Read the following informational text and answer the question that follows:
"In today's schools, there is no reason to have an English class read a novel that is over 50 years old. A story written that long ago will not have
any value to the students of today. We live in an age of cell phones, video games, and the internet; things that were never imagined by the
characters in these stories. It is impossible for students to relate to these characters since they will never be seen facing a similar problem that
students face today."
What is the central idea of this text?
A. The decline of students' grades is due to older novels.
B. Students should not read older novels because they can't relate to the characters.
C. Today's schools can't relate to students.
D. Today's students don't like to read.


Answer 1

The central idea of the text is that the students should not read older novels because they can't relate to the characters.

From the text, it was explained that students should not be made to read a novel of about 50 years ago and those kind of novels aren't valuable anymore.

It is impossible for the students to relate to such characters as we now live in an internet age which wasn't depicted by the characters.

Therefore, students should not read older novels because they can't relate to the characters.

Read related link on:

Related Questions

today is the first day of school. The parents are excited but their children​



Kinda Excited or Crying to sit at home


Brainliest plzz

I am not following you. Change into passive.



You are not followed by me

i Don'tknow if you are looking for anwser

Choose a favorite passage from the unit "Tradition vs. Change" to memorize and read aloud. In the written introduction,
engage the listener; state the origin of the excerpt; and identify who wrote it and its literary significance.


Tradition vs change is a long debate. I have read a passage written by Laura Silver who raised her points on this debate and tried to convince the reader from her point.

Around 50 to 60% of the people surveyed favors change. Traditions are old and new generation rarely accepts this out dated  and old fashioned traditions.

The people of age between 18 to 21 are the mostly people who runs away from traditions set and followed by their forefather and they believes that changing these outdated traditions will help them live their life with ease.

Learn more at

Ambassadors are people who-_____ officially their country abroad. Select one O a represent O b delegate O c live O d. connect​





I'm 95% sure it's A but B could also be a likely answer.

- “Do you mind if I take a seat?” - “_____.”
A. No I mind
B. No, do as you please
C. Yes, do as you please
D. Yes, I don’t mind


the answer to this question is b
B. If you used C or D it wouldn't really make sense because you are saying Yes you do mind but then reversing that with the follow up statement. A just doesn't really work so B is correct. Hope this helps:)

Read these stage directions from Eugene O'Neill's play The Straw.

Act One

Scene One: The Kitchen of the Carmody Home--Evening.
Scene Two: The Reception Room of the Infirmary, Hill Farm
Sanatorium--An Evening a Week Later.

Act Two

Scene One: Assembly Room of the Main Building at the Sanatorium--A Morning Four Months Later.
Scene Two: A Crossroads Near the Sanatorium--Midnight of the Same Day.

Act Three

An Isolation Room and Porch at the Sanatorium--An Afternoon Four Months Later.


Which of these can be determined from these scene descriptions?

There are two scenes in each Act.
The play takes place over the course of four months.
One of the Carmodys' children is sick.
Much of the action of the play takes place at a Sanatorium.



B: The play takes place over the course of four months.


I'm 95% sure I'm right on this. It can't be A because there are not two scenes in act 3. I don't think it would be C because a Sanatorium isn't just for kids. I don't think it would be D because only one scene actually took place in the Sanatorium, the other scenes were just in the vicinity. I'm pretty sure it's B, but  you can decide if you want to go with that answer. I really, really hope this helps. I'm so very sorry if my answer is wrong. Have a great day and good luck. :D  


I believe that the answer would instead be;

Much of the action of the play takes place at a Sanatorium.

The Sanatorium is seen at the end of Act One, all throughout Act Two, and all throughout Act Three.


The previous answer says "The play takes place over the course of four months.", but the 3 acts in total take place across around 8 months and a week, as Act One is across a week, Act Two is across 4 months, and Act Three is across 4 months.  So that answer is wrong.  

The option "There are two scenes in each Act.", is wrong because the 3rd Act doesn't have 2 scenes.

The option "One of the Carmodys' children is sick.", is incorrect as it never discusses the children in this excerpt.


