Read the passage.

My Last Roller Skating Party

In an effort to relive the good old days of youth, my friend Tim decided to throw himself a 1980s-themed party at a roller skating rink. All my college friends were going, and we decided to dress for the theme, complete with headbands, leg warmers, blue eyeshadow, and teased hair. The night of the party, everyone looked great and we all had a good time.

Then I decided to show off. About ten minutes before the party ended, I started trying moves I learned long ago when I dreamed of being an Olympic figure skater. I actually had never been good enough on the ice to get anywhere near the Olympics, but I loved skating and was pretty decent at one point. There I was at the party, spinning, twirling, and skating backward. Then I decided to bring my friend Heidi in on the fun, so I grabbed her hands and pulled her along with me as I skated backward. I was smart enough to be looking behind me to make sure I wouldn’t bump into anyone, but I was not smart enough to pay attention to my balance, which I lost.

I fell down onto the newly buffed rink floor. Before I knew what was happening, Heidi tripped and fell on top of me, and I heard a crack. I remember feeling the wind get knocked out of me, and then a rush of faces looking down asking if I was okay. My friend Kathleen, who was studying to be a nurse, asked questions to make sure I wasn’t seriously injured, and another friend called an ambulance. Since I was not yet feeling any pain, the sheer embarrassment of the moment was my main focus.

In the hospital I learned that I had broken a rib and fractured my collarbone. Kathleen had come with and assured me that I was lucky: it could have been much worse. Looking back, I have to laugh at the reaction we got from the hospital staff. Every time a new doctor or nurse walked into my room, we felt the need to explain our getups. The explanation was generally met with blank stares from people who had much more pressing concerns than what the girl in Room 3 was wearing.

I went home with strict instructions to move as little as possible for the next few weeks. Lucky for me, I was on summer break so I didn’t have to worry about school. I’d been planning to stay in my off-campus apartment and work that summer. Instead, I took a leave of absence from my job, formed a stack of books I’d been meaning to read for ages, and settled in for what would surely be some of the most boring weeks of my life. The next day, Heidi called and apologized profusely for falling on me. I thanked her but pointed out that it had been my fault that I ended up getting hurt.

“Even so, we all feel terrible that you ended up in the hospital at the end of a great party,” Heidi said. “Listen, I called a bunch of people who were there and asked if they wanted to volunteer for a meal drop-off schedule. I have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner covered for the next three weeks.” I needed a moment to process what Heidi was telling me. Next to my stack of books was a stack of menus from which I’d planned to order all of my food for the next few weeks. The thought of an all-fast food diet had made me a little nauseous, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to cook. Now my friends were coming to my rescue.

Starting the next morning, in addition to bringing amazing home-cooked meals, as well as some great take-out, my friends took turns visiting me so I didn’t get lonely. Those weeks ended up flying by. Before I knew it I was up and about again.

Eventually, my friends let me in on what a good laugh they had the night of the party – once they knew I was going to be all right, of course. As soon as my rib and collarbone healed I had a pretty good laugh about it, too. I didn’t mind that they had laughed. I decided that any group of friends willing to cook for me during summer break was allowed to laugh at me.

Which excerpt from the story supports the conclusion that the narrator is humble?

“The night of the party, everyone looked great and we all had a good time.”

“ . . . I was not smart enough to pay attention to my balance, which I lost.”

“ . . . I started trying moves I learned long ago when I dreamed of being an Olympic figure skater.”

“Every time a new doctor or nurse walked into my room, we felt the need to explain our getups.”


Answer 1


The second one, “ . . . I was not smart enough to pay attention to my balance, which I lost.”


The author is stating that they aren't a professional by any means and they aren;t trying to make themselves sound cool or tough- they're stating that what they did was silly, basically. I hope this helps. :)

Related Questions

Write a 5 paragraph essay about why soccer is the most popular sport.

This is for 50 points help my teacher hates me!



i'll message it to u tonight.


The story elements of the story cusi's secret(wonders)



Lincoln Public School’s reading program is Wonders by McGraw-Hill. There are six units, and each unit consists of six weeks. Skills are taught through an anthology. Along with the anthology, we will have literature groups throughout the year. Literature groups will meet on Thursdays. The skills listed for each unit follow.

Unit 1 -Think it Through

The Big Idea: How can changes transform the way people look at the world?

