Relevant information ________. ANSWER Unselected includes only numerical data instead of nonfinancial information Unselected includes past incurred costs which cannot be used in the future Unselected is expected future data and differs amongst the alternatives Unselected includes only nonfinancial information rather than financial data Unselected I DON'T KNOW YET


Answer 1


is expected future data and differs amongst the alternatives.


Relevant information is expected future data and differs amongst the alternatives.

Related Questions

You are the account manager for an Internet service provider. A customer contacts you and complains that her recent billing statement was incorrect. After looking over the statement, you determine that the customer is mistaken: the statement is correct. What should you do before writing your message



As usual we should correct our mistake

The Rybczynski theorem asserts that in a two-good world, and assuming that product prices stay constant, growth in the endowment of one factor of production, with the other factor unchanged, will lead to:
A. An equal percentage increase in the output of both goods.
B. An increase in the output of the good that uses the growing factor intensively and a decrease in the output of the other good.
C. An increase in the output of both goods but a greater percentage increase in the output of the good that uses the growing factor intensively.
D. An increase in the output of the good that uses the growing factor intensively and no change in the output of the other good.



The answer is "Option b".


The theorem of Rybczynski affirms that certain expansion in the endowments of one factor of manufacturing throughout the two-good economy, with other unchanged factors, which would be the result in increased output for the product that employs the increasing factor as well as a drop throughout the output of the other good.

Five key success factors for a successful business



Plz mark me as brainliest


the 5 Key Success Factors are:

Strategic Focus (Leadership, Management, Planning)

People (Personnel, Staff, Learning, Development)

Operations (Processes, Work)

Marketing (Customer Relations, Sales, Responsiveness)

Finances (Assets, Facilities, Equipment)

•Urgent• research report on a product
Criteria ^^ 400-500 words


It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search

The expen Accounting changes are often made and the monetary impact is reflected in the financial statements of a company even though, in theory, this may be a violation of the accounting concept of se recognition principle states that expenses should be matched with revenues. Another way of stating the principle is to say that:


Another way of saying the above is that d. efforts should be matched with accomplishments.

The Matching Principle in Accounting falls under the Accrual basis which means that expenses should be matched to the period they were incurred and revenue should be matched to the period it was received for.

This ensures that the expenses match the revenue. Another way to say this is that efforts should be matched with their accomplishments because the business incurred expenses as efforts in a period in order to be able to get revenue as accomplishments in that same period.

For example, a business paying salespeople $30,000 in a year are doing so because they hope those salespeople will sell more than that $30,000 in that same year.

In conclusion, matching expenses to revenue is like matching efforts to accomplishments.

For more information on the Accrual basis take a look at

Profession in medical are not practice for money but for public welfare? Do you support this statement? Explain.

please help me ​




if a Doctor decrease his price than poor people can get a better health care for them it

what are the benefits of traditional Technology​



They dont cost like a thousand dollars.



They don't cost of thousand dollars.

On January 1, 2016, Weaver Company purchased as held-to-maturity debt securities $500,000 face value of Park Corporation's 8% bonds for $456,200. The bonds were purchased to yield 10% interest and pay interest annually. The bonds mature on January 1, 2021. Weaver uses the effective interest method of amortization. What amount should Weaver report on its December 31, 2016, balance sheet as an investment in held-to-maturity debt securities





Calculation to determine What amount should Weaver report on its December 31, 2016, balance sheet as an investment in held-to-maturity debt securities

First step

Amortization of discount= Purchased value of bond × interest rate of return - face value of bond × interest rate

Amortization of discount= $456,200 × 10% - $500,000 × 8%

Amortization of discount= $45,620 - $40,000

Amortization of discount= $5,620

Now the amount reported is

investment in held-to-maturity debt securities= Purchased value + discount amortization

investment in held-to-maturity debt securities= $456,200 + $5,620

investment in held-to-maturity debt securities= $461,820

Therefore What amount should Weaver report on its December 31, 2016, balance sheet as an investment in held-to-maturity debt securities is $461,820

What is the primary difference between common and preferred stockholders?
A. Common stockholders have a higher claim on the business.
B. Preferred stockholders are the only ones who can vote for the
board of directors.
C. Common stockholders are required to be employees of the
D. Preferred stockholders have greater security.





Preferred stock holders have greater security.because in the event of the business failure,they have the first claim in the distribution of company assets.