Echo is the best solution because it is a smart alarm that allows several features including video calls and multiple alarms and it has face id where you have to sign in to ensure that you are awake. The second solution is cheap. however, it is not reliable. The final solution has a very loud noise and it is a good solution. However, it is not as good as the first in terms of the mentioned requirements.



I paraphrased it


The ideal solution is Echo, which is a smart alarm with various capabilities like as video calls and multiple alarms, as well as face id, which requires you to check in to confirm that you are awake. The second option is a low-cost option. It is, however, untrustworthy. The ultimate solution is a good solution with a very loud noise. However, in terms of the aforementioned conditions, it falls short of the first.


When it comes to smart alarms, Alexa is the best choice since it is a smart alarm that includes a variety of features such as video calls and multiple alarms, as well as face identification, which needs you to check in to ensure that you are awake. The second choice is a low-priced alternative. It is, on the other hand, not a reliable source. The final solution generates a huge lot of noise, but it is a fantastic solution in every way. However, when it comes to the conditions stated above, it does not perform as well as the first option does.


This has been paraphrased and expanded, if more is needed let me know.

Families reunite to eat a special New Year’s Eve dinner is that an active voice or passive voice


It is an Active voice


It is a active voice because active voice mainly use v¹ and v² and if it was in passive voice it would be New year's dinner was eaten bt the reunite families


The Pollution by Problem Roberto Bererra

Unfortunately, pollution is like air: it’s everywhere! Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment that can cause damage and harm to humans, animals, and the environment. It takes on a number of different forms, from chemicals and garbage to something as seemingly innocent as light or noise.

Pollution comes from a variety of sources. In addition, it alters, changes, and even destroys a variety of places. For example, exhaust from cars pollutes the air. When it rains, runoff from fertilizers and pesticides, which farmers use to help crops grow, can pollute the water in oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams. Garbage dumped in landfills is not only an eyesore, but also a source of harmful gases that can damage the earth’s atmosphere. Light pollution, which comes in the form of bright streetlights or signs, disrupts the view of the night sky. Noise pollution caused by cars, trucks, and machines interrupts the natural sounds of the world around us, such as birds singing or leaves rustling.

The types of pollution and their effects vary greatly. At the same time, however, they are related; each type of pollution affects the other types. An example of the connection between different types of pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is caused mostly by sulfur or nitrogen emissions given off by sources such as car exhaust and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal. These harmful chemicals rise into the atmosphere where they react with other compounds and then fall as an acidic form of rain, sleet, or snow. Acid rain damages plants and buildings, contaminates soil and water, and has a negative effect on animals, fish, and even humans.

Pollution has other effects, too. Breathing toxic air or drinking polluted water can cause humans and animals to develop health problems that can be serious and sometimes deadly. The deaths of too many members of a certain species of animal can upset the local ecosystem, or the area in which they live. As a result, weather patterns and climates can also change.

Though pollution is everywhere, there are ways to help prevent it. By walking or riding bikes—instead of driving cars—people can help decrease air pollution. People can also buy and eat organic foods to support farmers that do not use fertilizers on their crops. It is also a good idea to take old things that people intend to throw away and find new ways to use them. A great way to help the environment is to recycle. Save items like used paper, glass and plastic bottles, and metal cans. Then, take them to a recycling center where they can be turned into new products to be used again. Some cities and towns even have recycling programs in place so all you have to do is leave your recyclable items on the curb on a certain day each week. It doesn’t get much easier to help the environment and reduce pollution than that!


Answer: polution is the  releasing of  toxic subtances in the atmosphere


please pck me the brainliest.

Higher demand for goods and services _______ to higher imports from abroad.

A. lead B. leads C. have led D. have been leading



i think leads is correct

i hope its help you️️

He remembered the story very well because he (read) the book several times.



read is correct they are spelled the same

Read is correct ………..

How can we encourage more parents to teach their children at home?


