Read the statement below and decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Be prepared to support your opinion with details from the reading. Here's your discussion prompt:
Independence is a universal human need.
What do you think? Write a paragraph supporting your opinion and then write a reply paragraph. If you're working with others, your reply paragraph should respond to the ideas of another student. If you're working alone, your reply paragraph should support the opposite point of view from your own.


Answer 1


Recently there has been a ton of debate as to whether independence is a universal human need or not, It’s my firm belief that all men are born equal and have right to pursue what they want, so independence is needed and I feel this way for various reasons that will explain in the subsequent paragraphs

First and foremost, every well develop nation on this planet is conserving the values of freedom and independence, as a consequence it’s remarkable throughout history, that those nations development relied mostly in a strong based constitution that always had independence as a universal right, for men and women equally theoretically.

Secondly, nations around the globe that prevent its denizens to have freedom and independence are more likely to suffer from third nation’s symptoms, for instance hunger and lack of infrastructure. If we take Brazil as an example it’s notorious that once the Brazilian population elected a dictator called Bolsonaro, the country is suffering from the consequences of preventing freedom and independence for its denizens resulting in the most dangerous crisis that Brazil is passing through  

In the light of all above, it’s clear to see how independence as a universal human need must be protected at all costs.

Answer 2


I disagree with the statement.

I think independence is great if you have a good sense of responsibility and moral integrity. It helps to further self-reliance and resourcefulness but independence isn't for everybody, and I definitely don't believe that it is a human need. It's more of a privilege...independence is something that's earned.

For example, you don't see any convicted felons or psych ward patients walking around freely without supervision during any given time of the day. If you do, they've either escaped or they or are being monitored from time to time. People who act in ways that portray the fact that they are irresponsible or dangerous do not need independence.  Likewise, people who are unable take care of themselves are also dependent on others to live. Babies, seniors, and people with disabilities all fit into this category.

Although I agree with the idea that everyone should be able to think by themselves and make their own decisions...what if those decisions are self-destructive and can put people in danger? Freedom without supervision would be anarchy. Period. And even though America was founded on freedom, it is still very much limited.

Independence is great but it is not a fundamental or universal human need. It is earned, wanted, and coveted but it is not for everybody.

Related Questions

Use correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, letter form and paragraphing. When you have finished, read your letter through and rewrite it if you are not satisfied with any part of it. When should you rewrite your letter?



Well according to my life, the correct answer is when you are not satisfied with any part of a letter, or any other writing piece, you rewrite or edit it until you get satisfied as I do!!


why don't you rewrite or edit it until you get satisfied!!

anyone who keeps awake till 3am...



No i dont even sleep




pls answer my question ​



Where is the question


It is in photo?


hello follow kro all biology student and math

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!


Answer: B

Explanation: ummm because imma bad *bleep* :)

Tonana N - 9 Traditional African marriage is an advantage for men only, not women


Hi. You have not submitted any questions related to the statement presented in the question above. This makes it impossible for me to give you an answer. However, I will try to help you by giving you some context about traditional African marriage, and I hope that this will serve as a basis to help you find answers to your questions.

The concept of "traditional marriage" can indeed present sexist and very negative ideas for women. In some African cultures, it was common for traditional marriages to be performed with very young and immature brides, true children who were able to marry, but who were forced into arranged marriages, which proved to be an oppressive and limiting system for women . In this situation, traditional marriage was, in fact, completely disadvantageous for women. However, over time this type of custom was abandoned in many African societies. Although this type of practice still takes place in some countries, African societies have greater access to information and allow women to have more equal and fairer living conditions. In this type of society, traditional marriage is followed more as an aesthetic and cultural standard, but the advantages and freedoms between men and women are usually more balanced and harmonious.

Help please ;-------;





have not (?) or haven't (?) tricky one






had to






had not made (?) Not understanding what exactly they're looking for as the answer.



PART A: How does Mr. Woodifield's diction contribute to the reader's understanding

of his character?

A. He seems poor and uneducated.

B. He seems pleasant and sympathetic.

C. He seems distant and harsh.

D. He seems flaky and distracted.


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, after searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which featured the text "The Fly" written by Katherine Mansfield. If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.


D. He seems flaky and distracted.


In a text, diction refers to the use of specific words that the author has decided to use to make an impression on the reader, about the text, or about the characteristics of a character. Accordingly, after reading the text, we can see that the diction the author used in Mr. Woodifield's speech and behavior makes him seem like a weird and distracted character.

Mr. Woodifield says things like "Y'are very snug in here" and "There was something I wanted to tell you [...] Now, what was it? I had it in my mind when I started out this morning.” This shows how this character gets lost in thought, behaving in an unconventional and unfocused way.