Week 1 – Perspectives

Essential Question – How do new experiences offer new perspectives?

Stories: “Cow Music,” “Little Blog on the Prairie,” & “The Writing on the Wall.”

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Comprehension Strategy – Visualize

Comprehension Skills: Character, Setting, Plot: Compare & Contrast

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues: Sentence Clues

Grammar: Sentence Types and Fragments

Vocabulary: consolation, glimmer, heinous, indispensable, perception, phobic, sarcastic, threshold

Week 2 – Alliances

Essential Question – Why do people form alliances?

Stories: “Drumbeat of Freedom,” “The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg,” & “Enough.”

Genre: Historical Fiction

Comprehension Strategy: Visualize

Comprehension Skills: Character, Setting, Plot: Sequencing

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues

Grammar: Subjects and Predicates

Vocabulary: adversity, alliance, confinement, inflicted, reminisce, retrieved, smuggle, spindly

Week 3 – Environments

Essential Question – How do life forms vary in different environments?

Stories: “The Secret World of Caves,” “Journey into the Deep,” & “Extreme Exploration: An Interview with Dr. Eva Ramirez-Llodra.”

Genre: Expository Text

Comprehension Strategy: Reread

Comprehension Skills: Main Idea and Key Details

Vocabulary Strategy: Word Parts: Greek Roots

Grammar: Sentence Combining

Vocabulary: classification, compartment, engulfs, flanked, maneuvering, obscure, species, submerged

Week 4 – Dynamic Earth

Essential Question – How do natural forces affect Earth?

Stories: “The Monster in the Mountain,” “Into the Volcano,” & “Donna O’Meara: The Volcano Lady.”

Genre: Narrative Nonfiction

Comprehension Strategy: Reread

Comprehension Skills: Main Idea and Key Details

Vocabulary Strategy: Figurative Language: Metaphor & Similes

Grammar: Clauses and Complex Sentences

Vocabulary: cascaded, documentation, dynamic, exerts, plummeting, pulverize, scalding, shards

Week 5 – Using Money

Essential Question – What factors influence how people use money?

Stories: “Making Money: A Story of Change,” “The Economic Roller Coaster,” & “Our Federal Reserve at Work.”

Genre: Informational Article – Expository

Comprehension Strategy: Reread

Comprehension Skill: Author’s Point of View

Vocabulary Strategy: Word Parts: Root Words

Grammar: Run-On sentences & Common Splices

Vocabulary: available, basically, factors, fluctuate, formula, inventory, manufactured, salaries

what is the meaning of specific?????​



Specific mean clearly defined or identified.

In other words,

It means relating to one thing and not others; particular

[tex] \large \text{answer} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]

clearly defined or identified

Write an essay that analyzes a theme in The Call of the Wild.


Answer: The Call of the Wild "is the tale of the transformation of Buck, an intelligent, people-friendly dog, who got used to town and campfires into a forest resident named by his wild instincts." With a change in lifestyle, the first changes in Buck's character began. The dog, who was a member of a rich family and had everything in the life of his dog, became the dog used in the snowy deserts of Alaska for sled transport.

Another important trait of Buck's character is his desire for superiority. The German philosopher Fried rich Nietzsche and his philosophy of "will to power" influenced the subject of leadership in this work by Jack London. This theory says that there are people who want to conquer and "slaves" who do not have this will. The concept of death in the battle to be prime is also in the list of themes that the author wanted to highlight in "The Call of the Wild."


The Call of the Wild is about a dog named Buck. More importantly, his transformation from the old Buck, the civilized buck, to the new ferocious buck, who must learn to adapt to the dangerous life of the Sled Dog, where survival is the only goal. In The Call of the Wild, determination, and dominance are on a basic level of survival. Buck is determined to survive, but also to be the leader. Buck learns the hard way that “kill or be killed” is the only way of life among the dogs of the Arctic, the moment he steps off the boat and watches as his friend Curly, Newfoundland, was the victim. “They closed in upon her, snarling and yelping in a mass attack. Within seconds, Curly was dead” (Pg 28). The theme of this story is “Survival of the Fittest.” The idea is that species adapt and change by natural selection with the best-suited mutations becoming dominant. In other words, animals who are born with better traits are the ones who survive. Four words that describe Buck will have to accommodate to for if he wants to survive. But while you might argue that Buck was born with all the right genes that lead to his survival. “His father, Elmo, had been a huge St. Bernard… for his mother, Shep, had been a Scotch shepherd dog” (Pg 2), the truth is, while his survival had to do with his breed and genetic traits, it had more to do with his determination to dominate and will to survive. Only by sheer determination is Buck, our protagonist able to survive through the bitterness of the wilderness and the sled dog way of life. We see this struggle particularly in Buck’s conflict with Spitz, in his determination to become the lead dog on Francois and Perrault’s team, and, at the end of the novel, in the way that he battles his way to the leadership of the wolf pack. Buck does not merely want to survive; he wants to dominate.