Help Understand that learning BEGINS at home. Your child mimicks you so it’s important to be a good role model

What role did nature play in the early American settlements and how did this influence literary themes?



since there was no markets or stores before settlers relied on nature to provide them with their everyday necessities

Hello there

id very much appreciate some help



Probably the most important sentence might be longest sentence.


because it give much detail about the topic. And sometime a short sentence may be an include but in generally the longest sentence is the most important sentence. When I look at the paragraph I understood the topic which about Vanilla and what is the Vanilla. I think the first sentence is the most important sentence but look at this sentence carefully, vanilla orchids are...... it give some clue

Write the following sentence in the acting (active) form.
The newspapers are read by his grandfather.



His grandfather reads the newspapers.


Shorter and more to the point.


His grandfather reads the newspaper.

There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.
1. Sitting close to the laptop’s screen hurt your eyes.
2. You can avoid many diseases by eat healthy food.
3. You look so bad! How’s wrong with you?
4. Eating lots of fast food can make you fat or obesity.
5. Eating more fruit and vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, fiber.
6. Good nutrition is a important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.
7. Watch more television; if not, your eyes will be tired.
8. I’ve drunk three glasses of beer, but I’ve got a headache.



1. Sitting close to the laptop's screen hurt your eyes.

Sitting close to the laptop's screen hurts your eyes.

2. You can avoid many diseases by eat healthy food.

You can avoid many diseases by eating healthy food.

3. You look so bad! How's wrong with you?

You look so bad! What's wrong with you?

4. Eating lots of fast food can make you fat or obesity.

Eating lots of fast food can make you fat or obese.  

5. Eating more fruit and vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, fiber.

Eat more fruit and vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The word "and" is used to show the conclusion of the list of items in the sentence. If a sentence contains a list of simple items, separate each item with a comma. The words “and” or “or” should be used just before the last item to indicate the conclusion of the list. “And” is inclusive and means all of the items mentioned apply, whereas “or” indicates that only one of the items is relevant.  

6. Good nutrition is a important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.

7. Watch more television; if not, your eyes will be tired.

Watch less television; if not, your eyes will be tired.

8. I've drunk three glasses of beer, but I've got a headache.

I've drunk three glasses of beer, but I have a headache.

Ngân hàng phát hành nhận được bộ chứng từ với một số nội dung như sau:
 Invoice phát hành ngày 30. 11. 2007, với số tiền 100.000 USD,  Packing list ký phát ngày 26.12.2007
 B/L1, phát hành ngày 1.12. 2007, ghi chú ngày “clean on board” là 1.12.2007, cảng bốc Hải Phòng, cảng dỡ KOBE, tàu S1, chuyến 100.  B/L2, phát hành ngày 4.12.2007, ghi chú ngày “clean on board” là 3.12.2007, cảng bốc Hải Phòng, cảng dỡ OSAKA, tàu S1, chuyến 100.  Insurance Policy với số tiền 80.000 EUR, được phát hành 5.12.2007

Cho biết:
1. L/C quy định:

 Ngày phát hành L/C: 15.11.2007.  Ngày hết hạn hiệu lực của L/C: 31.12.2007
 Trị giá: 100.000 USD
 Thời hạn giao hàng cuối cùng: 15.12.2007
 Mua hàng theo điều kiện CIF
 L/C dẫn chiếu UCP 600
 Không cho phép giao hàng từng phần

2 Ngày xuất trình chứng từ là 01.01.2008
Yêu cầu: Ngân hàng phát hành có được phép từ chối bộ chứng từ trên không? Nêu rõ nguyên
nhân vì sao?


xin lỗi ? Đây có phải là câu hỏi của bạn có nghĩa là gì?


