Research one crop that developed in the Americas (such as corn or potatoes) and its impact on the world today.


Answer 1


Corn, As one of the worlds most dominant food groups with tons of land dedicated to its production corn is used for a variety of purposes including animal feed, grain for human consumption, ethanol,  high fructose syrup, sweeteners and starch. Corn and corn silk are also used to lower blood pressure and help with inflammation on the kidneys, bladder, urinary system, and prostate. Corn was one of the first foods to be used as a medicine and is still used for multiple purposes today.


Im not sure if this is a good answer for whatever youre working on but i hope it helps! Im only a measely college student so if this wont help you dont have to use this as your answer. You can change whatever you like if it sounds to technical.

Related Questions

Who had the right to vote in Athens?



Adult Males


Only adult male Athenian citizens who had completed their military training held the right to vote

Many colonists were angered by the Proclamation of 1763 because it



they lost the land that they just paid for and weren't allowed to enter it


it made lines accross the appalacian mountains where colonists were restricted to go because of fear of more indian intervention and not having the money to support another attack

Which statement best describes the role of steel in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution? O A. Steel farming equipment increased crop yields and pushed more workers into factories. B. Advances in steel-mining techniques made it more popular than ever. O c. The mass production of steel reduced its price and led to its use in many industries. D. New methods of manufacturing iron reduced the importance of steel.​


c. The mass production of steel reduced its price and led to its use in many industries

What was the Napoleonic Code?
1. Napoleon's written consent for the Catholic Church to operate freely
2. system of laws used in countries that came under French control in the 1800s
3. Napoleon's list of social reforms
4. freedom of worship for followers of other religions


3. Napoleon's list of social reforms


2. system of laws used in countries that came under French control in the 1800s


The purpose of the Napoleonic Code was to reform to french legal system. Many countries occupied during Napoleonic Wars used it, and it spread across the continent.

Japan's reason for expansion was...
O 1) To provide more living space for their “superior" people
To develop an alliance with other aggressors in Europe like Hitler and
3) To build an empire by gaining more land and resources
4) To draw the United States into World War II



Adolf Hitler, llamado también Adolfo Hitler​ en algunos países hispanos (Braunau am Inn, Linz, Alta Austria, Imperio austrohúngaro; 20 de abril de 1889 - Berlín; 30 de abril de 1945), fue un político, militar y dictador alemán de origen austríaco


El Imperio romano (latín: Imperium Romanum)​ fue el tercer periodo de civilización romana en la Antigüedad clásica, posterior a la República romana y caracterizado por una forma de gobierno autocrática. El nacimiento del Imperio viene precedido por la expansión de su capital, Roma, que extendió su control en torno al mar Mediterráneo. Bajo la etapa imperial los dominios de Roma siguieron aumentando hasta llegar a su máxima extensión durante el reinado de Trajano, momento en que abarcaba desde el océano Atlántico al oeste hasta las orillas del mar Caspio, el mar Rojo y el golfo Pérsico al este, y desde el desierto del Sahara al sur hasta las tierras boscosas a orillas de los ríos Rin y Danubio y la frontera con Caledonia al norte. Su superficie máxima estimada sería de unos 5 millones de km².

Era abril de 1917 y Washington le había declarado la guerra a Alemania, en lo que fue su implicación formal en la Primera Guerra Mundial.

En fotos: la Primera Guerra Mundial también se combatió con afiches Como una estrategia para atraer la atención de futuros soldados, el ilustrador James Montgomery Flagg tuvo la tarea de crear un afiche que fuese lo suficientemente efectivo en su mensaje.

Así fue como dibujó a un hombre canoso, con una larga chiva y el ceño fruncido que apuntaba con el dedo.


Which statement best describes how international governments have worked together to solve environmental problems?



The options are

A.They have funded colleges for environmental education.

B.They have adopted agreements like the Kyoto Protocol to limit pollution.

C.They have adopted international laws and fined countries who break them.

D.They have funded agencies like the World Wildlife Fund.

The answer is B.They have adopted agreements like the Kyoto Protocol to limit pollution.

The Kyoto agreement was adopted in 1997 in Japan by a host of countries. They came together to discuss and tackle the problem of climate change as a result of emissions of gases by machines etc. Due to the fact that greenhouse gas emissions can’t be totally eradicated, it could however be minimized to the barest minimum.




what is better, a stronger state with a weak national government or weaker states with a strong national government. explain why?



