Read the excerpt from "Finding Unity in the Alabama Coal Mines.” The coal companies, in response, recruited workers from as far as New York’s Ellis Island, where newly arriving immigrants were desperate for jobs. What is the denotation of the word desperate? in need of excited about overlooked for interested in


Answer 1


A( in need of


correct on edge

Answer 2




sources: trust me bro

Related Questions

Jocks vs. nerds, brawn vs. brain, hunks vs. dweebs; America has a conflicted relationship with the smart, studious, or anyone who has not taken the hunter-gatherer macho path. As David Anderegg notes in Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them, there’s a divide in our culture between “Men of Action” and “Men of Reflection.” Superman embodies the polar extremes. Clark Kent represents the private, introverted, nerdy side, but it’s the public, muscle-bound he-man from Krypton that our culture celebrates. Our society purportedly encourages high achievement in math and science. But it also crucifies brains for being smart. Yes, we do want our kids to do well in school – just as long as the passions they relish, the knowledge they acquire, and the pursuits they master have relevance to the real world. In other words, being an astrophysicist better make them a bunch of money. Too smart, you’re declared a freak, thus ostracized, and picked last for the kickball team at recess. It’s a mixed message.

This passage emphasizes what about America’s treatment of “smart” people?

A) Being “smart” is important, as long as a person is not too “smart.”

B) They are seen as useful and necessary contributors to society.

C) America treats them like outcasts.

D) Most people would prefer athletic individuals.





From what I perceive after reading this passage, I believe that this is the most accurate answer.  Please notify me if I am wrong.

In to build a fire how does the man know that he shouldnt travel alone when its 50 below 0



And again, in the air, before they could fall to the snow, the drops of water became ice that broke with a noise. He knew that at 50 below zero ...

can someone help me with love poems this is what i have

If kisses were raindrops id send showers if hugs were seconds id send you hours


It say kisses are rain drops. By sending showers, the mean to send lots of kisses. (showers as in a storm)

Hugs are like seconds. So by giving someone hours, you are giving them lots of hugs.

Rearrange the incomplete sentences below and rewrite the complete short message in the space provided Furthermore, you have play it before in primary school It's nice to hear from you, little sister You are fairly active and fit, but you rarely I think that you should choose netball Football can be rough and I'm not sure you will like that. play it However, So, You are tall and you like being part of team Badminton is good too Take care and bye. it will be much easier for you to simply catch up on your skills. so any one of sports would be great for you. I have to pen off now.​




How does the following statement in the Declaration of Independence
support the conclusion that America must form its own government?


I don’t know sorry bae

Fill in the blanks a suitable question word.
(A) Why (B) What (C) How (D) Where
1. ________are you thinking about?
2. ________ is the nearest telephone?
3. ________ are you doing now?
4. ________don't you wear this sweater?
5. ________do they get to school?
6. ________does your father go on Mondays?
7. ________didn't you come to school yesterday?
8. ________is she wearing?
9. ________do you think of Mike?
10. ________often does he go running?
11. ________time do you get back?
12.________ don't we go shopping this afternoon?
13.________ much are these trousers?
14.________ tall is he?
15.________ does your granny live?
16._ _______ many people live there?
17.________ are they from?
18.________ far is your school from our house?
19.________ don't we have a game together some time?
20.________ exams have you passed?



1. B


3. B

4. A

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. B

9. B

10. C

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. C

15. D

16. C

17. D

18. C

19. W

20. B

The blanks a suitable question word.

1. B 2.D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. D 16. C 17. D 18. C 19. W 20. B

What is suitable?

Do you think this would work for you She might be thinking about someone more appropriate A group of people can decide on a kind of government that works for them. She would next need to get some hiking-friendly clothing.

You can think that shoes are more appropriate than high heels at a track meet since suitable means suited for the situation. While the word "suitable" always refers to something that is appropriate for a specific person or circumstance, it is also occasionally only a question of opinion.

Therefore,  blanks a suitable question word.

Learn more about suitable here


Rewrite the sentences using the words given.
1. It wasn't a good idea to leave your rubbish on the beach. (shouldn't )
2. The most logical explanation is that someone stole the paintings form the art gallery. (must)
3. It wasn't necessary to ask Paul to come and help us. (need)
4. I think Louise drew the dragon on the wall. (may)



1. You shouldn't leave your ....

2. Someone must have stolen the paintings....

3. You didn't need to ask ....

4.Lousie may have drawn the dragon on the wall.

