Read the excerpt from John Muir's "Calypso Borealis" and answer the question.
[1] After earning a few dollars working on my brother-in law's farm near Portage (Wisconsin), I set off on the first of my long lonely excursions, botanising
in glorious freedom around the Great Lakes and wandering through innumerable tamarac and arbor-vitae swamps, and forests of maple, basswood, ash,
elm, balsam, fir pine, spruce, hemlock, rejoicing' in their bound wealth and strength and beauty, climbing the trees, revelling in their flowers and fruit like
bees in beds of goldenrods, glorying in the fresh cool beauty and charm of the bog and meadow heathworts, grasses, carices, ferns, mosses, liverworts
displayed in boundless profusion.
[2] The rarest and most beautiful of the flowering plants I discovered on this first grand excursion was Calypso borealis (the Hider of the North). I had been
fording streams more and more difficult to cross and wading bogs and swamps that seemed more and more extensive and more difficult to force one's
way through. Entering one of these great tamarac and arbor-vitae swamps one morning, holding a general though very crooked course by compass,
struggling through tangled drooping branches and over and under broad heaps of fallen trees, I began to fear that I would not be able to reach dry ground
before dark, and therefore would have to pass the night in the swamp and began, faint and hungry, to plan a nest of branches on one of the largest trees
or windfalls like a monkey's nest, or eagle's, or Indian's in the flooded forests of the Orinoco described by Humboldt.
[3] But when the sun was getting low and everything seemed most bewildering and discouraging, I found beautiful Calypso on the mossy bank of a
stream, growing not in the ground but on a bed of yellow mosses in which its small white bulb had found a soft nest and from which its one leaf and one
flower sprung. The flower was white and made the impression of the utmost simple purity like a snowflower ...
In a paragraph of 3-5 sentences, explain how Muir views nature. Support your answer with two examples from the passage. Explain how each example
reveals his view of nature.


Answer 1


Muir views nature as a place of freedom, exploration, and adventure.

He describes his first botanizing excursion as a moment of "glorious freedom" in which he can explore its beauty. His use of words reflect that feeling even when he´s talking about the hardships of the experience:


The description of the difficulty when fording streams and wading swamps reflects a sense of adventure more than one of despair.

Then, there´s a bad situation, which is indicated by words such as "bewildering" and "discouraging," but then he describes the Calypso found on a stream, usually a nice location, and phrases such as "bed of yellow mosses," "small white bulb," and "soft nest" all represent a nice situation.

Related Questions

2. Which item is a factor of production & Explain why?
a) The food a farmer produces
b) The satisfaction a farmer gains from his work c) The tractor a farmer drives
d) The wages a farmer pays his workers Answer: ........​



C) The tractor a farmer drives because it's been used to cultivate the land to enhance productions

A scandal in Bohemia. Summary. It should be short and sweet...



In writer Arthur Conan Doyle's short novel "A Scandal in Bohemia," King Wilhelm of Bohemia engages Sherlock Holmes to prevent Irene Adler from releasing incriminating pictures. Unfortunately, she just allowed to marry and no longer intends to publish them.

The central subject of "A Scandal in Bohemia" is how Irene Adler overcomes Victorian stereotypes of women as oppressed victims who rely on men for happiness.

(4) draw the lake, Lisa decided. She liked drawing birds, but had grown tired of sparrows
blue Jays, and blackbirds wrapped in glossiness. These days she liked doing portraits, though
she could draw objects, too. The previous week she had drawn the pile of tires behind the
tractors; the drawing now adorned the front of the refrigerator.
What does paragraph 4 mainly suggest about Lisa?



she can draw whatever she wants


Can someone pls give an example of networking in their own life experience. If at all you don't have any , you can include an example of what you want to do ​



Can someone pls give an example of networking in their own life experience. If at all you don't have any , you can include an example of what you want to do ​



17. How would “Paul Revere's Ride" be different if it were written as a lyric


it is same poem that you are in nigth

I am fine thanks for the matinee show today so she have got the tickets for the

he doesn't draw a map. into passive voice


He doesn't draw a map

=> A map isn't drawn by him.

can anyone give me some sentences for past simple, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous ????



Sorry I don’t know



Past Perfect Continuous: Martha had been walking three miles a day before she broke her leg.

Past Continuous: As I spoke, the children were laughing at my cleverness.

Past Simple: "I went to the park."

Past Perfect: I didn't say anything until she had finished talking.


If the water level had raised ang higher, them dam would probably have broken





Write a hook for the following thesis statement: School uniforms should be mandatory because they increase school safety, are more affordable for families, and reduce the potential of bullying.