Please help me!! I need the answer


I’m should be the letter b

The soldiers were awestruck when they saw the village of the Bishnois, yet they were ready to destruct that peaceful and healthy environment. In what way would they not only damage the environment, but the faith and trust of people as well?



They would have harmed all of the animals and insects living within the forest,

and they would be brutally breaking their promise from before by making the deaths of the people who sacrificed their lives for the trees and animals look meaningless, and the king would be breaking his promise to the people by falsely telling them fake information

We didn't enjoy our food when we went out to eat, but our friend Nelson said that the restaurant normally served some of the best Italian food in town. In fact, he said it was one of his favorite places to eat. He said that we should return and give it a second chance. What word best replaces "said" in the last sentence? insisted announced exclaimed shouted





"Said" is used to refer to the act of voicing out, speaking, or expressing something vocally. It is the participle form of the verb "say".

In the given context, "said" can be replaced by the word "insisted" in the last sentence. This keeps the meaning of the sentence while still relaying the intended message that Nelson wanted them to 'retry' experiencing the restaurant.

Thus, the correct answer is insisted.


A. Insisted


Correct on Edu2020.

Where should there be a paragraph break in the following text?

Brian did not know what to do. He could just go to work, ignore what he found and go about his day. (1.) But the more he looked at the treasure map, the more he wanted to follow it. He knew where Knights Park was, and the temptation of treasure was a lot to turn down. (2.) As his boss called his cell phone to ask where he was, Brian made his choice. (3.) He arrived at Knights Park. Since it was raining the park was empty. This was perfect for Brian, he did not want anyone else to know about the treasure.

A. 3.
B. 1. and 2.
C. 1.
D. 2.


A is the answer ghhggggghhbvffgbbvcfd

The correct option is A. He arrived at Knights Park. Since it was raining the park was empty. This was perfect for Brian, he did not want anyone else to know about the treasure there should be a paragraph break in the following text.

What do mean by Paragraph break?

One line of space or an indentation or both separating one paragraph from the next in the body of the text is known as a paragraph break. A par break is another name for it.

Brian did not know what to do. He could just go to work, ignore what he found and go about his day. But the more he looked at the treasure map, the more he wanted to follow it. He knew where Knights Park was, and the temptation of treasure was a lot to turn down. As his boss called his cell phone to ask where he was, Brian made his choice.

He arrived at Knights Park. Since it was raining the park was empty. This was perfect for Brian, he did not want anyone else to know about the treasure.

Learn more about Paragraph Breaking here:


saying "Whoso is a
man must be a nonconformist" is based on whose transcendentalist belief?
• A
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Amos Bronson Alcott
Henry David Thoreau
Margaret Fuller



A. Ralph Waldo Emerson

In paragraph 6 how does the author argue against bottom trawling on seamounts?
A. By stating that there is coral in both deep and shallow waters
B. By describing that most fish populations are already overfished
C. By suggesting the effects are unknown because unidentified species are destroyed
D. By explaining that bottom trawls in the past could not reach so far undersea



read it carefully cuz if you don't you might misunderstand something and you don't want that cuz you have to look for the smallest details even the largest

The author argued against bottom trawling on seamounts by suggesting the effects are unknown because unidentified species are destroyed.

What is a bottom trawling?

Its involves use of heavy weighted nets to caught large number of fish across the sea floor.

Hence, in the paragraph 6, the author argued against bottom trawling on seamounts by suggesting the effects are unknown because unidentified species are destroyed.

Read more about bottom trawling

Judson, reaching for his boots, stepped fairly upon the acorn, his foot slid from under him and his head struck the massive table as he fell. Several minutes later he began to regain his senses. Alec’s strong arm was supporting his as he lay on the porch and a kindly voice was saying: “’Twarn’t much of a fall, Mr. Webb. You aren’t cut none; jest knocked out for a minute. Here, take this; it’ll pull you together.” A small glass was pressed to his lips. Dazed and half-conscious, he drank.

Explain how Judson’s desire to revenge caused his death.



Judson poisoned a bottle of Whiskey to get revenge on a thief, but ended up drinking from that bottle, causing his death.


Through the excerpt presented in the question above, we can see that this question refers to the text "Ruthless" William DeMille. In this text we meet Judson a man who has a collection of alcoholic beverages. Judson realizes that his whiskey is being stolen as someone is drinking without his permission.

For this reason, he poisons the bottle of whiskey, intending to get revenge on the thief, who will die of poison when he drinks. However, Judson slips and falls to the ground, hitting his head hard. He is found semi unconscious and someone decides to make him drink a glass of whiskey to regain consciousness. However, this person causes him to drink the poisoned whiskey, which causes Judson's death.