nmcdcndjvndkjcvd. jnjkj jkjkhj jk



Ok…but is there like a question?




mark me brainliest :D ;)

whats full form of GATE​



Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. Acronym. GATE.


here is your answer

thank you

The detective came to the house.

The house belonged to the girls. Combine the sentences.



The detective came to the house; the house belonged to the girls.



The detective came to the house because the house belonged to the girls


plsss Mark brainliest

Which letter is silent in (regional) ?



id say the I, usually pronounced regonal

Hello! How are you? I hope perfect!

(-Well, I wanted to ask you if you could help me answer this, please! It is of the Spanish matter)
-5 sentences with verbs in "infinitive"

--5 sentences with verbs in - “Future, indicative mood "

---5 sentences with verbs in "Imperative”

----5 sentences with verbs in "negation"

-----5 sentences with verbs in "Impersonal"

(Please answer well! :( -​



the answer is b. or a


my aunt and uncle live in Chicago


chicago is located in illinois. its population is 2.71 million people (2019)

PLease help quickly!!!

Write 1 - 2 sentences explaining how his mother compares the staircase to life in the poem.

Well, son, I'll tell you:

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

It's had tacks in it,

And splinters,

And boards torn up,

And places with no carpet on the floor - Bare.

But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on,

And reachin' landin's,

And turnin' corners,

And sometimes goin' in the dark

Where there ain't been no light.

So boy, don'tyou turn back.

Don't you set down on the steps

'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.

Don't you fall now -

For I'se still goin', honey,

I'se still climbin',

And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

—"Mother to Son,"

Langston Hughes



Here, you can copy off of / copy and paste this:

His mom compares the stairs to life by showing how hard it is. She shows how hard it is by comparing her tough life to splinters, tacks, boards, etc.


The mother is saying keep going even if life is hard get back up and finish gladly.

Miss Liên who sings very well is my English teacher



What is your question?


is there a question to this or not

Because of the connection to nature, Native Americans use animals as a way to communicate a message to their people. How does the animal symbolism fit into the archetypes we covered in the fairy tale unit? Meaning, how are animal myths and fairy tales similar? (100 POINTS!!!!!)





the metamorphosis example: if you put the worm in a pot it turns into a butterfly, sorry I don't think I got it right I don't speak English I use the translator

Answer: A butterfly

Explanation: Also the anime fairy tale is good I do remcommend

How have changes in the environment affected the availability of traditional Hawaiian food?



because it will help us and our environment to be cleaning

identify the tone of this excerpt from the masque of the red death:
“The red death headlong devastated the country. No pestilence never been so fatal, or hideous. Blood was it avatar need to seal the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, where the pest ban which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease, were the incidents of half an hour”.

a. dark and foreboding
b. uncertain and anxious
c. overjoyed and passionate
d. thoughtful and reflective


Answer: A


It fits with the text

Need help please !!!


I don’t see all words, can you take another picture.

Question 5 of 5
Which sentence is the most concise?
A. Personally, I think soccer is the best game, in my opinion.
B. People often want happiness and contentment.
C. I'm working on the final completion of my project.
D. Javae likes salad with her burger, but I like fries.



The mose consise sentance is D


A - is wrong because "personaly" and "in my opinion" is repetetive and unneccaceary.

C - is wrong because "final completion" is  too wordy

B - is wrong becuase "happiness and contentment " can be simplified into one word.




