Read any urban legend about a person and summarize it. Analyze the story and explain whether you consider it factual or not.


Answer 1


   I've read of the "disappearing hitchhiker" urban legend. On a road all by herself, a little girl makes her way. Seeing a female strolling alone, a guy who was driving himself to the dance decided to give her a lift, and once the night was finished, she wanted to be dropped off at her house. In order to be picked up on a chilly night, I borrowed his coat. They drove back the following morning to pick up the coat they'd left behind, only to discover from the girl's mother that she'd been dead for 12 years, had been slain on the same road they'd taken her on, and was buried not far away.

   Because they didn't believe it, they went to the cemetery and saw their coat hanging on her grave. When you hear urban legends, the underlying message is that you must be aware of your surroundings. You don't know what the person's mental condition is. Seek assistance if you are uncertain or afraid that your life is in danger. It's possible that the guy strolling by was a thief or a murderer seeking for a victim. Several versions of this tale have been told since the turn of the century, but the basic premise of a person disappearing at the end of the night stays the same in all of them. However, I think this narrative to be untrue, but the legend was designed to educate in a creative manner.

Hopefully this helps you. :)

Answer 2


The legend of Bloody Mary is very popular among girls at my school. According to the story, if a person holding a candle in hand says “Bloody Mary” three times in front of a mirror, a witch named Bloody Mary appears in the mirror and attacks that person. According to legends, there was a woman who lived in the forest, and she subsisted on trade in herbal medicines. People called her Bloody Mary because no one knew her real name. People believed that she was a witch, and that she possessed magical powers. Everyone was afraid to cross her path. At one time, little girls from the village started to disappear mysteriously, and no one knew the reason for it. However, people suspected that Bloody Mary could be the cause for these disappearances. The people in the village set her ablaze, and she screamed and cursed the villagers. Before she died, she proclaimed that if anyone ever said her name aloud before a mirror, she would appear in front of that person and take revenge for her death.According to another popular version of the tale, only girls can evoke the spirit of Bloody Mary. In a completely darkened house, the girl has to walk up a flight of stair backwards, holding a candle in her hand. She then has to look into a mirror and say “Bloody Mary” three times. With this ritual, the spirit of Bloody Mary will come to life and attack the person.The Bloody Mary legend may have inspired many movies and television series, but there is a scientific explanation for it. Scientists point out that a room devoid of sufficient light can cause a person to hallucinate. In such a situation, if a girl looks into a mirror with a candle in her hand, she is bound to see an unclear image of herself, or she may see an unidentified image. This is the Caputo Effect.



Related Questions

Choose the correct options in Ann's e-card.

Greetings from the Easy Spacecraft. According to the schedule. (1) we arrive/we're arriving at 9:07 tomorrow morning. The first thing (2) we do/were going to do is find my uncle and aunt.
(3) They're meeting/They meet us at the airport.
Then (4) we probably go/we'll probably go to the hotel.
(5) We're not being able to do / We won't be able to do much on the first day because (6) we're/we're likely to be tired after the long trip. According to the weather forecast, next week it (7) is going to be/is very windy with a lot of dust storms. (8) I'm getting/I'll get in touch again soon.​​



Greetings from the Easy Spacecraft. According to the schedule (1) we're arriving at 9:07 tomorrow morning. The first thing (2) we're going to do is find my uncle and aunt. (3) They're meeting us at the airport. Then (4) we'll probably go to the hotel. (5) We won't be able to do much on the first day because (6) we're likely to be tired after the long trip. According to the weather forecast, next week it (7) is going to be very windy with a lot of dust storms. (8) I'll get in touch again soon.


1=we're arriving

2=we're going to do

3=they're meeting

4=we'll probably

5=we won't

6=we're likely

7=is going to be

8=i'll get


hope this helps good luck




The answer is C.


Hope it's help

what does the writer mean by a "wiry man?​



the writer means that the person is thin but looks strong.

