The Ethiopian manufacturing sector is still far from being an engine of growth and economic transformation. It plays a marginal role in employment creation, exports, and output, and is short of stimulating domestic linkages. The sector's export orientation has been low and stagnant.

hope it helps! :)

The side of the San Gabriel Mountains that faces Los Angeles is the south-facing part. It looks drier and less green that the side that faces north. Why would the north-facing side of the San Gabriel Mountain slopes be greener and more heavily grown with plants



North facing side has gentler slopes


San Gabriel mountain ranges are located in los angles country. These mountains are transverse ranges that lie between the desert and basins areas. The ranges have rolling peaks and consist of a large number of canyons. The northern side of the mountain has a lower elevation as compared to the south-facing side.

what country fought a war in Afghanistan prior to 2001? A. India B. the Soviet union C. China. D. the United States and its i allies​



B. the Soviet union


The country that fought a war in Afghanistan before 2001 was the Soviet Union who invaded the country under the guise of upholding the Soviet-Afghan Friendship Treaty of 1978 but were really there to consolidate their power base.

They were resisted by the Mujahidin who saw the incursion by the Soviets as an insult to Islam.

which of the following statements accurately describes the influence of religion on the government of India A. india is officially a hindu state with a large Islamic minority within its population B. although it has a large population of Hindu followers, India is now officially and Islamic State C. india has always been a secular country D. none of the above​



A. India is officially a hindu state with a large Islamic minority within its population


The statement that accurately describes the influence of religion on the government of India is option A which states that India, though officially a Hindu state, has a large Islamic minority within its population.

This is true because India has majority of Hindus while Islam is in the minority.

diferencias entre los grupos oprimidos y aquéllos que gozan de poder e influencia​



Hay reyes y reinas que son el pueblo con poder, por ejemplo, y el pueblo oprimido tiene que escuchar a los reyes y reinas.


Why can't an average annual temperature and average annual precipitation tell you about climate?

Because a single average does not show you a pattern over the course of years,

Because climate only concerns precipitation and not temperature

Because climate only concerns temperatures and not precipitation.

Because it doesn't reveal the actual location on the surface.



Because a single average does not show you a pattern over the course of years


An average annual temperature and average annual precipitation cannot accurately tell you about climate because a single average does not show you a pattern over the course of years.

qual foi o objetivo da implantação da zona franca de manaus ?​



La zona económica franca de Manaus está ubicada en el estado de Amazonas, en la parte norte de Brasil. Fue fundada el 28 de febrero de 1967, convirtiéndose en la primera zona económica establecida en Brasil, con el objetivo de impulsar el desarrollo económico y social de la región norte, históricamente relegada respecto del resto del país. Habiendo recibido importantes ventajas económicas (beneficios fiscales y comerciales, exención de todos los bienes y componentes importados de los derechos de importación), la zona económica franca se ha convertido en el principal fabricante de computadoras y teléfonos móviles del país.

Match the items with each other.

a. I reset the fuses and the light still doesn't come on.
b. A fuse must have blown
c. The tight butt may be dead,
d. The electricity may be out The light did not come on

1. Observation
2. Interence



a. I reset the fuses and the light still doesn't come on.  --  Observation

b. A fuse must have blown  --  Interence  

c. The tight butt may be dead,   --  Observation

d. The electricity may be out The light did not come on  --  Interence


The observation is the act of observing something or someone carefully to gain information.  Interence is the process of interfering between two or more things.

what is the full form of xpyt​



Switches are classified as XPYT, meaning X number of poles (wires) and Y number of throws (positions).

Switches are classified as XPYT, meaning X number of poles (wires) and Y number of throws (positions).

explain geological work of glaciers​



The geological action of glaciers comprises erosion, transportation and deposition which together constitute what is known as glaciation. The geological action of glacier is mainly due to its flow.

The geological work of glacier involves;

eroding of underlying rock by abrasion and pluckingThey transport materials and also sculpt and carve away the land beneath them.

The glacier melt water can find its way into the underlying rock, then pushes some pieces of rock outward which would be carried away by flowing ice of the moving glacier.

Therefore,glacier can reshape the landscape with some period of time.

Learn more about glacier at;

Analyze the image below and answer the question that follows.

Two tectonic plates push toward each other labeled with arrows.

Image courtesy of USGS

At the type of plate boundary shown in the image above, two plates are colliding. Which type of plate boundary is shown in this image?









Please select the best answer from the choices provided







These are convergent boundaries because they push towards each other.

Answer: C) Convergent


Hope this helps!

Mark me brainliest!

Pls and Ty!

not likely to be very developed the ocean floor at an active continental margin ?

