Read the excerpt from Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher."
Shaking this off with a gasp and a struggle, l uplifted myself upon the pillows, and, peering earnestly within the
intense darkness of the chamber, hearkened -- know not why, except that an instinctive spirit prompted me
certain low and indefinite sounds which came, through the pauses of the storm, at long intervals, knew not
whence. Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror, unaccountable yet unendurable, threw on my clothes
with haste.
Which word from this excerpt could be used to argue that the narrator is unreliable?
"Shaking" suggests the narrator's nervousness.
O "Struggle" suggests the narrator's weakness.
"Indefinite" suggests the narrator's lack of knowledge.
"Overpowered" suggests the narrator's lack of control.


Answer 1


I'm not entirely sure, but I would have to say either:

- "Shaking" suggests the narrator's nervousness.


- "Overpowered" suggests the narrator's lack of control.

Related Questions

i need this answered please helppp



I'm pretty confident that the answer is A.


I also believe that the answer is A

Which is the correct one?





The Incas developed a record-keeping system using

shells and beads on strings.
knots and designs in strings.
writing and pictographs.
numbers and calculations



The Incas developed a record-keeping system using knots and designs in strings.


BTW .... They're called quipu.  Now you know.  :-)

Answer: b-knots and designs in strings.

Explanation: just did the test much love byee

Select the appropriate synonym to complete the sentence. Try the exercise without using a dictionary, but if you have difficulty, you may use one. Remember that you want the word with the right flavor.

My chemistry professor introduced me to his _______, a young instructor of physics at the university.









My chemistry professor introduced me to his Colleague.

My chemistry professor introduced me to his colleague, a young instructor of physics at the university. Hence option d is correct.

What is university?

University is defined as a center for higher learning and research that grants degrees in a number of academic fields. Typically, universities provide both undergraduate and graduate degrees. We discovered that for many students, it fulfills three distinct purposes: to find respectable job, to experience personal growth, and to help advance society.

Colleague is defined as an associate or coworker, usually of same position or standing, who works in a profession, civil or ecclesiastical office, or both. A coworker is someone you do business with on the job. The other teachers are your colleagues when you work as a teacher. The man at the deli counter is also your coworker when you work as a cashier at 7-11.

Thus, My chemistry professor introduced me to his colleague, a young instructor of physics at the university. Hence option d is correct.

To learn more about university, refer to the link below:


In electronic messaging, the use of punctuation is deemed inappropriate by some experts. Since texting is a major form of communication these days, many students tend to exclude punctuation from their academic writings as well. As a language teacher, what are the TWO activities that you can suggest to your students to help them eliminate this practice?



1. We have to help the students practice filling punctuation into a document in their after-hours lessons

2. Tell them the use of punctuation in writing essays or doing homework or even in competitions in order not to make misunderstand for examiner


Choose the correct adjective for the sentence.

Jenny wears a _______ uniform.
most pretty


I would say B
Hope this helped *smiles*


B. Pretty


Please help me with this question!!






Help me with this, i'm confused.



1. Scorching

2. gnarled


The scorching sun is the one responsible for drying and shrinking of trees and plants. Scorching sun means that the sun is burning strongly.

Gnarl means means to twist something. For our case it is tree branches.


1. scorching

2. gnarled

They eat and drink out of vessels of earth or glass, which make an agreeable appearance, though formed of brittle materials; while they make their chamber-pots and close-stools of gold and silver, and that not only in their public halls but in their private houses. Of the same metals they likewise make chains and fetters for their slaves, to some of which, as a badge of infamy, they hang an earring of gold, and make others wear a chain or a coronet of the same metal; and thus they take care by all possible means to render gold and silver of no esteem . . .

What feature of English society is More most likely critiquing?

O conflicts between kings and the church
O greed and self-interest
O exploration of new lands
O an economy facing inflation


the answer is B; greed and self interest




"May George, beloved by all the nations round,
Live with heav'ns choicest constant blessings crown'd!"

Wheatley uses the word crown’d to express the idea that the king
deserves reward for his goodness.
requires loyalty from other nations.
requires protection from danger.
deserves consideration from other nations.



