r-(-4x - (y + y)); use x = -4, and y = -3 evaluate ​


Answer 1


insert values of x and y

r - ( -4(-4) - ( -3-3))

r - ( 16 +6 )

r - 22


Related Questions

please help
Question: 6b = 18
Answer: ?

















Step-by-step explanation:

10. In a group of 50 people, there are two types of professionals, engineers and managers. If 36 of them are engineers and 24 of them are managers, how many persons are both managers and engineers?​


Step-by-step explanation:

The photo above is the Venn diagram

Now, the number of persons that are both managers and engineers= n

Since, Total number of persons is 50

Therefore, 50= M+n+E

M only = 36-n

E only = 24-n

Therefore, 50= 36 - n + n + 24 - n

50 = 36+24-n

50 = 60 - n

60 - n = 50

-n = 50 - 60

-n = - 10

Therefore, n = 10

Therefore, the number of persons that are both Managers and Engineers is 10persons.

Wesley is making a patio from stones of two sizes, 5 inch wide and 10 inch wide. He wants to begin and end his pattern with a 10 inch stone so there will be one more of the 10 inch stones than of 5inch stones. His patio will be 130 inches wide.

How many 10 inch stones will Wesley need for one row?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

If x is the number of 10-inch stones, then (x-1) is the number of 5-inch stones, and the total width is ...

  10x +5(x-1) = 130

  15x -5 = 130 . . . . . . . eliminate parentheses

  15x = 135 . . . . . . add 5

  x = 9 . . . . . . . divide by 15

Wesley will need 9 10-inch stones for one row.

Help me with this please.



the answer should be B

Step-by-step explanation:

take the total of people who got the flu(63) and the amount of them who were vaccinated(35) and write it as a fraction. 35/63 in its simplest form is 5/9

round 32.68 to the nearest hundredth​




Step-by-step explanation:

round up

A lawyer commutes daily from his suburban home to his midtown office. The average time for a one-way trip is 24 minutes, with a standard deviation of 3.8 minutes. Assume the distribution of trip times to be normally distributed.
(a) What is the probability that a trip will take at least ½ hour?
(b) If the office opens at 9:00 A.M. and he leaves his house at 8:45 A.M. daily, what percentage of the time is he late for work?
(c) If he leaves the house at 8:35 A.M. and coffee is served at the office from 8:50 A.M. until 9:00 A.M., what is the probability that he misses coffee?
​(d) Find the length of time above which we find the slowest 10​% of trips.
(e) Find the probability that 2 of the next 3 trips will take at least one half
1/2 hour.



Step-by-step explanation:

a) Probability-Above 30 min = 5.72% = .0572

b) Probability-Above 15 min =  99.11% = .9911

c) *Probability-Between  1 - 59.49% = .4051

d) 19.136 minutes  z = -1.28

a) The probability that trip will take at least 1/2 hour will be 0.0606.

b) The percentage of time the lawyer is late for work will be 99.18%.

c) The probability that lawyer misses coffee will be 0.3659.

d) The length of time above which we find the slowest 10​% of trips will be 0.5438.

e) The probability that exactly 2 out of 3 trips will take at least one half

1/2 hour is 0.0103.

What do you mean by normal distribution ?

A probability distribution known as a "normal distribution" shows that data are more likely to occur when they are close to the mean than when they are far from the mean.

Let assume the time taken for a one way trip be x .

x ⇒ N( μ , σ ²)

x  ⇒ N( 24 , 3.8 ²)


The probability that trip will take at least 1/2 hour or 30 minutes will be :

P ( x ≥ 30)

= P [ (x - μ) / σ ≥ (30 - μ) / σ ]

We know that , (x - μ) / σ = z.

