graph the inaquality 16>_w


Answer 1


A graph is below.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Find the length of BC
A. 6.81
B. 7.64
C. 13.37
D. 29.44



13.37 = BC

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = opp / hyp

cos 27 = BC / 15

15 cos 27 = BC

13.36509 = BC

Rounding to the nearest hundredth

13.37 = BC

Find x please explanation need it


Cos 19 = Adjacent/hypotenuse
(Cos 19)(21) = 19.9

d) A product contains three lasers, and the product fails if any of the lasers fails. Assume the lasers fail independently. What should the mean life equal for 99% of the products to exceed 10000 hours before failure


Solution :

Let the probability laser works = p

The probability that the system works = [tex]$P(\text{all three component works}) = p^3 $[/tex]

                                                                                                                   = 0.99

Therefore, p = 0.9967

Now for the above probability critical z = -2.72

Hence, the mean life is equal to = [tex]10,000 + 2.72 \times 600[/tex]

                                                     = [tex]10,000+1632[/tex]


Simplify 9 + (-2)³

answer asap



[tex]9+(-2)^{3} =9+[(-2)(-2)(-2)]=9+[4(-2)]=9+(-8)=9-8=1[/tex]

[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

[tex]AnimeVines[/tex] [tex]is[/tex] [tex]here![/tex]

This is quite simple, actually.

Here's a explanation.

[tex]9 + (-2)^{3}[/tex]

[tex]= 9 + - 8[/tex]

[tex]= 1[/tex]



Rewrite the function f(x)=16^x in four different ways, using a different base in each case.















Here are four different ways to rewrite the function f(x) = 16^x, using a different base for each case:

Using base 2:

f(x) = (2^4)^x = 2^(4x)

Using base 3:

f(x) = (3^2)^x = 3^(2x)

Using base 10:

f(x) = (10^(log10(16)))^x = 10^(log10(16) * x)

Using base e (natural logarithm):

f(x) = (e^(ln(16)))^x = e^(ln(16) * x)

How to explain the function

In these rewritten forms, the exponentiation of the base is expressed as a simpler expression.

This involves the new base, which helps to illustrate the relationship between the original function and the different bases used.

Learn more about functions


AVX Home Entertainment Inc recently began a "no-hassles" return policy. A sample of 505 customers who recently returned items showed 320 thought the policy was fair, 150 thought it took too long to complete the transaction, and the rest had no opinion. On the basis of this information, make an inference about customer reaction to the new policy. (Round your answers to 1 decimal place.)
Customer reaction Percent
Fair %
Too long %
No opinion %



[tex]Fair = 63.4\%[/tex]

[tex]Too\ Long = 29.7\%[/tex]

[tex]No\ Opinion =6.9\%[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Total=505[/tex] --- customers

[tex]Fair = 320[/tex]

[tex]Too\ Long = 150[/tex]


Complete the table

To complete the table, we simply divide each value by the total number of customers.

So, we have:

[tex]Fair = 320[/tex]

[tex]Fair = \frac{320}{505}[/tex]

[tex]Fair = 0.634[/tex]

Express as percentage

[tex]Fair = 0.634*100\%[/tex]

[tex]Fair = 63.4\%[/tex]

[tex]Too\ Long = 150[/tex]

[tex]Too\ Long = \frac{150}{505}[/tex]

[tex]Too\ Long = 0.297[/tex]

Express as percentage

[tex]Too\ Long = 0.297*100\%[/tex]

[tex]Too\ Long = 29.7\%[/tex]

For the last set, the percentage is calculated using:

[tex]No\ Opinion + Fair + Too\ Long = 100\%[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]No\ Opinion + 63.4\% + 29.7\% = 100\%[/tex]

[tex]No\ Opinion + 93.1\% = 100\%[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]No\ Opinion =- 93.1\% + 100\%[/tex]

[tex]No\ Opinion =6.9\%[/tex]

Simplify the attached equation:

4[tex]4\sqrt{6x^{3} }y^{5} . -3\sqrt{24x^{7} } y[/tex]


Respuesta correctas espero q te ayude

In a sample of 500 adults, 345 had children. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the true population proportion of adults with children.



The 99% confidence interval for the true population proportion of adults with children is (0.6367, 0.7433).

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

In a sample of 500 adults, 345 had children.

This means that [tex]n = 500, \pi = \frac{345}{500} = 0.69[/tex]

99% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.01[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.01}{2} = 0.995[/tex], so [tex]Z = 2.575[/tex].

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.69 - 2.575\sqrt{\frac{0.69*0.31}{500}} = 0.6367[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.69 + 2.575\sqrt{\frac{0.69*0.31}{500}} = 0.7433[/tex]

The 99% confidence interval for the true population proportion of adults with children is (0.6367, 0.7433).