“Have you ever wondered why schools have uniforms?” or “Most people may not know but there is a reason for school uniforms.”

why do you choose French as your second major



cuz it allows them to reach a higher level of language proficiency while achieving a depth of cultural understanding.

Fills the whole room but goes out of the keyhole?

Answer with intelligence.
fine the answer​



I think the answer is rat




Which sentence in paragraph 4 is in the passive voice?
Select one:
O a. (21) A variety of solutions has been suggested.
O b.(22) They address various aspects of the problem.
O c. (24) They suggest tighter controls on Internet use and the
installation of security cameras in teachers' offices,
O d. (25) These measures might help reduce cheating.



I think it is the last one

Rewrite the following sentences as per given instruction.
1.The floods damaged our fields. (Begin:The floods caused...)
2.The pupils are sharpening their pencils. (Begin:The pencils...)



the flood cause damage in our field


The floods caused by raging water that lasted for several years came to end after the ark he had made for them. The rain had slowed down to the extent that he could not feel the raindrops that hit him when he walked down the street. Suddenly a boat splashed, and raised an entire hill of water that was damaging the streets from the end of the village to the end of the village. He had stopped to celebrate the end of what he called the wettest period ever to hit the village.

The pencils on the wall were sharpened to perfect points. The dusty, unoccupied room was almost a tomb. He was left with a cold cup of tea and a sentence to recopy for the twenty-fifth time. But he didn’t get up, because there was nothing else to do in his small, bare cell.

He had the same breakfast and lunch every day. A cup of tea, toast and a sandwich. The same sandwich. A month later, it tasted like a soggy spongy brick.


Not sure but hope it helps

What is the definition of great?


Great means best and good













IV. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.
Question 12. Water pollution can put negative __________ on our health.
A. contamination B. affects C. effects D. problems
Question 13. A: How can light pollution __________ animals?
B: It can make animals change their behavior patterns.
A. cause B. make C. affect D. lead
Question 14. The dove is a universal __________ of peace.
A. symbolizing B. symbolize C. symbolic D. symbol
15. The city has an atmosphere which is quite ___. You will never feel like that in other places.
A. important B. normal C. unique D. common
Question 16. __________ about the storm that stroke Hanoi last night?
A. Did you hear B. Do you heard C. Have you hear D. Did you heard







What is the overall tune of the passage.



The tone of the passage represents the author's sentiment or attitude towards subject being discussed.

D. Answer the following questions: a) Who composed this poem? b) Why did the wind call the leaves? c) When did the wind call the leaves? d) Where did they want to play? e) What type of dress did the leaves wear in autumn f) How did the leaves fall in the autumn season? g) How did they enjoy the autumn season? h) When were the leaves and the wind satisfied? i) Where and when did the leaves sleep?​



Note: Before asking questions you should give your topic name. for example: Where is the title of the poem you're talking about?.

1)I cook food in the morning to help my mother.
2)Farmers grow food for other people. She helped me in the exam.
3) They were playing hockey in school.
4)He was pulling water from the pond.(change in passive voice)​


Answer:it is poem or what?please can you tell me have a great day God bless you... plz Mark me as brainlist


name the organ that helps a turtle to swim in water? ​


In order to swim, turtles utilize all four of their legs, extending them to propel themselves through the water. Turtles have webbed feet, and they use them to paddle. They will dive and paddle around then come back up to the surface to breathe.


Sea turtles are reptiles and therefore are cold blooded, lay eggs, and have scaly skin, claws and lungs. Unlike terrestrial turtles, sea turtles have flippers instead of feet. This allows them to move quickly through the water. To help them swim, sea turtles shells are very narrow and hydrodynamic.

Hope it helps

Mark me as Brainliest plz!


Looking for specific requirements will
not help answer a question or receive
all points possible.


True since you do not get the point of a assignment but for brainly it’s false

I. Rewrite the following sentences, keeping the meaning unchanged.

1. How long is it since you came here?
2.When did your mother watch that play?
->How long..
3.How long is it since you met each other?
->when have....
4. When did John buy the car?
->how long is it...
5. How long is it since Tom left school?
6. When did you read that novel?
7. How long has she done that exercise?
->when did...
8. When did you phone her?
->how long
9. How long have his parents visted him ?
->how long ago...
10. How long has your aunt lived in that city? ->How long ago...
11. When did you first know him?
12. When did you start the project?
->How long...
13. How long have you learnt French?
→How long ago..
15. How long has your sister worked for this company?
->How long ago.
16. I haven't seen her for a long time.
-> I didn't..
17. We haven't written to each other since 2001.
->We didn't.
18. I last wrote to my uncle in July.
->I haven't...
19. I haven't heard him since August.
->The last time...
20. Lan hasn't written to Maryam for two months.
-> Lan didn't..
21. The last time I went to that restaurant was 4 days ago..
→I last
22. Minh last wrote to Nga five months ago.
→Minh has....
23. His parents haven't visited that place since they were students.
->the last time.
24. The last time I went to Japan was 4 days ago.
.-> I last
25. I haven't heard this story for a long time. ->The last time..
26. Maryam hasn't written to Lan since their first meeting.
->Maryam last..
27.I haven't seen his sister since last month.
->I didn't...