A stronger state with a weaker national government


Just look at history, when the national government has too much power things get bad. This is why there systems such as checks and balances in the U.S government so the power is shared, one branch doesn't have power over the other two. This keeps the national government in the hands of the people and not dictators.  

why do all states not have bicameral legislature?



[I]n the state context, I think there's a relatively easy way to do this—have fewer legislators! At the national level, we have a bicameral legislature because of the overall workings of the federal system. But the non-Nebraska states have bicameral legislatures for no real reason. If you simply eliminated the lower houses, you'd end up with substantially fewer state legislators. Then you could pay them more and offer them more staff. It'd also be easier for citizens to keep track of who their elected officials actually are (can you name who represents you in your state legislature?) and make the electoral competition for the seats more fearsome.

Open question: why do states have two chambers? (Seriously).

The U.S. Senate is the product of a compromise between the states. Why do states need to emulate that model? Going back even futher, do we want to follow the lead of a parliamentary system where 1/2 of the leadership was traditionally filled because of birthright? I'm a big fan of the U.S. Senate. I just don't get why there needs to be a New York Senate.


What did FDR accuse the “Sixty Families” of?
A. Stealing from the government
B. Sabotaging the 1938 elections
C. Being Isolationist
D. Being undemocratic



D. Being undemocratic


Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was an American politician and statesman who was elected as the 32nd President of the United States of America in 1933. He was born on the 30th of January, 1882 in Hyde Park, New York, United States of America.

The "Sixty Families" is a book that was authored by American journalist Ferdinand Lundberg and it was published by Vanguard Press in 1937. In this book, Ferdinand Lundberg argued about wealth and class in relation with American citizens, and how they are being leveraged upon for political and economic benefits, power or authority. He extensively talked about the tightly interlinked group of 60 families in the United States of America and tagged them as a plutocratic circle. Some of the names of the members of the “Sixty Families” included Ford, Rockefeller, Mellon, Morgan, Whitney, Vanderbilt, Guggenheim, Astor, Du Pont, and several others whose wealth was familial or acquired through dynastic properties.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) accused the “Sixty Families” of being undemocratic and were responsible for engineering the Great Depression.

The Great Depression was a period of severe economic meltdown or downturn (crisis) of the industrialized world and it started from the United States of America, typically lasting for about ten years (1929-139).




The British ended the war after their defeat at in 1781.




Who became the emperor/leader of Japan after the emperor Go- Daigo was defeated during the Japanese civil war?

A- Kublai Khan

B- Ashi Hoto

C- Ashikagan

D- Hirohito



A- Kublai Khan


The Emperor of Japan is the head of state and the head of the Imperial Family of Japan. Under the Constitution of Japan, he is defined as "the Symbol of the State and of the Unity of the People" and his title is derived from "the Will of the People, who are the Sovereign". Imperial Household Law governs the line of imperial succession. The Supreme Court does not have judicial power over him. He is also the Head of the Shinto religion. In Japanese, the Emperor is called Tennō , literally "God-Emperor".


In 1324, with the discovery of Emperor Go-Daigo's plans to overthrow the Kamakura shogunate, the Rokuhara Tandai disposed of his close associate Hino Suketomo in the Shōchū Incident.


He successfully overthrew the Kamakura shogunate in 1333 and established the short lived Kenmu Restoration to bring the Imperial House back into power.


In 1333, Emperor Go-Daigo escaped from Oki with the help of Nawa Nagatoshi and his family, raising an army at Senjo Mountain in Hōki Province (the modern town of Kotoura in Tōhaku District, Tottori Prefecture).


Emperor Go-Daigo died on September 19, 1339 in Ashikaga shogunate.

In 1266, the Mongol ruler Kublai Khan (1215–1294) paused in his campaign to subdue all of China, and sent a message to the Emperor of Japan, whom he addressed as "the ruler of a small country," and advised the Japanese sovereign to pay him tribute at once—or else. The Khan's emissaries returned from Japan without an answer

Which of these events were effects of the Homestead Act? Check all of the boxes that apply.



The answers are A,C and D


A, C, and D.

A. Settlers continued to push onto American Indian lands.

C. Land speculators made profits by making land claims.

D. Millions of acres of US public land were claimed.


edg- answers

Each of the following was necessary for an Egyptian to reach the afterlife except _____



I did a similar question to this so the answer would be:

D. Travel through the underworld.

Happy learning!


As part of the Omaha Platform, the People’s Party demanded that



People who made more money pay a higher percentage in taxes.