I hope this helps

The market for fertilizer is perfectly competitive. Firms in the market are producing output but are currently making economic losses. Which of the following statements is true about the price of fertilizer? Check all that apply. The price of fertilizer must be greater than average total cost. The price of fertilizer must be greater than average variable cost. The price of fertilizer must be greater than marginal cost.



The price of fertilizer must be greater than average variable cost.


Being a perfectly competitive market the prices of the fertilizers will rise. As the forms are making economic losses the prices must be greater the average variable costs.

A captive agent is a(n): Group of answer choices insurance agent who represents only one insurance company. federal insurance agent who can sell low-cost flood insurance coverage. independent agent who can insure homeowners and tenants together for flood insurance. insurance agent who insures only homes and vehicles. claims adjustor who assesses the probability of law violations during an investigation.


Answer: Insurance agent who represents only one insurance company.


A captive agent is an insurance agent that works for a lone insurance company, either as full time or per time. They are paid their salary and commission or just commission depending on the contract agreed between employer and employee.

They can't do more than one insurance job at a time.

McCoy’s Fish House purchases a tract of land and an existing building for $900,000. The company plans to remove the old building and construct a new restaurant on the site. In addition to the purchase price, McCoy pays closing costs, including title insurance of $2,000. The company also pays $12,000 in property taxes, which includes $8,000 of back taxes (unpaid taxes from previous years) paid by McCoy on behalf of the seller and $4,000 due for the current fiscal year after the purchase date. Shortly after closing, the company pays a contractor $45,000 to tear down the old building and remove it from the site. McCoy is able to sell salvaged materials from the old building for $3,000 and pays an additional $10,000 to level the land.Required:Determine the amount McCoy’s Fish House should record as the cost of the land.


Answer: $962000


From the information given, the amount

that McCoy’s Fish House should record as the cost of the land will be:

Purchase price = $900,000

Add: Title insurance = $2000

Add: Back property tax = $8000

Add: Cost incurred to remove building = $45000

Add: Cost incurred to level the land = $10000

Less: Savage value of materials = $3000

Cost of land = $962000

Therefore, the cost of land is $962000

In the economy of Nocoin bank deposits are ​$ billion. Bank reserves are ​$ ​billion, of which two thirds are deposits with the central bank. Households and firms hold ​$ billion in bank notes. There are no coins. Calculate the monetary base and the quantity of money. Calculate the​ banks' desired reserve ratio and the currency drain ratio​ (as percentages).



a.$90 billion

b. $330 billion

c. 20 percent

d. 10 percent


a Calculation to determine Calculate the monetary base

Using this formula

Monetary base =Reserves +Bank notes​ (dollar bills)

Let plug in the formula

Monetary base=$60 ​billion+ $30 billion

Monetary base= ​$90 billion

Therefore the Monetary base is $90 billion

b . Calculation to determine The quantity of money

Using this formula

Quantity of money =Deposits+Bank notes​ (dollar bills)

Let plug in the formula

Quantity of money=$300 billion+$30 billion

Quantity of money=$330 billion

Therefore Quantity of money is $330 billion

c. Calculation to determine The​ banks' desired reserve ratio

Banks' desired reserve ratio =2/3*$30 billion

Banks' desired reserve ratio=20 percent.

Therefore the Banks' desired reserve ratio is 20 percent

d. Calculation to determine The currency drain ratio

Currency drain ratio =1/3*$30 billion

Currency drain ratio=10 percent

Therefore Currency drain ratio is 10 percent sure

An increase in the wage rate causes Group of answer choices a decrease in the quantity of labor demanded. an increase in labor's marginal productivity. a leftward shift of the firm's labor demand curve. a rightward shift of the firm's labor demand curve.



a decrease in the quantity of labour demanded.


Changes in wage rate leads to changes in the quantity of labour demanded and not a change in demand.

Changes in the quantity of labour demanded leads to a movement along the demand curve for labour and not a shift of the demand curve.

The quantity demanded of labour is inversely related to the wage rate.

An increase in the wage rate increases the cost of employing labour. As a result, the quantity demanded of labour falls

On the other hand, a decrease in the wage rate reduces the cost of employing labour. As a result, the quantity demanded of labour increases

The approach to estimating project time and cost that begins with an overall estimate for the project and then refines estimates for various stages of the project as it is implemented is known as ____________. Multiple Choice range estimating phase estimating method parametric procedure template method WBS method



phase estimating method


The approach to estimating project time and cost that begins with an overall estimate for the project and then refines estimates for various stages of the project as it is implemented is known as PHASE ESTIMATING METHOD

The above statement is based on the fact that PHASE ESTIMATING METHOD is applicable whereby the total estimate of a product life cycle is extremely difficult to ascertain.