1. How long has it been since you came here?

2. How long did your mother watch that play?

3. How long has it been since you met each other?

4. How long has it been since John bought the car?



A criminal intelligence tool that uses graphic visuals to show the relationship between individuals and organizations is called



is called A commodity flow analysis.


link analysis.


“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can” – Arthur Ashe.
1. What do you think these words mean (translate them in a simpler way)?

2. How can these words help you or someone you know?


In my opinion, the words are reflecting where someone is in life. Maybe you have goals or dreams but you might not have all the tools, experience, education or materials to achieve them yet. Instead of giving up altogether, these words are saying “all progress is positive.” You have to “use what you have” to achieve smaller goals that may help you achieve your End Goal. So if your end goal is to own your own business. First, you might want to focus education, even if it might not be the best, so you can receive higher education on how business works. Maybe you need money to get the business going, learn about loans, fundraising, marketing etc.


it is always best to improvise when you think you have found the wrong items but something is always better than become creative or to get the job done the end result may be better than you think.

this sort of issues happen in our everyday life and we can learn from the experiences we go through


Please help! I have no idea what to put



For each of the two sentence for your task, write a response (a narrative or a paragraph).


What would you do if a stranger loudly singing "Happy Birthday!" outside your

window late at night?

A man lustily harmonized "Happy Birthday" outside my doorway. I was alarmed as I tucked myself into my bunk, head to toe. Holding my phone next to me, I assume he's high, but I couldn't tell. Getting up from my bunk, I texted my colleague regarding the unfamiliar man. I get up and glance through the window curtains of my dormitory. "Maybe I know him?" I thought. Etc...

Add your POV or others and setting (place to place) on what you would do if that did happen.

(Make sure you do both)

Completion: Use words: produce, pick, spin, treat
show how to.... a coconut
let the monkey....a coconut







At the end of Chapter 3, the narrator states, “Thus it was, grandchildren, that I began my day as Kii Yazhi and ended it as Ned Begay.” What is the significance of this statement?



"Thus it was, grandchildren, that I began my day as Kii Yazhi and ended it as Ned Begay.”

Significance of this statement:

The story of how he ended up with a different name at the end of the day is the meaning of this statement to me. Because the white teacher didn't understand their language and didn't realize that Biye means "son of" in Navajo, there were so many Begays. So he gave him the name Biye, spelled "Begay" as he had heard it. Other white men followed suit. That's why there are so many Begay Navajo families. He was relieved that he didn't have another John for a first name. The white man was tired of writing the name John by the time he got to him. As a result, he was given the same first name as the teacher's uncle, "Ned," who had died.


How does Sal’s journey help her grow up and change her life? (Walk Two Moons)




I think a big lesson that she learns is how to empathize and understand other people's situations. She eventually learns how to do this with her "enemy", Mrs. Cadaver.

III. Give the right form of the verbs in parentheses: simple future or simple present.
1. We’ll go out when the rain (stop)…………………..
2. I (stay)…………………… here until he (answer)…………….. me.
3. Wait until I (catch )………………….. you.
4. I’ll be ready before you (count)………………….. ten.
5. John must eat his breakfast before he (go)………………. out.
6. Miss Helen (help)……………….. you as soon as she (finish)……………… that letter.
7. I (get)………………... a new one before tonight.
8. She (not,come)……………… until you (be)……………… ready.
9. After the class (be)………………. Over, ask the teacher about that sentence.
10. I (come)………………. And (see)…………….. you before I (leave) ………………. For England.



2 will stay answer me

3 shall catch you

1. stops

2. will stay, answers

3. catch

4. count

5. goes

6. will help, finishes

7. will get

8. will not come, are

9. is

10. will come, see, leave

What would you characterize Mrs.Dubose as



Mrs. Dubose is a cranky old lady who lives down the block from Jem and Scout. She sits on her front porch and taunts the children when they pass by. She is generally hateful and argumentative, except when Atticus disarms her by complimenting the flowers in her yard.

Next week at this time, you (lie) ………………….………….. on the beach.


next week at this time , you will lie on the beach.