As part of the Omaha Platform, the People’s Party demanded a national currency, safe, sound, and flexible, issued by the general government only, a full legal tender for all debts, public and private, and that without the use of banking corporations, a just, equitable, and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to exceed 2 per cent.

What do you mean by Omaha platform?

The Omaha Platform proposed a progressive income tax, a secret ballot, a direct election of senators for the United States, an eight-hour workday, and other reforms.

The primary objective of the Omaha Platform was to expand coinage at a 16:1 ratio of silver and gold. The Omaha Platform proposed a federal lending program to help farmers obtain the funding they required. Private banks were likewise to be abolished, according to the plan.

The so-called Omaha Platform, which contained suggestions for the graduated income tax, secret ballot, direct election of United States senators, the eight-hour day, and other reform initiatives, was approved by the party along with the nomination of James K. Weaver for president.

Therefore, The People’s Party demanded a national currency, safe, sound, and flexible, and issued by the general government.

Learn more about Omaha platform, here;


The Bible deals with basic human questions such as?



why am i alive


is it for the reason to help others

Which of the following is a reason Whitney’s railroad was not built?



congress could not agree the location for the rail line

The peace conference ending the Russo-Japanese War
took place in which country?
• the US
• Japan
O Russia



The Treaty of Portsmouth formally ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05. The negotiations took place in August in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and were brokered in part by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt.

The U.S

The Treaty of Portsmouth put an end to the 1904–05 Russo-Japanese War. The talks were held in August in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and were mediated in part by the United States. Theodore Roosevelt was the first president of the United States.



The system of government in which the government's leaders control every aspect of the citizens' lives is called _____.



In a totalitarian system the leader control every aspect of citizens’ lives.

The system of government in which the government's leaders control every aspect of the citizens' lives is called [tex]\sf\purple{totalitarian}[/tex].

[tex]\longrightarrow{\green{C. \:Totalitarian }}[/tex] ✔

[tex]\red{\large\qquad \qquad \underline{ \pmb{{ \mathbb{ \maltese \: \: Mystique35}}}}}[/tex]

What complex historical causes led to the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany during the 1930s?



Hitler used economic woes and strife with local jewish buisness, popular social discontent and political discord to take absolute power in Germany beginning in 1933.

be sure to paraphrase

Do you think the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) are more similar than different OR more different than similar?





Christianity and Islam are more alike, in my opinion. In Christianity, it is to be believed that Jesus is God. In Islam, Jesus is a prophet. They both believe in one God.

I would go on but this time thing on the top that is telling me to hurry or people will answer it for me is scaring me.

Which of the following best describes what the battle of Stalingrad was?
A. one of the smallest battles of World War II
B. one of the worst and bloodiest battles of World War II
C. the battle that ultimately ended Worlds War II​


It’s A the smallest battles of World War II

which was a result of the interaction between European settlers and Native Americans?
O Many European settlers died after contracting unfamiliar diseases from Native Americans.
Native Americans were continually pushed westward onto the poorest lands for hunting and farming.
The Native American population in the United States declined as many groups migrated to other countries.
O Native Americans acquired mineral-rich land after defeating European settlers in various battles.


The correct answer is B) Native Americans were continually pushed westward onto the poorest lands for hunting and farming.

A result of the interaction between European settlers and Native Americans was "Native Americans were continually pushed westward onto the poorest lands for hunting and farming."

The relationship between Native American Indians and European settlers -mainly the English ones- always was of friction. confrontation, and fight.

White settlers wanted more and, more land to settle in and make it work in order to get a profit.

On the other hand, Native American Indians saw nature and land with so much respect. Never as a position, but a relationship with Mother Earth that provided food, water, and shelter. That is why native Indians honored the earth through chants and dances.

Time passed by and presidents like Andrew Jackson encouraged westward expansion and settlement by supporting the Indian Removal Act.

On May 28, 1830, United States President Andrew Jackson signed the famous Indian Removal Act that supported the westward expansion and invited many Americans to settle territories in the west. These were territories west of the Mississippi, and the President could grant lands in exchange for Native American Indian tribes' lands that already existed within the known US territory.

John Locke's interpretation of the social contract differed from Thomas Hobbes's interpretation in that:
A. Locke claimed that social contracts originated from a need for stability and protection from violence.
B. Locke largely rejected the principles of freedom and equality that were part of liberalism. C. Locke argued that people have the right to overthrow governments that violate their rights.
D. Locke suggested that people were naturally selfish and needed to be ruled by absolute monarchs.


C because Hobbes favored a controlling gov't and believed people should give up certain rights for safety, Locke disagreed.