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Well, I like...

The clubs- In my school, they have this club where you're basically principals for the school.The teachers- They are all so supporting of me.The work- This may be surprising, but the schoolwork we have to do intrigues me.

I hope this helped at all.

2) In paragraph 6, the word ornamentation means



D. Decoration


Write a 30 second monologue about Christmas.




Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated on December 25. Not everyone will celebrate this holiday though. Some people will celebrate Hannakuh, another holiday that we will not get into right now. On the first days of December, people will put up christmas trees, stockings, and start baking cookies. Then, on christmas eve, a big jolly dude will go down your chimney, and delever presents forthe kids, and eat your cookies!!


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Upon his return Clifford and Hepzibah both seem to be beaten by their circumstance, tired and nearly lifeless or fearful at times. However, Clifford also is like Phoebe in that he shares a love for beautiful things and the simple things in life such as the garden.


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Productivity is more about rhythm and less about being in perpetual motion.

What would you say for a response


What’s the response supposed to be, I would say the dad is being obstinate because he is entitled and thinks he is above the maid and getting help from her. The children knew the right thing to do for their safety would be to go with the maid, who was trying to help them, but they love their dad, so they stayed with him anyways. This is actually really sad because it shows how being stubborn and judging others based on (in the case) class can be a great downfall.

Question 5 of 10
Which of the following is correct?
O A. Love chocolate. I work as a candy maker.
B. I work as a candy maker. Because I love chocolate.
C. Because I love chocolate. I work as a candy maker.
D. Because I love chocolate, I work as a candy maker.



i work as a candy maker. because i lovechocolate


Because I love chocolate, I work as a candy maker.

What did the policeman think Wallace was lying about?


need more information to answer your question

4. It's quite urgent. You
type the reports today,
A trust B. might C. necda't
D. wouid
5. Jane's glasses are on the desk, so sho
be here,
A. must
B. shall
C. ought
D. will
6. The gas tank is almost empty. We
stop at the next service station
A. mustn't B. might
C. needn't D. had better
7. A person
cat in order to live.
A. have to 3. must
8. A person
eat a balanced diet.
A should B. ought
D. must
9. I don't have enough money to take the bus, so I
walk home
A. should B. mustn't C. have to D. needn't
10. You
eat these mushrooms. They are very poisonous.
À, Tecdn't B. can't
C. mustn't D. won't
D. may
C. may










sorry if I didn't answer number 4 cuz I actually don't know the answer on number 4.

I'm happy to help

(English is my favorite so I know what to answer.)

The correct words have been filled in the blanks:

4. It's quite urgent. You  might type the reports today,5. Jane's glasses are on the desk, so must be here,6. The gas tank is almost empty. We  had better stop at the next service station7. A person  must eat in order to live.8. A person  should eat a balanced diet.9. I don't have enough money to take the bus, so I  have to walk home.10. You  mustn't eat these mushrooms. They are very poisonous.

There are different factors that dictate the correct conditional verbs that should be used in sentences.

When something is not compulsory, may, might, can, and could will be used. When it is a necessity, then words like must and should will be used.

So, the sentences have been correctly filled in this manner.

Learn more about conditional verbs here:

Read the excerpts from “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry” and “Speaking Arabic.”

My friend had concluded that if he took his language and culture out of his poetry, he stood a better chance of receiving a fellowship. He took out his native language, the poetic patois of our reality, the rich mixture of Spanish, English, pachuco and street talk which we know so well. In other words, he took the tortillas out of his poetry, which is to say he took the soul out of his poetry.

At a neighborhood fair in Texas, somewhere between the German Oom-pah Sausage Stand and the Mexican Gorditas booth, I overheard a young man say to his friend, “I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel—so lonely for one.” And the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head.