= P [ z ≥ (30 - 24) / 3.8)]

= P [ z ≥ 1.578 ]

= 1 - P [  z ≤ 1.578 ]

Now , using the standard normal table :

P ( x ≥ 30)

= 1 - 0.9394

= 0.0606


The percentage of the time the lawyer is late for work will be :

P ( x  ≥ 15)

= P [ z ≥ -2.368 ]

= P [  z ≤ 2.368]

= 0.9918




The probability that lawyer misses coffee :

P ( 15 < x < 25 ) = P ( x < 25 ) - P ( x < 15)

= P [  z < 0.263] - P ( z < -2.368)


= 0.3659


The length of time above which we find the slowest 10​% of trips :

P( x ≥ X ) ≤ 0.10

=  0.5438


Let's assume that y represents the number of trips that takes at least half hour.

y ⇒ B ( n , p)

y ⇒ B ( 3 , 0.0606)

So , the probability that exactly 2 out of 3 trips will take at least one half

1/2 hour is :

P ( Y = 2 )

= 3C2 × (0.0606)² × ( 1 - 0.0606)

= 0.0103

Therefore , the answers are :

a) The probability that trip will take at least 1/2 hour will be 0.0606.

b) The percentage of time the lawyer is late for work will be 99.18%.

c) The probability that lawyer misses coffee will be 0.3659.

d) The length of time above which we find the slowest 10​% of trips will be 0.5438.

e) The probability that exactly 2 out of 3 trips will take at least one half

1/2 hour is 0.0103.

Learn more about normal distribution here :



I need help this is confusing to me


Answer:i think it is b not really sure      

Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the graph below, and identify the piecewise function that describes it.



f(x)=-x when x belongs to (-infinity, 3)

f(x)=-2 when x belongs to [3, 6]

f(x)=2x-7 when x belongs to (6, infinity)

The answer pl shhaoksngausinxbbs pls



D. 3

Step-by-step explanation:

A triangle can be defined as a two-dimensional shape that comprises three (3) sides, three (3) vertices and three (3) angles.

Simply stated, any polygon with three (3) lengths of sides is a triangle.

In Geometry, a triangle is considered to be the most important shape.

Generally, there are three (3) main types of triangle based on the length of their sides and these include;

I. Equilateral triangle: it has all of its three (3) sides and interior angles equal.

II. Isosceles triangle: it has two (2) of its sides equal in length and two (2) equal angles.

III. Scalene triangle: it has all of its three (3) sides and interior angles different in length and size respectively.

In Geometry, an acute angle can be defined as any angle that has its size less than ninety (90) degrees.

Hence, we can deduce that the greatest number of acute angles that a triangle can contain is three (3) because the sum of all the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.

Rotation 90° counterclockwise around the origin of the point (-8,1)​


(-1, -8). When we rotate to the fourth quadrant, we make both of the coordinate values negative.

Tile is to be placed in an entryway, as shown below.
At $6.25 per square foot, how much does it cost to tile the entryway?


Calculate the area by using 2 rectangles:

13 x 5 = 65 square feet

5 x 4 = 20 square feet

Total area = 65 + 20 = 80 square feet.

Multiply price per square foot by total area:

6.25 x 80 = 500

Cost = $500

write your answer in simplest radical form​



x = 2 yd

Step-by-step explanation:

Angles of 45 degreees = two congruent legs

for the Pythagorean theorem

2x^2 = 8

x^2 = 4

x = 2

Your answer is below
Step by step explanation
If yu dont understand then post yur question again
Hope it helps yu

Find theta to the nearest tenth of a degree, if theta is between 0 degrees and 360 degrees for sin theta = 0.4649 with theta in quadrant 2


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The arcsine function only gives angles in quadrants I and IV. Since this is a quadrant II angle, its value will be ...

  θ = 180° -arcsin(0.4649) = 180° -27.7°

  θ = 152.3°

You have $2,000 on a credit card that charges a 16% interest rate. If you want to pay off the credit card in 5 years, how much will you need to pay each month (assuming you don't charge anything new to the card)?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The monthly payment amount is given by the amortization formula ...

  A = P(r/n)/(1 -(1 +r/n)^(-nt))

where P is the loan amount, r is the annual interest rate compounded n times per year for t years.

Here, you have P=2000, r=0.16, n=12 (months per year), t=5 (years), so the payment is ...

  A = $2000(0.16/12)/(1 -(1 +0.16/12)^(-12·5)) = $320/(12(0.54828942))

  A ≈ $48.636 ≈ $48.64

You will need to pay $48.64 each month to pay off the charge in 5 years.