Instead, to get the estimate, each elemental stage is estimated one after the other, with the immediate stage having an elaborate estimate, while the subsequent stages having a brief or overview estimate.

identify the true statements about managing cycle stocks. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. The primary driver of cycle stock is the order quantity. Reduction in order costs results in an increase in cycle stock. Offering the lowest possible price per unit regardless of order quantity would result in smaller order quantities. One way to reduce total average inventory is to reduce the order quantity.


The true statements are:

The main driver of the cycle stock represents the order quantity.If the less possible price per unit is offered irrespective of the order quantity so this should have resulted in the fewer order quantities. In order to decrease the overall average inventory,  we have to decrease the order quantity.

The stock cycle should be managed by:

Order quantity.Few possible prices per unit so that there is a fewer order quantity.When the overall average inventory is decreased so the order quantity is also decreased.

But it should not be managed by the decrease in the cost of the order via increment in the cycle stock.

Learn more about the inventory here:

Ricardo paid an annual premium of $1,200 in total liability coverage for his car, including up to $200,000 in bodily injury coverage and $100,000 in property damage coverage. Ten years into his policy, Ricardo caused an accident that resulted in the other driver claiming $40,000 in medical costs and $20,000 in car damage. Did the cost of the annual premiums outweigh the benefit of transferring the risk to the insurance company



No, the cost of the annual premium for 10 years was less than the accident claims


Since in the question it is mentioned that the annual premium is $1,200, $200,000 is the bodily injury coverage and $100,000 should be the property damage coverage

Also the $40,000 and $20,000 represent the medical cost and the car damage

So here the cost should not outweight the benefit of the transferring the risk as the annual premium cost for ten years should be lower than the accident claims

Answer:no it is less then



Jessica is new to international marketing and assumes that if a country speaks a similar language as another country then both of those countries will also be interested in the same types of products and services. Jessica appears to be suffering from



an illusion of similarity.


It is correct to say that in this case, Jessica seems to be suffering from an illusion of similarity, in that she believes that two countries will be interested in the same types of products and services because they speak similar languages.

This is an illusion that can cause difficulties in a company's marketing positioning, as each country has its social and cultural particularities that must be considered when planning an international marketing strategy, as it must be aligned with local culture, taste and preferences so that a company can be well accepted and competitive in the international market.

Betty heads the production department at Riffer Inc., a firm that stresses the importance of maintaining regular contact with customers. Betty is expecting a labor surplus in the future. Mike, a supervisor, recommends downsizing as an option to deal with this labor surplus, however, Betty rejects this option. Which statement will validate that Betty made the right decision?


Answer: Downsizing would hurt long-term organizational effectiveness.


Downsizing as much as to cut labour is not really a good plan on the long run due to the company gets to miss their best talents at a larger rate. One of the best way to control a labour surplus is by limiting intakes into the organization until there is a great need for one. This is what Betty made the right decision by not downsizing which would hurt the organization on a long term.

J is issued a Life Insurance policy with a death benefit of $100,000. She pays $600 per year in premium for the first 5 years. The premium then increases to $900 per year in the sixth year, and remains level thereafter. The policy's death benefit also remains at $100,000. Which type of Life Insurance policy is this?



Modified Premium Life


The modified premium life is the whole life insurance policy in which the insured person paid the lower amount of premium as compared with the agreed amount for the given time period. When the given time period is done so the payment of the premium should be increased and it can be high as compared to the normal amount

So this means that the premium should be less for 5 years and it could be increased in the sixth year and so on

Therefore the option d is correct

Michelle is attending a university where tuition for one year costs $17,300. She has a scholarship worth $5,000 per year. She earns $2,700 per year at her part-time job. She plans to take out a loan to cover the remaining tuition costs. Tuition will increase by $500 each year. If she completes college in 4 years, how much money will Michelle need to borrow





Tuition will increase by $500 each year

Year 1 tuition = $17,300

Year 2 tuition = $17,800

Year 3 tuition = $18,300

Year 4 tuition = $18,800

Total = $72,200

Scholarship per year = $5000

Total scholarship for 4 years = 4 * $5000

= $20,000

Earnings per year = $2,700

Total earnings for four years = 4 * $2,700

= $10,800

She plans to take out a loan to cover the remaining tuition costs

Loan = Total tuition - (Total scholarship for 4 years + Total earnings for four years)

= $72,200 - ( $20,000 + $10,800)

= 72,200 - (30,800)

= 72,200 - 30,800

= 41,400

Loan = $41,400

Michelle need to borrow $41,400

Which of the following steps in the management decision-making process does not generally involve the managerial accountant? Determine possible courses of action. Make the appropriate decision based on relevant data. Prepare internal reports that review the impact of decisions. None of these answers are correct.