On September 12, Vander Company sold merchandise in the amount of $7,200 to Jepson Company, with credit terms of 2/10, n/30. The cost of the items sold is $4,700. Jepson uses the periodic inventory system and the gross method of accounting for purchases. The journal entry that Jepson will make on September 12 is:


Answer: See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Following the information that is given in the question, the journal entry that Jepson will make on September 18 will be analysed below:

Debit Accounts payable $7,200

Credit Purchases discounts = 2% × $7200 = $144

Credit Cash = $7200 - $144 = $7056

Question 4 please provide explanation for question




Step-by-step explanation:

We need to find a equation that is where the domain is all real numbers and the range is all real numbers greater than -3

A square root function cannot equal to all real numbers because we cant take the square root of a negative number. so B and C are already wrong.A cubic function range is all real numbers. so y can be greater than -3 but it would also include. values lesser than -3. so D is Wrong.

A is right, the domain of a absolute value function is all real numbers. The range of a absolute value is all numbers greater than or equal to zero but if we subtract 3, it changes into all real numbers greater than or equal to -3

An elevator is on the twelfth floor it goes down 11 floors and than up 5 floors what floor is the elevator on now



The sixth floor

Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is that it's on the 5th floor now

Ann, Bob, Carol, and Denis own a candy store. After a large argument, they decide to dissolve their partnership using the sealed bid method. Ann bids $320,000 for the store, Bob bids $440,000 for it, Carol bids $240,000 for it, and Denis bids $400,000 for it.

a. What is Bob's fair share?
b. What is Carol's fair share?
c. What is Denis's fair share?



Following are the solution to the given points:

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]Ann=\$3,20,000\\\\Bob=\$4,40,000\\\\Carol=\$240,000\\\\Denis= \$4,00,000\\\\[/tex]

Each player's offer divided by the total number of players calculates the fair share

Ann's fair share [tex]= \frac{\$320,000}{4} = \$80,000\\\\[/tex]

Bob's fair share[tex]= \frac{\$440,000}{4} = \$110,000\\\\[/tex]

 Carol's fair share [tex]= \frac{\$240,000}{4} = \$60,000\\\\[/tex]

Denis's fair share [tex]= \frac{\$400,000}{4} = \$100,000\\\\[/tex]

 Because Bob has the highest bid, that receives in the business.


 Ann [tex]\$80,000[/tex] paid by estate

 Bob [tex]= \$440,000 - \$110,000 = \$330,000[/tex] owes estate

 Carol [tex]= \$60,000[/tex] paid by estate

 Denis [tex]= \$100,000[/tex] paid by estate  

Surplus [tex]= \$330,000 - (\$80,000+\$60,000+ \$100,000) = \$90,000[/tex]  

Splitting the equally among the four players. therefore one of the each receives:

[tex]\frac{\$90,000}{4}= \$22,500[/tex]

The final settlement of the Ann receives:

[tex]= \$80,000+ \$22,500 = \$102,500[/tex]

Jeannine needs to decide what size to make a rectangular
garden in her yard. The dimensions must be natural numbers.
Jeannine wants the perimeter of her Chapter Reference
garden to be 50 dm. She wants the
width to be an even number of decimeters. How many
different combinations are possible? (Length is always longer than or equal to width.)



Total number of possible combinations are 6

Length   width

23 dm     2m

21 dm       4 dm

19 dm       6 dm

17 dm         8 dm

15 dm         10 dm

13 dm          12 dm

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that

Perimeter of rectangular garden=50 dm

Width is  even number.

Length is always longer than or equal to width.

Let length of rectangular garden=x

Width of  rectangular garden=y

We have to find the possible  number of combinations .

Perimeter of rectangular garden=[tex]2(x+y)[/tex]




If y=2 dm

x=25-2=23 dm

If y=4 dm

x=25-4=21 dm

If y=6 dm

x=25-6=19 dm

If y=8 dm

x=25-8=17 dm

If y=10 dm

x=25-10=15 dm

If y=12 dm

x=25-12=13 dm

If y=14 dm

x=25-14=11 dm


It is  not possible

Then, possible combinations are 6

Length   width

23 dm     2m

21 dm       4 dm

19 dm       6 dm

17 dm         8 dm

15 dm         10 dm

13 dm          12 dm

Which function has a range of y < 3?
y - 3(2)
y = 2(3)
O y=-(2)x+ 3
Oy- (2) * - 3



The range of a function is [tex]y<3[/tex].

To find:

The function for the given range from the given options.


In option A, the given function is:


Here, [tex](2)^x[/tex] is always greater than 0. So, [tex]3(2)^x[/tex] is also greater than 0, i.e., [tex]y>0[/tex].

In option B, the given function is:


Here, [tex](3)^x[/tex] is always greater than 0. So, [tex]2(3)^x[/tex] is also greater than 0, i.e., [tex]y>0[/tex].