Calculate the Standard Deviation of the following set of data. 14, 15, 16, 16, 9, 3, 16, 20, 29, 12




Step-by-step explanat

ion:data size :10

Sample mean:15

Standard sample deviation :6,782



Step-by-step explanation:

look at the image to find the question



yes, the volume = 16 ft^3

The HCF of two numbers is 175. The LCM of these two numbers is 12600. Both numbers are greater than their HCF. Find the two numbers




Answer : 1400 and 1575

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's say a and b the ywo numbers

[tex]HCF(a,b)=a\vee b=175=5^2*7\\LCM(a,b)=a\wedge b=12600\\\\a*b=(a\vee b)*(a\wedge b)=(2^3*3^2*5^2*7)*(5^2*7)=2^3*3^2*(5^2*7^2)^2\\\\Both\ numbers\ are\ greater\ than\ their HCF\\a=175*k_1\\b=175*k_2\\\\k_1=2^3\ and\ k_2=3^2\\\\a=175*2^3=1400\\b=175*3^2=1575\\\\[/tex]

Evaluate the expression for n = –8.

–2n − 6 =




Step-by-step explanation:

-2n - 6 = ?let n be -8-2 (-8) - 6 = ?= 10

[tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

find the missing side. round your answer to the nearest tenth. PLEASE HURRY




Step-by-step explanation:

cos(theta) = B/H

cos(75)=x/21, x=5.4

What integer is equal to 5!×2!?​




Step-by-step explanation:

! means factorial or to multiply by the previous number down to one so 5!=5*4*3*2*1=120 120*2=240.

In a study on the time that
a student required to obtain a college degree is randomly selected to 80
students and it is discovered that they have an average of 4.8 years (according to data from the National
Center for Education Statistics). Assuming s 2.2 years, construct an estimate of a confidence interval of the population mean. The confidence interval
the result contradicts the fact that 39% of students get their college degree in four years?


The 95% confidence interval of the population mean, in years, is (4.3, 5.3). 4 years is not part of the confidence interval, which means that it contradicts the fact that 39% of students get their college degree in four years.


To solve this question, we need to find the confidence interval for the amount of time it takes the students to get the degree.

We have the standard deviation for the sample, which means that the t-distribution is used to solve this question.


The first step to solve this problem is finding how many degrees of freedom,which is the sample size subtracted by 1. So

df = 80 - 1 = 79


95% confidence interval

Standard level of confidence, we have to find a value of T, which is found looking at the t table, with 79 degrees of freedom(y-axis) and a confidence level of [tex]1 - \frac{1 - 0.95}{2} = 0.975[/tex]. So we have T = 1.9905.


The margin of error is:

[tex]M = T\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}} = 1.9905\frac{2.2}{\sqrt{80}} = 0.5[/tex]

In which s is the standard deviation of the sample and n is the size of the sample.


The lower end of the interval is the sample mean subtracted by M. So it is 4.8 - 0.3 = 4.3 years.

The upper end of the interval is the sample mean added to M. So it is 4.8 + 0.3 = 5.3 years.


The 95% confidence interval of the population mean, in years, is (4.3, 5.3). 4 years is not part of the confidence interval, which means that it contradicts the fact that 39% of students get their college degree in four years.

A similar question is given at https://brainly.com/question/24278748

Write an inequality for the graph below. If necessary, use
<= for < or >= for .


9514 1404 393


  y < -1/4x -1

Step-by-step explanation:

The boundary line appears to go through the points (-4, 0) and (0, -1). This tells you it has a "rise" of -1 for a "run" of 4. The slope is ...

  m = rise/run = -1/4

The y-intercept (b) is the point where the y-axis is crossed. The slope-intercept equation of the boundary line is ...

  y = mx + b

  y = -1/4x -1


The boundary line is dashed, so is not included in the solution set. The shading is below the line, so all y-values less than (but not equal to) the boundary line are in the solution set:

  y < -1/4x -1

What percentages of participants in the study were American?​


the percentage of the participants that were american is %15

A research center poll showed that ​76% of people believe that it is morally wrong to not report all income on tax returns. What is the probability that someone does not have this​ belief?




Step-by-step explanation:

P(have belief) =76/100 = 19/25

P (does not have belief) = 1-19/25 = 6/25

You need a 75% alcohol solution. On hand, you have a 60 mL of a 55% alcohol mixture. You also have 85% alcohol mixture. How much of the 85% mixture will you need to add to obtain the desired solution?

You will need_____ mL of the 85% solution


60 mL=55% alcohol

?mL=85% alcohol


=92.727 mL

I think do like this....I'm not sure

Hope this help you

9514 1404 393


  120 mL

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the amount of 85% solution needed. Then the total amount of alcohol in the mix is ...