How are you displaying compassion during these times?
It’s for summer school:/
(Has to be At least 5 sentences long)



Compassion is a genuine sympathy for hardship or suffering other people are experiencing, and a desire to ease that pain. There are many different ways to show compassion for others, but the important thing to remember is that it comes from your heart.

Practice showing compassion by first ignoring differences and finding commonalities, which will help you relate to what someone else is going through. Whether you're interacting with a friend, colleague, peer, patient, or family member


When I entered the ninth-grade English classroom, I had a clear vision of the first-year teacher I wanted to be: a strict, but thoughtful, educator who held students accountable for their behavior in the classroom. While my intentions were not flawed, the execution of this teaching style was poor, and left my students with a different impression of me: apathetic.

Rather than showing my students I was attempting to serve both their needs and my own with my classroom rules and expectations, I introduced my classroom management strategies as a series of consequences. I expressed no compassion for my students, and did not address them as trustworthy young adults.

I just try give a answer , but I think it's not the ... but still ur welcome

The way I display compassion is by writing letters to my neighbors to tell them how they are and how they feel. I also send random strangers letters with magazines inside with a subject of conversation to talk about, most of my conversations are always about intellectual matters such as the Bible. I like to keep people informed, I also tell neighbors if they have any questions to ask me because I like to research a lot. Another thing I enjoy to do is to give consolation to people. The Bible teaches many wonderful things about God and his purpose for the future. So, I phone call people during these times to tell them about Gods purpose for us. For example: Revelation 21: 4,5 says: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And the one who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” What is God talking about here? He talks of a future paradise! Not a heaven, not a hell. God promises humans that after the day of judgement only the loyal and good will remain on the Earth and shall enjoy of it eternally. And, while we reside in it we won’t suffer from death or suffering. Also, God will create new things with his own hands again for humankind. Another text Izeah 11: 6-9 states: “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling[a] together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” This is a prophecy for the future, God promises that animals will be at peace with each other and that they won’t be any threat for us anymore in future paradise. Also, Jesus said in Luke 23: 43 to the man next to him on the stake: “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus told the dying man on the stake next to him that he would be in a future paradise.

meaning of exemplary ​



When something is the best it can be or reaches the highest point, it is exemplary and thus worth imitating. Exemplary comes from the Latin exemplum, meaning "sample" or "example." While some people and things are held as examples of what not to do, an exemplary person or thing is always a positive example


Something's exemplary would something that is the best of its kind in simpler words exemplary is equivalent to perfect or an ideal model.

"Daniella is always the first to say hello or ask how your day is going. Though she is newer to the office, when
someone is sick or has a birthday, she makes sure we all sign a card or will send flowers. She also volunteered to
be charge of our office plants, even though she's admitted she doesn't exactly have a green thumb." Which of the
words below best characterizes Daniella?
O A. None of these
OB. Reckless
OC. Lazy
OD. Caring


The correct answer is b


The answer is D


it should be pretty obvious <3






Can someone help me with my question?

Which word means "a quotation at the beginning of a novel”?


Answer:it’s epigraph


What is the main use of food



A food is something that provides nutrients. Nutrients are substances that provide: energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm; materials for the growth and repair of the body, and for keeping the immune system healthy.


A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet.




I don’t know this for sure but I think it’s man vs society if it’s wrong I’m sorry I think this because he can’t get a job and job has to do with society right so if he can’t get a job during the Great Depression which was something that effected the society. So I’m thinking it’s man vs society

Which sentence contains the strongest use of
emotional connotation?
A: Sentence 1
B: Sentence 2
C: Sentence 3
D: Sentence 4



sentence 1 is the correct answer


sentence 1



I need help with English, can someone help? I'll appreciate the help.

Rewrite each of the following sentences to illustrate parallel structure.

1. We have begun to exercise more, to get regular check-ups, and dieting.

2. To go on picnics, taking part in sports, and vacationing with my family are my favorite summer activities.

3. The concert made many new friends for us, attracted a great deal of publicity, and that it earned a lot of money.

4. Our coach excels in setting possible goals for us and then to praise us for reaching them.

5. This rodeo performer has won awards in seven states for bull riding, calf roping, and he does barrel racing.

6. The walnut shelf by the window is for trophies, portraits, and where I like to display dishes.

7. The two things I liked most about the class were that it had a great teacher and discussing philosophy.

8. My Aunt Pauline has a reputation for her oyster dressing, cole slaw, and baking blueberry muffins.

9. John makes a great pot of coffee, he tells a good story, and listening to anyone's problems with a sympathetic ear.

10. Each boy had a different problem: Fred, shin splints; Ralph, torn ligaments; Jack, a shoulder separation; Tom, sneezed and coughed.



1.we began to exercise more, and started dieting plus getting regular checkups

2. my favorite summer activities are vacationing with my family, go on picnics, and participate in sports

3. we made many new friends at the concert, also attracted a lot of publicity, which earned it a lot.