Which are important to consider when identifying the purpose of a speech? Select 4



language.audiance.expect opinion.central ideas


language because is very important when u delive speech to people,show to people your opinion,and yours central ideas to people

It is likewise most lamentable to think, how in taking Negros out of Africa, and selling of them here, That which GOD has joined together men do boldly rend asunder [Matt. 19:6]; Men from their Country, Husbands from their Wives, Parents from their Children. How horrible is the Uncleanness, Mortality, if not Murder, that the Ships are guilty of that bring great Crouds of these miserable Men, and Women. Methinks, when we are bemoaning the barbarous Usage of our Friends and kinsfolk in Africa: it might not be unseasonable to enquire whether we are not culpable in forcing the Africans to become Slaves amongst our selves. And it may be a question whether all the Benefit received by Negro Slaves, will balance the . . . cash laid out upon them; and for the Redemption of our own enslaved Friends out of Africa. Besides all the Persons and Estates that have perished there.

How does Sewall appeal to Christians in this excerpt? Briefly explain your answer. (100 words)



In the excerpt above, written by Samuel Sewall, he appeals to Christians by quoting directly from the Bible. In the very first part of the paragraph, he quotes from Matthew 19:6 in order to draw in the attention of Christians and emphasize his point that all humans on Earth are equal to each other, and no one individual is superior to the another in the eyes of God. By making this direct quote to the Bible, Seqall effectively uses the Bible to convince Christians that all people, no matter their nationality, skin color, or gender, are equal.


Please answer in your own words :)


class 7th chapter: Prepositions

Manu and Meenu moved the table ________ the dinning room.

a) into
b) onto
c) upon​



a) into


U can't move table upon nor onto the dinning room therefore it is into

Letter to a Citizen of Kentucky, an excerpt

Executive Mansion, Washington,
April 4, 1864.
A. G. Hodges, Esq., Frankfort, Ky.

My Dear Sir:
You ask me to put in writing the substance of what I verbally stated the other day, in your presence, to Governor Bramlette and Senator Dixon. It was about as follows:
I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think and feel; and yet I have never understood that the Presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially in this judgment and feeling. It was in the oath I took that I would to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. I could not take the office without taking the oath. Nor was it in my view that I might take the oath to get power, and break the oath in using the power.
I understood, too, that in ordinary civil administration this oath even forbade me to practically indulge my primary abstract judgment on the moral question of slavery. I had publicly declared this many times and in many ways; and I aver that, to this day I have done no official act in mere deference to my abstract judgment and feeling on slavery. I did understand, however, that my oath to preserve the Constitution to the best of my ability imposed upon me the duty of preserving, by every indispensable means, that government, that nation, of which that Constitution was the organic law. Was it possible to lose the nation, and yet preserve the Constitution?
By general law, life and limb must be protected; yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life, but a life is never wisely given to save a limb. I felt that measures, otherwise unconstitutional, might become lawful by becoming indispensable to the preservation of the Constitution through the preservation of the nation. Right or wrong, I assumed this ground, and now avow it. I could not feel that to the best of my ability I had even tried to preserve the Constitution, if, to save slavery, or any minor matter, I should permit the wreck of government, country, and Constitution altogether.
When, early in the war, General Fremont attempted military emancipation, I forbade it, because I did not then think it an indispensable necessity. When, a little later, General Cameron, then Secretary of War, suggested the arming of the blacks, I objected, because I did not yet think it an indispensable necessity. When, still later, General Hunter attempted military emancipation, I forbade it, because I did not yet think the indispensable necessity had come. When, in March and May and July, 1862, I made earnest and successive appeals to the Border States to favor compensated emancipation, I believed the indispensable necessity for military emancipation and arming the blacks would come, unless averted by that measure. They declined the proposition; and I was, in my best judgment, driven to the alternative of either surrendering the Union, and with it the Constitution, or of laying strong hand upon the colored element. I chose the latter. In choosing it, I hoped for greater gain than loss; but of this I was not entirely confident...

Yours truly,

A. Lincoln

Use context to determine the meaning of the words in bold. (4 points)


Hello. You did not have any words in bold in the text presented in the question above. This prevents your question from being answered. However, when searching for your question, I was able to find a question exactly like yours, which showed the following words in bold: organic law, indispensable necessity.

If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.

Answer and Explanation:

Taking into account the context clues, we can see that when the author of the letter uses the words "organic law" he is referring to the basic laws and common principles in a society. Through the context clues we can also understand that when the author of the letter uses the words "indispensable necessity" he is referring to a need that is crucial and very important.

These two examples show how context clues are very important features during a reading, because they enable the reader to understand unfamiliar or difficult words through the context of the sentence or the text itself, allowing the reader to understand the entire text well.

Step by step, explain the extended
metaphor comparing the life span of the
nautilus and the progress of the human soul.
Explain the "stately mansions” (line 29), the
"low-vaulted past" (line 31), "each new
temple” (line 32), the "outgrown shell” (line
35), and the “unresting sea" (line 35).