  0.55(60) +0.85(x) = 0.75(60 +x)

  33 + 0.85x = 45 +0.75x . . . . . . . eliminate parentheses

  0.85x = 12 +0.75x . . . . . . . . . .subtract 33

  0.10x = 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . subtract 0.75x

  x = 120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . multiply by 10

You will need 120 mL of the 85% solution.

The daily production of electronic motors at a certain factory averaged 120 with a variance of 100. The fraction of days that will have production levels between 100 and 140 assuming doubt about the normality of the data is


Cara has just come in for her morning shift , but the sales floor is a mess . Looks like the night crew didn't clean up . She groans , but then gets to work cleaning the displays before customers come . If she doesn't , who else will ? What good problem - solving skills is she exhibiting? a ) Seeking advice when necessary Ob ) Open to seeing new perspectives c ) Having a solutions - oriented attitude

How many natrual numbers in between 68 and 145



76 natural number not including the first

Hope this helps <3 Comment if you want more thanks and be sure to give brainliest (4 left) <3

There are 78 natural numbers between 68 and 145.

What are the Natural numbers?

The Natural numbers are defined as it used for counting and are a component of the number system, which includes all positive integers from 1 to infinity. It does not include zero (0).

The set of natural numbers includes only the positive integers, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ……….∞.

Sum of natural numbers are n(n+1)/2

Sn = n(n+1)/2

Hence, this is the formula to calculate sum of 'n' natural numbers.

Given that numbers are 68 and 145

We will start counting from 68 to 144

Number of natural numbers between 68 and 145 = (144 - 67)+1

Number of natural numbers between 68 and 145= 77 +1

Number of natural numbers between 68 and 145 = 78

Hence, there are 78 natural numbers between 68 and 145.

Learn more about Natural numbers here:



seven times a number decreased by the number is -48 . Find the number.



a = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the required number be "a".

Given that, seven times a number minus the number is -48

7 × a - a = -48

7a - a = -48

6a = -48

a = (- 48) / 6

a = -8

In a residual plot against x that does NOT suggest we should challenge the assumptions of our regression model, we would expect to see a _____. a. parabolic band of points b. band of points having a slope consistent with that of the regression equation c. horizontal band of points centered near 0 d. widening band of points



In a residual plot against x that does NOT suggest we should challenge the assumptions of our regression model, we would expect to see a _____.

c. horizontal band of points centered near 0

Step-by-step explanation:

This residual graph or plot shows the residual values (or the difference between the observed y-value (from scatter plot) and the predicted y-value (from regression equation line) on the vertical axis and displays the independent variable on the horizontal axis.  A linear regression model becomes appropriate for a dataset when the points are randomly dispersed around the horizontal axis near 0; otherwise, a nonlinear model becomes more appropriate.

Help please. For the hign school basketball game, it costs $8 for every 4 tickets. Complete the table below showing the cost and the number of tickets. ​



$2 for 1 ticket, 7 tickets for $14, $18 for 9 tickets, 10 tickets for $20

Step-by-step explanation:

Since we know that it  $8 for 4 tickets, we can simplify the ratio down to 2:1, meaning that each ticket is $2.