Make the appropriate decision based on relevant data.


Management involves the control, planning and organization of the affairs of a business firm.

Basically, the management of an organization is saddled with the responsibility of planning, organizing, controlling and staffing within the organization.

The four (4) main management activities are;

I. Organizing

II. Controlling

III. Motivating.

IV. Planning.

Managerial accounting also known as cost accounting is an accounting technique focused on identification, measurement, analyzing, interpretation, and communication of financial information to managers for better decisions making and pursuit of the organization's goals. Thus, it's an accounting system that is used by an organization to report both monetary and nonmonetary information.

In the management decision-making process, making the appropriate decision based on relevant data does not generally involve the managerial accountant.

A managerial accountant is an individual who is saddled with the responsibility of gathering and communication of financial information to managers for better decisions making.

You work for a Defense contracting company. The company develops software applications which perform intensive calculations in the area of Mechanical Engineering related to metals for ship building. You have a 3-year contract and decide to purchase reserved EC2 instances for a 3-year duration. You are informed that the particular program has been cancelled abruptly and negotiations have brought the contract to an amicable conclusion one year early. What can you do to stop incurring charges and save money on the EC2 instances


The defense contracting company is spending its money by purchase of EC2 instances. This reserved instance can be used for one to three years.

If the program is cancelled due to some reasons the company can let out the purchase instance to some other company on lease and earn annual rentals on it.

This will save its sunk cost and earn some money with spare reserved EC2 instance.

Learn more at

Sun Smarts Solar installs solar panels in large newly constructed buildings. The company employs several expert installers who work on a full-time basis. Although the installation team works every day, the company pays them at the end of the month, for the previous month's work. Employee salaries are recorded as __________ on Sun Smarts's balance sheet.
A. capital cash flows
B. current liabilities
C. retained earnings
D. long-term liabilities



Sun Smarts Solar installs solar panels in large newly constructed buildings. The company employs several expert installers who work on a full-time basis. Although the installation team works every day, the company pays them at the end of the month, for the previous month's work. Employee salaries are recorded as long-term liabilities on Sun Smarts's balance sheet.

Sun Smarts Solar company paid the salaries to their employees at the end of the next month, then the salary of the employees recorded as current liabilities on Sun Smarts's balance sheet.

What are the current liabilities?

Current liabilities are defined as any business liabilities that must be settled in cash during the fiscal year or the operating cycle of a company, whichever term is longer.

In the above case, the Sun Smarts Solar record the salaries of their employees on the balance sheet as the current liabilities, as these salaries will settle in cash within the operating cycle.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about the current liabilities, refer to:

When firms in a price-taker market are temporarily able to charge prices that exceed their production costs, Group of answer choices the firms will earn long-run economic profit. additional firms will be attracted into the market until price falls to the level of per-unit production cost. the firms will earn short-run economic profits that will be offset by long-run economic losses. the existing firms must be colluding or rigging the market, otherwise, they would be unable to charge such high prices.



additional firms will be attracted into the market until price falls to the level of per-unit production cost


A price taker is a firm or a seller who is not able to set the market price for its goods and services. Instead, the price taker accepts the price set by market forces - forces of demand and supply.

An example of a price taking firm is a firm in a perfect competition

If a firm is able to charge prices above production costs, the firm is earning an economic profit

If in the short run firms are earning economic profit, in the long run firms would enter into the industry. This would drive economic profit to zero.  

Also, if in the short run, firms are earning economic loss, in the long run, firms would exit the industry until economic profit falls to zero.  

Richard agrees to supply Henry with all his needs of specially made shampoo for Henry's beauty salon. Henry believes that Richard is a representative of a famous hair products company, but he finds a letter to a competitor written by Richard two days before the agreement is signed proving that Richard is a fraud. Richard says that this letter may not be admitted to court since the contract is wholly integrated. Is he correct?