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


The chambered nautilus is a cephalopod that has an external shell and, upon outgrowing it, will find another one that fits better. ]Once it leaves the smaller shell, it cannot return to it. This creature serves as a metaphor for the progress of the human soul, which grows through one´s lifespan until it also outgrows its shell, meaning the human body, and must change to a bigger shell, that of the spiritual level.

The author commands his soul to "Build thee more stately mansions," which symbolizes the creation of a better way of living. When he calls to "Leave thy low-vaulted past," we can infer that it´s a calling to leave behind a less spiritual life. In this context, the "outgrown shell" signifies the old ideas that are not suitable to the author anymore, due to "life’s unresting sea," which signifies the human lifetime.


The question refers to "The Chambered Nautilus” by Oliver Wendall Holmes.

An extended metaphor is a kind of metaphor that extends throughout multiple lines, or even throughout the entire poem, like in this example.

write a story which end with the sentence "we were luck that night"​



that sentence does not make gramatical sense dude.


Which reading element directly impacts your ability to write well?





In both reading and writing, it is important to have strong vocabulary. While reading, if you have good vocabulary you can understand most of the words which leads to good comprehension of the text. Also, when writing if you have good vocabulary, it adds richness to your writing and it adds depth.

What kind of people can be negative influence in your life?​


People who are always discouraging can have negative influence in our life. They don't do anything for themselves and always discourage others. But it depends on is if we want to get influenced or not.

Elaborate on the central idea of social classes that Countee Cullen depicts in his poem For a Lady I Know. Provide textual evidence for your answer



In this poem, Countee Cullen (1903-1946) uses irony to reveal the ridiculous beliefs that support racism. The notion of a woman, presumably a white woman, firmly believing that, even in Heaven, her class status, based on discriminatory biases that should not be considered godly, will provide her with poor blacks to do everything for her while she sleeps.


There´s also an allusion to biblical notions through the words "heaven," "celestial chores," and "cherubs," signifying the existence of a spiritual afterlife, in which,  this woman seems to absurdly believe racism prevails.


In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:

She even thinks that up in heaven

Her class lies late and snores

While poor black cherubs rise at seven

To do celestial chores.

This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.


Straight from Plato.

The process through which a document is repeatedly translated from one language to another and back, each time by a different translator, is known as





Decentering an be regarded as central change strategy which is a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy,

and it involves act of stepping outside of one's own mental events which then results to an objective as well as non-judging stance at oneself. As regards a document, It should be noted that decentering is the process through which a document is repeatedly translated from one language to another and back, each time by a different translator.

Read the excerpt from The Hot Zone by Richard
Preston, then use the drop-down menus to answer the
What is the topic of the passage?
What is the central idea of the passage?
Half of this biocontainment operation was going to be
news containment, C. J. Peter's comments to The
Washington Post were designed to create an impression
that the situation was under control, safe, and not all that
interesting, C. J. was understating the gravity of the
situation. But he could be very smooth when he wanted,
and he used his friendliest voice with the reporters,
assuring them over the telephone that there really was no
problem, just kind of a routine technical situation,
Somehow the reporters concluded that the sick monkeys
had been "destroyed as a precaution" when in fact the
nightmare, and the reason for troops, was that the
animals hadn't been destroyed,
- The Hot Zone,
Richard Preston
Which detail supports the central idea?



The topic is limitation of news released to the media.

The central idea is that there are situations where the truth must be hidden.

The detail that supports the central message is sentence: "C. J. Peter's comments to The Washington Post were designed to create an impression that the situation was under control"


In a text, the topic refers to the subject presented. In the text above, we can see that this topic is the limitation of news released to the media. We can see that this is the topic, because we saw that after a tragedy happened, the media received limited, contained information that did not present the tragedy as it actually happened.

The central idea of a text, on the other hand, refers to the message the author wants to teach the reader. In the text above, we can see that this message is that there are situations where the truth must be hidden. This is because the group hides the truth about the tragedy so as not to generate panic and despair in the population. Therefore, we can conclude that it was necessary to hide the truth for security reasons.

The details that support the central idea are the sentences that show how the message is correct, or how it happened. In this case, we can identify the following sentence as a support detail: "C. J. Peter's comments to The Washington Post were designed to create an impression that the situation was under control"


the Answer is

b b a


hope this helps

he will have thought about this. change into present perfect tense



He has thought about this


he has thought about this.

which is not a common style format?



Internet Authority Association (IAA), because it is not a real style of citation. Others are existent and commonly used whereas IAA is not real.