You're welcome and good luck with your classes young one

Other Questions
What is one Pascal pressure? What is its unit? full form of ip ........? Wagonium-292 has a half-life of 1 hour. If you started with an 80 gram sample, how much Wagonium-292 will remain after 4 hours? A.) 10g B.) 40g C.) 160g D.) 5G [tex](a+b)^{2}[/tex] These signal the passage of time in a passage What are the values of (-2)4 and -24?1. 8 and -82. -8 and -8 3. 16 and -164. 16 and 16 II. Choose the best answer.1. While I__________ along the road, I saw a friend of mine.A. had cycled B. have cycled C. cycled D. was cycling2. __________ I came to see her yesterday, she was reading a book.A. Before B. While C. After D. When3. Ann: What do you usually do on Saturdays? - Mary: ______________A. Id be sleeping all day B. I used to drive to workC. Im not doing anything D. I usually sleep until noon4. What ________ when Peter called last night?A. have you done B. are you doing C. were you doing D. did you use to do5. _________ your new teacher yet?A. Had you met B. Have you met C. Do you meet D. Are you meeting6. This is the second time I __________ that song. The first time was at the club last month.A. have heard B. heard C. hear D. will hear7. _________ here since 1999 when her parents moved from HCM city.A. Shes been living B. Shes living C. She was livingD. Shed live8. Listening to very loud music at rock concert ________ caused hearing loss in some teenagers.A. have B. has C. have been D. has been9. Lan: What do you think of horror films? - Nam ____________.A. Oh, my god B. I havent seen them for a long timeC. Oh, I find them really disgusting D. I just saw a film last night.10. A large number of staff in my office _________ English quite fluently.A. speak B. speaks C. is speaking D. has spoken11. Mary said that she _________ her homework since 8 oclock.A. did B. was doing C. has done D. had done12. Ive known him ________ I left college.A. when B. during C. until D. since13. He ______ for a job for some weeks before he found one.A. is looking B. looksC. would have been looking D. had been looking Saul is testing an installation and discovers a short circuit whats causing thisA.high current B.high voltageC.low resistanceD.low voltage State the slope of the line shown below (help ASAP)Is it a, b, c or d? Find F(-3).F(x) = 2x^2- 5x-8 14. What's one of the two requirements electric current?A. There must be an electric potential between two bodiesB. There must be no valence electrons that make their element unstableC. There must be a carbon element present in the electric currentD. There must be a magnetic force between two bodiesMarko v sao quy ch php l hnh chnh ca ngi nc ngoi Vit Nam hn ch hn so vi cng dn Vit Nam Find the length of the third side. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. 5 10 Select any decade from the nineteenth or the twentieth century and create a timeline that traces the significant developments in the field ofpsychology across that decade. Your timeline should include at least 10 significant psychological developments that span the decade that youselect. Cell phones are an integrated part of our society at this point, and their main use is communication. They keep students in touch with the rest of the world by giving them the power to interact with it. In my day, if you forgot your lunch you were at the mercy of the office calling home for you. Now, students have the ability to solve their own problems and handle certain "emergencies" on their own.Cell phones also allow students the ability when the time is right, to keep in touch with students at other schools or friends that don"t go to school. While not an educational benefit directly, better relationships can lead to higher self-esteem and reduce isolation, which is good for everybody. In the same way, camera phones allow students to capture the kinds of memories that help build a solid school culture, and, in some cases, can act as documentation of misbehavior in the same way that store cameras provide evidence and deter bad behavior.Academically, the cell phone can act as to record video of a procedure of explanation that may need to be reviewed later. It could be used to record audio of a lecture, as well, for later review. And just imagine if class could be easily taped for students who are absent? What if they could even be streamed and seen from home instantly?The iPod is a little trickier, because its function varies greatly by model. At its heart, it is a media player, and I know for a fact that many students work better while listening to music. For this reason, they can have a good effect by keeping students from getting too distracted while working (ironic, because we mostly think of them AS distractions!). If it is a WIFI compatible model, and wireless internet is available, the iPod can be a great tool for looking up information or digging into things more deeply. Depending on the model, it may be able to act as a camera and video recorder as well (with the same benefits as the cell phone).Devices like the Kindle could, conceivably, make learning a lot easier. Imagine carrying all your textbooks in the palm of your hand, rather than strapped to your back! Though expensive, compared to buying new textbooks, the Kindle is a bargain. Many of the books used in high school English classes are actually FREE on the Kindle.Which of the following is NOT true about the iPod according to the passage?. A.The iPod can be used to record videos B.The iPod can be used to make phone calls C.The iPod can be connected to the Internet. D.The iPod comes in different models. what is the sign of x/y times 7y^3 when x0? A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero Whats this topic called 1. Este tipo de organizacin social se desarroll en el periodo Paleoltico; es el trmino con el que se denomina a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria, su final se produjo con la Revolucin neoltica, cuando el ser humano dej de ser nmada, comenz a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron. 1Comunidad primitiva2Civilizacin primitiva3Organizacin primitiva4Grupos primitivos Reduce 20/60 to its lowest common denominator 1.Graph the data in the table. Which kind of function best models the data? Write an equation to model the data.A. exponential; y = 6 1.5xB. quadratic; y = x2C. exponential; y = 6 2.5xD. linear; y = 3x 6