Which best states how the structures of the excerpts differ?
Anaya structures his excerpt as an anecdote, while Nye structures her excerpt as a rhetorical appeal.
Anaya structures his excerpt as an analysis, while Nye structures her excerpt as an observation.
Anaya structures his excerpt as an observation, while Nye structures her excerpt as an analysis.
Anaya structures his excerpt as a rhetorical appeal, while Nye structures her excerpt as an anecdote.



Anaya compares "tortillas" to "the soul" of a Mexican-American writer, emphasizing his belief that writers must be allowed to express their culture and heritage.


I hope this helps

What is a short-constructed response? What are
the necessary components of a short-
constructed response?


Answer:"Constructed-response answer" is the newfangled term for what we used to call a "short-answer essay question." All it means is that you're going to answer the question in one well-written paragraph. If you follow these guidelines, your answers should generally be complete enough to make your teacher happy. Restatement, Don't just copy the question; restate the question in your answer. Answer all parts of the question, Cite the proof for your answer. Analysis, This is where you're going to explain your choice of quote and finally your Conclusion.


Researching Global Warming
The scientific community has been tracking changes in climate and weather patterns for many years now. You have learned there may be a possible link between human activity and an increase in global temperature. You know this could result in some unpleasant effects on Earth’s atmosphere. The greenhouse effect has a helpful effect on the atmosphere—it contributes to life on Earth. In this lesson, you will visit some websites to investigate more about what scientists are learning. You will then create a presentation on a topic related to your research.


Answer: uh ohhhhh


Good night people, how are you?



good how about you?


Read the passage.
The Dirty Thirties and the Filthy Fifties
The southern Great Plains, an area of the U.S. known for its wheat production, was struck by a severe drought in the early 1930s. Farmers were unable to coax wheat from the parched earth. Huge swaths of plowed land, unanchored by native grasses, were left exposed to the region's strong winds, resulting in years of dust storms that earned the decade the title the Dirty Thirties. Facing poverty and dust inhalation, four hundred thousand people fled the region. Years later, a resurgence of dust storms occurred during another drought. However, the extent of the damage during the Filthy Fifties (as the decade came to be called) offered a contrast to the Dirty Thirties. Not only was the drought shorter, but the land was less vulnerable. In the intervening years, the federal government had restored prairie grasses, while farmers had also applied techniques to prevent soil erosion.
What is the main idea of the passage?

00 12 04
out of 100


Need a break?



Answer: thanks to inventions, the dust storms of the filthy fifties were less severe than those of the dirty thirties


I got it wrong and that's what it said the answer was

How verbs can be used​



As the heart of sentences and clauses, verbs show what the subject is doing or feeling, even if they're just existing. Verbs are also the only type of word that's absolutely necessary to make a sentence. Not even nouns, which represent things, need to be in every sentence.




Which word could best be used in place of the word racket in this sentence? The crowd next door made a racket that lasted until after midnight. O barb O clamor O vagabond 0 quay. NOOOOOOoOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOoOOOOoOOo HACKERS NOOOOOoOOoO LINKS GoT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​


The answer is 2/B.Clamor
Clamor is is similar to racket- a loud noise

What Is Global Warming?
Global warming is a trend observed by climatologists and other scientists showing that the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere is increasing. Along with the rise in global temperature are other changes including rising sea levels and increased frequency of severe weather. Climate change creates changes to the atmosphere, resulting in an abnormal greenhouse effect that affects weather patterns.

What is the role of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas? What can be done to help stop global warming?

global warming
"an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere surrounding the earth that is capable of causing a change in climate"


What causes global warming?

Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth's surface. … Curbing dangerous climate change requires very deep cuts in emissions, as well as the use of alternatives to fossil fuels worldwide.

What is global warming?

Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth's temperature generally due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants.

Hi guys, this is a homework which is due in 7 minutes, I was very sick and I do not know the answer of this question, please help i will mark u brainliest


Alexander declared that we should all work together

Grive reasons. a) Petals are colourful and produce a good smell.​



Petals come in all sorts of colors and are sometimes used to make perfume.

what does it mean part-time???