Answer: No. Richard is wrong as the letter may be admitted to court.


Based on the information given, Richard is wrong as the letter may be admitted to court.

It should be noted that prior evidence as well as contemporary evidence is excludable, but only in a situation whereby it alters the contract terms. In this case, the evidence is admitted in order to prove that Richard is fraudulent in the inducement.

On December 31, 2020, Dow Steel Corporation had 770,000 shares of common stock and 47,000 shares of 9%, noncumulative, nonconvertible preferred stock issued and outstanding. Dow issued a 5% common stock dividend on May 15 and paid cash dividends of $570,000 and $86,000 to common and preferred shareholders, respectively, on December 15, 2021. On February 28, 2021, Dow sold 68,000 common shares. In keeping with its long-term share repurchase plan, 4,000 shares were retired on July 1. Dow's net income for the year ended December 31, 2021, was $2,950,000. The income tax rate is 25%.
Compute Dow's earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2021. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answers in thousands. Round "Earnings per share" answer to 2 decimal places.)

Numerator/Denominator= Earnings per share
Earnings per share?


The earning per share will be "$3.30". A further solution is provided below.


Common stock,

= 770,000

Paid cash dividends,

= $570,000

Income tax rate,

= 25%

Common and preferred shareholders,

= $86,000

For the year ended, Dow's net income,

= $2,950,000

According to the question,

→ The weighted average number of shares outstanding will be:

= [tex]770000\times \frac{12}{12}[/tex]

= [tex]770000\times 1.05[/tex]

= [tex]808,500[/tex]


= [tex]68,000\times \frac{10}{12}[/tex]

= [tex]56667\times 1.05[/tex]

= [tex]59,500[/tex]


= [tex]4000\times \frac{6}{12}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{4000}{2}[/tex]

= [tex]2000[/tex]

The total weighted average will be:

= [tex]808,500+59,500+2000[/tex]

= [tex]870,000[/tex]


The Earning per share will be:

= [tex]\frac{2,950,000-86,000}{870,000}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{2,864,000}{870,000}[/tex]

= [tex]3.30[/tex] ($)

Thus the above is the right answer.

Learn more about EPS here:

True or false: The Mackay Doctrine refers to the 1983 Supreme Court decision in the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) v. Mackay Radio and Telegraph Co. that required employers to hire only temporary strike replacements to do the work of individuals on strike.


the answer is false i believe

The owner of a personal watercraft put an ad for its sale in the paper. Her neighbor saw the ad and told her that he wanted to buy the watercraft but had to arrange for financing. The owner suggested that they write a contract for sale then and there so that they would not have to waste any time while he got his financing. They orally agreed that the contract would not become binding unless the neighbor obtained financing, but the written contract did not mention this and appeared to be a fully integrated document. The neighbor could not obtain financing and the owner brings suit to enforce the written contract. Who will prevail


Answer: D. The neighbor, because obtaining financing was a condition precedent.


Even though it wasn't listed in the written contract, there was the condition precedent that the contract would not be binding unless funding was obtained. Condition precedent is a condition that must happen for a contract to become enforceable.

Funding was not obtained so the contract cannot be enforced. The neighbor would therefore prevail so long as the owner admits that there was indeed a condition precedent.

Geoff's fiancée, Susan, comes to meet his parents for the weekend. On Saturday morning, while using Geoff's mother's hair dryer, the blower short-circuits sending sparks across the guest room. Susan's angora sweater and her hands are covered with tiny burns. Susan's mother is a lawyer and wants her to sue the seller of the dryer for breach of warranty. Can she?



Yes, since she is a guest in the home of the buyer, the warranties would extend to her in most states.



This is simply known as a type of duty or statement of other representation that is made by the seller or places by law on goods and services mainly concerning the aspect of quality, characteristics, strength and ownership of goods and services. It is often regarded also as a duty or obligation of the seller to the buyer in terms of title, quality, characteristics, or conditions of goods.

Types of warranty

1. Express Warranty

2. Implied Warranty of Title

3. Implied Warranty of Merchantability

4. Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose

Express Warranty

This is simply refered to as the description of the goods that is made part of the basis of the negotiation does bring about an express warranty that the goods will adhere to the description or defined it as an agreement of fact or promise in relation to the goods that becomes part of reasons of negotiation therefore brings about express warranty that goods will adhere to 3 things mainly:

1. Affirmation of Fact

2. Description

3. Sample or model

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