A)  deserves a reward for his goodness.


Wheatley expressed her desire that the king is recognized for his generosity by using the word "crown'd." She expresses gratitude to the king for his generosity and magnificence.

Who tries to break up the fight between the Montague and Capulet servants in Romeo and Juliet?

A. Escalus
B. Lord Capulet
C. Benvolio
D. Tybalt



the answer is C benvolio

help me help me help me:))))))



1) find out. make


3)break down

4)get up

5)keep one

6)take off

7)hear from

Read these lines from a poem by Emily Dickinson.

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

What theme is expressed in these lines?



In these lines she wanna expressed that success is every thing in life success make our life from harder one to easier one


hope its help plz mark me as brainliest

Which type of figurative language is used in this sentence from George Orwell’s novel Keep the Aspidistra Flying?

The public are swine; advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill-bucket.






the meaning of disrupted ​


[tex]\huge\textsf{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\bullet \large\textsf{ When you hear the word \underline{disrupted} think of the word \bf{disturbance}}\\\large\textsf{ or even think of the word \bf interruption/intrusion}\\\\\\\\\\\\\star\large\textsf{Now, that we have a better understanding of the word disrupted, we}\\\large\textsf{can find the answer to question as to what is the (d)efinition of the}\\\large\textsf{word.}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\large\textsf{Answer: \underline{Disrupted: }}\large\textsf{ \bf the interruption of a particular}}}\\\boxed{\boxed{\large\textsf{\bf event that is causing a major issue/disturbance}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Soon there was even worse news for Neto and Jesse. Most of the players who had voted not to play had suddenly changed their minds. Even the Hispanic players. They could barely look at Neto and Jesse as they explained that they loved football too much to give it up. In the end, only four players – Jesse, Neto, Rigo Delgudillo, and Johnny Garcia – were committed to staying off the field.

–It’s Our World, Too!:
Young People Who Are Making a Difference,
Phillip M. Hoose

What event in the passage complicates the conflict Neto faces?

The players who agreed to quit with Neto change their minds.
The other players feel embarrassed in front of Neto.
The players who refuse to quit love football more than Neto.
Four players commit to working with Neto to fight racism.



The answer is A. The players who agreed to quit with Neto change their minds.


took the test

Answer:its A

Explanation: I looked it up lol

Writing an informative essay explaining what has caused the English spoken today to be different from the English spoken in earlier cent



Following are the solution to the given question:


Today's English has origins in other tongues, such as early France, German, and Latin. In addition, over time the definition of certain words changes to new meanings and uses. Today's English is different than in previous centuries because the more complex our language becomes. It compares today's jargon with regular English. Online messenger has created a new language, such instance. All is abbreviated. Because grammatically Correct grammar is not used. But Spanish was different in antiquity.

The reason why English today is different is that more languages have found their way into English.

English is a language that is made up of different languages such as German, French, Latin, etc. Words are borrowed from one language into another.

It should also be noted that language is always changing and adapting to the needs of its users. English has kept evolving as words from these languages are added to it.

In conclusion, these have led to the English that is spoken today to be different from the English spoken in earlier centuries.

Learn more about the English language on:

What is Sonia's mom's perspective on having her children connect with their heritage? How does her perspective contrast with Sonia's dad's?



In order to incorporate traditions present in their heritage.


Sonia's mom's perspective on having her children connect with their heritage so that her children has an importance and love for heritage in their life. She wanted that her children know their heritage and adopt the good traditions of that heritage while on the other hand, Sonia's dad's has different perspective. He thought that his children has to adopt the new modern culture and avoid the old culture and traditions of their heritage.

Hey guys, what's up?
I'm here to ask you to access my You-tube channel. If you want, of course.

It is an English-Portuguese translation channel.
Link: https: //
Have an enjoyable day!



thank u we will check it

Please see picture to answer



the answer is a. Jackson's use of the word "savages" suggests that he knows better than the American Indians what is good for them


“But just the clatter of their bones, a rolling, rattling, carefree circus of mammoth polkas and mazurkas” contains which two literary devices?