1. Please get an ……………. form and then fill it out. (apply)
A. application B. apply C. to apply D. appllication






can someone help me plss

For this activity, write a poem with a positive tone focusing on the right attitudes that we should possess. For the word choice, use words or phrases with positive connotations, the imagery and style will depend on you, and the theme should mirror perse, bravery, and determination in facing life challenges. Write your poem inside the box below.​



(use your brain)

|think of a poem that you want|

(or family poem or something elsez)

(i hope i helped?)


Why are cookbooks written?

to inform
to entertain
to give directions


to give directions..


it had to he 20 so don't mind thatsisisis


Write any type of poem about thanksgiving.
Has to be a poem, no links.


Answer:Let us be thankful—not only because

  Since last our universal thanks were told

We have grown greater in the world’s applause,

  And fortune’s newer smiles surpass the old—

But thankful for all things that come as alms

  From out the open hand of Providence:—

The winter clouds and storms—the summer calms—

  The sleepless dread—the drowse of indolence.

Let us be thankful—thankful for the prayers

  Whose gracious answers were long, long delayed,

That they might fall upon us unawares,

  And bless us, as in greater need we prayed.

Explanation: brainlist please.

Do you think it is more effective to have a comprehensive sex education program in schools or an abstinence-only program? Which would you advocate for and why?


A comprehensive sex education would be the best

The speaker in the poem "The Choice" chooses money over love.
- True



The speaker in the poem "The Choice" chose someone who gave her love over someone who promised her wealth. "The Choice" conveys the theme that financial prosperity is a key to happiness. Parker's poem is written in free verse. ... The speaker in the poem "The Choice" chooses money over love.




The speaker in the poem "The Choice" chose someone who gave her love over someone who promised her wealth. "The Choice" conveys the theme that financial prosperity is a key to happiness. Parker's poem is written in free verse. ... The speaker in the poem "The Choice" chooses money over love.

Which line best emphasizes the speaker's idea of death? I know that I shall meet my fate Somewhere among the clouds above; Those that I fight I do not hate Those that I guard I do not love;.



"I know that I shall meet my fate somewhere among the clouds above"


This line best shows the speakers idea of death. It clearly shows how they know they cannot avoid death and that it will happen no matter what. It also shows that they believe in the end they will reach some place beyond possibly in the clouds.

The central idea about death is illustrated by A. I know that I shall meet my fate.

What is a central idea?

A central idea simply means the main idea that is in a story. It's what the author wants the readers to know.

In this case, the central idea about death is illustrated by the line "I know that I shall meet my fate". It shows the speakers idea of death.

Learn more about central ideas on:

Does anyone know the answers to these questions?

The Crucible Act2

5. why hasn't John proctor attended church recently? give at least 2 examples. 6. what does reverend hale have John do to help prove he is a godly man? How does he mess it up? what is ironic about what he forgets?
7. for what acts have Martha Corey and rebecca nurse been arrested and charged?
8. what is the significance of the poppet?(doll) what does this prove?
9. John proctor seems to be the only voice of reason in the confusing end of Act 2. what are some examples to support this idea?
10. why is Mary Warren afraid of telling the truth about Abigail, for herself and for John?
11. Describe reverend hale at the end of Act 2. he has come to Salem to "weed out" the evil in the town. what is his reaction to the evening's events?
12. At the end of Act 2 John proctor is shocked that Abigail told Mary Warren about the affair between proctor and Abigail. what does he decide to do?​



5. Why hasn’t John Proctor attended church recently? Give at least 2


John proctor hasn’t attended church recently because he doesn’t like Rev. Parris and his wife is sick so he rather attends her.

6. What does Reverend Hale have John do to help prove he is a godly man? How does he mess it up? What is ironic about what he forgets?

Reverend Hale has john repeat the ten commandments to prove he is a goldy man. He messes up by forgetting one and he has committed adultery.

7. For what acts have Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse been arrested and charged?

Rebecca Nurse has been arrested and charged for killing Goody Putnam’s babies. Martha Corey was arrested and charged for killing the Walcotts pigs by using witchcraft on them.

8. What is the significance of the poppet? What does this prove?

The significance of the poppet is that the poppet had a on in it which shows where Elizabeth was stuck. This proves that it is voodoo.

9. John Proctor seems to be the only voice of reason at the confusing end of Act II. What are some examples to support this idea?

Some examples of Jhon Proctor being the only voice of reason at confusing end Act II is that Jhon Procter and his family have faith and do not believe in witchcraft or witches.