Deep sea trench

Continental slope

Continental rise


Deep sea trench
1st one

In Canada, the mortality rate is 7.4. In a population of 10,000, how many deaths would there be per year? OA. 74 O B. 7.4 O C. 74 OD. 740 Reset Next​



  A.  74


The given mortality rate is understood to be deaths per thousand per year. So, among 10 thousand people, one might expect 10×7.4 = 74 deaths per year.

geography what is the meaning of​


Well if you’re wondering what the meaning of geography is it’s the investigation of the actual highlights of the earth and its climate, and of human action as it influences and is influenced by these, including the appropriation of populaces and assets, land use, and enterprises.
the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources and political and economic activities.

de acuerdo con la clasificación de köppen,los climas de la zona ecuatorial se caracterizan por ser predominante mente cálidos y húmedos.esta condición climática se debe a:A) alta radiación solar que lleva a esta sonas ecuatoriales , los cuales origuinan lluvias todo el año. B)existencias de grandes cadenas montañosas en las sonas ecuatoriales,los cuales origuinan lluvias todo el año C) influencias de masas de aire procedentes de los polos, las cuales están cargadas de una gran cantidad de agua.D) influencia de las cuatro estaciones en esta zona, las cuales permiten que ayan veranos planetas e inviernos.pliiisssss porfa​


La respuesta correcta es la A. Alta radiación solar que lleva a esta zonas ecuatoriales, los cuales originan lluvias todo el año.


La clasificación de Köppen es una clasificación climática creada por el geógrafo ruso Vladimir Koppen en el año 1900, en el que propone un modelo para agrupar los climas naturales de la tierra a partir del rango de precipitaciones anuales y la temperatura media anual de cada lugar. Según esta clasificación existen cerca de treinta clasificaciones de clima en todo el mundo.

Específicamente la zona ecuatorial según Koppen se caracteriza por un alto rango de precipitaciones anuales y altas temperaturas en la mayoría del territorio durante todo el año, por lo que se clasifica como un área de clima tropical. Esta característica se debe a que es la zona que recibe los rayos solares de forma directa durante todo el año (originando la ausencia de estaciones climáticas) lo que origina el movimiento convectivo de corrientes de aire, formado nubes de desarrollo vertical (Cumulonimbus) que producen abundantes precipitaciones durante todo el año. De acuerdo a lo anterior, la respuesta correcta es la A.

Please answer fast I'm starving and my mom wont let me eat!!!
Alyssa draws a ray in her notebook. What is the minimum number of points through which the ray is drawn?



  (a)  2


Two points will define a ray. One of them is the end point. The other defines the direction of the ray.


Any line segment, ray, or line will consist of an infinite number of points. In each of these cases, 2 points is sufficient to define it.


A. 2


I took the test.

¿crees que el lugar en el q está ubicado un grupo humano puede influir en su avance?¿ porqué?​



sí, porque eso puede determinar dónde se construirán las ciudades o dónde podría ocurrir una guerra.


To create a land breeze Group of answer choices the cool air over the land rises, creating low pressure. Warm air over water sinks, creating high pressure. This creates an offshore breeze. the warm air over the land rises, creating low pressure. Cool air over water sinks, creating high pressure. This creates an offshore breeze. the warm air over the land sinks, creating high pressure. Warm air over water rises, creating low pressure. This creates an offshore breeze. the cool air over the land sinks, creating high pressure. Warm air over water rises, creating low pressure. This creates an offshore breeze.



the warm air over the land rises, creating low pressure. Cool air over water sinks, creating high pressure. This creates an offshore breeze.


During the daytime, the air over land is warmed due to the intense heating from the sun and become lighter and drifts up wards later on during the night this air is replaced by the cold air from oceans bodies and as the cool air sinks it floats over the land and this called as land breeze.

How do the mountains in western Washington most likely affect the weather
in the area to the east of them?
A. They make it hot by increasing the altitude.
B. They make it cold by casting a long shadow.
C. They make it dry by blocking rain from the west.
D. They make it wet by trapping the larger clouds.



They make it dry by blocking rain from the west.



How do the mountains in western Washington most likely affect the weather? answer C.

You probably noticed that the ages of the volcanoes do not always decrease linearly toward the present location of the hotspot. Explain in 1-2 sentences why you think this is the case.



There is a gradual decline  of volcanic age form the continental to the oceanic. As some of the volcanoes get eroded away.


The hotspot volcanoes are transported by plate movements as they move away form the mantel plumes the hotspot volcanism decreases. Then eventually the hotspots become extinct. Thus on the basis of age the youngest are near the places active tectonism where the magma is directly ground underneath the ground surface.

which are renewable resources? silver, oxygen, evergreen trees, dirt, trout, coal, coal, tomatoes, water



A renewable resource is a natural resource that can be used many times and is replaced through a natural process. Therefore, according to this definition, renewable resources are: water, evergreen trees, oxygen and tomatoes.