A. Alliteration and Onomatopoeia


Onomatopoeia is when a word resembles the sound it makes such as boom or pow, and an alliteration is the repetition of certain sounds similarly to what I just did there ;)


The answer is A :)


Click to read the passage from "The Tell-Tale Heart," by Edgar Allan Poe. Then
answer the question.
Which of the following elements helps build suspense in this passage?
O A. The long, flowing sentences
B. The repetition of the word "louder"
C. The use of foreshadowing
D. The use of flashback


I think it B because it adds suspense when you repeat words

The repetition of the word "louder" is the elements helps build suspense in this passage. Hence, option B is correct.

What is the main point of The Tell-Tale Heart?

In "The Tell-Tale Heart," Poe explores the connection between love and hate. The narrator despises the blue eye of the old man yet loves the old man.

It follows an unknown narrator whose mental health is in grave danger despite his insistence that he is sane. This narrator killed an elderly man who had a "vulture eye," in his words. The narrator carefully planned this crime before committing it, thus it wasn't a crime of passion.

The narrator of "The Tell-tale Heart" is a maniac who continues to demonstrate that he is not insane while explaining how he killed the elderly man to police investigators.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about The Tell-Tale Heart, click here:


Willing to give brainliest Need help ASAP!

Adjectives make writing more interesting. Choose interesting adjectives to completes each sentence below. Make sure that the words you use make sense in the sentence.

1)The house had windows.
The ______ house had _____ windows.

2) The data licked their fur.
The ______ cats licked their _______ fur.

3)Aunt Sophia stirred the stew with a spoon.
Aunt Sophia stirred the _____ stew with a _____ spoon.


The answer is big colorful windows
1: The beautiful house had big windows
2:The joyful cats licked their soft fur
3:Aunt Sophia stirred the steamy stew with a wooden spoon

WHat is the Main idea of this amendment from the Bill of rights?


Explanation: This prohibits the government from harsh penalties

Now, use your research to decide which business is the best choice for this community. Explain your choice in two to three sentences, using factual evidence to support your claim.



It depends on the resources.


Business that is the best choice for this community depends on the presence of available resources in that region because people do business of only those items which can be produced at that area. If there is a lot of flat land with sufficient amount of water so agriculture is the best business for them while on the other hand, if there is a lot of grazing area so then rearing of livestock animals is the best business. If there are mines present in that region then extraction of minerals is the best business for them.


The best business for this area is The Shoe Hut. This is the case for several reasons. First, there is less competition for custom sporting goods, as the supply in the area is lower. Survey data shows that there are more individuals who desire custom outdoor sporting goods than there are people who desire more coffee shops. Finally, the overall capital required to start and maintain The Shoe Hut is lower. Less equipment is needed, any building can be rented, and if an employee cannot be hired immediately, I can run the store on my own.


English subject is mainly split into two main topics.
Now, differentiate the English Literature and English Language.




English literature is more concerned with the thematic content of texts and typically involves poetry, prose and larger bodies of work. English language Is more scientific in nature and looks at language in segments E.g. Syntax, Morphology, Phonology.


In English language you can expect to encounter a larger range texts for analysis. For example, studying extracts of advertising to look at how language is used to persuade consumers.


English Literature means the study of texts from around the world, written in the English language.

Whereas English Language means an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Which two techniques does the first sentence of the second paragraph contain?
repeated patterns
alternative punctuation
parallel structure
parenthetical elements



liberty to be known soon

rest in piece

life was not easier a century ago speech​





life is not easier you need money to live if you dn't have u struggle in life

Red strawberries packaged in a green container are an example of: _____. Select all that apply.

using contrasting colors
visual design technique
techniques that increase a viewer's visual response
hierarchy in design
product placement



using contrasting colors

visual design technique


Using contrast colors visual design techniques

Fluent readers:

pay attention to various signals in the text.

notice when different words are being emphasized.

recognize the presence of humor or sarcasm and the mood of the text.

All of the choices are correct.


All of the choices are correct.
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