In a speech about AIDS and HIV, one of the speaker's main points describes ways to respond to the devastating news that you or someone in your family is HIV Negative. You know that HIV Negative means that someone isn't infected with the virus that leads to AIDS. How can you provide feedback to let the speaker know that you are confused


Answer: Speaker can be asked for the occurrence of positive and negative HIV conditions.


Here, the speaker can be asked to define two conditions when a person is HIV positive and another for HIV negative. If the speaker is able to distinguish between the two then it can be concluded that the speaker knows about the technicality of the infection that is positive state is indicative of infection and negative state is indicative of no infection condition from human immunovirus.  Then speaker mistake can be correct by asking this doubt by showing a state of confusion between the two states.

What is the best way to correct the underlined portion of following
On the strength of these achievements, Ochoa was selected for a
NASA space mission in 1990. She became the first Hispanic female
astronaut and the first in space in 1993. Ochoa's career at NASA has
been every bit as illustrious as one would expect, in 2013, she
became the first person of Hispanic descent and the second woman
to become director of NASA's Johnson Space Center.





You need a colon after expect because if not it would be a run on sentence. If you choose any of the other answers or leave it the same it would be a run on sentence.

which highlighted word is an adverb? Roll out the ple dough evenly​


[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Answer}} [/tex]

In the sentence 'Roll out the ple (play) dough evenly.' ↦the adverb is evenly.

[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Explanation}} [/tex]

Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty, etc., answering questions such as how?, in what way?, when?, where?, and to what extent? (Wikipedia).

In the sentence given, evenly is the adverb as here we can ask the questions ↦ In what way should the play dough be rolled? How should the dough be rolled? etc.

ʰᵒᵖᵉ ⁱᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖˢ

꧁❣ ʀᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡˢᵃˡᵗ2²2² ࿐


The adverb is Evenly


This is the sentence structure:

1. Roll - verb    

2. out - preposition  

3.  the - determiner word          

4. play-doh - name/noun        

5. evenly - adverb

Which sentence is incorrect?
a. There are many stores
b. It has many stores.
c.There have many stores.
d. It has a lot of stores.





The correct answer is C. There have many stores.

The grammar is incorrect

What does the poet describe in the second stanza?

The amount of people at the bay
The number of daffodils
The popular new dance move
The types of stars in the sky


The number of daffodils


B. The number of daffodils


i got it right on my quiz

Give answer from following bracket .​



i) isn't it

ii) We don't have many apples

iii) Where is he planning to go?

iv) I had read novels.

v) The teachers asked the students if they had done their project works.

vi) The prime minister was elected by us.


What is meant description​



A statement

please mark me as brainliest

a spoken or written representation or account of a person, object, or event

Which point from the speech most validly supports Warren's
argument that wage discrimination against women currently
"Women are ready to fight back against pay
discrimination, but it's not easy."
"We are not going to give up on passing the
O Paycheck Fairness Act to level the playing field for
hardworking women in the workplace."
"Even while women still earn less than men in 99.6
percent of occupations, Senate Republicans won't
even let the Senate vote on a bill to help make the
workplace a little fairer for women."
"I honestly can't believe that we're still arguing over
equal pay in 2014."




Alberta teachers (Canada) fought this battle (and won) in the 1920s. I'm surprised to read that the battle still rages almost 100 years later in the United States.

There is no other answer but this one (and it is really shameful):

Even while women still earn less than men in 99.6  percent of occupations, Senate Republicans won't  even let the Senate vote on a bill to help make the  workplace a little fairer for women. "I honestly can't believe that we're still arguing over  equal pay in 2014."

Which of the following “feeling” words describe the mood conveyed through word choice? Check the two best choices.









the outers are not fillings


Serious and anxious



Examine this painting of a couple walking near the
Eiffel Tower in Paris, France,
Based on the details you see in this painting, what is
the best statement of a theme for this work?
O It is healthy to take walks in the park.
O Paris is a lovely city in France,
O Love can bloom like your surroundings,
O Landmarks are important to tourists,


Love can bloom like your surroundings

Based on the details seen in this painting, the best statement of a theme for this work is love can bloom like your surroundings, hence option C is correct.

What description is expressed in the picture of Eiffel Tower?

Although it isn't mentioned in this article, the Eiffel Tower is a well-known attraction in Paris that plenty of couples go to for tours and sightseeing.

The tranquil atmosphere in such setting will help many couples' relationships flourish.

This demonstrates that a person's environment and the state of their love are related. The lesson that may be drawn from this image is that love can blossom much like its environment.

Therefore, love can grow like your surroundings is the best description of the theme for this painting based on the features visible in it.

Learn more about Eiffel Tower, here:


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