A natural resource that can be utilized repeatedly and replaced by a natural process is said to be renewable. As a result, according to this definition, renewable resources include tomatoes, oxygen, evergreen trees, and water.

A resource that can be refilled is said to have an unending supply because it is renewable. Inexhaustible resources such as the sun, wind, and geothermal heat are examples of renewable resources. As long as there is precipitation, water is regarded as a renewable natural resource.

Renewable energy is defined as the production of energy from sources that naturally replenish themselves at a rate equal to that of their consumption. Sunlight, wind, biomass, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat are a few examples.

Learn more about renewable energy here:


Winds that blow in opposite direction in different seasons because of the d/t heating of land and oceans are monsoon winds is that true or false​





Monsoon winds are those winds that blow in opposite direction in different seasons because of the d/t heating of land and oceans.

They are usually found in Asian countries due to the nearness to the ocean.

Therefore, the answer is true.

Sort these statements about the greenhouse effect by whether they are true, false, or if it is unclear based on just information within the Interactive. You may need to draw simple conclusions from the information provided by the Interactive.

a. Increasing CO2 increases the final temperature
b. An Earth with no CO2 or CH4 would have a final temperature of 0K
c. Decreasing CH4 increases the final temperature





Im sure its C

creation of State in Nigeria​



The Federal Capital Territory was established in 1991. In 1987 two new states were established, followed by another nine in 1991, bringing the total to 30. The latest change, in 1996, resulted in the present number of 36 states. I hope this helps.


Created by Britain


Because we're the only colonizer of that area during colonial error

1.1 State whether the following statement is true or false. - the crust is the outer layer of the earth on which people live​





what is the type of plateau​


There are two kinds of plateaus: dissected plateaus and volcanic plateaus. A dissected plateau forms as a result of upward movement in the Earths crust. The uplift is caused by the slow collision of tectonic plates.

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

. A dissected plateau forms as a result of upward movement in the Earths crust. The uplift is caused by the slow collision of tectonic plates. The Colorado Plateau, in the western United States, has been rising about

A004) Metamorphic Environments - New England, USA. Considering the area covered by the New England Metamorphic Zones overlay, what type of metamorphism likely produced these metamorphic rocks


Answer: Regional metamorphism


Regional metamorphism refers to the metamorphism that affects rocks over a large area due to the intended action of heat and pressure.

This metamorphic zone regarding the question consists of biotite zone, chlorite zone etc. which typically undergo regional metamorphism.

What makes the water in the sea move?


Tides contribute to coastal currents that travel short distances. Major surface ocean currents in the open ocean, however, are set in motion by the wind, which drags on the surface of the water as it blows. The water starts flowing in the same direction as the wind.

Waves are created by energy passing through water, causing it to move in a circular motion. The ocean is never still. ... Wind-driven waves, or surface waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water. As wind blows across the surface of the ocean or a lake, the continual disturbance creates a wave crest.

Where does soil go during farming?
What are NEW techniques farmers use that are different than the past?



The soil doesn't go any other place during farming

Soil and Water Sensors.

Weather Tracking. ...

Satellite Imaging. ...

Pervasive Automation. ...

Minichromosomal Technology. ...

RFID Technology. ...

Vertical Farming.


Some of the NEW techniques that farmers use that are different than the past are already listed above.

These technique helps the farmer to better predict and control some factors that were difficult or impossible to do in the past, such as using satellite imagine and tracking weather.

Characteristics of the Northern Hemisphere sub-tropical stream include

forms due to horizontal differences in temperature

found at a lower altitude than the polar front jet stream

forms along the poleward side of the Ferrell cell

forms along the poleward side of the Hadley cell


1) Subtropical jet stream, a belt of strong upper-level winds lying above regions of subtropical high pressure. Unlike the polar front jet stream, it travels in lower latitudes and at slightly higher elevations, owing to the increase in height of the tropopause at lower latitudes.

2) True

3) True

4) True

5) true

the above will explain any doubts contained within your forehead pls forgibe me for my inacceptable method of biblical

The Characteristics of the Northern Hemisphere sub-tropical stream include found at a lower altitude than the polar front jet stream and forms along the poleward side of the Hadley cell. Thus options B and D are correct.

What are the Characteristics?

Characteristics refer to any feature or trait of any object which provides any information about the concept. These are unique in nature and makes difference from one another.

The air parcels traveling in the top branches of the Hadley Cells circle the planet as they soar from equatorial regions to the subtropics. The subtropical jet stream, located close to 30 degrees latitude, is the peak of this poleward spiral.

There are often two jet streams a polar-front jet stream and a subtropical jet stream, both of which are centered at roughly 30 degrees latitude.

Therefore, option B and D is appropriate.

Learn more about  Northern Hemisphere sub-tropical stream, here:


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