The social contract was interpreted differently by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes in that, Locke argued that people have the right to overthrow governments that violate their rights.

The social contract, according to Locke and Hobbes, was an agreement made by individuals to establish a government. But according to Locke, a government can only be considered legitimate if,

It upholds a person's inherent rights, such as their right to life, liberty, and property. People have the right to overturn governments that violate these rights. Hobbes, on the other hand, held the view that the people had no right to remove the government since it had total control over them.

Therefore, The primary distinction between Thomas Hobbes' and John Locke's conceptions of the social contract is that Locke thought that people had the right to overturn governments that infringed their rights, whereas Hobbes thought that the government had unrestricted authority over the populace.

Learn more about social contract, here:


Which statement best sums up the U.S. Government's attitude toward big business
in the 1920s?



white rich men I mean it's the truth

The US government was not happy because the 'big industries' were making more money, which led to having more power and the government was losing control economically.

What effects did the Roaring 20s have on business?

America's economy grew by 42% during the 1920s. Every household received new consumer goods as a result of mass production. The modern automobile and airline industries were created. The United States' victory in World War I provided the country with its first taste of being a global power.

The economy began to shift from being driven by large industries to being driven by consumer dollars in the 1920s. Business leaders sought to thwart worker radicalism by providing new benefits, a form of welfare capitalism that contributed to a decline in union membership.

Therefore, during the 1920s, the government helped business grow, but did not regulate them at all.

To learn more about Roaring 20s, click here:


¿quien fue Sarmiento?


Tu gfa jsjsjsjsjsdjsjjsjsjajajajajaja


un activista, intelectual, escritor, estadista argentino y el séptimo presidente de Argentina


which school w

as established in Ghana first


I believe your answer is Philip Quaque Boys School! Good luck!

Revolution came to Mexico because _____.
1-a small group signed over too much power to foreign countries
2-World War I inspired leaders to act
3-President Diaz kept the land and power to himself
4-the people were denied many rights and were forced into poverty



The Revolution began with a call to arms on 20th November 1910 to overthrow the current ruler and dictator Porfirio Díaz Mori. ... In an attempt to strengthen ties with the United States and other influential foreign interests, Díaz allocated land, once belonging to the people of Mexico, to wealthy non-nationals.


How many years did the Yakama Wars last?​



3 years my g babahaahababhahababahaabbabaabbababaabbab

role of Yakama Indians
acquired historical distinction in the Yakama Indian Wars (1855–58), an attempt by the tribe to resist U.S. forces intent upon clearing the Washington Territory for prospectors and settlers.

Which statement best describes the significance of the Union victory at Vicksburg to the outcome of the war?
The victory gave the Union complete control of the Mississippi River.
The victory gave the Union complete control of the Mississippi River.

The victory persuaded the French to join the Union cause.
The victory persuaded the French to join the Union cause.

The victory provided the Union with complete control of the Great Lakes.
The victory provided the Union with complete control of the Great Lakes.

The victory saw the death of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
no links please helpppppp



The answer is that the victory gave the Union complete control of the Mississippi River.  


Vicksburg’s strategic location on the Mississippi River made it a critical win for both the Union and the Confederacy. The Confederate surrender there ensured Union control of the Mississippi River and cleaved the South in two.

The Siege of Vicksburg (May 18, 1863-July 4, 1863) was a decisive Union victory during the American Civil War (1861-65) that divided the confederacy and cemented the reputation of Union General Ulysses S. Grant (1822-85). Union forces waged a campaign to take the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg, Mississippi, which lay on the east bank of the Mississippi River, halfway between Memphis to the north and New Orleans to the south. The 47-day siege gave control of the Mississippi River to the Union, a critical supply line, and was part of the Union’s Anaconda Plan to cut off outside trade to the Confederacy.  

The Mississippi River was the primary conduit for supplies and communication through the south as well as a vital lifeline for goods going north. To Confederate President Jefferson Davis, Vicksburg was the "nailhead that holds the South's two halves together."

Which of the following factors most supports the idea that regional economic differences were a major cause of the civil war?



D. Southerners cited tariffs protecting domestic industries as a major grievance against the United States government


The factor that most supports the idea that regional economic differences were a major cause of the civil war is "Southerners cited tariffs protecting domestic industries as a major grievance against the United States government."

The above statement shows that southerners were complaining about tariffs is favoring the northern region because it protects domestic industries. The northern region of the United States has an economy based on industries in which tariff is protecting for them, however, the Southerners don't like that situation.

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