In option C, the given function is:







The range of this function is [tex]y<3[/tex]. So, option C is correct.

In option D, the given function is:






The range of this function is [tex]y<-3[/tex]

Therefore, the correct option is only C.

Listed below are the 35 members of the Metro Toledo Automobile Dealers Association. We would like to estimate the mean revenue from dealer service departments. The members are identified by numbering them 00 through 34. We want to select a random sample of five dealers. The random numbers are: 34, 32, 39, 94, 25, 71, 71, 13, 52, 39, 19, and 67. Which dealers would be included in the sample



Following are the solution to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

There will be 35 members of the Toledo Automotive Metro from such reports

The Organization of Distributors. The membership is sequentially numbered between 00 and 34.

The five traders selected a random sample as follows:

[tex]34, 32, 39, 94, 25, 71, 71, 13, 52, 39, 19, 67[/tex]

The decision should be made in 00 and 34.

In this the remaining numbers 39, 94,. . . . .67 were not chosen because it is beyond the ranges that are 00-34.

The samples contain 34, 32, 25, 13, and 19 distributors.

when solving inequalities,name 2 steps that are the same as solving equations and one difference


9514 1404 393



the addition property of equalitythe multiplication property of equality (for positive multipliers)


the multiplication property of equality for negative multipliers


Additional comment

Multiplication by a negative number has the effect of re-ordering numbers:

  -1 < 2 . . . 1 > -2 (both sides multiplied by -1)

Other functions can have the same effect, so care must be taken when applying functions to both sides of an inequality.

  1/2 > 1/3 . . . 2 < 3 (reciprocal function applied to both sides)

  30° < 60° . . . cos(30°) > cos(60°) (cosine function applied to both sides)

Find the area of a rectangle that measures 12ft by 3 1/3 ft



40 ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle is given by

A = l*w

   =12 * 3 1/3

Change to an improper fraction

   = 12 ( 3*3+1)/3

   = 12 (10/3)



[tex]40 {ft}^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]area = l \times b \\ = 12 \times 3 \frac{1}{3} \\ = 12 \times \frac{10}{3} \\ = \frac{120}{3} \\ = 40 {ft}^{2} [/tex]

Given $f(x) = \frac{\sqrt{2x-6}}{x-3}$, what is the smallest possible integer value for $x$ such that $f(x)$ has a real number value? please show steps. Thank you!



The function is:


To find:

The smallest possible integer value for $x$ such that $f(x)$ has a real number value.


We have,


This function is defined if the radicand is greater than or equal to 0, i.e., [tex]2x-6\geq 0[/tex] and the denominator is non-zero, i.e., [tex]x-3\neq 0[/tex].

[tex]2x-6\geq 0[/tex]

[tex]2x\geq 6[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{2x}{2}\geq \dfrac{6}{2}[/tex]

[tex]x\geq 3[/tex]             ...(i)


[tex]x-3\neq 0[/tex]

Adding 3 on both sides, we get

[tex]x-3+3\neq 0+3[/tex]

[tex]x\neq 3[/tex]             ...(ii)

Using (i) and (ii), it is clear that the function is defined for all real values which are greater than 3 but not 3.

Therefore, the smallest possible integer value for x is 4.

Helpekksdjfkfodldkdkdodidididisj Help



The answers to your questions are given below.

Step-by-step explanation:

1. m∠1 and m∠2 are complementary. This statement was given from the question.

2. m∠1 + m∠2 = 90°. Complementary angles add up to give 90°.

3. m∠2 = 74°. This was given in the question.

4. m∠1 + 74 = 90°. Since m∠1 and m∠2 are complementary. Their sum will add up to give 90°

5. m∠1 = 16°

We can prove m∠1 = 16° as shown below:

m∠1 + m∠2 = 90° (complementary angles)

m∠2 = 74°

m∠1 + 74 = 90°

Collect like terms

m∠1 = 90 – 74

m∠1 = 16°

Think of a two-digit number. What is the probability that it has different digits?




Step-by-step explanation:

The first two digit number is 10 and the last is 99. That's a total of 99-10+1 numbers in all. That simplifies to 90. (Just like if we wanted to see how many numbers was 3,4,5, we would do 5-3+1=3 to get the total number.

Anyways, let's consider first how many 2 digjt numbers whose digits are equal. You have 11 22,33,44 55,66,77,88,99 which is 9 numbers total.

So the amount of 2 digits number whose digits differ is 90-9=81.

The probability that a 2 digit number have different digits is 81/90.

This can reduce. Divide top and bottom by 9 giving 9/10.

The length of the path of the first swing of the bob of a pendulum is 0.6 in. Each
succeeding swing is only 0.9 as long as the preceding one. How far will the bob travel in the
first six swings?