1. We have begun to exercise more, to get regular check-ups, and to diet.

2. Going on picnics, taking part in sports, and vacationing with my family are my favorite summer activities.

3. The concert made many new friends for us, attracted a great deal of publicity, and earned a lot of money.

4. Our coach excels in setting possible goals for us and in praising us for reaching them.

5. This rodeo performer has won awards in seven states for bull riding, calf roping, and barrel racing.

6. The walnut shelf by the window is for trophies, portraits, and dishes.

7. The two things I liked most about the class were that it had a great teacher and that we discussed philosophy.

8. My Aunt Pauline has a reputation for her oyster dressing, coleslaw, and blueberry muffins.

9. John makes a great pot of coffee, he tells a good story, and he listens to anyone's problems with a sympathetic ear.

10. Each boy had a different problem: Fred, shin splints; Ralph, torn ligaments; Jack, shoulder separation; Tom, sneezes and coughs.


What point of view does Lincoln express in this excerpt from the Gettysburg Address?
But in a larger sense we can not dedicate - we can not consecrate - we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who
struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here,
but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought
here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these
honoured dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the
people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from this earth.
O A Fallen soldiers would be happy the Civil War is coming to an end.
The sacrifices of fallen soldiers should be honored by survivors.
The nation should forget its differences to unite and mourn for fallen soldiers.
The fallen soldiers' youth and potential were wasted because of the Civil War.


The correct answer is B. The sacrifices of fallen soldiers should be honored by survivors.


The text is an excerpt from the Gettysburg Address speech that talks about the attitude that citizens should have to strengthen the nascent country resulting from the war. In the speech Abraham Lincoln proposes to continue building the nation together when he says "It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced". Furthermore, he points out that this would be a way of honoring the soldiers who gave their lives in the war as he expresses it by saying "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain". According to the above, the correct answer is B. The sacrifices of fallen soldiers should be honored by survivors.

Give a brief summary of your extra curricular involvement and leadership positions you have held at your previous school.


Answer and Explanation:

Hi. This is a question that requires a personal answer, that is, an answer based on your own experience. However, I hope I help you with the answer below.

At my previous school I led a group of students responsible for cleaning up the beaches for four weekends. Although I participated in other extracurricular activities, this one was the most meaningful to me, as in addition to establishing myself as a leader, I was able to promote an improvement to the beaches in my previous city. During this activity, my group organized to promote the cleaning of a different beach each weekend. We arrived at the point of collecting a truck full of garbage from each beach. Most of this waste was plastic, but we found other materials as well. We divided it into different regions on the beach and everyone worked very well and I believe that despite the fatigue they were all very satisfied.

Annamarie wanted to get away from the Soldiers as fast as possible.How do we know? Story:Number the Stars



Cause they were Jewish and the German soldiers were after them.


Number the stars is a fiction story written by Lois Lowry it narrates the story of a Jewish family, the Rosens, while they are escaping Copenhagen in the middle of Worl War II, while the German soldiers invade the capital the family needs to escape, and Annamarie, a 10-year-old girl is instructed by her parents to run away as fast as she can from german soldiers as they were taking Jewish population to concentration camps.

which statement best describes how the washington times introduces the earthquake in the first article





Read the poem below and answer the question.

A thousand doors ago
when I was a lonely kid
in a big house with four
garages and it was summer
as long as I could remember,
I lay on the lawn at night,
clover wrinkling over me,
the wise stars bedding over me,
my mother's window a funnel
of yellow heat running out,
my father's window, half shut,
an eye where sleepers pass,
and the boards of the house
were smooth and white as wax
and probably a million leaves
sailed on their strange stalks
as the crickets ticked together
and I, in my brand new body,
which was not a woman's yet,
told the stars my questions
and thought God could really see
the heat and the painted light,
elbows, knees, dreams, goodnight.

Copy at least four but no more than ten lines from Anne Sexton's poem "Young" and annotate them.



"A thousand doors ago when I was a lonely kid in a big house with four garages and it was summer as long as I could remember, I lay on the lawn at night, clover wrinkling under me, the wise stars bedding over me,"


In this poem the poet reflects on adolescence and how this phase modifies our bodies, minds, feelings and sensations. The poem shows how adolescencia leaves us confused and unstable while bringing a nostalgia for a wonderful time that has passed.

B Many
C Much
1 A Lots
B earliest
C morning
2 A early
B makes
3 A gets
4 A again
5 A writes
6 Agoes
C be
C work
B job



I don't understand the options well enough

Please help me. I don't want turn in this assignment late. No links, and please right the one that is with this lesson.Not random things.



I have told my self that I'm unique and I will make sure that i will pass my studies with flying colors so that I can be a good qualified teacher

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