The issuing bank receives a set of documents with the following contents:  Invoice issued on November 30, 2007, with the amount of USD 100,000,  Packing list issued on December 26, 2007  B/L1, released on 1.12. 2007, note the "clean on board" date as 1.12.2007, Hai Phong loading port, KOBE unloading port, ship S1, voyage 100.  B/L2, issued on December 4, 2007, note the date of "clean on board" is December 3, 2007, port of loading Hai Phong, port of discharge OSAKA, ship S1, voyage 100.  Insurance Policy in the amount of EUR 80,000, issued on December 5, 2007 Said: 1. L/C regulations:  L/C issue date: November 15, 2007.  Effective expiry date of L/C: 31.12.2007  Value: 100,000 USD  Last delivery deadline: December 15, 2007  Purchase under CIF terms  L/C referencing UCP 600  Partial deliveries are not allowed 2 The date of presentation of documents is 01.01.2008 Requirement: Is the issuing bank allowed to refuse the above set of documents? Specify the original multiply why?

I need the answer doesn’t have to be that long only a paragraph or 2




who are you and where is your school, is it Ezekiel and what learning center are you in

can someone help to find crypto?​





Help me please……………………..


B is the correct answer they give u short goals to shoot for

1.2.5 Quiz: "The Chrysanthemums" by John Steinbeck
Question 1 of 5
How do Elisa's feelings and actions toward the stranger change over the
course of her conversation with him?
A. She is angry at him, but then her feelings give way to fear and
B. She resists him at first but then warms up and begins to feel a
connection with him.
C. She is unkind to him but then apologizes for her behavior and
begins to like him.
D. She trusts him and invites him into her garden before angrily
asking him to leave.









Photographs that have been digitally altered should be banned from mass media ?





Because it might spread false information.

Example: people who.alter their pictures for social media. those should be removed because others see those pictures and tink that they are real and sometimes end up starving themselves to look like those people

State representative Brandi Chapman is running for a seat in the state senate. She has been a hard working legislator and was twice voted the best representative by the GGB (Good Government Bureau). At the time the GGB voted her opponent, incumbent Cal Stateman, one of the ten worst senators in state history. Most political analysts believe Chapman would be the superior senator. Stateman has taken a “no new taxes” pledge and has challenged Chapman to take the same pledge. Chapman knows taxes may have to be raised in order to keep the state solvent. Nevertheless, she also knows that unless she promises to oppose any new taxes, she will lose the election. What should Chapman do and why? What would you do in her place and why?



Chapman should do it because he had work very hard

do u know his name
part of speech
answer ​



Noun, Verb,Adjective,Preposition and conjunction


I hope this answer is helpful for.........Have u nice day....Tq


Question is inappropriate

wirte a short paragh using semi colon.. i will mark brainlist



Use a semicolon to replace a period between related sentences when the second sentence starts with either a conjunctive adverb or a transitional expression, such as for example, for instance, that is, besides, accordingly, furthermore, otherwise, however, thus, therefore.

Change the Voice in the following sentences: 1. The gardener is plucking flowers, 2 Boys are flying kites, 3 He is laughing at the beggar. 4 The peon was ringing the bell.



1) flowers are being plucked by the gardener.

2)kites are being flied by boys.

3at )the beggar is being laughed by him.

4) the bell was being ringed by the peon

1 Positive, negative, question 1 Complete the text with the verb forms in the box works don't le live has donntam don't have need wo have doesn't matter of ng in the country A Dave Clarke is a sheep former in New Zealand He and his wie eina farmhouse in the hills with the two children Dave 600 sheep He seven days a week and at hast ten hours a day We any days of says Dave Thermals feeding every day. In lambing season we all night too! Once a month the to the market in the nearby town to buy or sell sheep comfortable in the being in the countryside feel free here a lot about $40.000 a year but as the says. Money is important, but it that much to me. Im very kocky the best job in the world! Dave​





don't have




don't feel


doesn't earn

doesn't matter



the words are in order of the blank lines

The words that come in the order of the blanks:

1. live 2. has 4.don't have 5.need 7.goes 8. don't feel 9.prefer 10.doesn't earn 11. doesn't matter 12.have

What are words?

A word is a meaningful element in speech or writing.

What is an order?

Order means arrangement or alignment of people or things

What are blanks?

Blank is a space left in a document to be filled.

What is prefer?

Prefer means to choose.

Therefore the words are written with number according to the blanks.