Part time means you do something in partial time, and in the rest of your time you do something else. Half time is divided for two things.

Is youngest a common noun



yes youngest a common noun

____ there any books on the shelf? *
A. Is
B. Are
C. Do
D. Does
There _____ not any milk in the bottle. *
A. is
B. are
C. isn’t
D. aren’t








Snog plz help me or anyone plz lend an hand to a failing grade plz be so kin as to help start by reading this The American colonies had accomplished an amazing success. Angry about their treatment by the British government, the colonists had protested and then revolted. After winning the Revolutionary War against England, they had formed a new country: the United States of America.

During the war, the Continental Congress had formed a government under the Articles of Confederation. This document served as the first constitution of the United States. Because of their experiences with the British government, the colonists had limited the power of the United States central government under the Articles. After the war, however, many people realized that the government had too little power. It could not collect taxes or regulate trade. There was no executive to enforce laws and no court system to make sure laws were fair. The country’s leaders realized the United States needed a new plan of government.

Respected people, or delegates, from all the colonies except for Rhode Island met in Philadelphia in 1787 to create a new constitution. For four months the delegates discussed problems and solutions—in secret so that no one would influence the decisions. Finally, in September 1787, they completed the writing of the United States Constitution. The next step was to get the document ratified, or approved, by nine of the thirteen states. That task was not easy.

When Americans learned the specifics of the Constitution, two groups formed. People who supported the strong government created by the Constitution were called Federalists. People who worried that the government would be too powerful were called Anti-Federalists. As the states prepared to ratify the Constitution, these two groups worked hard to get people to join their side. Leaders of the Federalists wrote a series of essays published throughout the country. They urged the states to ratify the Constitution without any amendments. Meanwhile, the Anti-Federalists wanted to make sure that people’s rights were protected against the government. It soon became clear that some states—especially big states such as Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia—were not ready to adopt the Constitution.

What were the rights that the Anti-Federalists wanted to protect? The list included the right to speak freely, to worship freely, to have fair searches, and to have a trial by jury. These were all rights that the British government had ignored before the Revolution. Federalists claimed that those rights were protected even though they were not specifically listed. After more than two years of discussions, James Madison proposed amendments, or additions, to the Constitution that would protect a citizen’s rights.

The House of Representatives passed seventeen amendments on August 24, and the Senate consolidated them into twelve amendments. The Senate passed them on September 9. In order for the amendments to become law, however, the states also had to approve them. Congress sent the amendments to the states on September 25. The states approved ten of the twelve amendments—known as the Bill of Rights—on December 15, 1791. The United States had a new government plan that allowed it to become not only the most powerful nation in the world but also the greatest protector of human rights. What are two central ideas of the passage?

Federalists didn't want a Bill of Rights.

The creation of the Constitution was complicated.

Many people worked together to create the Constitution.

Personal rights were unimportant to Americans.

James Madison proposed seventeen amendments.



B. The creation of the Constitution was complicated.


Brainlest Please!

When reading an informational text, how do you identify the author's thesis statement?

A). The thesis statement is the first sentence of the introduction, in which the author introduces the topic for the first time.

B). The thesis statement is the sentence in the introduction that states the author's specific ideas about the topic.

C). The thesis statement is the sentence found at the beginning of a body paragraph, which is followed by supporting details.

D). The thesis statement is the sentence found at the end of the conclusion, which wraps up the author's ideas on the subject.





The answer is:
It is at the end

Distribute these chocolates ....... these ten boys.​


how many chocolates and there’s 10 boys so…


amount of chocolates/10


The question is vague. How many chocolates?

Emily's favorite chair was worn, so she decided to re-cover it.
Which of the following correctly clarifies the intended meaning of
this sentence?


Answer: b it was clear as it was





Two common ____________ are the balance sheet and the income statement
A. financial
B. financial statements
C. report
D. statements


B. Financial statements
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