10. Why is Mary Warren afraid of telling the truth about Abigail, for herself and for John?

Mary Warren is afraid of telling the truth about Abigail, for herself and for Jhon because Mary thinks Abigail will blame her for doing witchcraft and she can end up in jail.

11. Describe Reverend Hale at the end of Act 2. He has come to Salem to “weed out” the evil in the town. What is his reaction to the evening’s events?

Reverend Hale's reaction to the evening's events was evil because the court takes over and realizes that the girls are lying and there was never witchcraft involved and removes himself from the court.

12. At the end of Act 2, John Proctor is shocked that Abigail told Mary Warren about the affair between Proctor and Abigail. What does he decide to do?

When John Proctor is shocked that abigail told Mary Warren about the affair, he decides to speak up about abigail and save his wife's life.

"The Destructors"
in the destructors the most likely reason the boy refers to Mr.. Thomas as "old Misery" is because..
his posture is stooped
he is believed to be more than 200 years old
his house is the only one left standing after a bombing raid
he lives a solitary life and does not interact well with others



The answer is "He lives a solitary life and does not interact well with others".

He lives a solitary life and does not interact well with others ur welcome

Ultimately, the chorus needs the prophecy to be true because they
A want Oedipus out of power
B. need the gods to remain supreme
C. need the truth to be revealed
D. are devoted to Laius and Creon​


Answer:Oedipus, a stranger to Thebes, became king of the city after the murder of king Laius, about fifteen or sixteen years before the start of the play


Mammoth shakes and monster waves how the ideas and events are related



ur mom


Answer: Varies

Explanation: They relate to "scary" things that have made a place in American culture.

Please help asap!! 50 points!!


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Essay about video games are beneficial or not


As a teenager , i was obsessed with sports and the outdoors and so i never got interest in TV, video games ,social media or other kinds of technology.However, in middle school, i had blown into the scientific world. i had a laptop for my studies , a play station for recreation and also a cellphone for communication. That was an overload for me and i started using technology too. This actually reduced my need for education as all i could think was to get back home and make video games. It was at that moment when i thought my social experience was heightened because i was able to interact with them through my cellphone and i could possibly do that whenever i needed to.  Likewise , i was able to transmit and act with my friends by playing the online video games collectively. Later when i became a sophomore at highschool , my education made all of us to get iPads that we used in the room. I became really exited to see the need because it gave me a valid reason to take the iPad.

Other Questions all out of points i need the following unscrambled naajpnahciniooglamushto kaorenawait ohomseuong Put the sentences in the correct order. please help!!! i will make you brainliest!! three types of elected county officials What did you observe when clear water was poured on the soil around the well? Explain whether it matched your prediction. Which word could best be used in place of the word racket in this sentence? The crowd next door made a racket that lasted until after midnight. O barb O clamor O vagabond 0 quay. NOOOOOOoOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOoOOOOoOOo HACKERS NOOOOOoOOoO LINKS GoT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look at the example. how would the quotient change if the total number of seats was 3,200 instead of 320? explain Jennifer has 3 cups of dough to make cookies. If she uses 5/16 cup of dough for each cookie, how many whole dumplings can she make? En Matilde de julio Cortzar sinopsis which TWO lines in the poem help the reader determine the theme ? QUIEN MONDA ME AYUDA A SOLUCIONA'f(x)=(3x-4x)(-8x + 3x)POR FAVOR please i need a helping hand Jessie's mom gave her some money to go shopping. She has $100 to spend on new shirts at the store. The store Jessie chooses is having a sale; all shirts cost $10. The function T(s)=10s represents the total cost of the shirts, where s is the number of shirts purchased. What is the domain of T(s) in this context?Question 9 options:all non-negative integers that are multiples of 10all whole numbersall non-negative rational numbersall non-negative integers less than or equal to 10 Which of the following statements is NOT true?ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Explain how Earths mass is related to its ability to have anatmosphere. PLEASE HELP WITH THIS French like just complete the thing that says A bag contains 7 milk and 11 dark chocolates.A sweet is selected at random.What is the probability of choosing: a. What iS the slope of the line that passes through (-2, 3) and (4, -5)? The summary section of a business report appears at the bottom of the report.FalseTrue