To learn more about word and blanks here


Which supporting detail best fits the topic sentence below?
Some very interesting things happen to the body while a
person is dreaming.
A. Some scientists believe that dreams help the brain make
B. During a dream, the brain works similar to how it does when we
are awake.
C. People who write about their dreams after they wake up are more
likely to remember them later.
D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.



D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Answer:  D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Explanation:While you're asleep, your brain is busy creating new memories, consolidating older ones, and linking more recent with earlier memories. This happens during both your REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. Lack of rest can damage your hippocampus, an area of the brain for memory creation and consolidation.

Hope this help you

If someone could PLEASE help me with this assignment that would be great. I need it by 8/15/21. I have a ton of other things I NEED to get done. I will give out Brainliest to whoever completes this answer that can pass as a final draft.
I just copied what my Instructor said lol

"Complete your compare and contrast essay rough draft.

If you use quotes or direct information from the story, movie or other source, use correct citations.

To receive full points, you will need to include:

Reflective writing - the depth of your writing
Mechanics - Use correct grammar, word use, sentence and paragraph structure
Proofread - revise, edit and check for organization of content
Format and style - use the essay format. (Introduction paragraph states your goal, body paragraphs support the assignment, concluding paragraph)

Must have a clear thesis statement
Must have a minimum of 5 fully developed paragraphs (no maximum)
include introduction, body and conclusion
Organize your paragraphs in the order you feel suits your goal
Proofread, proofread, and proofread again"


I'll help you with this but I need to know what it is I'm writing about. Also, I'll need a previous work you have written so I can have the writing styles match up

imagine you are Aisha write two diary entries where you reavel your emotional, feelings​


Answer: dear diary


Other Questions
The fox population in a certain region has a continuous growth rate of 7 percent per year. It is estimated that the population in the year 2000 was 14300. (a) Find a function that models the population t years after 2000 (t=0 for 2000). Hint: Use an exponential function with base e. Your answer is P(t) Describe the change in motion and kinetic energy of the particles as thermal energy is added to a liquid. Which change of state might happen?please ill put brainliest!!! The figure shows an equilateral triangle with its sides as indicated. find the length of each side of the triangle .I Will Mark Brainliest A cylinder has a radius of 6 inches and is 15 inches tall what is the volume of the cylinder round to the nearest whole square inch please help I have 3 mins left Which of the following is a complex sentence?As...A. Although she was sick today, she still went to work.B. Don't touch the hot stove!C. I can't believe it is already Friday!D. The team was very happy they finally won. I really need help with this which of these would not be included in the index? A. main headings B. page numbers C. definitions D. subheadings What terms are used to describe the orientation of body parts and regions? The sum of 'n' terms of an arithmetic sequence is 4n^2+3n. What is the first term, the common difference, and the sequence? Write an equationin slope y-intercept form A(2,6),m=0 How is radiant energy from the microwave transformed into heat energy? us concerns on middle east in 1970s Part C Next, find the length of BC place point F at (4,4) and draw BF and FC now you hav the right BFC with BC as the hypotenuse find BC and FC ising the coordinates of B,C, and,F then use the Pythagorean theorem to find BC show your work need help ASAP giving thanks and points away I just need these answer fast ??? The exponent of the exponential function contains RC for the given circuit, which is called the time constant. Use the units of R and C to find units of RC. Write ohms in terms of volts and amps and write farads in terms of volts and coulombs. Simplify until you get something simple. Show your work below. 1Manuelis comparing jazz compositions to sonata forms from classical music. What is the MOST accurate comparison of these two types ofmusic?AThey both follow a similar sort of ABA pattern.BThese two musical forms are completely different.CJazz songs follow AABB; sonata forms use ABA.DJazz songs improvise too much to use any specific form. value of the pronumeral and describe the rule.4,1,-2,p,-8,-11 Correct answer get brainliest and 5 star Warren has money to go see a movie after he pays $8 for the MOVIE he will have $14 left right and solve an equation to show how much money Warren has before paying for the movie please help me please give answer of this please hurry up