Other Questions
Why do 6.52 x 10^3 and 652,000 10^2 have the same answer? which religion in janaja related to He had lunch. (Rewrite using past perfect tense) Explain the LWD process why is it important in drilling operations? A farmer has an orchard that covers an area of 40 acres. He grows apples on 25 acres, peaches on 7 acres, nectarines on 5 acres, and plums on 3 acres. The fruit trees are equally distributed within the orchard. A tree is chosen at random. Rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent, what is the theoretical probability that the tree is not within the acres of apple trees "Development activities help to improve the status of technology" justify 15 . A scientist who studies the whole environment as a working unit . Botanist Chemist Ecologist Entomologist Lauren bought 15 rainbow and balloon stickers for her little sister. The rainbow stickers cost 3 cents apiece and the balloon stickers cost 6 cents apiece. If Lauren spent exactly 81 cents, how many of each type of sticker did she buy? 7. Which substances are produced by the hydrolysis of anoil?(1) water and nucleic acids(2) amino acids and dipeptides(3) fatty acids and glycerol(4) glucose and water which has a steeper slope y=-2x or y=-3x The masses of two heavenly bodies are 21016 and 410 22 kg respectively and the distance between than is 30000km. find the gravitational force between them ? ans. 2.668 10-9N Zupiter Corp. follows a culture that requires strict adherence to rules and regulations with fixed time schedules for daily activities. The firm is highly efficient and places emphasis on being economical. It conducts its business in a methodical manner. In the given scenario, Zupiter Corp. is said to have the what carbon compound stores energy for the cell and sometimes provides structural support find and correct one spelling mistake in each of these sentencesthe machine was installed sucessfully Question 1 of 10Submit Submit An independent clause _________________________.A) is true in any situationB) is true independent of who is saying itC) makes sense by itself, whether its true or falseD) doesnt make sense, because meaning depends on all words Various shareholders' equity topics; comprehensivePart AIn late 2010, the Nicklaus Corporation was formed. The corporate charter authorizes the issuance of 5,000,000 shares of common stock carrying a $1 par value, and 1,000,000 shares of $5 par value, noncumulative, nonparticipating preferred stock. On January 2, 2011, 3,000,000 shares of the common stock are issued in exchange for cash at an average price of $10 per share. Also on January 2, all 1,000,000 shares of preferred stock are issued at $20 per share.Required:1. Prepare journal entries to record these transactions.2. Prepare the shareholders' equity section of the Nicklaus balance sheet as of March 31, 2011. (Assume net income for the first quarter 2011 was $1,000,000.)Part BDuring 2011, the Nicklaus Corporation participated in three treasury stock transactions:a. On June 30, 2011, the corporation reacquires 200,000 shares for the treasury at a price of $12 per share.b. On July 31, 2011, 50,000 treasury shares are reissued at $15 per share.c. On September 30, 2011, 50,000 treasury shares are reissued at $10 per share.Required:1. Prepare journal entries to record these transactions.2. Prepare the Nicklaus Corporation shareholders' equity section as it would appear in a balance sheet prepared at September 30, 2011. (Assume net income for the second and third quarter was $3,000,000.)Part COn October 1, 2011, Nicklaus Corporation receives permission to replace its $1 par value common stock (5,000,000 shares authorized, 3,000,000 shares issued, and 2,900,000 shares outstanding) with a new common stock issue having a $.50 par value. Since the new par value is one-half the amount of the old, this represents a 2-for-1 stock split. That is, the shareholders will receive two shares of the $.50 par stock in exchange for each share of the $1 par stock they own. The $1 par stock will be collected and destroyed by the issuing corporation.On November 1, 2011, the Nicklaus Corporation declares a $.05 per share cash dividend on common stock and a $.25 per share cash dividend on preferred stock. Payment is scheduled for December 1, 2011, to shareholders of record on November 15, 2011.On December 2, 2011, the Nicklaus Corporation declares a 1% stock dividend payable on December 28, 2011, to shareholders of record on December 14. At the date of declaration, the common stock was selling in the open market at $10 per share. The dividend will result in 58,000 (.01 5,800,000) additional shares being issued to shareholders.Required:1. Prepare journal entries to record the declaration and payment of these stock and cash dividends.2. Prepare the December 31, 2011, shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet for the Nicklaus Corporation. (Assume net income for the fourth quarter was $2,500,000.)3. Prepare a statement of shareholders' equity for Nicklaus Corporation for 2011. Find the equation of the linear function represented by the table below in slope-intercept form. Solve for y in terms of x.2/3y-4=x A y= 3/2x+6B y=-2/3x+4 C y=-3/2x+6 D 2/3x+4 COULD A KIND SOUL PLEASE HELP ME OUT???!!!!!!Determine the measure of x in the figure how you go the answer so I can see if it makes sense!!! another word for gasping gasping