Step-by-step explanation:




1st swing: 0.6

2nd swing: 0.9×0.6=0.54

3rd swing: 0.9×0.54= 0.486

4th 0.9×0.486= 0.4374

5th 0.9×0.4374= 0.39366

6th 0.9×0.39366=0.354294

Brainliest please~

The bob travel in the first six swings will be 0.35 inches.

What is a geometric sequence?

Let a₁ be the first term and r be the common ratio.

Then the nth term of the geometric sequence is given as,

aₙ = a₁ · (r)ⁿ⁻¹

The length of the path of the first swing of the bob of a pendulum is 0.6 in.

Each succeeding swing is only 0.9 as long as the preceding one.

The first term is 0.6 and the common ratio is 0.9.

Then the bob travel in the first six swings will be

a₆ = 0.6 × (0.9)⁶⁻¹

a₆ = 0.6 × (0.9)⁵

a₆ = 0.6 × 0.59

a₆ = 0.35

The bob travel in the first six swings will be 0.35 inches.

More about the geometric sequence link is given below.


A certain prescription drug diminishes in the system at a rate of 25% per hour. If a person was administered 1450mg of the drug, how much will remain in 4 hours? How many hours will it take for the amount of the drug in their system to be less than 5mg?


9514 1404 393


459 mgabout 20 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

The decay factor is 1 -25% = 0.75 per hour, so the exponential equation can be written ...

  r(t) = 1450·0.75^t . . . . . milligrams remaining after t hours


a) After 4 hours, the amount remaining is ...

  r(4) = 1450·0.75^4 ≈ 458.79 . . . mg

About 459 mg will remain after 4 hours.


b) To find the time it takes before the amount remaining is less than 5 mg, we need to solve ...

  r(t) < 5

  1450·0.75^t < 5 . . . . use the function definition

  0.75^t < 5/1450 . . . . divide by 1450

  t·log(0.75) < log(1/290) . . . . . take logarithms (reduce fraction)

  t > log(1/290)/log(0.75) . . . . . divide by the (negative) coefficient of t

  t > 19.708

It will take about 20 hours for the amount of the drug remaining to be less than 5 mg.

what is x divided by one​



[tex] x \div 1[/tex]

[tex] = x[/tex]


[tex]x\div 1=x[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

When x is divided by one it is called reciprocal.

reciprocal is the inverse of a number or a value.

examples: The reciprocal of 3 is 1/3, and the reciprocal of 5 is 1/3.


What is the equation of the perpendicular bisector of CB?
A. 4 1
3 6
B. 3 1
y = -x +
4 2.
C. -4 31
3 6
D. -3
-x+ 4



equation for perpendicular bisector passing through CB is;

y=⁴/³– 5/30

An item is regularly priced at$15.It is now priced at a discount of55%off the regular price




Step-by-step explanation:

The regular price is $15 dollars. The discount is 55% off the $15.

15 * 0.55 = 8.25

15 - 8.25 = 6.75

Hope this helps.


discount =8.25

New price 6.75

Step-by-step explanation:

15 is the regular price

The discount is 55%



The new price is the regular price minus the discount



Line Lis perpendicular to the y-axis. If the line contains point(0, -9), what is the equation of Line ?
y = 0
x = 0
X = -9
y = -9



y = -9

Step-by-step explanation:

perpendicular to the y-axis means it is parallel to the x-axis.

so, it is a flat line, which means the slope is 0 (it has the save y value for every x value).

therefore the equation is

y = 0×x + b

of simply

y = b

to get b we look at the point we know about (0, -9).

-9 = b

aha !

so, the line equation is simply

y = -9

michael has an average of 68% in his 3 papers but that is below the pass mark of 70%. what must be his least score in the fouth paper to enable him pass?




Step-by-step explanation:

68% + x/2 = 70%

68 + x = 140

x = 72

The population of a strain of bacteria doubles in a culture. At noon there were 80 bacteria present and by 4:00 PM there were 20 480 bacteria. Determine algebraically the doubling period. Hint: You DO NOT need to use systematic trials.



t = 1/2 hour

Step-by-step explanation:

20480 = 80[tex]x^{t }[/tex]

20480 = 80[tex]x^{4 }[/tex]

20480/80  =  [tex]x^{4 }[/tex]

256 =  [tex]x^{4 }[/tex]

x = 4

doubling period

2 = [tex]4^{t}[/tex]

t = 1/2 hour

round 3/5 to 3 decimal points




Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this answer helps

The answer is 0.6.

Upto 3 decimal places it is 0.600.

if( x) means 10 what's (x) divide my 2​



If you meant that the value of (x) is equal to 10, and you want that value divided by 2, then that would be easy!

10/2 is equal to 5.

If you meant something else, please let me know! :)

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